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Walkthrough Webbed - game guide

A detailed guide to story missions in the cute Webbed adventure, in which you control a little spider trying to save the spider from a treacherous bird
Walkthrough Webbed - game guide
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
9 September 2021

The game begins with you, the little spider, sitting at the end of a small forest area. Your first task is to learn how to move. This is done using the WASD key set or the left analog for joysticks. Do this and a friendly little spider will appear: it's your boyfriend. He will start dancing and that's what we're going to do next! Approach him, then press Q (or LT).

Then your guy will start moving to the left - our first obstacle, a ledge. Press Spacebar or A to jump. Immediately behind it is another obstacle, but over which you cannot jump. However, we are a spider! This is not an obstacle for us, and, as our character's boyfriend will show us, you can weave and cling to the web to reach great heights: you will have to get used to this.

Left-click or press ZL while pointing the mouse or the right equivalent to launch the web where your pointer is pointing. If you hit a solid element, you can grab onto your web and keep climbing until you hit it. In this case, point to the small branch shown in the image below and press (hold the button) to grab and climb onto it.

Then you have to cross a huge abyss. Same logic, but we'll add some jumps to it. Grab the big branch on the right in?on the lower corner to move forward, then release it and jump to the ledge on the other side.

But there are other ways to use the Internet, as this new field will show us. Of course, you can move using your own web, but you can also weave it between points to create bridges! And this is what the boyfriend of our little character will show us.

Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.

To weave a web between things (can be any solid thing), first point to a specific location and press RMB or ZL and, without releasing it, point to the new location you want to connect to. Only then let go. Try it with the first part: first, point to the stone that is in the upper right; then connect it to where you are to make a small bridge that will allow you to get from point A to point B.

Once the weave is done, you should be able to walk over it, but be aware that sometimes your little spider won't connect to them, in which case try pressing the up arrow key/button until it does.

There's going to be a huge chasm next, but there's no need to weave a web when our character's guy did a bit of his own: you can use that to jump to a new section. Said area will be vertical, mostly covered with muddy surface. Dirty surface too chipped??Sharp, so that you can pass through it, as well as attack it with a web.

What you need to do here (and in general any time you can avoid dirty surfaces) is to weave a web between points that are not dirty so that you can get to the top without falling.

Notice how you can connect the web you're weaving - you can do it all you want, but remember, that's when physics comes into play! In any case, keep weaving until you connect with your partner's web, moving to the right - and head there too. In the end, you will reach your and his nest.

However, while you are playing, a big bird will attack you! This introduces us to the last move - lasers. Yes, we are spiders that can fire lasers, isn't that incredible! Lasers allow you to destroy elements of the environment (such as your own web if you make a mistake) and in this particular case attack enemies. Keep using it to scare away the bird. Aim with your mouse or right hand analog, then fire your laser with A or RT!

In a state of rage, the bird will steal our precious boyfriend and fly away. What do we do? Let's go straight ahead, of course, it's a platformer! Break the small branch that is blocking your path (remember, the laser) and proceed to the next screen.

Once there you will findfriendly moth. He will want to talk to you - you can talk to other insects and interact with certain objects using F (or X) when prompted. He will take you to his nest, where you both come with a plan to save your precious beau. Moth believes that with the help of ants you can turn his old nest into a flying balloon that will take you to the bird's nest; the dung beetles should be able to help you make some fuel for your flight, and the bee will make a great guide.

Thus, new targets will appear on the screen for you. Goals will be given to you as the game progresses: sometimes the main goals, sometimes just secondary, optional. Whatever they are, you can always check them by opening your journal by pressing the Tab or minus key.

The journal consists of three sections:

  1. The first section is a map and although it is not yet complete, it will show you the different areas that are in the world of this game, and it is very specific, detailing each screen that makes up the area, and whether you have found all of them. the secrets are there (a fully filled area will show up as a white dot, unfinished areas are marked in black).
  2. The second section is our taskbar - on the left page, it details "What needs to be done", ?? already completed tasks overlap. On its right page, you will find different things, namely collectibles related to specific goals that you can complete.
  3. The third section is dedicated to stickers. Complete certain conditions in the game and some characters will give you unique stickers! We're just not going to show it, because there really isn't anything in it right now.

