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ShowGamer.comWalkthrough Seven The Days Long Gone

Walkthrough Seven The Days Long Gone

Detailed walkthrough of the role-playing game Seven The Days Long Gone


We go down the rope and talk to Vaetik. Then we run after him until we come across a closed gate. Vaethik will distract the worker while we steal the key. We open the gate and run along the roofs to the bar. We're talking about work. We find ourselves in a new location, where we need to get closer to the estate.

We speak with a partner, after which we go to the right and go down the rope. We bend down and go through the bushes to the place on the screen, covertly kill the guard, who is standing right next to the passage through the fence.

We penetrate the territory of the estate, as we cross the gap in the fence, we go along the flower bed along the sidewalk to the intersection. We reach the place where the guards stand, a camera will work a little closer to us, wait until there are few guards and climb over a rectangular bush, avoiding the circle of the camera. We are heading to the beacon on the right on the map, that is, we are going to turn off the system.

Seven The Days Long Gone
Seven The Days Long Gone

At this moment, a partner will contact us, he distracts the guards, and we hide for a while in the bushes so that they do not notice us, ?how they will run from all sides. We look at the screen below, this building is what we need, we enter it when the camera circle moves aside, we drill the lock and penetrate there, we beat the guard and select the key card, near the gate and enter this card, and turn off the security system of the estate. We pick up the key to the estate from the beaten guard.

Now we go to the remaining beacon on the kart - this is the entrance to the estate. Along the way, you can covertly kill, and if you catch someone's eyes, you can jump into the bushes and hide. So, we reach the gate and open it with the key. We immediately go to the right and clear the path, or act covertly, climb the stairs and reach the room where our partner will contact us. Near the hero on the screen below there are books, explore them and a secret passage will open.

Dealing with spiders with a crossbow. We see that a wire leads from the cipher, we go to the console, to which this wire led. We play a simple game and go to the Cipher.

Pe Island Prison

We run where they say, we will arrive at the gate to Lumer. We need to go around all the merchants and ask them about the rumors. There is also a question mark marker on the map, here we can take a side quest. In a conversation with one of the merchants, we learn that we need a gas mask.

Main mission"The Lost Contact"

Head to Deathbreach, find a gas mask .

To get started, take the Valuable Experience quest to let the techno-mages on the bridge let you through. The gas mask can be bought for 13 aurytes from the merchant, which is located to the right of the visa purchase terminal.

We leave the gate o1 and keep our way to the marker, cross the suspension bridge, then we need to climb to the very top of the building, which is dotted with purple minerals. On the roof you need to find a descent down, it is on the left, you need to jump onto the roof of a long passage. After that, the task will be updated.

Explore the ruined house and chapel

We immediately put on a gas mask, otherwise we will die. We need to stealthily sneak into the chapel, this is not difficult to do. Walk around the building and see which side has the least amount of guards. We go inside. Inside there will be a small puzzle, but it is not difficult to solve it. To the right of this puzzle there is an active place, it can be seen through sensory vision, click on E near this place and talk to the demon. After that, once again click on the sensory vision and climb the stairs to the question mark.

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Seven The Days Long Gone

We get out of the building and run to the remaining marker. We go into the house and again click on the sensory vision. We go around all the marked places. Next, we need to find the cache, turn on the vision and approach the triple candlestick, click on E next to it and look at what was in the cache and leave the house, leave the Death Scourge location and head to the markers on the map.

Main mission "Vault"

We go to the beacon, however, we will be notified of a malfunction of the lift. The generator is located to the right of the lift, we penetrate there and examine the active points. We leave from here and secretly make our way to the lift, approach the remote control and press E.

Find controller

We approach gate 03. On the left there is a visa purchase terminal, however, we have no money. We rise to this terminal and wait for the technomages to disperse. We find a moment and jump off, first into the bushes, and then onto the building in front.

Here you can hide in the stream of steam emanating from the grate on the floor.

Then we rise even higher, and go along the left edge of the upper level so that we are not noticed. On the screenshots, look with which remotes you need to interactact to complete this task. Don't forget to turn on your sensory vision.

Find clues in the building

We found ourselves in a new room, run to the left and activate sensory vision, see the remote control, examine it, after which the gate will open. Click on the sensory vision and go through all the areas with question marks. We run out of the room moving to the marker.

Main mission "Down the rabbit hole"

Reach the Keeper's Stronghold

We look at the map and see the approximate way how to get to the city.

Visit a brothel, market, arena

So, we reach the biomanta speaking before the people. Then we go to the right and go down the stairs. We find the way to the brothel. After that, we need to eavesdrop on the conversation of two prostitutes, we stand behind the screen, otherwise we will not hear anything.

