A detailed walkthrough of the role-playing game in the universe of The Witcher
In this part, Queen Meva, after signing important documents, returns to her lands, which were attacked by the robbers. This chapter will be educational, you will not experience serious problems. At the beginning, we read what the training system will offer. We start with 3 main resources - gold, recruits and wood.
We go along the path and find ourselves on a mill bend. We'll put up a blue flag here. Hover over the flag with the cursor so that it changes shape and becomes a “cross”. This means that the object we are looking at is interactive. To interact with it, you need to get closer so that the image of the “mouse” appears along with the “cross”. We approach the flag, hold down the RMB and get recruits.
We look around at the bend, we turn to the woman who is talking to the man so that she gives the approximate location of the treasures.
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We collect resources and go to the right to find a barely noticeable hut a little higher and to the right of the fenced arable land. We approach and see that the cursor of the "white shovel" has appeared. We interact, open the chest and get 260 ?? gold. We will also unlock a trophy - Reynard Odo's card.
We go up and rest against the log. Here we have to choose for the first time.
First, let's look at the simplest mechanics. You are fighting against another commander who controls his cards. Your deck is shown at the bottom of the screen, the opponent's deck is shown at the top. At the start of your turn, both you and your opponent will each have three cards. You can lay out cards in one of two rows - for melee or ranged fighters. A number of ranged fighters are located next to the cards, melee - closer to the center.
Melee cards can attack enemy cards located in the adjacent row. Ranged cards (sorry for the tautology) are limited by range. The number "2" means that if you put this card in the bottom row, you can only attack one row of the enemy. To be able to attack both rows of the opponent, put this card on your top row.
The attacker will go first. In the second andIn the third round, the first move is made by the winner of the previous one. Each card has a power number: the round is won by the one who has a higher rating by the end of the round. Various cards will allow you to either attack enemy cards or strengthen your own. Thus, it is not enough to have the best cards in your hand: it all depends on how you combine them correctly.
In addition, you need to use the ability of the leader - Meve. It can enhance your cards. If the card she casts her ability on has Loyalty, then the bonus from Meve's ability is doubled.
After the victory, take the loot and follow the road until you find yourself on the Lyrian Plains. Here you will be able to set up your first camp. This component of the game is associated with management (base management). Click on the "tent" icon in the left edge and you will find yourself on the base screen. Follow the instructions and upgrade the tent to the second level to open the map of the researched location (-1000 gold, -50 wood).
Go to the gray tent and learn how to create maps. Read the instructions, find the Wagenburg map in the central part and right-click. Next, click on the "Dial" button at the bottom of the screen. Confirm the call, then click on the LMB to add the card to the deck.
Look around in the camp: in the royal tent you can read letters and reports, in the dining room you can chat with Reynard.
There is also a gray messenger that will allow you to study the statistics of the game. In the workshop, you can buy new upgrades.
Go right and interact with the temple (small house). This will increase the morale of the squad. This setting can be low, medium or high. Medium does not give any bonuses, low leads to a penalty, high leads to a strengthening of the squad. After any battle, morale is automatically restored to medium.
The next battle will have to be against monsters. A new card will appear in it - the banner. In the future, you can replace the banner, but now you have a card available that speeds up the recovery of Meve's skills by one turn. Also in this battle, for the first time, an additional effect on the field will appear - fog. There are many more such effects in the game.e. The banner card will not disappear between rounds. In battle, you will also learn how to save cards for the next round if the current situation is stalemate and there is no chance of winning. Remember: a lost round is only a third of the battle.
Soon you will reach Eagle Creek, next to which you will see an index sign. This sign is used for fast travel.
Chat with the old man. If you listen to it several times, you will receive additional gold. Go to the square. Talk to the sergeant and interrogate people. After learning about who helped the leader of the bandits, decide what to do with people. If you release them all, the morale will drop by one level. If you decide to shave men, you will get new recruits. One way or another, the objective of the quest will be updated - you need to visit the estate of Lord Clayton, located south of here.