Join us on the next page of our guide as we solve the first challenge: get the ants to help us turn the moth's nest into a flying ball that will allow us to get to the bird's nest.


We repeat our walkthrough from where we left off, next to Moth and after he gave us the escape plan. Our first goal, as we said, is to convince the ants, so first we need to get to their anthill. how do we do it?

Well, if you look at the map, you can see that the anthill is right below us.

Jump onto the small vine that hangs from the Moth's nest, then climb down from there. You will reach a small branch, and from there to another branch below, and so on...

In fact, you can always just let yourself fall all the way down and nothing should happen (not something we've seen). Anyway, by then you will reach the ground. Caught tam, go to the right and you should meet the entrance to the anthill - go inside and not too far away you will run into an ant who wants to talk.

Elevator repair

Let's go to meet this comrade Karl... keep going to the right, then go down into the hole. You will reach a new area. In it, you'll find an elevator that keeps going down, but turning it on doesn't seem to do anything - could this be due to the set of gears to our left?

Go left until you enter a new area and talk to the ant that is there. If you help him get the gear, which you can find in the room to his left, he will help you fix it, he says.

So keep moving to the left until you reach a new area with a pool of boiling...acid? You have to avoid touching it, but it's not as easy as jumping over it, as you can see that this possible path is blocking a set of spikes. Instead, weave a web that will allow you to cross from one side to the other, like this:

But then you find that you can't keep going to the left! Instead, use your web to get to the platform above, the one with the maggots moving, which, by the way, we are going to collect (just walk on it).

From this platform, jump onto the vine that is in the upper right side of the screen, andjump from it to another platform, which is to the right. In it you will find the screw you were looking for. Just push him to the right and follow his path, but be careful he doesn't fall into the acid pit! If so, you will have to pull it out using web and physics to lift it (weave a web that connects it and the roof and then push it out) - however this is very rare.

Once the gear is at the base level, you can just grab onto it and keep walking and it will follow you! Return it to the ant who asked for it, he will take it next to the elevator, so go back to the starting room of this puzzle.

All you have to do when the gear returns to its starting area is place it where the rest of the gear is. You can just grab onto him and keep walking to the left until he stays in place inside the mechanism. Then use the lever at the top of the elevator to activate it and head down.

Once at the bottom, you will only have to use the lever to your right to open the metal doors to the anthill. Congratulations on completing your first challenging puzzle.


Right at the entrance there will be a new hole leading down - just let yourself fall and you will be taken to a hub of sorts where you will finally meet Carl. Will he give you a set of tasks that will help you?Let me complete Mehanta, after which the ants will be happy to help us in return.

Our tasks will be:

  • Pass the mandibles through the forge.
  • Reconnect the fuel lines.
  • Reconnect the water pipes.
  • Connect the legs of the mechanical ant.

Let's do the second and third tasks first, then the fourth and finish the first of them. Without further ado, let's move to the right entrance, which leads to a supply room of sorts.

Reconnection of supply (fuel, water)

So, we get into a large hub area and you should try to jump to the right, down a little, until you get to a large platform with three signs.

As you can see, the fuel room is to our left, and the water room is below us. However, there is a small caveat: the fuel room is blocked by a set of metal doors that we cannot open; and the entrance to the water room is surrounded by spikes so that we can’t swing there! There's a platform that could take us there, but it doesn't have the power... and that's the problem.

There is no power, so we need to get to the room with the power generators and activate them again before even thinking about restoring water and fuel supplies. According to the sign, the room with the power generator is to our right, so weave a web to get through, and then go there.

power room

You will immediately come across a button and an unfinished gear mechanism. Turn the mechanism on and press the button and power should come back, but the mechanism is missing a gear!

So where is this gear? Let's go find it. First, use your web to jump onto the vine to your right, climb it, then jump into the hole to your left. You will encounter your first trap - a set of two horizontal metal plates that crash into each other and then open again and again: time your movements in such a way as to get through them.

Now climb onto the platform with the gear and lever, and you'll want to connect them both with a web so that as the gear rotates, the lever activates and deactivates in sequence. This is because the next section will be directly linked to it.

Jump to the right and you will reach the indicated section: there will be a set of piston traps that move in tune with the gear mechanism that we came up with. The first section will be a set of horizontal pistons that will be easy to pass through: wait for one to come, advance, stop, wait for the next one to come, advance...

