Walkthrough Love from Outer Space Romance Club — Episode 8 Season 2
"We need..."
- Show yourself. +1 Style
- Have some fun. +1 Sports
- Make connections. +1 Science
Choosing a disguise for a pet :
- Raccoon / Bambi (Free)
- Alien raccoon / Alien Bambi (30 diamonds) +1 style +1 sport +1 science
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
Makeup selection :
- Arrows (free)
- Stars (30) +2 stars
- Mist (30) +2 earth
- All at once (54)
"Who would you approach?"
- To the athletes. +1 sports. Additional Choice
- (To fashionistas.) +1 Style
- (To smart people.) +1 Science. Additional Choice
If approached the athletes.
- Rights. +1 Earth
- Wrong. +1 Stars
"True for..."
- Joe. +1 Stars
- Jacob. +1 Earth
If you approached the wise men.
- Nothing.
- Your body is fake. (10 science stats). No effect
- Alas.
- You are not more than ten years old. (30 science stats). No effect
- No.
- It has to do with Wolfe. (50 science stats). No effect
Branch with Todd
"At all..."
- Exactly for this.
- So it happened by accident. +1 Earth +1 Stars
- For your brains.
- A tempting offer. (45 diamonds). Relationship Improvement
- Not this time. No effect
Relations with Miranda
- She never was? +2 Earth
- Am I just grown up? +1 Stars +1 Earth
- Can I trust only you? +2 Stars
- Kiss her (45 diamonds). Improving relations with Miranda .
- Pull her to you. No effect
Relationship with Jacob
- I am a perepoc. +2 Earth
- It 's not the same without you +1 Stars +1 Earth
- This is not mine. +2 Stars
"Oh w... I..."
- Be sure to break out (45 diamonds) - improving relations with Miranda.
- Probably, I can't. No effect
Relations with Ursula
- I'm jealous +2 Earth
- It's embarrassing. +1 Stars +1 Earth
- I always said so. +2 Stars
- Kiss (45 diamonds). Improving relations with Ursula .
- Hang up. No effect
Relations with Capa
"Do you think..."
- Is this taught somewhere? +2 Earth
- Is it that simple? +1 Stars +1 Earth
- Do I know myself? +2 Stars
" Da va y..."
- Let's tell everyone (45 al.? basics). Improving relations with Capa
- Store it together. No effect
Relationship with Wulf
"Good evening..."
- Agent Wolf. +2 Earth
- It's me. +1 Stars +1 Earth
- Alex +2 Stars
- I wanted to confess (45 diamonds). Improved relationship with Wulf
- Nothing like that. No effect
The path of the loner
- But you still imitate him +2 Earth
- Parents are not chosen... +1 Stars +1 Earth
- So I'm the best representative? +2 Stars
Branch with Ray
- Somehow I can't even believe it.
- Well, don't pull. +1 Earth +1 Stars
- Glad to hear.
- Amazing idea! (45 diamonds). Relationship Improvement
- Not the best idea. No effect
- Bring her back to reality. +1 Earth
- Inspire her. +1 Stars
The choice of who will take revenge on the guy for April :
- Sally. No effect
- Ursula (45 diamonds). Set up Ursula with April