Find cylinder marks

Circles appeared on the map, and we will find rabbits in them, you just need to click on sensory vision in these circles so that the rabbits are indicated by a question mark. So we go through all the circles, as a result we get into a room with a pipe with a closed grate, we click on sensory vision near it. We approach another pipee and find out that we need to get a helmet.

Get the Helm of Insight

We run according to the pointer on the map. We reach the park and look around, before climbing higher, you need to overhear the conversation of two people. This is the ladder you need to climb up and start moving up to the helmet. We penetrate upward secretly, using flower beds in order to hide. The screenshot shows the place where the safe with the helmet is located. We return back to the pipe with a grate.

Main mission "Escape"

We run up to the entrance to the location, however, they won’t let us in, we run back, and from the left of the entrance we climb up, you can secretly kill the local techno-mage. Having risen up, we go along the top to the entrance, along the upper level and cross the restricted area, we go straight, we reach the cliff and we see 2 technomages.

We wait for the one on the left to go a little further, jump and crouching, go inside, skirting the surveillance camera. We can go further as stealthily as possible, but there are a lot of enemies, so the moment will come when you just need to rush forward. If we run, then we run first straight, and then to the left. We should soon see a ladder up, we need to climb it.

Seven The Days Long Gone

We watch the cut-scene. After that, at this level we need to find a descent down, through it we immediately get into the chamber with Savaash. We examine the camera in detail and connect ourselves to the apparatus of memories. We wander around the markers on the mini map and in the end we need to join the battle.

Defeat all opponents in the arena. After that, Teriel will be in a new place. Follow the linear route that leads through the swamps and the temple. You are near the Deadly Scourge. Climb down the rope and leave the building. Follow the Technomages who are searching the area. It is undesirable to fight them, because in this case you will have to face several enemies at the same time.

Instead, rely on your stealth, use bushes, invisibility, or throw rocks for a distraction.

Your goal is to reach the temple in Deathblight. Watch the next cut-scene. Artanak will return Teriel back to the Repository, and you will be able to unlock the Boomerang ability.

Biomancers attack the Repository, but your main problem is that there are two opponents near Savaash's cell. Activate invisibility, sneak up on one of the ??opponents and attack him from the back. This should either kill him or deal critical damage. Kill the first one and take care of the second biomancer.

Clear the room and decide the fate of Savaash. The more obvious solution is to let it remain associated with the device. A less obvious option is to disable the device and let Savaash die.

Leave the detention cell, eavesdrop on General Orad's conversation. Your new goal is to leave the Repository. You can use the fact that the biomancers attacked the technomages. Do not join any side, do not approach any characters at all in combat.

You can leave this place in two ways:

  1. Hacking the transport hub is the best solution. Approach the control terminal presented in the screenshot and hack it in a simple mini-game. This will unlock a new branch for fast travel. Use touch mode at a fast travel point to activate it.
  2. Getting to the exit from the Repository is a more difficult option. Avoid characters fighting among themselves and at least two biomancers guarding the exit.

The quest will be completed as soon as you leave the Repository.

Main miss??I "Keep it a secret, keep it a secret"

This is the eighth story quest in Seven: The Days Long Gone. As part of this task, you must visit the swamp ponds. All this is necessary in order to detect the signals that will lead Teriel to the village of Arte. You should meet Elder Malik there, who will give you further instructions.

Swamp Ponds is a huge location in the eastern part of the map, in the third zone. Get to the first marker marked on the map. Explore it in touch mode and then interact with the object. The device is activated, and a blue circle appears on the map, informing about the location of the next similar object.

You have to overcome a long way through most of the swamps. While crossing, watch out for spiders, hyenas, and bandits. You don't have to kill them all.

You can sneak past, acting stealthily, illuminate the siren, and then run away from enemies.

Ultimately, you will have to get to the elevator indicated in the screenshot - it will take you to the village. It's worth adding that you can also find the elevator (south of the village) without the help of all those signal markers, but it will be much more difficult.

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Seven The Days Long Gone

Climb to the top of the elevator and, after meeting a local bard, head to the village. Approach the building where the dying Elder Malik is located. Watch the cutscene to complete the quest and unlock the next story mission. You can also talk to the previous character and take two side quests from him related to a trip to the temple of the savior. For completing the current mission, you will receive the Black Hole active skill and a new chip.

Main mission "Belly of the Beast"

This is the ninth story quest in Seven: The Days Long Gone. Events take place in the temple of the Savior. Among other things, you need to explore parts of the temple that are inaccessible to guests (preferably in a biomancer disguise), and fight the powerful biomancer Sekler. The ultimate goal of visiting the temple is to open access to the Ark.

The temple of our savior is located south of the village you visited in the previous task, in the southeast of the third zone of the island of Pe. Before you go there, try to disguise yourself as a biomancer. For example, you can kill one of the isolated biomancers in the village of Deathbreach (or anywhere else outside the temple. This is not necessary, but in this case, completing the quest will be significantly l??Where.

