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ShowGamer.comWalkthrough Starbase - game guide

Walkthrough Starbase - game guide

We present you the passage of Starbase. The guide is intended for beginners and provides the information needed to start the game. Introduces the basics of the game.


So, you bought the game, downloaded it, launched it and got to the main menu. In the main menu, select "Enter the Universe". Then they came up with a nickname. Up to this point, no explanation is required. Next, you will see a list with the so-called "Origins" - this is a list of stations - origins. In other words, the starting location. There are no fundamental differences between them. All stations are the same. However, if you are playing with friends/parties it is recommended to start at the same station to be together from the start of the game. All stations are in one virtual world. Once you start at one station, you can fly to another station at any time. The market is one. You can also "save station" for fast travel. Fast moving in the game is called a transfer. Available in the game menu (ESC). In order for fast travel to be available, you need to “bind” it. This is done in the command center at the terminal, at the end of the room. In total, about 10 transfer slots are available. In some places of the station, you can also make transfer binds, for example, in the marketplace (shop, market). Now in order.

Russian language

The game is translated into Russian, but not completely. If you want to enable it, this is done in the "Settings" menu. It is available both in the main menu and in the game. First line. "Text Language" setting. The text of the training is currently not translated.


After selecting the station, your character, the endoskeleton, is at the entrance to the command center. The command center itself does not carry any semantic load, being conditionally the center of the station.

Endoskeletons are players represented by robots. They are often abbreviated as simply endos.

Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.

By default, you have tutorial quests. The tasks of the current quest are shown in the upper left corner. Resetting, canceling, switching between quests is strictly NOT RECOMMENDED.

Opposite the entrance to the command center is a fork. On the left is the MarketPlace. On the right is the Work Hub. The first three quests are related to the work hub. They are on the same street. All three buildings have an entrance to the right of the road. The buildings differ in color and each has a large inscription indicating the type of activity.

A work hub is a place where you can earn credits (game currency) by doing simple work. Dismantling of ships, mining of asteroids and repair work. Restrictions on earning 100,000 credits per day. Credits are credited to your personal account immediately.

Consider all the quests training (Tutorial).

Tutorial Quest: Demolition

The first job is the dismantling of ships. Demolition. Red entrance. Enter the building, go to the nearest work area. The working area is displayed as a large transparent cube with a diamond-shaped texture. The working areas are virtual, no one will disturb you. You will always be alone there.

There are several tables in the working area. On the left table is a "Bulgarian" (buzz saw) and three power cells for it. Take a grinder and cells. Take the default key F. Now, in the center should be a small broken ship that needs to be disposed of. The left mouse button of the grinder destroys matter, and the right one cuts off parts. A little practice and you will understand the difference. The sawn off parts themselves fly to the "Collector Area" (Collector Zone). Sometimes they need help doing it. When all parts of the ship reach the sewer zone, the ship is considered salvaged. In the future, credits will be credited to your account as soon as the parts reach the collector. This mechanic is the same for all jobs. Credits are not awarded in quest jobs. It is worth adding that after the quest you will be able to choose which ship you want to dismantle. Each of them has its own disassembly price.

Learning Quest: Mining

The second work is related to the extraction of asteroids. A building with a yellow Mining sign.

We go into the work area. We take a pick. A random asteroid spawns in the center of the zone. An asteroid consists of a “filling” and a “shell”, these are always two different materials. The left mouse button splits the asteroid, the right one - mining / grinding. At the station, the job of mining an asteroid is to ensure that all of its parts fall into the collector zone. I will add that in works 2 and 3 you need to connect yourself to the "collection port". Collection ports are somewhat similar to sockets. Approach any of them, move your cursor and press F. If you are connected, you will see a yellow glowing cable between you and the port.

Tutorial Quest: Repair

The third is repair work. Purple inscription "Repair". The last building on the current street on the right.

We are back in the work area. On the table we take a construction tool. We connect to the port. In the center is a damaged ship. We need to fix it. Repair is done with a construction tool. Find the damaged part and hold down the left mouse button. Damaged parts are marked in blue. It is also useful to know the general condition of the ship and the number of damaged parts in it. To do this, use the "manual PDA". Press U to open it. So you will see in the table a list of parts that need to be repaired. The second column indicates the number of damaged elements. The work will be completed as soon as all components are repaired. Repairing ships requires different materials. But in this work they are not limited.