Advice. In the village you will find the first bulletin board. Interact with her to mark nearby points of interest on the map.
When leaving the city, you will find oldka who asks for help with the cart. Decide whether to spend 25 wood and earn 50 gold, spend 50 gold and increase morale, or ignore the request.
Walk up along the fence to find a wounded thug inside a small hut. You can hang it, but increase morale, or let it go, but find out where the treasure is buried. The map will show a waterfall, we will mark its location below after the side quest "Sacrilege".
Go right down the road and you will come across your first puzzle. You will need to destroy three boulders before they fall on Meve. Also, the fight will only last one turn. This is the first such battle, so you just need to follow the instructions on the screen. In parallel, keep an eye on exactly how the game proposes to solve this problem.
From now on, all subsequent puzzles will be quite difficult, so we will try to describe each one. Go along the road and you will find yourself at the third index sign. A text scene will start here, from which you will learn about the monsters to the east of here. On the right, there is indeed a small courtyard with drowners and a puzzle icon. Nearby you can activate a new notice board. To the top of the intersection is a temple, near which on the stake?A praying woman is standing there. Talk to her several times to get a bonus - an increase in morale.
Above, there is a locked gate leading to the battlefield. But for now, go down to the village with drowners.
So, you need to kill all drowners in one round, and it is important to use their special skill: every turn, the enemy changes cards in rows, and if a card with an even strength indicator drops from the topmost (ranged combat) (for example, as by default with “4 » units), then it attacks all units in the enemy row, dealing two damage each. But if this card is with an odd power, then it will not be able to attack.
Your task is to destroy the cards before the end of the turn, while not losing any of your own.
Here is the sequence:
It can be finished off by releasing Lyria: Crossbowman on the battlefield and using the attack of this card.
After winning the battle, you will be able to search the bodies and find resources and a treasure map (in a letter). The treasure is buried in a field between two sheaves. The required field is located to the left of the place where you just fought. The field will not be strewn with anything, but on the left side you will see two sheaves. Approach them and a point for excavating the treasure will appear. Dig and open the chest for 240 gold and a new multiplayer card called Gudmund.
Let's now go up from the village of Dichki. You will find the sanctuary of Melitele, near which the nuns stand. They will tell you that the bandits have plundered the sanctuary. Go to the right and find cart tracks. Follow above and find a hole in the fence on the left. Pass through it to find yourself in the territory of the Melitele sanctuary. In the center stands a tree with a statue. Make an offering of 250 gold to receive a map fragment and increase morale.
Exit the sanctuary and go up through the broken gate. Remember closed gates? If you turn right now and go down along the river, then you, firstly, will have to decide how to deal with the corpses in the village (ignore or spend 50 coins for burial and increase morale), and, secondly, you will find yourself on that towards the gate, seeing the dragon next to the nun. It will be quite difficult to fight him, so we recommend leaving this fight for a later date.
Climb up and find the bandits who stole wine from the temple. This time you will be able to attack first, so you will be the first to go. The fight will only last one round. You need, firstly, for his timeHeal three wagons of gold (three cards with 1 health and 9 armor), and secondly, complete the round by winning by strength points.
To destroy wagons, use your crossbowmen (who should be called in the rows with the most cards), as well as Wagenburg. It is noteworthy that during the battle the enemy will call for four or five cards with wagons, but you just need to destroy any three. After summoning the card, you will have two turns to destroy it: after that, it will hide. The Lyria: Cosigners cards will be useless here, since they are only suitable for defeating by force (but it is easier to achieve than to destroy the wagons). Lay "war wagons" that add two foot soldiers and other cards on the table.
After the battle, you can decide what to do: keep what you stole for yourself, receiving 941 gold and lowering morale, or returning things to the monastery, increasing morale.