The main entrance to the temple is closed, but you can climb the rocks on the right and go to the balcony. Use the small hole in the screenshot and find yourself inside.

Go to the opposite end of the temple and watch the cut-scene. You need to get to the lowest level of the temple. Look for any stairs leading down there. This is a forbidden territory, so if you are not wearing a biomancer suit, you will need to act covertly (or kill opponents and monsters encountered on the way).

Return to the opposite end of the lower tier, find the only ladder in the screenshot and go down to the lowest level of the building.

When exploring the lower tier, you can use the touch mode on the large tanks and then inspect them - but this is not necessary. You need to get into the big room. The powerful priest Sekler is there, and after a short conversation, he attacks Teriel.

Seven The Days Long Gone
Seven The Days Long Gone

To weaken Seckler, use white weapons. The priest regularly teleports throughout the territory, so as soon as he runs away from the GG, find him as soon as possible. Also sometimes Seckler ?Calls monsters into battle. Quickly get rid of them and return to the attack of the boss, who, unfortunately, will have time to recover slightly during this time. In addition, when a yellow substance appears in the sanctuary, Teriel can take poison damage. Ignore these negative effects (health bar from poison decreases slowly) and use ranged weapons more often while staying on safe platforms. Ultimately, you will defeat Seckler.

After defeating the Seckler, you must reach a small room adjacent to the sanctuary. A locked door leads inside it - use the master keys or find the key. Approach the large neural network panel, examine it in touch mode and use it to complete the story mission.

During the final dialogue with Artanak, you can express your desire to leave the temple or stay in it for some more time. Choose the second option if you need to complete some side quests. On your way out of the temple, be careful of the rest of the biomancers, who can expose even Teriel in disguise.

It is best to re-climb to the upper balconies and exit the temple through a small hole in the wall.


This is the tenth and lastjet quest game Seven: The Days Long Gone. Upon completion of the current task, the main character will have to get to the Ark and make important decisions that will affect the further shape of the game world. The quest itself will include at least one duel with a very strong opponent, but more of a more relaxed exploration.

Important note. Before you start this task, try to make sure that you complete all the additional ones. After completing the main story, you will not be able to return to Pe Island. Moreover, the completion of several important side quests affects whether you can unlock one or another ending. Try to complete as many side quests as you can - everything that is described in our separate guides.

How to get to the Ark

The entrance to the Sanctuary is located behind station 06 in the northern part of the island. Bypass the checkpoint or buy a visa 06, which will allow you to cross it as many times as you like without any problems. When you get there, you will see a scene with protesting fanatics. When passing through the forbidden territory, it is advisable to move on the sides so that the techno-mages do not suddenly find you (they will attack Teriel even if he is equipped with a techno-mage). After a while, another cut-scene will begin, in which you will seee, how the biomancers attack the "Vault".

After you regain control of Teriel, you will be located in the bushes near the high wall. Start moving towards the "Vault", during which it is advisable to ignore any hostilities. It is better not to get close to opponents at all, so as not to be caught in the crossfire. You won't be able to enter the Sanctuary right away, as access there is protected by an energy barrier. Walk to the right of the barrier, stand on the ledges in the rocks that are shown in the screenshot, and start climbing. Ultimately, you will need to climb to the roof of a large building and use one of the illuminated hatches.

After jumping into the room with the energy barrier control panel, Savaash will appear. You will need to destroy it.

Battle with Savaash

In this duel, Savaash takes one of two forms:

  1. If at the end of the main quest "Memory Road" you left Savaash alive, then he will be human. In this form, Savaash is very mobile. Try to avoid his melee attacks. Quickly attack the enemy after he uses the smoke bomb, and then run away, as he will soon recover. Also try to destroy the companions called by him in time??. After winning the duel, it is worth picking up the daggers of Savaash.
  2. If at the end of the story quest "Memory Road" you disconnected Savaash from the device, then he will turn into a powerful monster. Savaash in this form is slower, but can deliver powerful blows. Try to carry out fast attacks.

Regardless of who you fight, after defeating the enemy, move to the central computer to disable the barrier and trigger another cut-scene. Also hack the terminal (or use an access card) to disable the laser barrier. Get to the place where the energy barrier was and follow the newly unlocked path.

On the way to the Ark, jump onto the large vertical shaft. You will find yourself in a poorly lit room. Use the touch mode to find and activate the lamps (four in total). Watch the big hologram and keep moving. Go to the second energy shaft. Pay attention to the huge gates of the Ark by examining them in touch mode, and then open them. In the new room, get to the computer shown in the screenshot. Save, because in the future you will be able to make various decisions that affect the ending of the game.


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