Mr Ninja: Slicey Puzzles is an exciting mobile game for iOS and Android operating systems. Your task is to use the sword to find a way to kill all the enemies and save the hostages.
Below we describe the passage of each level. But first, here are some tips for you:
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
Level 1
Swipe over the first enemy.
Level 2
Swipe across three enemies.
Level 3
Swipe twice on a pair of enemies (diagonally left up and right up).
Level 4
Cut the block on which the enemy is standing.
Level 5
Break the block sv??rhu so that it falls on the enemy.
Level 6
Break the block into two even pieces by swiping vertically so that two fragments kill two enemies.
Level 7
To get three stars, cut the top enemy in half. Its two parts will fall on two enemies on the left and right. As with the cube in the previous level!
Level 8
Cut the enemy in half so that one of his parts falls on the enemy below.
Level 9
Cut the circle in half.
Level 10
Cut in half the bridge with three enemies.
Level 11
Chop TNT.
Level 12
Swipe from left to right to cut through the two boxes of explosives.
Level 13
Cut diagonally from left to right (bottom to top) a wooden column. It will knock over the metal column on the right.
Level 14
Cut the wooden box so that the metal one with in?? ryvchatka fell on the enemy's head.
Level 15
Cut diagonally (top to bottom and left to right) the column so that its right side falls on the enemy.
Level 16
Chop the wooden column so that the enemy in the metal cube falls down.
Level 17
Saw off the top corner of the cube so that it swings down on a rope and hits the enemy.
Level 18
Cut a wooden box in half diagonally.
Level 19
Cut the left rope and after a second, do the same with the right one so that the metal cube falls on the enemy's head.
Level 20
Cut the wooden column diagonally. She will fall onenemy on the right. He will fall on the enemy even lower.
Level 21
Chop the wooden pillar so that the two halves kill the enemies on the left and right.
Level 22
Cut the box of explosives when it is over the enemy's head.
Level 23
Cut the enemy on the rope so that his remaining part crashes into the second enemy.
Level 24
Cut off the top corner where the opponent is standing.
Level 25
Cut the left enemy and the right cube at the same time.
Level 26
Cut a huge enemy from bottom to top, from right to left, so that his head falls on the enemy on the right.
Level 27
Cut the left enemy and the right column by swiping from left to right.
Level 28
Saw the bridge with three enemies.
Level 29
Break the boxes with explosives.
Level 30
Chop the log with two enemies.
Level 31
Kill the enemy from above so that part of it falls on the explosives.
Level 32
Cut the wooden column on the right so that its upper part with the enemy rolls sharply to the left. That is, swipe from bottom to top and from left to right, leaving most of the column at the top.
Level 33
Saw the top log closer to the right edge.
Level 34
Saw off the bottom of the top wooden column so that it hits the bottom metal structure.
Level 35
Kill two enemies with two different blows to avoid hitting the hostage. It's 3 stars!
Level 36
Just kill two enemies. Don't touch the explosives!!!
Level 37
Kill all enemies with one hit by swiping one line (hostage below).
Level 38
Cut the left rope so that the cube falls on the enemy on the right.
Saw the top column diagonally so that both pieces kill the enemies on the left and right.
Level 40
Saw off the bottom of the column from above. She will fall on the red button, which will activate the explosives.
Level 41
Saw off a small corner from the columned top (bottom right). Moreover, it should be elongated in height.
Level 42
Saw off a part of the enemy nearby. His torso will fall onto the blue button. The rest will happen automatically.
Level 43
Cut the left rope.
Level 44
Saw off the top wooden figure so that it falls onto the metal beam.
Level 45
Saw diagonally across the enemy from above.
Level 46
Saw the wooden column diagonally so that it knocks over all the metal ones.
Level 47
Cut both ropes at the same time so that the block isazu fell on the enemy from below.
Level 48
Saw the enemy in the middle to activate both left and right buttons.
Level 49
Saw off diagonally all the steps on which the enemies stand.
Level 50
Saw off a thin piece of a wooden cube in the middle in two times so that it falls on the enemy.
Level 51
Saw the wooden arch into three pieces! That is, start at the top corner and work your way down to the opposite bottom so that you leave a small piece at the bottom. In this case, the arch will fall apart and kill the enemy.
Level 52
Saw the log into two pieces. Both will hang over the heads of the enemy. Saw off these parts at the same time so that they fall on opponents (you can't cut a metal rope!).
Level 53
Saw off the block diagonally.
Level 54
Saw off the lower left corner of the huge wooden block at the top of the screen. So that he kills the enemy, but does not hit the explosives.
Level 55
Saw at the same time two explosives when they are on the same level, next to the enemies. You need to swipe across the screen.
Level 56
Saw the square into two parts, but diagonally. Both pieces should fall on the enemies on the left and right.
Level 57
Cut the rope so that the explosives fall between the enemies.
Level 58
Saw the wood block into two pieces diagonally so that both fall left and right.
Level 59
Saw the top opponent into two pieces.
Level 60
Saw the bottom wooden cube diagonally from top to bottom from left to right. For all metal cubes to fall on the enemy on the left.
Level 61
Saw diagonally?Or the top enemy so that he falls to the left and pushes down the explosives.
Level 62
Cut the top wooden cube in half (left to right, top to bottom).
Level 63
Saw diagonally across the upper right enemy so that he falls on the explosives. The rest will happen automatically.
Level 64
Saw the left explosive so that the enemy flies away from the right to the left side, hitting the blue button.
Level 65
Saw the top cube diagonally so that its right side falls to the right and flies off into the enemy.
Level 66
Saw through all three wooden blocks by drawing a straight line from left to right near the top of the screen.
Level 67
Saw off the lower right corner of the tall pillar so that it falls on the enemy.
Level 68
Saw off small corners above the two enemies on the left and right. Yes, the hostage may fall, but that does not mean that he is dead.
Level 69
Cut the top enemy, ?so that he falls on the red button.
Level 70
Saw off most of the top figure so that it falls to the right and kills two enemies at once.
Level 71
Saw off half of the opponent standing on top.
Level 72
Saw exactly in half the enemy and the bridge on which he stands. Both pieces of the enemy will fall left and right on the other two enemies.
Level 73
Cut the bridge so that the left half is longer than the right.
Level 74
Saw the circle so that a small piece falls to the left, and a large piece to the right. Due to its size, it will not reach the hostage.
Level 75
Saw off the lower left corner of the figure from above, and then saw off another small piece from it, which will fall down onto the explosives.
Level 76
Cut the rope so that the enemy from above falls on the knight from below.
Level 77
Saw off the upper right corner of the column on which the enemy is standing. ?The head should fall on the opponent from below.
Level 78
Saw off the lower left corner of the column so that it falls to the left and pushes the explosive ball. Cut him when he is close to the enemy.
Level 79
Cut the left rope. When the cube is over the enemy, saw off a piece of it.
Level 80
To the left is a tall column. For two approaches, cut out its part so that it rolls to the right and down. That is, you need to cut diagonally from bottom to top, from right to left.
To be continued…