IMPORTANT . This decision will affect the Eik of Denesle card. The knight will join you much later, and together with him you will destroy the manticore on the quest "In the lair of the Beast".
If you steal the silver, then Eik will leave the squad.
Now go to the left of the robbers and from above, near the outskirts of the regionfind a locked house. Go down from it and next to the walls of the temple, right on the road you will see a corpse. Examine the body and find the key that can be used to open the house, getting gold and wood.
Remember the card from the man you could hang? Go even more to the left from here to find a bridge with a waterfall further than the garden. Stand on the bridge and a point for digging up the treasure will appear. In addition to 230 gold, you'll also receive a new multiplayer card called "Males of Spalla".
Go even more to the left and you will find yourself near the cemetery. A nun will stand nearby and warn of danger. Activate the index sign and go to the graveyard to find a corpse eater associated with a new puzzle. Pass him outside the cemetery to the left to find a chest with a treasure standing on the surface. Open it to receive gold and a new avatar frame that can be used in multiplayer.
Before starting the puzzle in the monastery cemetery, you can examine the ruined crypt above. It will be possible to pick up 150 gold, but lower morale, or repair the crypt for 25 woodblues and boost morale.
This is another fight with a set deck and a special challenge. At the top there will be three Foulbrooders for 8 HP. You need to make sure that by the end of the battle, each card has 1 HP. And here's how to do it:
Collect the loot and exit the cemetery to the right. Talk a few times with the nun nearby to increase the morale of the army.
Now head down the main marker to Lord Clayton's estate. Before the bridge leading there, you will find a tavern. By paying 25 gold for a rest, you will increase the morale of the soldiers. Before heading to the lord, let's go to the left side. There will be a field with cows, with which another puzzle is connected - "Into the pasture."
You need to kill the 16 HP Rabid Cow before it kills even one normal cow. There are five simple cows in total, each with 4 HP. Mad cow destroys the weakest or deals any of the equal damage for 1 HP. This happens once every two turns (at the beginning of the battle - after the first). Thus, at the beginning of the battle, all cows are equal, so the rabid one attacks any of the five. After that, if you do not take action, the frenzied card will destroy the very cow that it attacked first. All you have to do is attack any other cow with the crossbowman placed in an empty row so that that one also has 3 HP left. By the way, notice that the third condition is used??e unique ability of a leader. This time, Meve will have an ability that allows her to move any card to the top of the deck.
Here is the sequence of actions:
As you can see, we finished the fight in three turns, without even having to equalize the HP of two healthy cows. For winning a battle, you will receive an additional Scarecrow card, which can be added to the deck at the command headquarters.
Up onThere is a locked house, and to the left you can find a note with a key that allows you to open it and pick up resources. Go left and down to get to the wedding. Agree to take part in the wedding to witness the kidnapping of the bride. After that, you will need to decide whether to go further or help poor people.
After walking at the wedding and seeing the kidnapping of the bride, go down to the pier from below and talk to the fisherman. You will be able to get a map fragment, but for this you will need to either lower morale by taking the item, or part with 100 gold coins.
Now go to the right, where you came from, to see the kidnappers and the bride next to the bridge. All that needs to be done in combat is to destroy the kidnapper. You do not need to win on points in this round! To destroy the enemy, use the Wagenburg cards (after laying it out, add the War Wagon a couple of times in a row and strengthen it with the leader’s ability to increase armor to the maximum) and Crossbowman, placing it in a row with a large number of cards. There will be nothing difficult in the battle.
After completing the quest, the Sangreal card will be added to your squad. You can find it at the headquarters of the command. At the end of the assignment, you will need to decide what to do with the bride and the kidnapper, who is actually her lover - let goor return the girl to her parents.
Climb up from the place where they fought, and you will see a man at the hut. Go around his house on the right and follow a little higher. Move to the left in the forest clearing to find an excavated treasure chest with a new epic avatar frame.
