Series description: Survival lesson number one: Remember to stay on the surface.
Romance Club. I hunt you
The heroine woke up with a terrible pain in the back of her head and began to remember what happened earlier:
Having got out, the heroine will find a note that says no one will leave alive. It is necessary to remember the lessons of survival:
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The heroine will make a hut out of branches and make a fire. Under the crackle of the fire and the dreary complaint of the wind in the soul ...
The snow and wind intensified. The fire could not be allowed to go out. From the purse the heroine took out:
The heroine noticed a white shadow and immediately remembered the story about the dead girl. She appeared at the edge surrounded by wolves. Reaching out her hand, she splashed cold on your face.
You are not here because:
The heroine will say that these are all hallucinations due to a blow to the head. BUT suddenly the ghost turned around.
Time selection:
The wolves approached and made a circle. Time selection:
The ghost again attacked the heroine. Time selection:
By choosing correctly all the options at the time, the chances of survival increased. The victory over the ghosts strengthened the spirit of the heroine. Thanks to sufficient survival points, hands are not frostbitten
Waking up, Rachel will tell you that Sam and Alex did not stop searching. What:
Alexander and Sam wake up. If you are in a relationship with Alex, he will say that it is better to kill him during an orgasm than to scare him like that. Rachel will say that the investigation led them into this situation. Case:
Hello Eva:
The heroine will ask Eva where they were, because there was a murder, and no one saw Eva and Ellia. Eva will say that they were busy:
Eva will tell that they found a house in the forest and made love with Ellia. They spent about three hours there. The conversation will be interrupted by Alexander. The doctor lets the heroine go home. The choice of clothes does not affect anything. The heroine will capture the colors. I want:
Once in the room, will the guys start telling you that Manaka is hiding?
The guys will also talk about the conversation with Hisao. If you've looked around Hisao's room correctly, then Sam will tell him his guesses and you'll enlist Hisao's support. Hisao will say that he drank sleeping pills and slept. But:
Sam will tell you that Hisao saw the porter's gloves. The guys got tired and went to rest. The heroine was awakened by a strange sound, she did not wake up Alexander and left the room and turned to the right.
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