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At the very beginning of the game, you are offered a few simple puzzles. On a yellow background, you see either a straight line or a curved line. You need to draw a line from the large circle to the very end and then the door will open. Below is the solution.
Next, there will be a small fortress with similar, but slightly complicated riddles. You need to find solutions on all the yellow monitors to power the three cables to the monitor by the door. After solving the puzzle on the monitor at the door, the door itself will open. In general, solve those puzzles where monitors are turned on. It's simple, screenshots below.
When you open the gate, do not rush to leave the location. Stand with your back to the open gate and go to the tower in the far right corner of the fortress. There is a monitor with two cables, remember? Here is a screenshot (you need to light another cable, not the one that goes to the door):
Next, exit the location through the same gate and go along the left wall. Go around the fortress until you see an open door. Behind the door there will be another puzzle on another door where you need to connect all the black dots.
Behind the door will be a small courtyard with a tree. There is an audio recording lying under the tree that you can listen to. Nearby, a fallen riddle with a yellow triangle is lying on the ground (answer below). Finally, solve the puzzle on the door, after which you will return to the path leading from the fortress.
A map of the entire island is below. Save it for yourself!
Move along the path. Are you on the right side?You should see a passage. But this passage will allow you to enjoy the view of the reservoir and that's it. Follow the path further. The left turn leads to the underground hut. See the white door? There is a puzzle on the door. In our separate article there is a guide to solving all the riddles in The Witness. You can read it and understand that to solve this puzzle you need to separate the black and white cubes from each other. Solution below.
As you can see from the last screenshot above, inside you will find a chest. Open it with the simplest line and you will see a sheet of paper with some clue. Save it for yourself for the future! Take a screenshot on the Print Screen key and it will appear in the Screenshots folder inside the main folder with the game installed.
Leave the hut and move to the left. See the building on the right with the green monitor and the purple monitor in front? These monitors are rather training and educational.After completing the riddles on them, you will come to the conclusion how to solve certain puzzles. Go into the house on the right and start solving the puzzle. Here you need to draw a line so that it touches all additional points. Solution below.
As for the purple monitors, here the task is to separate the white cubes from the black ones. Solution below.
Next, pay attention to the garden with rose trees. See? Go there and you will see the first green monitor. The monitor shows what looks like a tree. A line can only be drawn from one circle, but in several directions. The line must end on one of the branches. Pay attention to the tree standing nearby. Its branches repeat the structure of the picture on the monitor. There is an apple on one of the branches. Find out what branch is on the monitor and you will find a solution. On the first monitor, you can make mistakes as much as you like.h. But when you solve the puzzle of the second monitor, in case of an error, you will need to return to the first monitor and draw the line again. It's not that hard, but it still takes time. Below are screenshots of the solution.
There is no apple on the last tree at all. But if you chose the right solution or used our hint above, then a gate will open nearby. Go through it and you will see a limited location. On the left there is a plate with a cut?an apple. There is a branch next to the plate. This thread has been broken. Thus, we immediately guessed about it and found a solution on a broken branch. It was enough to look at the tree at the last monitor and find the missing branch.
Return to the purple monitors and stand so that you look towards the sea, while the monitors should be on the left, as in the screenshot below.
Move along the path that goes between the stones. On the left will be a large house by the sea. Approach the door and find the solution to the puzzle. You see two circles from which you can draw a line. The line can be drawn from any of them, while note that the second line from another circle will be automatically drawn. The second line repeats all your actions in a mirror order. Draw a line from the lower right circle once ??left and all the way up. Everything is simple!
Go inside the house with some colored vases. Find a working monitor in the far left corner and solve all the puzzles on the remaining ones in order. Next, three monitors will be on some building in the center of the room. Here come the solutions!
Please note that after solving the last puzzle, the green cable leaves the house somewhere to the left. Leave the house too. Follow to the left and rise to the door to which the cable approaches. Solve the puzzle on the door. You need to connect all the dots and draw a line to the exit.
When the gate opens, you will see another one. They were not fed. Do not go up to the gate, but turn right. Look to the right and you will see the first working monitor. In this way, you will solve all the puzzles on these monitors and will have to follow the blue cable further to the new puzzles.
New puzzles will have innovation. It doesn't matter where you start drawing the line from, but it will always be blue, and the mirror of it will be yellow. At the same time, where necessary, draw a yellow line through the yellow dots, and a blue line through the blue ones. All dots must be covered. If you see a black dot, then you can draw any line along it. Answers below.
There will be another innovation on the next monitors. There are seven monitors in total. On the first four monitors, the yellow line will be visible worse and worse. On other monitors it will not be visible at all. You will have to imagine. But for the solution, just look at the screenshots below.