The vertical puzzle is a little more difficult - I recommend shooting the web of capture going up as each piston disappears untilyou won't get up.

Once you've made it all the way up, you'll reach a new area with a moving platform and two levers (one at the bottom, one at the top): you want to connect them both to it. Then, first sort out a set of vertical pistons; then do the same trick as in the previous puzzle (grab) to solve the horizontal set. You will meet a cog! Push him all the way and fall with him.

You will go all the way down and meet a new ant. He is stuck there and needs your help to get up. You have to weave a web and play with the physics so that both it and the gear can be pulled back to the starting area (to your left). A good strategy is to first get them up vertically using the vine above you and the roof on the left, then use more webs, guiding them towards the entrance and getting rid of all the webs once they are both in a safe place.

Once there, place the gear where it needs to go and tie the ant you just picked up so it's stuck on top of the button to permanently turn the electricity back on. When everything is done, you can return to where you came from, to the central world.

water room

Back in the center, take the small moving platform going down to get to the entrance to the water supply room, then of course use it.

We go into a new room - you can’t go to the right, but you can go to the left. On your way you will find a small log. Push him down to the left path, then grab him until he is over the button on the new level.

Head down a level and you'll find a new journal at the bottom. Very carefully, button. Place it right on top to keep moving forward. Then keep going down.

Walk all the way down and enter the new entrance at the bottom. You will reach a new room with three possible exits: one way to the left and two ways down. For now, ignore the exit heading on the left. Take the one that goes down to the left and avoid the pistons!

At the bottom there is another entrance that you must use. The last room is the one where the water pipes are located: however, it seems to be missing a few segments! They are scattered around the room: two below (one on the shore, the other at the bottom of the pool), and another on the left, stuck between stalachites.

There are a thousand ways to spin a web and get them there, but the idea is that you are essentially spinning a web. Use gravity and physics to bring the pipes as close as possible to the holes in the system.

Finally, press the button at the bottom of the room to activate the mechanism and... voila! Water supply behind. Now go back to the central room. Keep in mind that on the way there, in the lanein the water supply room, the water will start to rise and some pistons will become active and you will have to avoid them.

fuel room

From the junction room, turn left to enter the Fuel Room.

You will need to follow the left path, but not to the end. Stop in the middle and you'll find another pipe segment to finish. Easy enough.

Then go all the way down. There you will be able to find larvae to collect. Then keep going to the right to reach the last area in the fuel room. Once here, you will immediately notice that there is another unfinished section of the circuit, but instead of pipes, they are flexible tubes that are more difficult to handle.

They are very twitchy, so try to set them up with plenty of web so they never come out. Then keep going straight past the small elevator until you reach the acid pool. Use your web to pull both of them out of the pool on the left side. Once there, connect both and lift both to the elevator with the grab function.

This will help you get all the way up, but not in such a way that you can easily unload your cogs. Instead, you will again have to use the web to pick them up. And once at the top, you'll find two sets of gears that you can place gears on, again with the help of webs.

ZThen keep going to the right and you'll find the last gear to place, as well as a button to turn on the mechanism.

This is done and all supplies will be connected again: go back to the starting hub (where you met Carl), but beware of the now moving pistons in the throwing machine!

Assembly of legs

After returning from the main center, go to the very bottom, then take the path that goes to the left - it is clearly marked with a sign with gears - Engineering room.

Once in this new room, there will be a small path to the entrance, covered with a slippery surface. There are a few traps triggered by your passage, but the entry will be so fast that you will avoid it completely, so don't worry.

You will reach a new area where an ant is burrowing: from there go left and down, but beware of the spikes! Carefully use your grapple to get on the wooden platform below. Then go down again, then left until you find a new exit leading down.

A new area, and first go down to the platform with a gear and a lever. Then, using your web, you will need to insert the gear into the mechanism on the wall to your right.

Then look to the left, there will be a lever. You want to weave the web so that it is pointing down. This will lower the special bridge, exposing part of the arm. Drag it to the right?? and into the elevator on the other side of the room. However, there will be some spikes in your path blocking your path, so use your web to lift it up and take it to the elevator on the other side.

