Passage of Sophie's 10 wishes 12 episode 2 season. Intertwined Fates Answers
The first choice for diamonds will allow you to earn additional fame.
(May be...)
(Remember in detail?) (48 diamonds) +1 Glory / Find out the details of last night (read on in the two choices below)
(Finally get out of bed?) No effect
(Go out for breakfast?) No effect
- You won't interfere with us. No effect
- Right. No effect
- Free to decide for himself. No effect
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
Prague was...
- Interesting. No effect
- Normal. No effect
- Romantic. No effect
Pick any outfit as it doesn't affect anything:
- Mocha (free). No effect
- Oreo (23 diamonds). No effect
- Sketch (28 diamonds). No effect
A similar situation with the choice of hairstyles:
- Natural (free). No effect
- Peach (10 diamonds). No effect
- Copper (21 diamonds). No effect
"Did you mean to say..."
- On a date with Diego? you know what you want
- For a walk with a friend? No effect
"How should I greet him?"
- (Kiss.) (10 diamonds). Scene with Diego
- (Slap on the ass.) (10 diamonds) Scene with Diego
- (Friendly hug.) No effect
- Are you confident in your decision? +1 Quiet
- Wow! This is interesting. +1 Bitch
- (Stare silently at him.) No effect
"Ok, you choose..."
- Hieroglyphs? No effect
- Red rose? No effect
- Naked woman? No effect
![Sophie's Ten Wishes Cutscene Art Десять желаний Софи кат-сцена, арт]()
"Oh... Um..."
- No, we'll choose my boyfriend. 10 diamonds. Diego is pleasantly surprised by your answer
- I'm not his girlfriend. No effect
- I'm sorry, what? No effect
- I will gladly hold your hand. No effect
- I think you can handle it yourself. No effect
We choose absolutely any tattoo, since it will not give anything:
- Books (free). No effect
- Flowers (21 diamonds). No effect
- Bird (26 diamonds). No effect
Similarly with clothes:
- Double Denim (Free). No effect
- Structure (21 diamonds). No effect
- Rebel (26 diamonds). No effect
In case you're not dating someone yet...
- I want more. (26 diamonds). Kiss with Diego, exit to the branch with Diego
- Not ready. Reject your relationship with Diego
(What to do?)
- (Buy a bouquet.) (10 diamonds) +1 Glory
- (Go to Flo.) No effect
"You will laugh, but I thought..."
- About you. No effect
- About desires. No effect
- Why not? No effect
"Hmm, I..."
- I don't think this is a good idea. +1 Quiet
- I think it's dangerous, but why not? +1 Bitch
- I don't know... No effect
Way of the Bitch
- Sophie reacts harshly to Flo's confession.
Quiet Way
- Sophie reacts calmly to Flo's confession.
- I forgive you. ( Requirement: 20 Glory ). Sophie will forgive Flo
- I can't forgive you. Sophie didn't forgive Flo