Go to the gate and solve the puzzle on them.
Climb to the location and you will see a yellow cube ahead. There are monitors on the right and left. Solve the puzzles on the right monitors in order - there are only three of them. You need to draw a yellow line through all the yellow dots. There seems to be nothing special on blue monitors, but do you remember the connection between blue and yellow in the previous puzzles? Mirroring, right! Thus, you must mirror what is shown on the yellow monitors on the blue monitors. The solution for both is below.
Note . In the event of a blue line input error, for example, on the second monitor, you will need to repeat the correct blue line input on the first monitor, since the second monitor will turn off. Same thing?? concerns the third monitor (the truth will have to be repeated on the second). On the first monitor, if the input is incorrect, nothing special will happen.
Next, go to the yellow cube and enter the usual line. See what happens. A laser will appear and hit the arch on a large mountain with a beam, as in the screenshots below.
Now go to the left of the laser. There will be a sandy beach. In the middle of the coast are the ruins of a fortress made of white stone.
Go into the area and see a brown monitor. The display shows a hexagon. There is an exit at every junction. So far, the line can only start in the center (is there a circle?How many there). What is the solution? Move away from the monitor and stand at a certain angle so that the Sun illuminates it. So you can see the shadow on the board. This will be the solution. You will see a consistent solution of three monitors below, four monitors above and one monitor below them in the screenshots below.
Please note that the light falls on the third monitor by half. Behind the monitor there is a switch that will allow you to move it to the side. The same goes for the last monitor, which is under the four on top. Is there a switch, when using which the monitor n??Starts to rotate slowly. You have to view it and determine where the shadow is.
After solving all these riddles, a passage will open from the sea, leading down the fortress.
More precisely, you can approach it and open it by drawing a regular line. Inside you will see two open monitors. Another monitor is lying on the floor. Light falls on two monitors halfway. Please note that there is a remote control on the side. The console has one origin for the line and four outputs. You can draw any lines, while lamps will light up in different places of the fortress. This will allow you to find the correct solution. If you did not manage, then look for the answers to three riddles in the screenshots below:
The door behind will open. Pass through it and go down even lower. Here you will see a room with monitors and puddles. The answers to the puzzles will have to look out in the water. On the first two monitors, look for the answer in the same puddle. The answer on the third monitor is in another puddle, which is near it (you need to go around it and look from the side). The answer to the fourth monitor is in the third puddle, near it. But at the same time, the puddle is covered with stones that prevent you from fully understanding the answer. Therefore, it will be necessary to speculate. The answer to the fifth riddle is in a puddle next to the fifth monitor (there is still a fallen column above the puddle). Go through the next door, opening it with a normal line.
In this room there will be a huge lake and wooden bridges. Look for the answer in the water. At the same time, on the walls inyou can find regular lines. If you draw these lines, then the water level in the room will rise or fall. Look for the answers in the screenshots below:
Go through the opened door, which will lead you to the final part of the fortress. Answers to different puzzles must be sought at the right angle from the light, in the reflection of a puddle, etc. In order to enter a solution in a puzzle where there is no monitor (but there are lines), you need to go around it and stand between the lines and the wall. And behind the monitor with the image of a hexagon there is a line that raises and lowers it. Cmdelete the screenshots.
Go to the yellow box and draw a line. The lift will take you up. A second laser will open here.
Go from here in the direction where the second laser shines. On the left side, you should notice a garden of orange trees. Go through the bridge into it and find a small stone fence with a gate in the middle.A yellow crate should be visible behind the gate. You need to open the gate.
Go deep into the garden (to the right, if you look facing the gate). On the left side, you should see a brown fence with a monitor. Enter a U-shaped line on the monitor and the door will open. Go down to the first puzzle, the solution to which, like the door, is shown in the screenshots below.
As it becomes clear, you must draw a line so as not to hurt the branches. Do the same on the second monitor.
Approach the third monitor and you will see that it is almost completely in shadow. Climb back to the door that has just opened and you will see the same U-shaped labyrinth on the back side. Draw a line thatthe door would open. Go down to the third monitor and this time solve the puzzle without too much trouble.
The next four puzzles will be complicated by the fact that in addition to the branches, the shadow from the grate from above will fall on them. You can draw a line along the grid, but as usual, it is forbidden to draw a line along the branches. Solutions below.
After that, you will need to choose one of two series of puzzles. In any case, to activate the third laser, you will need to solve both. First take the path to the left.
Literally immediately on the left side you will notice the first puzzle. Find the answer and move like this through all eight riddles. You need to watch the shadow fall on the screen itself, and then watch the shadow that falls on the object covering the screen. Combine the result and find solutions for all riddles.