Tutorial Quest: Ship Controls

Ship management. The quest begins immediately after completing the "Repair" job. As soon as you are out of the maintenance work, the Landing & Takeoff landing pad will be located opposite.

We go to the site. At the entrance there will be a spawn (call) terminal for ships, in which you will need to select your original quest ship - the Laborer Module. Move the cursor in the list to the name of the ship. Press the left mouse button or F. The name will be highlighted. After, click on the "Spawn" button. Your ship will appear. It appears above the site itself.

We fly to the ship, to the cockpit (CockPit). Take off - space, land - CTRL. Hover over the seat and press F.

The ship is controlled from the keyboard, the mouse is not directly involved in the control. Main control:

  • W - down
  • S - up
  • A - rotation around the axis of the ship to the left
  • D - rotation around the axis of the ship to the right
  • Q - turn left
  • E - turn right
  • Up arrow - vertical takeoff
  • Arrow Down - Vertical Landing
  • Shift - add forward acceleration
  • Ctrl - decrease forward acceleration
  • Home - add acceleration back
  • End - decrease acceleration back

I note that in addition to flying “straight”, all movements are made with the participation of “shunting engines” (small puffs all over the ship’s hull), so vertical takeoff / landing is extremely slow. There are few shunting engines on the initial ship, and by themselves they are extremely weak in power compared to the main ones.

Let's look at the ship's control panel. The Laborer Module ship for beginners, so the panel is simple and consists of the following (left to right, top to bottom):

The transponder is the ship's beacon. It sends an "identification signal" at a distance of up to 100 kilometers. When enabled, other players will be able to see you on their HUD in outer space based on distance. If you are playing a party, it will be useful to keep it on in a safe area. The signal itself contains the name of the owner and the name of the ship, as well as additional information about the state of the ship.

Cruise - the button turns on the constant speed mode. Add/Reduce speed via Shift and CTRL. Turn it on when you make a long flight, so as not to constantly hold Shift. Turn it off near stations, when landing, when mining asteroids - it will be easier to control the ship's inertia.

FuelChamberFuel - reflects the fuel reserves for the generator. Consumed when the generator is on.

Propellant - reflects the reserves of rocket fuel. Consumed during the operation of the main engines.

Generator - turns on the generator. The generator provides the ship with electricity, which is necessary for the operation of engines, lasers, scanners, etc. Powers batteries. The generator consumes fuel from fuel rods (Fuel Rods). There is only one rod on the initial ship. It makes sense to turn off the generator when the ship is not moving and working, otherwise the generator will "digest" your fuel reserves in vain.

GeneratorUnitRate - the amount of energy produced by the generator at the current time. "Generator Speed"

FuelChamberUnitRate - the amount of fuel consumed by the generator.

Battery_1 and Battery_2 - battery charge. Batteries directly feed the ship's electrical consumers.

There are toggle switches in the center and on the sides. They "physically" duplicate the control of the ship. But usually there is no need to pull them, since the control is carried out with hot keys.

Speaking of hotkeys, it's worth mentioning that they can be changed on the fly in the ship. To do this, press V. A table of keys will open with the ability to save / load the set.

How do you know that the ship has spawned? First, the "Spawn" button will become inactive. Secondly, you will have a “Despawn counter” in the upper right corner.

"Despawn Counter" is the time after which your ship will automatically respond (disappear).

Sometimes, instead of the spawn button, you can see the TOW button with the price (TOW COST) - this is a service for towing your ship. The further you left the ship from the landing / takeoff zone, the more expensive the tug. The price within the station is 500 credits. To avoid such costs, it is advisable to always return the ship to the landing / takeoff zone and do a "Despawn".

To despawn the ship, that is, to remove it to a virtual personal hangar, you need to fly onto the ship in the landing / takeoff zone, in the “force field” area. Then press Tab (turns on the 2D cursor) and press the "Despawn" button in the upper right corner. Despawn can be done without leaving the cockpit or ship.

Tutorial Quest: Asteroid Belt

Before the flight, I recommend checking the inventory (opens with the I key) for the presence of a pick for the extraction of materials.