Head back to the bridge leading to Lord Clayton's estate. If you climb up and turn left towards the village of Zadar, you can walk past it and get to the old cemetery. In addition to the strange monster, there is a crypt here, digging which will cost you 100 gold, but you will get the third map fragment. The map is fully assembled and now you can find it at the command headquarters.
In the old cemetery to the left of Zadar, you will meet this monster. The Weeper herself cannot be killed, as she is invulnerable. At the same time, in the same row with her are the Rotten with the tag testament. By destroying them, you will be able to deal with the Weeper.
The sequence of actions is as follows:
For completing this fight, you will receive a new card - Meve: War Hammer (replaces the main skill).
On the territory of Zadar, the locals rebelled against the dwarves and elves, so once you find yourself in the village, you can decide how to act: bypass Zadar or join the fight.
In the second case, the battle will begin with a given deck, while the task is simple - to kill all enemies.
At the beginning of each turn, the Frenzied Mob cards will restore their strength value to a value equal to the number of cards in this row. Thus, there are six cards, and therefore the strength ofeach now has six.
After the fight, you will need to decide whether to kill the instigators or flog them. Either way, collect loot and interact with the bulletin board to see new markers on the map. Talk to the dwarf to the right of Zadar to get an additional recruit.
Go down and find yourself in the estate of Lord Clayton. Here you will need to kill Gascon, the Prince of Kobelin. The fight "Pacification of males" will begin. The fight lasts one round. To destroy it, you will have to use strong cards. At the beginning of the battle at GAscon has too many health points, so you will have to make sure that there are cards to the right and left of him, the total value of the power of which is higher than his.
If so, Gascon will take 3 damage at the start of his next turn. He will most likely move to the top row, so you will have to surround him there as well. Toward the end of the battle, it will be enough to use one card next to Gascon. As soon as his card is destroyed, the battle will end. For this victory, you will receive a new card - "Meva: Broadsword" (gives a new unique leader skill).
Upon leaving the estate, you will be met by the envoy of Nilfgaard, who will give an ultimatum from the general. You can decide whether to attack the escort or simply respond negatively to the ultimatum.
Go right along the path and go down to see the windmill. There is an indication sign and a notice board, as well as people offering new recruits in exchange for gold. Go left and you will find yourself in the garden behind the Clayton estate. Go through the garden to the arable land on the left and go up to find a treasure chest with a new map for online play - Male: Bomber.
Return to the fork with the windmill and follow to the rightside. Gather resources along the way, then look into Rustburg Fortress above. Climb the walls and fight the Nilfgaardians in a short fight. There shouldn't be any difficulties here: just use the Order abilities (and leader refers to those) wisely, destroying enemy cards that are strengthened by them. After the victory, you will receive 10 recruits. Talk to the soldier to get 4 more recruits.
Climb down from Rustburg to get to the Lost Lands, where you will find a notice board and another puzzle. Perhaps this was the most difficult task that we faced in this huge location. The whole trick is that the Execution card destroys the strongest unit, while if there are two cards with the highest power (the same value), then both will be destroyed. In our case, we need to equate the strength of three cards.
Here is the sequence of actions:
After the battle, collect resources and use the bulletin board. Return to the entrance to Rustburg Fortress, but go around the top of it along the river, moving to the left to get to the chest you could see earlier. Inside it lies a map for a network game.
Follow from Rustburg to the right until you find a burnt house. You can interact with him by spending recruits, but increasing morale and getting a map fragment. A little further to the right is a road sign - activate it. Nearby are two men. After talking to them, go down and see the destroyed bridge.
Since there is no way to get to the other side, then turn right, where you will fall into a trap.
You will have a short fight with your own deck of cards. It is enough to win in one round by the sum of the strength of all cards. After thefood, decide what to do - promise freedom in exchange for data or hang, thereby increasing morale.