Return to the place where you solved the puzzle with bypassing the branches. At the end, in addition to the branches, a shadow from the grate from above fell on the screen. Climb as if uphill and see a few more monitors.
The meaning of these puzzles is that this time the shadow of the branches shows the correct path. You must draw a line along the shadow from the branches. Moreover, it will be necessary in the future to choose a route where the shadow does not break until the line exits. Is the meaning clear? Answers below.
Finally, go backbut to the gate that is now open. Below, under the yellow box with the laser, lies the final puzzle. As you can see, the shadow falls differently on the right and left. On the right, the shadow shows the walls that you need to go around, and on the left, the branches that you need to move along. The solution is in the picture below.
The third laser has been successfully activated!
If you move towards the mountain that the first laser points to, then you will find yourself on the field. There is a whole fortress here. Go inside and see a yellow box upstairs, indicating that there is a laser here.
Walk right. To your right will be a maze of bushes. Move through the mazeyou won't find the door with the puzzle. On the door you need to enter the same path that you did.
Further, regardless of how you go through the next maze, the answer will be the same. The fact is that grass grows on the ground. Where the grass is tall, you cannot walk. Thus, the labyrinth can be passed through only one route. You can not hesitate, but immediately enter the answer from the screenshot below.
Go through the door opposite and you will find yourself in a new labyrinth. There will be another one behind him. The answer to the next two mazes is in the screenshots below.
After the last maze, you will climb the stairs. You can immediately climb the tower by the stairs inside the building, but there is no point yet. So sleep?Climb to the other side of the fortress using the metal stairs on the other side. Walk forward and to the right. Open the door next to which the statue stands - you will need to draw a regular line.
You will find yourself at the monitor and some kind of glass path. You need to remember where on the monitor the line breaks, and then walk along the glass path for the whole line. The way you walk along the glass path will be displayed on the monitor. Look at the monitor, the answer is simple. The correct move on all tracks will be in the screenshot below.
The straight line, which is on the left and bottom of the monitor, allows you to erase what you found on the glass path. If entered correctly, the door to the next location will open.
On the second screen, you need to separate the black and white squares. It's easy to do, see the answer below.
Go further and see a green monitor. This monitor shows figurines from the Tetris game. What does it mean:
If you see a figure from Tetris in any square, then this means that this square and some neighboring ones should be circled with a line repeating this figure. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that if an L-shaped figure is depicted with a long stick down, then the resulting drawing will be like this. By no means, the long stick in the figure may be on top.
The solution to this puzzle is:
At the same time, it is worth noting that when you walk along the glass path, you will find yourself at a dead end - there will be fragments of columns ahead. Return along the path the way where you already drew the line. In no case do not step where this line should not be. Next, you will need to walk along the wooden boards between the glass path so as to stand in the right place. Draw a line.
As for the last puzzle of this plan, here, in addition to the Tetris figures, you will draw two lines that repeat each other.?kaly. Stand on the left circle and draw a line as shown in the picture. Or you can think of a solution to the riddle yourself.
Climb to the top of the tower and you'll see two more puzzle panels. The panel on the right, behind which the labyrinths are below, requires a line in the same way as on all four doors of the labyrinth. Thus, you need to repeat what was below. You entered from the middle, went down and to the right (left on the monitor). In general, the answer will be:
On another monitor, you need to repeat what was on the glass tracks.
When both puzzles are solved, the fourth laser will open.
Leave the fortress and go forward without turning anywhere. Literally a hundred meters opposite the fortress there is a temple with a mahogany. The door will be locked. But you can bypass it and find the normal entrance.
There is a red door ahead. On the sides of the door there are holes through which two yellow puzzles are visible. Just draw two lines and the doors will open.
Don't rush to get inside. Find a wooden fence on the right with three puzzles. One of the labyrinths will be active. You need to solve all three.
Return and enter the temple. Through the windows of the temple on the right side you can see the same puzzles. And the windows are carved with trees. Match trees and puzzles. This way you will see the correct answer.
The red wire will go inside the temple. Sign in too. Go to the opposite side of the door and you will see a small tree. Draw a line from the large circle so that the shutters of the temple close. Light must not enter the temple. Approach one of the four monitors on the column in the center. Stand so that the red branches cover part of the monitor. With this, you can draw a line and solve the puzzle. The answer to all four puzzles is in the screenshots below.
Leave the temple and go to the back (towards the fortress, but on the territory of the monastery). See where the red wire goes? Find a regular key there and draw a line. This activates the fifth laser in a row.