Now return to the platform with the lever and activate it. Then use your web to move it to the anthill on your left. He will pick it up and return it to the previous room. You will also have to go back there and get to the middle right platform, where the hand piece will now be, right under the other metal piece. The point here is to connect them both, with the red part of one coming into contact with the hole of the other, like this:

Once it is collected, leave a new shiny hand there and go left until you exit to the exit that is there. The first section in this area consists of a set of triggered traps: use your web to get through them and you will eventually stumble upon a puddle of acid. You can also connect to a network to go through it as shown below.

Then a trap consisting of two metal plates colliding with each other. Easy to get to, just time them. After that, you will come to another area where you can find a hand piece.

There will be a lever next to the platform - activate it and you will be lifted for a short while; with a new set of moving platforms above it. Connect part of the hand to one of themand follow her as she goes up. Once it's over the new section of floor (where the other piece is), cut the webbing.

In fact, if you're really lucky, you can cut one sleeve over the other and they will join together when the first one falls off! Otherwise, well, use your web. Once assembled, push the new piece down and it should fall right into a small mound, if not close to it. The ant will carry it back to the previous room, so we'll go there too.

Now it's time to bring them all back to Mech Ant. First, go to the very floor of this area and you will find the piece we just moved. Drag him to the elevator that is to his right and use the lever to support him. You will then have both arms that you have gathered quite close together: you need to place both of them on the platform in the upper left corner using your web.

Once the platform is fully raised, push your hands to the right, into the anthill that is there. An ant will come and take him to the room where the fur ant is. We will return there through the exit in the upper left corner: but remember about the pointed pillar! Use straps as shown in the following pictures to avoid tripping.

The weapon we just transferred will appear in the bottom center of the Mech Ant room. Tie one to the otherthen drag them to the moving platform on the left (where there is another hand). Then use the lever on the platform to move it up.

Separate the legs and drag each of them to where they should go in the Mecha Ant - they connect to the little red dots on the Mecha Ant's skeleton.

Let's now move on to the last part of the Ant Mech: the claws. Fortunately, this section is much shorter than the previous two.

Forging pincers

Go to the left entrance to the middle of the room marked "Forge". Got it, take it. Initially, the site is a simple tunnel, but when it opens, you come across a puddle of acid that is on fire. Luckily, avoiding this trap isn't too difficult, as there is a simple platform that moves back and forth. It only moves towards the middle, but then you can jump to the other one and that's it.

Use your web to climb over the puddle of fire and pick up the larvae.

You will enter an area with no discernable exit... other than that you can climb up. Use your web to go upstairs and you will be taken to a new room. Walk a little until you meet an ant who will mention to you that the forge is ready and all you have to do is insert the jaws into it.

How do we do it now? Well, before moving the claws, you need to move a few gears. One is right onhell with pincers, and the other right above the ant; with the mechanisms found all the way to the left (into the wall), and then everything onto the platform, next to the first screw. Don't forget to place them there as shown here.

Place them both, then activate the lever next to the mechanism on the right. Then hang the lower jaws from the lowering platform and return the lever to its original position so that they rise. Then on the top platform, move the jaws forward to the right and hang them on the metal platform you can find.

Then use the lever to move the metal platform to the forge. It's very important that you only run the jaws through the forge by hanging them from a metal platform, because simply pulling them there with your web seems to be prone to bugging.

After that, return to where the ant was and go through the tunnel to the right. Halfway through, you'll reach a section that contains both fire tubes and an acid puddle. You can either follow the path above and spot the fire when it comes out, or use the web to cross the acid puddle: whichever you prefer, we did the latter, as shown below.

After that, you will come to a red button. Step on it to open a small metal door in front of you and keep going. Then continue until the area opens up and go through the?x, then left. You will reach the other side of the forge, where your new shiny metal mandibles will be - but not before you cross the pool of water and you have to climb up: then you will reach them. But wait a minute! They are hot to the touch!

You will need to grab them and bring them to the pool of water, which you can find where you came from, as shown in the following images.

The mandibles will now be cold: all you have to do is drag them to the right, towards the anthill next to the elevator shown in the previous picture. Then keep going to the right and you will end up in a room with a robot ant.

Mandibles will be found in the mound next to Karl the ant. You can easily drag them down (by doing this with the right jobs). Then take them to the left and use the web to connect them to the head of the Ant Robot.