Cross the bridge from above and chat with the man standing next to the other man and woman. After a few phrases, you will receive 47 gold. Above is another man - a shopkeeper. Talk to him. If you give him 4 recruits, you will receive 250 wood in return and another map fragment. Walk left and return to the bridge you could have crossed earlier. If you go even further to the left, you can fight another Weeper. The fight will take place in the usual format - to win in two rounds. Upon completion, search the bodies to get a note with a treasure map.
Climb up and in a small village you will find an elf, over whom the locals are trying to commit lynching. Decide what to do - let the lynching happen or save the elf. After you can take him into the army - you will receive one recruit. Follow up, right and down to get to the village of Milin. First of all, interact with the message board. Next, exit the village on the right and activate the road sign. Climb a little higher and chat with the man at the mill. You can spend 100 coins and increase the morale of the squad, or refuse, receiving 4 recruits, but lowering the morale.
Get downь down to the road sign near Milin and turn right. Walk between the fir trees to find a small shed with a hay roof below. There is a stone above it: get close and find a place where you can dig a chest. It contains 300 gold and a new multiplayer frame.
Now you can climb up and cross the bridge next to the house, near which the nun is standing. Behind the bridge you will see an altar that raises morale. Now you can go up the detour or dismantle the blockage on the right. For him, you will need to spend 50 gold so as not to affect morale, or tell the soldiers that they should not complain (you will not spend gold, but morale will drop).
If you go up into the ravine, you will soon find the Nilfgaardians attacking the troll. There will be an opportunity to help him. So we'll do it.
During this short fight, you must kill all the enemies without letting Shop die or be captured. During the battle, you will use your own deck of cards, while the battle will drag on for only one round. The complexity of the battle lies in the fact that every two turns, Lavk will deal damage to your cards either in the row in which he stands or in the opposite. It all depends on the total value of the force in a particular row - evenor odd. However, it is quite easy to win (at least on normal difficulty). For winning and helping Lavku, the troll will reward you with a new Elf Onion Soup card.
Whether you went around or helped Lavka, in any case, you will find yourself near the road sign, and then you can cross the bridge to get as close to Dravograd as possible. The camp of Army Group "Vostok" will appear before you. Thus begins the battle of Dravograd.
The fight will take place over three rounds (or two - up to a similar number of victories). An additional task will appear - kill the commander of the Vreemde in order to receive a bonus reward. The commander has 20 points of strength, while he restores them at the beginning of each turn.
To destroy it, you will need two Wagenburg cards.
Lay them out, then start strengthening with Meva's ability and laying out other cards in the same row. Ignore other opponents. Even if there are cards that are enhanced by your orders. After gaining the required amount of armor from two Wagenburg cards, destroy the commander. If there is no desire, then you can win the battle in a simple way: without killing the commander, but by winning in two rounds. By the way, after killing the commander, the battle is automatically for?ruffles.
After winning the battle, you will lose the Earl of Caldwell card, but get a new one - the Fake Floren (most likely, this only happens when you kill the commander). You will also need to decide whether to support Dravograd or not. In the first case, you will have to sacrifice 2000 coins.
You cannot enter Dravograd, but you can go around it along the walls, moving to the left. Return to the camp that you just destroyed in the card fight and collect a lot of useful items. You can find resources, a note, and even a chest with the new Elf Onion Soup card. However, if you unlocked it earlier, then you will not need it.
Go to the village after Dravograd and use the bulletin board.
There are people nearby - talk to them and decide what to do: ignore or spend two recruits in exchange for morale or 200 gold.
Proceed further until you are stopped by pirates led by Gu?munda. It is not necessary to kill him, but you must use the features of the card: Gudmund, each time at the beginning of his turn, exchanges damage with the unit that has the most strength. And it can even be an enemy squad! Thus, deploy low strength units first so that Gudmund "fights against his own". If you're lucky, you can even kill the villain. Otherwise, you just need to win by strength in one round. As a reward for winning a battle, you will receive a new card "Mardrem: Bear". Then you can either punish the pirates or set them on Nilfgaard.