Go back to the fortress you passed in front of the temple (at least that's what it says in our walkthrough). Stand with your back to the entrance and turn left. Go forward. You must find a descent that leads among the white bushes to the reeds growing in the swamp. There will be a door in the middle of the reeds. The first puzzle has a yellow square. Here you will learn how to solve puzzles with figures from Tetris. At the moment, you can draw any line from two possible options.
On ?With the next monitors, the task will become more difficult. As mentioned earlier, solving the problem is quite simple if you understand the meaning. The image of any figure in any square says one thing: you must draw a line so that it makes the same figure out of several squares as shown in yellow. Moreover, the square in which the desired figure is depicted must necessarily be enclosed in the framework of the drawn line. From the screenshots below, you should understand what the meaning of the puzzle is.
It is worth remembering that the figure is drawn by the line that you draw. But you can't draw a line to close the shape. That is why, when drawing a figure, the edge of the map must be touched. The edge of the map is essentially the same line that you draw. So, here are the solutions on the first five monitors:
Go around the monitors and solve the puzzles on the next eight screens. One feature will appear here: you can combine two or more Tetris figures. You will start doing this already from the second monitor of this series and finish with this on the last screen. In addition, you will learn that the most important thing when combining several shapes is how the stroked area looks.. And the figures themselves can be in completely different places. Take a look at the sixth and seventh monitors in the screenshots below and you will understand everything.
Go forward along the yellow bridge and deal with another riddle. Circle the left Tetris figure separately, and the central and right must be combined. See the screenshot below.
The ferry will start moving across the water to the other side of the swamp. By the way, if you now circle the left and central figures together, then the ferry will go in the other direction, back. Immediately go up the stairs and deal with the puzzles on the four monitors on the right. Now you can rotate the depicted figures by 90 degrees (mentally) and solve puzzles.
Turn around and on the left side you will see two more monitors. The answers to them are:
Climb back to the ferry and turn left. Here the door opened. Solve the first four puzzles on the yellow monitors first, and then the second four.
Go further along the bridge and enter the following data on the monitor:
Here you must understand that only those squares that do not have any other symbols are considered inside the area marked with a line with a Tetris figure. In the screenshot above, you can see that there are five squares in the closed area, but at the same time, two of them have blue and purple symbols.
Walk along the blue path and find four monitors on the right side. The puzzle solutions are:
Go back to the recently rotated bridge. Along the way, you will see that a staircase has appeared leading down into the water.
Get down downward and you will see some monitors. Now, in addition to the yellow Tetris figurine, blue hollow squares appear on the monitors. In addition, you will lead the blue line. The blue square must be subtracted from the yellow cubes. Is the meaning clear? If you see three yellow cubes and a blue square next to it, then you need to select only two cells. At the same time, remember that the blue square must be inside the selected area!!! Solve all the riddles.
Return to that very bridge and go now along the purple path. There will be another staircase leading down. Go down and solve the only puzzle.
Now you need to go back to the ferry. If you solved the two puzzles after the ferry, up the stairs, can you?Do not go around the platform, which was recently turned. If you have not solved them, then return along the purple path to the platform and enter a code that will allow you to turn it back.
Go to the ferry, follow a little further, where there will be a ladder leading down. This is the third underground level. Solve all the puzzles below.
But first, you must change the solution to the puzzle on the right monitor. Then focus on the rest of the monitors. Here, all the same, you must subtract blue cubes from the yellow squares.
Climb up and go towards the platform that you turned (where you walked along the blue and purple cells). On the right side, you should see another ladder down, red. Go down and deal with the last riddles of this plan. Here you will find out that on one monitor the figurinesand "Tetris" and blue squares can be both in one and in another area marked with a line (the last monitor).
Another passage will open. Follow there, climb the stairs to the red gazebo. Find the monitor in the water. Note that you are standing on the yellow squares. There are nine of them, just like on the monitor. The top three squares on the monitors are the row of platforms closest to the monitor. Stand on the middle platform (directly opposite the monitor, closest). Enter the following solution:
You will go down. The platform on the left side will also lower with you. Next, on the same monitor, enter the following solution:
After that, step back to the central platform, away from the monitor. And again enter a new sequence on it:
A block will open in front of you. Turn around and see another monitor. It works on the same principle. Enter this value:
Now turn left and see the passage. Follow there, go up the stairs and enter a simple key to activate the sixth laser.
A quarry or quarry is located next to an orchard where trees with yellow leaves grow. Move to the exit from the garden, go along the bridge and see the door on the right side. This door leads to the quarry. Solve the two puzzles on the first and second doors. Then go downstairs, go forward and turn left. There will be a metal gate with two other puzzles. Find solutions. They pokazans in the screenshots below.
