We present to your attention the passage of the plot of the third episode of the popular survival simulator The Long Dark.
Rise from the couch and look around the house. In the large room, find a gun by the fireplace, in the next room, examine the photo, and in the bathroom on the second floor, pick up a piece of rag. After that, go down to the first floor and go to the phone, which should just ring. Talk to Molly and return to the room with the broken gun. There is a vase on the table - search it and take the cellar key.
Go down to the basement and collect useful items. Examine the body on the gurney and go out into the yard. Run all the way to the right until you see a yellow tractor with a one-story building in front of it. Go inside and interact with the phone again. Collect all the supplies and exit the building. Run along the only road to the third bridge. On the right you will see the social club. Go inside and find the Priest.
Examine the six victims of the crash and return to the Priest. You need to get to the plane crash site. We advise you to cross the bridge and follow the right bank of the river, as the road on the left will lead you to the waterfall.
When you get to the crashed plane, immediately start searching all the corpses in the area and find ten driver's licenses. The first three dead bodies lie near the nose of the plane, two more over the hill to the left. You will find the remaining half of the dead on the way to the tail section of the liner.
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At the crash site, collect all the useful items: the fact is that you have to drag the wounded girl on you, so do not pay attention to the maximum carry weight. Take shelter with Gwen in a nearby cave for an overnight stay. When you're ready, go down the only path on the right and get to the burnt house. At this point, the phone will ring - answer the call.
Take the girl to the social club while fighting off packs of wolves along the way. To do this, first lower the wounded to the ground. Don't forget to stop and look at Gwen, who is rapidly losing fluid in her body. When you arrive at the club, place her on a free mattress, inject insulin on a plane crash member in need, and speak to the Reverend.
In this chapter, you need to collect a large amount of provisions, medicines, fuel and other supplies. To complete this task, you can inspect all the nearby houses, bunkers, as well as the crash site of a passenger liner. When the supplies are collected, open the map (M key by default), find three survivors and proceed to the second part of the main quest.
Run to the place where the supposed survivor is. Equip your flare gun and shoot into the sky. Wait a few seconds for the casualty to shoot back, then head towards the area the shot was fired from. If you lose track, repeat the above steps. It should be borne in mind that almost every time upon returning to the club, the heroine will be attacked by one silt?? several packs of wolves. After completing all the sub-items of the main task, talk to the Holy Father.
Listen to the Reverend and head towards the exit of the club. Right at the door, a cut-scene will begin with Molly, who you already know. We recommend that you bring the most necessary items with you before the outing. You need to get to Radio Tower Hill - it's not far from the barn at Molly's farm. But the weather will be terrible, and to keep warm, on the way you will have to stop in caves and build a fire. It is possible that in some of them you will even spend the night or stay for a while. Below we have prepared a map with the nearest caves.
When you find yourself right at the hill of the radio tower, a large pack of aggressive wolves will attack the heroine.
A few well-aimed shots will force the predators to retreat.
Find a gap in the fence on the right side and go into the radio tower building. Enter the small room on the right, turn on the light (you can use a flashlight or flares) and interactvove with a walkie-talkie on the table. Watch the extended cut-scene.
Search the room with the walkie-talkie: behind the cardboard box you will find a lantern that works during the Northern Lights. By the way, with this phenomenon, the storm subsides for a while, but the predators become several times more aggressive! Don't forget to prepare for your return to the social club - pack your essentials and move out.
For a quick descent to the paved road, get to the indicated mark on the map, then use the climbing cable.
When you get to the social club, the storm will subside completely. We highly recommend that you complete all of the side quests in Episode 3 before you leave the location. When you're ready, enter the abandoned mine on the outskirts of the location. Cross the bridge and climb up the hill.
Run forward along the mine and watch the cut-??price. Walk a little forward, you will find yourself in a flooded adit. Carefully walk along the boards without touching the water and turn left. Crawl under the rubble, then inspect the elevator. Now you need to find three electrical panels and replace the fuses in them. Find the only way to the locked grate, which requires a bolt cutter. Turn left from the locked door and go forward. Find two fuses and a bolt cutter, then return to the locked grate and open it. Here, take the third fuse and replace the elements in the electrical panels next to the elevator. After these simple exercises, you will be able to start the elevator and get out of the mine.
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