Follow the path to the left until you reach the village of Creedam. Not far from it there will be a road sign, in the village - a bulletin board. Talk to the guard and give a speech if you want to boost your morale. Go down the bridge, go to the arable land and find a new puzzle with the Dragon.
During the battle, you will need to protect the cows while trying to kill the wyvern. You will lose if there is not a single cow left on the battlefield. The wyvern will kill a random cow at the start of each turn.
Perhaps this is one of the easiest puzzles:
After the victory, look around, collect useful items, including a note.
By the way, another puzzle is waiting for you to the top of Creedam, to the left of the camp located next to it. Go there and start it. You need to destroy all opponents, but this is not easy to do. By killing the first card, you will summon two similar ones. As soon as there are three such cards, one small golem will appear. It will be divided similarly to the first "Boulders": into two parts. When there are three small golems, they will unite into one large one. And you will have to kill him. And you will do this at the expense of the "Will" from the foot soldiers from the wagon (with a change?They do 5 damage to the enemy). Here is the sequence of actions:
At the end of it, you will receive a new card, and you can also collect resources. Head back up to Creedam and follow the path to the left to the next road sign. Before reaching it, climb up past the arable land to find a woman in need of help. If you help her, you will earn the third map fragment and get a new one.
From the road sign to the left of Creedam, go up to find a peasant. It will be possible to redeem a treasure map from him by paying 50 coins. You can take it away, but in this case, morale will decrease. The map shows a nearby location. Climb up and go right. Here it will be necessary to resolve the dispute between two men who cannot divide the garden between them. If you decide to divide it in half, then you will not get anything useful. Go to the right of them and behind the house you will see two logs and an axe.
This is the place that was shown on the map. Get close to the "white shovel" icon. Retrieve the treasure and pick up a new item - an avatar for online play. Pick up resources nearby and go back to the road sign.
Cross the bridge on the lower left and meet a lone knight. Talk about everything, after which you will receive a new card - "Eik from Denesle". It can be added to the deck through the command headquarters. Climb up from the place where you met Ake to find the Beast's lair. The fight will only last one round, and you will have to kill the Beast.
In fact, this is a very simple battle. You will have Eyck in your deck: he can attack one specific unit when placed, and each time your friendly cards take damage, Eyyk's power increases (even if he is in his hands). Thus, play without Eik for the entire part of the battle, accumulate armor for the Wagenburg and use it to attack the far part of the Beast. If you destroy the head, then the battle will end with your victory. If you destroy any other part of the body, then the head will receive an additional 6 points of damage. While the Beast is attacking you, Eik will accumulate strength, after which you will put him on the battlefield and finish off the manticore by attacking the head. We repeat: there is nothing complicated here!
Important decision. Eik will remain in your squad only if you, helping the nuns from the sanctuary of Melitele, returned their silver to them. What if you took the jewels of the monastery?I, then Eik will leave the squad. At the same time, you will receive a new Trophy: Manticore card anyway.
Follow down and to the right along the path that leads to the exit from this large location. Along the way, you can look into Gudmund's camp to collect resources and a note. Above and to the right of the camp is a village of lumberjacks, where you can help a man who is being molested by bandits. You can spend 100 gold or two recruits to increase the morale of the army. After you help him, on the right in the boxes you can find a new card "Mardrem: Vengeance". Move on. If you took an elf into your squad, whom people wanted to execute, then it is here that you will find out that it was he who poisoned the water, because of which one recruit died. Then the queen will order his execution. You will lose another recruit.
Go right and soon you will reach the exit from the location. If you leave it, you will complete the chapter, but you will not be able to return to continue solving puzzles and searching for chests. If you unlocked the observation tower in the workshop, then open the map and use the search for noteworthy objects for 50 gold coins. As soon as this function stops working, then know that you have found all the interesting objects. It remains to collect resources and solve puzzles.