As soon as you enter inside, then find the door on the left side. Enter a regular line to open it. In principle, you do not need this door now. To the left of the gate at the entrance is a green panel. Go around it and look at the blue monitor. Draw a diagonal line to raise the stand next to it.
Here you will need to solve six puzzles. Answer below. The meaning of the riddles is that the shamrock, white or any other color, destroys one element that you ignored on the board. For example, if you need to draw a line through all the black dots, then you must definitely leave one dot, which is pointed to by one of the branches of the trefoil. This point will be destroyedon, and the puzzle is solved. Below you can see visual solutions.
Look to the left of these monitors and below you will see a blue monitor that allows you to control the platform from below. Draw a line down, to the right, and all the way up to raise this platform.
Be careful: you need to jump on the platform when it is at your level. Then it will rise higher and you can go further. Move along the bridge along the wall, go through the booth and on the left you will see eight monitors. Solve all puzzles. Next, first one, and then the other monitors will light up at the two exits from the booth, from the inside. You can see consistent answers in the screenshots below.
Go to the other end of the bridge, where you have not been yet (past eight monitors on the left side). There will be a blue monitor here. Draw a line so that the ladder descends.
Go deep into the quarry and open the door on the right side by drawing a regular line.
Climb up the stone steps. There will be a metal staircase ahead. Turn right to see the roof of the quarry. Turn even more to the right, take a couple of steps and see a yellow box on top of the mountain.
ATTENTION! In the screenshot above, you see an already activated laser. But to activate it, you need to solve puzzles at the sawmill. Solving the puzzles of the quarry allowed you to supply energy to yellow?to a box on one wire. But there is another wire that comes from the sawmill.
Get down downward, to the gate of the quarry. Look around and on the shore you will see a wooden building. This is the sawmill. Go inside and go down the stairs on the side (stone steps). On the left, there will be two puzzles that you must solve. Perhaps these riddles can be called one of the most difficult in the game.
Riddles with drawings of the sun are solved in an elementary way: you must draw a line so that all the suns are divided in pairs. If you see the sun of two different colors, black and white, then within the same area you can leave two pairs - one black and one white. Or you can leave one white or one black.
Climb up and draw the next line on the blue monitor.
Thanks to this platform?It will rise diagonally, and you will be able to climb the wooden bridges. Here you need to solve the first batch of puzzles. Nothing new: suns can only be traced in pairs, you should already know how to work with Tetris figures, and trefoils remove errors.
A passage will open further. There will be a blue monitor here. You can solve the puzzle in two ways - either separate the right pair from all the cubes, or separate the left pair from all the cubes. If you separate the right pair, as shown in the screenshot below, then the previously raised platform will begin to move to the right. If the left pair is separated, then the platform will move to the left (if it is not already there, as it is now).
When the platform moves past you, then go down it. When it stops, then go upstairs and cross the other bridge to the opposite wall.
Here you will need to solve a few more puzzles. The general concept has not changed much. Solutions you can seein the screenshots below. In the end, you will need to find a solution on the last blue monitor.
Climb the mountain now and activate the seventh laser by solving the last puzzle.
Move up the mountain, on top of which all the lasers shine (except for one, but this will be fixed soon). Move along the foot of the mountain, along the stones of the reservoir (waterfall) and you will see the sea. Look at the coast. See the pier? From this pier you can call a boat. Go down in his direction and you will see the entrance to the jungle:
On the right side, near the first disabled monitor, there will be a narrow passage leading a little higher. Follow there and find the first active monitor. What is the meaning of the puzzles: you have to listen to the song of the bird when you draw the line. She will tell you how to move the line through the maze correctly. If you hear loud singing, then the line should go up. If you hear soft singing - down. And here is the solution to the first three puzzles.
Get down. You should notice that the task is complicated by the fact that extraneous sounds appear in parallel - breaking glass, a mobile phone ringing, another bird singing, etc. Here is the answer to the four remaining monitors:
ge">Additional puzzle. Return to the first monitor and turn left as shown in the screenshot. Below is a picture with the solution. The puzzle does not affect the plot, but if you find and solve all the puzzles on the fallen monitors, you will receive a bonus.
Then you must return back to the mountain. Walk along the stones that came here (near the mountain, the mountain will be on the right). Go down even lower along the path of logs and turn left. Walk over the rocks in another part of the stream and finda mechanism where you can enter the line and raise the wall. Picture below.