The quest is a continuation of the previous one. Without leaving the ship, we fly to the place marked with an arrow. How to fly and in general control is studied in the previous quest, so there should be no difficulties with flying. We direct the ship's course to the arrow through the QEWASD keys, turn on the generator, turn on the cruise, press Shift all the way (the switch on the left closer to the seat will go all the way up) and wait until we reach the place marked by the arrow.

You will most likely fly to the asteroids earlier, but you need to fly exactly to the place marked with an arrow in order for the quest script to work correctly. I met asteroids, not reaching the target position of 6 km.

Upon arrival, you will receive two sub-tasks. Connect to a collection port (actually called a "resource bridge" in the game) and collect materials. However, first you need to fly closer to the asteroid. Choose any, in this task it does not matter what specific materials you will collect. Approximately at a distance of 2-5 meters. Now hover over your pilot seat below you and press F to leave it. We turn back, take off a little and connect to the resource collection port using the same F key. In your inventory, cargo ship cells will open. There you can observe the filling of the cargo.

After connecting to the port, you can start collecting materials. We fly the character to the asteroid, take out the pickaxe and mine it. The pickaxe should be in the inventory, double-click on it, or transfer it to your hands. But it is more convenient to transfer it to the slot of the quick access panel. Left-click to cleave, right-click to mine. When you right-click with a pickaxe, the material is shredded, then vacuumed into your mining backpack and passed through the resource port connection to the cargo boxes on the ship. The “vacuuming” process will stop when there is no free space left in the drawers.

By the way, a little life hack - in the miner's backpack there are two slots for materials (ore), but they do not automatically go there. Therefore, drag the ore from the ship's crates into them. So, you can take away a little more materials.

As soon as you have collected materials to the eyeballs, you can fly home to your station. At a distance of ~2 km from the station, the quest will be completed. Don't forget to unload the cargo from the ship. How to do this is written in the section "Refueling the ship"

On average, a one-way flight takes 7 minutes.

Another life hack that is not obvious at first glance - you can unload the ship without a direct connection to the station. As soon as you received the message in the chat “[System] Channel [Station] is connected”, you can open your inventory and unload the goods to the personal station storage (on the right). We use drag and drop, double click, or, if you save time, right-click on the ship cell, thus unloading everything or almost everything at once.

Tutorial Quest: Crafting and Easy Build

The quest, in essence, consists of three stages: assembling the required number of materials, crafting, and the "Easy Build" itself.

At the first stage, you will need to get a certain amount of Bastie and Vokariev ores. How to do it is up to you. That is, you can again fly to the asteroid belt and extract the required number of specified ores there. You can go to one of the three jobs, earn some credits and buy ore at the auction. And if you are lucky, the accumulated on the first outing will be enough to close the stage.

The second and third stages are carried out in the Easy Build hangar. We find a hangar at the station, it is attached to the western "deuce" from the inside. You will have a different number depending on the location station. We fly to the hangar. It will have two virtual work areas. The zones are equivalent, but it is better to fly into the right one in order to be closer to the crafting workbench. Have flown. We left the ship and go to the machine. While at the workbench, Endos can craft. You don’t have to do anything with the workbench itself, you just need to approach it. Once approached, press H, which will open the crafting menu. In the menu, select "a block of 4 ore boxes", clicking the left mouse button will start crafting. The number at the bottom of the icon shows how much you can craft an item based on the available resources.

What to pay attention to? On the right, in the third part of the crafting interface, there is a "Crafting Queue" area. This is the crafting queue, it displays the items that are being crafted at the moment. Craft can be noted. And in the same interface area there are two tabs "inventory" and "storage". Switching between them changes the source of resources for crafting: where your resources are stored, select that tab.

A crafting object that is in the crafting state can be dragged in advance to the quick access bar. You can add 5, 10 objects to the crafting queue at once, or a crafting object for all resources through the right mouse button. The workbench is needed only to initiate crafting, you do not need to stand near it. You can leave or even fly away. Upon completion of crafting, a notification will appear in the lower corner of the screen.

The final step is to attach the crafted blocks to your ship, upgrading it that way. The improvement will allow more materials to be transported per flight.