So it's done? Well no... Robot Ant can't move without the appropriate resources! You'll notice two flexible tubes above the robot ant: fuel flows out of one and water flows out of the other. All you have to do is connect one leaking propellant to the small handle on the left side of the ant's mech body, and another leaking water to the noon on its right side.

The robot ant will be ready to go and Carl will call you. Go and talk to him and the robot ant will move??be and leave. As a thank you for your services, you'll be honored with an engineer ant, you'll receive ant support, and you'll also receive a sticker to boot. You can toggle it from your journal, and once you do, you will receive the Engineer Ant Helmet.

Now you can return to the original center where the game started (where the Moth is located). On the next page of our walkthrough, we'll check out the engineering ants before heading into Bee's territory.


Let's pick up where we left off in the previous section of our walkthrough (exiting the Ant Hill), and before we get to the Hive, let's check out the engineering ants that have just joined our cause. Why? Basically, because the airship chief mechanic will give us a certain set of tasks that you would like to know about soon.

So where is this engineering ant? Near the moth's nest. Memory? All the way from Anthill. Luckily, this time you won't have to web your way there, as the ants have left behind a very handy elevator - just stand on it and use its lever to get up.

Then talk to the airship mechanic (also known as Vlad). He will give you a set of blueprints and then explain to you what needs to be done, step by step. You need:

  • Find a way to patch up the balloon - the bees may know how to do it.
  • Find a fuel source - concentrated dung beetle dung might work.
  • Attach the motor directly below the neck of the balloon and secure the pilot's platform firmly to the balloon - this can be achieved with your own sling.

The blueprints will now be available through your journal, and if you wish, you can already start setting up the last point by following the diagrams. And you can hold until all the materials are collected, slowly. In any case, once you've finished talking to Vlad, you should head back downstairs (either through the elevator we were on or just letting yourself fall). We will now head towards the Hive, also known as Canopy's Peak.

How to get to the dome

The hive is located in the eastern part of the game world. To get there, you should simply head towards the entrance to the Anthill, but instead of letting yourself fall into it, just jump over the hole and continue east.

Continue, then climb onto the small root using your webbing. You can just grab onto it. Then keep using the web to get through the tree. Keep going up until you are on the underside of the branch and try to get to the top side. On the way in the indicated direction, you will seeYou might want to find your first baby spider if you're interested in the optional subquest we just described.

But it doesn't end there - keep climbing the branches using the web until you get to the top. Along the way, you'll find two more baby spiders in the locations pictured here below.

Eventually, you should reach a peak that is easy to identify, as there will no longer be thick branches above you, only small and thin ones. Once there, just head east until you find the entrance you need to go through.


Now, before we move on to the rest of the guide, there is a small introduction section followed by a map. Be sure to read both carefully.


Screen A

The first screen you see in Canopy is where you came from after entering the center of the world. You will start inside a small tunnel coming out of a tree. Just keep moving east until you reach the end of it and then fall to the floor - there are no holes or traps to worry about, trust us. Once there, simply head east until you reach the next screen.

Screen B

Once on this new screen, you will immediately encounter a bee. Talk to him, this will give you a new objective: find a certain amount of collectibles - on this ra?? pink orchid pollen. You will need at least 20 of these, but 42 can be found in Canopy. We will cover each of their locations.

Having done this, we will start moving up. Directly above where you were talking to the bee, there will be a branch that you can grab onto and climb up. Do this, then climb up to the medium-sized platform branch in the upper right corner. On top of it will be your first pollen grain inside a pink orchid.

Then from there, cling to a branch on the wall to your right, and from there you should see a platform in the upper left corner - swing towards it: there will be another Pink Orchid with pollen inside that needs to be collected. .

Now move again, this time to the top right side of the screen, and keep moving to the right, where you will find the exit to the next screen.

Screen C

On this new screen, the goal will be to climb up, not forgetting the spike traps that now appear everywhere. You can fight, but if you are not too confident in physics, relax and use the web to move from branch to branch. You will find Pollen inside the Pink Orchid on your way.

Continue to zigzag as shown in the picture above and you will quickly reach the end of this screen.

However, this screen has a small twist: there are two possible outputs:

  • One is in the top lin the left corner, behind the pieces of the broken branch that leads you to screen D.
  • The other one is in the top right corner and leads you to screen E.