Return to the jungle, go forward, past the thick tree. Go under the fallen log that had an extra puzzle on it. Immediately behind it there will be a turn to the right and stone steps leading up. Climb to the very top and find the back side of the wall that you just raised. Here you will need to find the answer to six riddles. You must listen to the song of the bird and choose how to move through the maze - to a small or large point. Each dot represents a specific note - higher or lower. In general, listen to the birds and solve riddles. Or use the answers below:
Then move along the pink cable. He will go underground near the stone arch. Climb up the slope on the left path (to the left of the stone column). You will enter bamboo thickets. Follow immediately to the left. Move along the only path until you notice a withered tree on the right. Find a barely noticeable passage to the left of it, as in the screenshot inabove. Move to the yellow box, enter a simple key. You have activated the eighth laser!
Leave the jungle and go ashore. Walk along the rocks to the end of a kind of pier. There is a boat call monitor here. Enter the line, a boat will appear from under the water. Give him a route - the only way to get to the location "Tree House"!!! On the right side of the map there are a few more lines - this is the boat speed regulator. Expect to arrive in the trees.
Climb up the wooden stairs and find the solution to the first puzzle. Here you just need to draw a line without separating the two suns. Rise above and draw a line so that twothe suns were in the same area.
Ahead of you is waiting for another portion of monitors. Monitors will appear one after another. You must find the right solutions. The meaning of the sun puzzles is simple: you have to separate the suns so that there are two of them in each area. It is impossible, for example, to separate one sun from the other three. As the game progresses, you will learn that the monitor can have two areas that have two suns, and one area without suns.
After nine puzzles, you will reach the wooden wall with the tenth task on the bridge. Here is the solution:
Walk forward and you will find yourself in a kind of reference point. Remember this location:
Follow right first. Move along the wooden bridge to the top. Under the roof you will find two paths - on the left is a green monitor, and on the right is an orange one. Take the green route. Solve the first three puzzles.
In the fourth field there are three exits at once - on the right, on the left and at the top. You can solve the puzzle in three different ways, this will open the way forward, right or left. First, solve the puzzle like this:
The way forward will open. Find the answer to all the remaining riddles:
Now back to the monitor, which has multiple outputs. It will be enough for you to solve it in a different way, so that the three subsequent monitors (already solved) turn to the right or left.
Additional riddle. But first, go ahead and find the answer to the puzzle indicated on the monitor that is disconnected from everything.
Turning the bridge to the left or right will not give you anything!
Go back to the last house and approach the orange monitor. Start solving the puzzle one by one on the orange monitors. On a second monitor, the solution can be a bit confusing. But everything is quite simple: two pairs of suns of different colors can be combined in one area.
On the fourth monitor, you can solve the puzzle by going forward, right, or left. First line up the line like this so that the bridge goes to the right:
Solve five more monitors:
Next will be a monitor, which again has three outputs. But you need to turn left (forward and straight ahead to create a bridge does not make sense).
Around the corner there will be two more puzzles that will allow you to complete the bridge. Here you will learn that in one area you can combine three pairs of suns of three different colors.
Walk along this bridge and you will see a monitor on which you need to separate the orange pair of suns from the purple one.
If you find another such cable, you can activate the bridge, which will allow you to leave the tree house, avoiding the boat trip.
Climb back across the bridge to this puzzle and solve it as follows:
The bridge will go to the left. Run along the bridge to the end and find yourself on the next tree. There is a red monitor with a simple puzzle here. Create a line and you will see how the door at the house will open ahead on the right. You can't get close to it yet, but the orange bridge you built now stands as it should.
The door will open slightly until the line disappears from the red monitor again. For now, leave her alone. Get down?Take the stairs down and turn right, where the purple monitor is located. Start solving puzzles in the same way as you did with the yellow monitors before. The task is complicated by the fact that you must draw a line through all the black dots, while leaving two suns in one area.
Climb up the wooden bridge and steps. There will be seven more purple monitors with riddles. The task will be complicated by the appearance of colored cubes on the field. Cubes of different colors, if you remember, should be separated from each other.
Go now to the orange monitors a little further. You are already close to activating the ninth laser! Start unraveling. You will find out that if suddenly there is only one sun in the picture, then you can take it to?He is paired with a square of the same color. Everything can be seen from the screenshots below. On the other hand, for a pair of suns of the same color, you can only throw cubes of a different color into a closed area.
After eight monitors, you will see a puzzle with three different exits. First, set the line so that the bridge goes forward.
Solve the remaining puzzles:
Additional thcatcher. Go forward along the bridge and find the fallen off monitor on the left side. Solve the puzzle on it, which counts as an extra.