We open the easy construction mode through the "." (dot). A disk and the name of the ship will appear in the upper right corner, which means you are in easy build mode. It remains only to attach two blocks to the ship. We select blocks on the quick access panel and look for a place to attach the block. The first two blocks are placed on the sides, continuing the already installed ones. Blocks are scrolled using the mouse wheel. The block that can be installed will be circled in green.

When the installation is done, exit the easy build mode. Press the dot again. We sit down in our ship and fly away from the hangar.

Learning Quest: Technology

The last quest in training. Perhaps the shortest.

You need to open the technology tree and study one of the three technologies to choose from. The technology tree is opened by pressing the K key, or by clicking on the "Show" button on the right in the yellow window (via Tab and only for the duration of this quest). All technologies in the game are divided into three types: basic, tools/weapons, and advanced.

Basic: everything related to the ship.

Tools/Weapons: The only thing worth adding is personal weapons and tools. Ship weapons are not studied here.

Advanced: technologies related to stations.

In order to open technologies, you must comply with the conditions of the hierarchy and have a certain number of research points. Research points are divided into 4 types: "parts", "energy", "combat" and "mechanics". These points are obtained through crafting. The crafting object gives a different number of certain points depending on the class of the crafting object, that is, if you need to get "energy" research points, then you should craft electronics, cables, and the like. The workbench in the Basic branch opens for free. One technology in the tree can unlock many items.

Refueling the ship

Fueling and recharging batteries

Such refueling is performed on "Ore Storage". Ore Storage is easy to find - these gas stations are located behind the large digits of the station number on the left and right (west and east of the station). They are towers with numerous platforms. There are two terminals and a connection port on the platform. The left terminal shows storages. In this terminal, you can dump cargo into the station warehouse or sell resources, items, assembly elements, etc. to the “server”. The right terminal is responsible for refueling. The terminal reflects the current and maximum values of the amount of propellant and battery charge. You can fill any quantity or fill/charge completely at once. Don't forget to connect your ship to the tower port for exchange and refueling. You connect first to the port on the ship, then to the edge of the platform, or vice versa. Otherwise, there will be no transfer of fuel/charge and cargo.

current prices. Rocket fuel - 0.9, electricity - 0.03 per unit.

Refueling the generator is somewhat more difficult. Fuel for the generator is stored in rods and inserted into slots on the ship. On the Laborer Module novice ship, this cell is located behind the seat at the back at the bottom. The blue horizontal indicator on the cap of the rod reflects its charge. When a third of the charge or less is left, the indicator changes color to red.

How to replace the fuel rod? Go to the rod in the cell, hover over it with the cursor (crosshair) and press E. This way you will take out the rod. The spent rod itself can be thrown into space, left in the inventory, bolted to the ship, put in the station's storage or put in place of the "reserve". You decide. Now, in the cell you need to install a new rod. There are 4 spare rods on the Laborer Module. They are stored on the back of the ship in cells, near the main engines. The cells are screwed to the top beam. We also take out. We approach any cell, with the cursor on the rod cover, press E. We carry a new rod to the generator cell and insert it into the generator. Inserting into the generator for the first time can be a problem. This is where hotkeys come to the rescue.

Hot keys for replacement:

  • Right mouse button - holding allows you to rotate the rod
  • Mouse wheel - zooms out or zooms in on the rod
  • C - automatically adjusts the rod to the cell when the rod and the cell are close
  • Left mouse button or E - insert rod

In other words, in order to insert a rod, you need to match it as much as possible in space with a cell and press C, then E or LMB.

Changing the fuel in the fuel rod

The spent rod can be left for replenishment with fuel. Filling the rod with fuel is done through crafting. Open the crafting menu with the H key. Go to the Ship Modules -> Power tab (ship modules, power). Here, in the list, there are several options for crafting a fuel rod. You can craft an empty rod, a full one, or fill an empty one with fuel. Select the option Small fuel rod (Refill). Accordingly, to fill the rod, you need the fuel itself. In this case, Nurgit will act as fuel. When you have enough Nurgit left click on the refill variant of the rod to start crafting. All. The stem is loaded.

Where to get new rods?

New rods can be bought at the auction, crafted, or completed the Repair and Ship Control quests again.



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