Passage of Love from the Stars 6 episode 1 season. Guide "Under the Starry Sky"
The guys will stop for the night. Fireside gatherings will begin. Everyone will start asking Jacob to light the fire. Choose what to say:
- Enlighten us. +1 Stars
- >Don't break. +1 Earth
Path of the Earth or Stars Choose how to respond to the story:
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- Kinda boring. +1 Stars
- It was funny. +1 Earth
Path of the Earth or Stars You will receive Jacob's lighter. Choose what to cook on the fire:
- Zephyr. +1 Style
- Sausages. +1 Sports
- Potato. +1 Science
Style, Sport or Science? Choose who will start telling the scary story - Todd or Jacob. Jacob will tell you about Wendigo.
Further, the alien story must be told by Ursula or Ray. Ray will talk about how ships of an alien civilization invaded their galaxy.
Then Amber will have to tell the story. Choose what it will be about:
- UFO. +1 Stars
- Ghost of the old school. +1 Earth
Path of the Earth or Stars Choose with whom you will be on duty in pairs:
- Todd
- Miranda
- Jacob
- Ray
- Ursula
Todd's Way
- Decide to kiss Amber (17 Diamonds). Kissing Todd / Your relationship with Todd has improved
- Just keep talking.
Miranda's path
- Did you kiss (17 diamonds)? Kiss with Miranda / Your relationship with Miranda has improved
- Don't know. No effect
Jacob's Way
- Kiss Jacob (17 diamonds). Kiss with Jacob / Your relationship with Jacob has improved
- Start a conversation. No effect
Ray's Way
- Kiss Ember (17 diamonds). Kiss with Prince (Ray) / Your relationship with Ray has improved
- Support Ember. No effect
Ursula's path
- Touch your tentacles (17 diamonds? Scene with Ursula
- Hug you? No effect
If you choose the first option, then the heroes will spend all 2 hours of duty kissing each other. In the morning, Amber will have to cheer herself up:
- Everything will be fine. +1 Stars
- Stay calm and carry on! +1 Earth
Path of the Earth or Stars
Choose a new skin for the critter. Jacob will ask you not to make noise, Ursula will support him. Answer something:
- I will repeat after you. +1 Stars
- Not so helpless. +1 Earth
Path of the Earth or Stars Watching the guard, give certain orders to Jacob:
- Give a signal. If you see the inscription that the guard "turned away"
- Wait. If you see the inscription that the military is "Watching"
If you make a mistake:
- Mend Quickly (10 Diamonds)! Allows the game to continue
- Get confused. In this case, the game will roll you back
Choose what to say to Miranda:
- They can handle everything. +1 Stars
- Everything is going too smoothly. +1 Earth
Path of the Earth or Stars Choose a disguise for Ember:
- Laboratory coat. No effect
- Cadet uniform. No effect
- Scholar's robe (33 diamonds). +2 Stars
- Soldier uniform (33 diamonds). +2 Earth
Path of the Earth or Stars She will soon run into Doc, but the series will end.