You are behind the house. Climb the stairs and find a yellow box with a hidden laser. Climb back up the orange bridge to the tile where you can change direction. Solve the puzzle now differently:
The bridge will go to the right. Run to the right, jump down to the adjacent orange bridge and approach the red console. Enter the key to open the door. Quickly run to the opened door and go inside. Find the key designed to activate the laser. Draw a line - done!
Now you can safely leave the location "Tree House".
Return back to the boat and boldly sail to the coast of the rainforest. Once in place, look to the right side and you will see a bunker. You there!
On the doors of the bunker, a simple combination - just separate the black and white squares.
Deal with the puzzles on the monitors to the left and ahead, one by one. You just need to separate the squares of two or more colors.
Next, you can open the door to the greenhouse on the right. Go inside, but don't rush. Will you see a monitor with a large amount?by color squares. It is impossible to find the answer to this puzzle, because there is none. Exit the greenhouse and look at the same monitor, but through the yellow glass. Decide exactly this combination. You need to look at the second monitor through the blue glass in the greenhouse. On the third monitor - simultaneously through yellow and blue.
Climb up the stairs and solve the other two puzzles:
-block-image">To find the answer to the first screen, you must enter the key on the switch to the right of it. This will open the container and let in rays of sunlight. For the second monitor, the container must be closed. You see the answer above.
Move to the left and you will find yourself on the first floor. You can climb up, or you can go down to the basement. Get down to the basement. There is an elevator in the far corner. You have to solve the same puzzle, but on different floors of the building, taking the elevator higher and higher.
On the first three floors, the answer will be simple.
But then if you enter the correct combination, nothing will happen. As you can see, the green wire is broken on the right side. You must remember howThe colors changed from the first to the third floor and guess what combination the next floor will have. And here is the answer:
Enter the following response:
Exit to the roof and activate the laser by entering a simple key.
Location "Bunker" completed! Now to take the elevator down, just enter any wrong combination (draw the line to the end without separating the squares).
Go to the city, which is located to the right of the temple. There is also a mill, which you may have already visited. Find the white building with the purple sun and L-shaped puzzle on the door?with figurines from Tetris. To open the door, draw the following line:
Go inside the house and look through the newly opened door. Through the yellow glass it will be perfectly visible how to solve the puzzle on the other door of the neighboring house. Solve it. At the same time, remember that the monitor shows not just colored cubes that need to be separated from each other, but suns that stand out in pairs in the same colors, or two or more pairs of different colors can be selected in one area.
Go inside the house and solve the puzzle on the wooden structure.
The red cable leads to the tower in the center of the city. Until you can'tis to climb.
Next, find the building, inside of which there are blue columns with small thickets. Find the ajar door with a puzzle. Depending on what obstacles you see between the columns, draw a line on the door.
Climb the stairs and you will see a yellow monitor with figures from Tetris. You must draw a line so that you get a closed area and the yellow platforms are rebuilt into a bridge.
Walk forward along the resulting bridge and find the answer to the five puzzles on the blue monitors on the right side.
Now you can climb the tower even higher. Return to the ground and move towards the pier, down the slope. You should find a transparent monitor with a grid. On it you need to draw lines in pairs as follows:
Track where the blue wire leads. Here is a new riddle. On the screen, you see only half of the shadow, which shows the correct route. You can climb a little higher and see the thickets on the grate, which show the correct answer. Half of these thickets are invisible because of the red column.
Follow the green cable that will lead you to a nearby monitor. You see a familiar picture - one circle and a huge number of exits. Opposite the monitor there is an apple tree with one fruit. The tree has four branches, just like the green monitor schematic. Determine which branch is which and get the answer:
The pink cable leads to the ruins behind the green monitor. Go there and solve the puzzle on the big monitor. The answer indicates the shadow from the bushes on the window on the left. But the shadow from the tree a little further makes it difficult to recognize these shrubs. Focus and find the answer. You need to move past the shadows from the undergrowth. There are three exits in total and you must draw a line to each of them in turn. In any order. Three cables of different colors should be activated - yellow, red and orange.
When three cables are colored, a white cable will be activated leading to the second tier of these ruins. Climb up and find the answer to the last riddle of the series. Remember the desert? From a certain angle, you could see the correct answer. Here the monitor consists of three parts, so the angle will need to be found for each of them separately. At the top you can see the solution to the top part of the puzzle. In the end, you should end up with something like this:
Climb down and go towards the mill. Literally after 10 meters, turn left into the ruins of a neighboring building. Solve five riddles related to Tetris figures and dots that must be connected.
Climb up and draw the following line:
Now you can climb to the top of the tower and activate another laser.
It is time to climb the mountain, where a total of eleven lasers are now pointing.
PS If you have not redirected the laser beam from the desert using a mirror in the city, then be sure to do it. Read more in the chapter "City".
