After the introductory video, go through the door on the far right, which will need to be unlocked.
You will find yourself in a room with two flower beds and a guard. On the right, there is a door leading to a rest room - a merchant's computer and a charger. Nearby there are steps leading down. You need to get through there. Next will be two turnstiles with lasers. To hack them, you need to switch to a distant video camera. From there, you will see the corresponding shutdown icons. Behind them there is a door with the fifth level of access. Next to the door is a vent that is already open. You there! You will come to Terminus.
There are four doors in total. Next to Hope is a door with the fourth level of access. On the sides of the door to which you need a key card. Finally, on the opposite side is the only currently accessible door. Pass through it. Look around. Opposite there is a door leading to the recreation room - a charger and a merchant's computer.
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Follow through the passage nearby. Get past the three guards. First you need to go to the center, where the guard is wearing a helmet. When he moves away, follow him and turn right. Hide in the office cubicle on the right. Wait and follow the guard against the wall on the right. Hide in a nearby office cubicle. When the guard on the right passes by her, then make your way further. At the end of the hall there will be a door on the left and an office room with a desk on the right. There is also an air vent in the office room. Don't touch it just yet. Between the office and the door at the end of the hall, you can find a screwdriver on the cabinet. Enter the office on the left, through the door (not where the ventilation is). Here the guard sleeps, leaning on the table.
Listen to what the journalist tells you. You need to get to the Atlantic and Pacific centers. To do this, as the woman says, is not easy. But now you have an access card! Return the same way to Terminus. Go to the door on the right to start.
pacific server
Make your way through the room with opponents to the far door. You must follow the enemy, literally be behind him and turn behind the boxes on the right (in another room). Go down the stairs and go through the door on the right (on the other side of the enemy). Matty will contact you again. Approach Terminus, pause and interact with him and update the OMNI tool to version 3.0.
A globe will move out of Terminus. Interact with him as a girl. Select the city of Shenzhen at Matty's request. Click on the Wi-Fi icon and you will be in the apartment. Mark all active points. There are about five in total. On the initial camera, you see two. Lower it down and on the table you will see the third. Further, the camera is opposite and to the left, in the laptop. Both of these cameras will show you one more active point.
After that, Matty will offer to conjure over the latest issue of the newspaper. So, click on the right column and select a photo. Choose a gauze bandage. Click on the left chapter and select the audio recording where the male voice claims not to talk about pneumonia. Ready! Confirm the newspaper number.
Follow the same path back to the main hall with Terminus. Move to the other wing and move towards the Atlantic server.
Atlantic server
The door on the left leads to a recreation room with a charger and a merchant's computer. Climb up the steps nearby. Be careful, because the area above is patrolled by two enemies at once. Turn left and follow the enemy. When there is a turn to the right, then go there and go down the stairs. Nearby there will be a door leading to another rest room. Exit if you entered it, and go even lower. There will be another enemy. When he leaves, follow him, but immediately take the stairs to the right. Go up one flight and you will see an open door. Move there!
You will find yourself at Terminus. Update your OMNI tool again. This time up to version 4.0. When the globe appears, click on it, select Chatanooga and click on the Wi-Fi icon. Collect all evidence. Next, on the right, select the trash can with the manifesto thrown out, and on the left, as an audio recording, those words where David says that he doesn’t give a damn about beliefs and he will leave if the Director turns out to be sick. Confirm the number and head back to the main Terminus hall.
Here, go to the door with the fourth level of access. A CONTROL sign should hang above it. Pass through it. A series of rooms with enemies will lead you to a large hall with Terminus, but already on the floor above. Go through the doors on the opposite side. You will again find yourself in a room with an elevator. Two enemies will be taken away, but a new Ghost will be on the post.
Matty will offer to find dirt on him as well. Return back to Terminus and go through the door on the right. It needs to be unlocked first. Next, enter pause mode and click on the purple eye (active icon). You will see the poor fellow's room at the elevator. Gather all the evidence you find. Re-create a fresh newspaper article. The photo is a shocker, the audio recording is “I hate this woman.” Confirm the release and return to the elevator.