Move to the top of the mountain and you will see an arched structure and several stone statues at once. Go to the center and find the usual key on the box in the hands of the statue. Draw a line and a yellow labyrinth will appear under the feet of the statues. You must draw several lines so that they come out at different ends of the maze. Then a ladder will appear.
You can draw the first line like this:
Next, stand behind the person carrying the tape in his hands, as shown in the figure, and draw a line.
Now stand facing the person with the box (you already stood like that when you drew the line to start the maze). Draw a line as shown in the screenshot below. After that, a full-fledged staircase will appear, leading deep into the mountain.
And inside the mountain, new challenges await you!
Climb down until you see glass and a large pit on the right. In the middle is a glass column with rubbish. Climb up the stairs here and you will see an active monitor. Find a solution.
A path will appear in the center. Climb down and follow the purple path. On the left on the wall there are several yellow monitors where you need to separate the black and white squares and more.
On the first monitor, you should deal with the puzzle quickly. On the second, third and fourth monitors, the labyrinths are divided into parts and are located in different places. To start drawing a line on these monitors, you must move the cursor to the lower left corner of the monitor itself and click the left mouse button. Clicking on the circles, as usual, is useless,how the picture is shifted here.
It is also worth noting that you must move the mouse over the desktop in the same way as usual, as if you were depicted in a smooth maze. In order for the line to go up, despite the diagonal image of the maze, you need to drag the mouse up the table, and not diagonally.
On the fifth monitor, things get much more complicated. The picture is moving. In doing so, you must click on the lower left corner of the monitor to start drawing a line. The screenshot below shows the layout of the labyrinth.
On the last two monitors, the picture will either rotate, or you will see a frame change. In general, this is an optical illusion. Remember that you must move the mouse as if the picture is in a static position. And this despite the rotation of the image around its axis.
Podn?Head back to the second floor to the first monitor and build another circuit to change the track.
Follow the path to the center, where there is a lot of trash (for now, do not touch the green monitors on the wall). Among the trash, you should see a purple monitor with a puzzle. The solution will be like this:
Go through the trash in the center and move along the path further. On the other side of the junk you will find another purple monitor with a puzzle. The answer is:
Go back to the second floor and change the path like this:
Get down and move along the path to the far left corner, where there is a passage. In this room, you will need to solve puzzles on blue monitors??Oh.
Go to the green monitors and solve all the puzzles. The difficulty lies in the fact that the picture will be distorted. Answers below.
Climb back to the track construction panel and select the next line.
Get down and along the purple path get to the opened door. Move down the stairs.
One floor below
In the end, you should be in a new bright room. There are five monitors on the wall to the right. The complexity of the puzzles lies in the fact that the picture on the screen constantly changes colors. Try to figure it out. If it doesn't work, here's the answer:
Climb the stairs and make a path for yourself to the other side.
Move to that side. And now attention. Are you waiting?? an unusual series of puzzles. On the first monitor, you need to draw a line through one black dot. At first glance, everything is simple. On the second monitor, separate the black and white cubes from each other. Divide how you want. But the black dot on the first screen starts blinking! The fact is that on the second screen you must not only separate two multi-colored cubes, but also draw a line through that same black dot. On the third monitor, you need to take into account the cubes and black point of the previous ones, etc. Here is a step-by-step solution.
Climb up and see a panel with the familiar pattern you made on the other side. Not speat. Return to the other side along the blue path and redraw it:
Go back to the other side, go up the stairs and add a brown line on the monitor like this:
Follow the blue path back to the other side and redraw the blue line differently:
Again, go to another console on the second floor to redraw the brown line as follows:
It remains for the last time to redraw the blue line and go into the black opening. Get on the elevator and make it go down.
Additional puzzle. When the elevator just starts going down, immediately look around. On the side there will be a separated tile:
When the elevator stops, exit it. Don't rush into the room. Wait until the light appears, and instead of black squares you will see blue screens. Solve the riddles with the standard method:
Now the whole hall becomes a huge labyrinth. upstawalk near the elevator and turn your back to it. From here you can draw a line (there will be a mirror line on the left or right).
The door ahead will open. Each time the panels on the doors will be different. Therefore, the screenshot below is only an example of solving one of the options.
Try it - the riddles are really easy!
After that, the door will open and you will see the following picture:
Some kind of cave with several pillars. All riddles will be on pillars and we will not be able to provide you with any screenshots. But we are happy to share the video with you.
After solving all the puzzles from under the water will appearsya lift. Enter it and look at the ceiling. There should be two green stripes near the doors. Draw a line on one of them and the elevator will close.