Both have their pros and cons. Screen D is full of collectibles (spiders and pollen), but screen E hides the entrance to the Golden Web. Both eventually lead to screen F.

Screen D

From the entrance, cling to the vine to your left, and from there, cling to the branches to your left. In one of them you will find a baby spider, and if you head to the large branch in the upper left corner (away from this place), you will also find a pink orchid.

Then from there, keep moving up the small branches, and along the way you can find two more baby spiders, and at the very top - a pink orchid, and another exists to the left. And a fly flies over this mess in the room. Be sure to try to grab it.

The exit to this screen is at the very top and leads to the F screen, where you go through a longer section than if you followed the path through the E screen.

Screen E

If you use the upper right exit from Screen C, you will end up at the bottom of the vertical room and have to climb up. To get started, first go to the platform in the upper right corner and collect the pollen from the pink orchid that is there. Then create a small bridge with a piece of bark on your left, and from there move to a platform on your left that containsanother Pink Orchid.

Then zigzag up to the platform directly above you, then to the platform in the upper right corner, then to the platform in the upper left corner.

From this platform, go to the one in the upper right corner, where you will find another pink orchid that you can collect pollen from.

Standing where you are now, you should see a piece of destructible bark on the top left. Use your laser to break it, then head to where you'll cross the small tunnel from until you can climb up again.

From this position, you will be able to see the Pink Orchid to your right. Above you is a Baby Spider, as well as an exit to the next Screen.

Screen F

Both previous screens (D, E) lead you to this. The difference is where you're from, really. This room is rife with thorny branches and your goal is to get to the upper right end of the room. A good indicator that you are halfway there is a bee that you can find resting on the platform, and when you talk to it, it flies towards the exit, working as another queue for where to go.

Be very careful! Build bridges using webs whenever possible and avoid leaps of faith unless it seems there is another way. Without further ado, let's review how we got to the end of this screen:

  • If you come from Screen D, you'll start here:
  • Continuedread here where the people who took Screen E come from - at some point notice how wobble is required because there doesn't seem to be anywhere to cling to:

Once you get to the place with the last picture, just make your way up - you will not only find a Pink Orchid, but also some destructible branches above you. Break them with the laser to open the entrance to Screen G.

Otherwise, you can also find the entrance to screen H the other way around: find your way down while avoiding the tricky spikes shown here.

Screen G

Assuming you come from Screen F, you will enter this area from the left end of the Screen. There will be some branches to your right that you can (and should) climb on, and a collectible fly roams nearby. From there, it's natural to head immediately to the right, but first you need to make a detour: a pink orchid containing a grain of pollen can be found on a platform in the upper left corner of the screen, if you're interested.

What's more, there's a secret behind it!

Now you can return to the branches and this time go straight ahead. Soon enough, you'll find not only another Pink Orchid, but a few flies roaming around.

Directly above this, although slightly to the left, there will also be a spider that you must rescue. After picking it up, go a little to the right and you will find a bee that will mention all the flies that spawnedaround.

Now weave a web that connects the platform you are on and the small branch that is up to your right and the one down to your right. You should now be resting on top of a small pillar. Fire the laser upward and something will break, allowing you to grapple in the same direction. This will lead you to another pink orchid and another fly.

Then return to where you were and position yourself on the branch to the right below the small pillar. There will be a fragile branch to your right that you must break to make room for the jump (do this). Then use the branches on the left to keep going and head to the lower right where you'll find another pink orchid.

From where the Pink Orchid is, you now need to head to the upper left corner where there is a small branch. In front of you, you'll find another baby spider - swing towards it, collect it, then keep going by climbing up the branch that's in front of you.

All that's left to do now is choose to exit to the next screen.

Screen H

To the left of the entrance to this room, you can find a spider and a pink orchid, and if you go all the way to the end, another pink orchid, as shown here:

From there, go right until you reach a thick branch and let yourself fall into the abyss.rav from you. Don't worry - there will be a blast of air that will slow (rather than stop) your fall. Take advantage of this and cling to the small branches on the right!

Then, after that, go upstairs, heading to the right. You will come across a large area with spikes, but you can easily walk through them, as shown here:

Cross the bridge you made from your own web and you will come across a hole with spikes on the sides. Create a bridge leaning up-right and cross it. At the end of it there will be a leaf: grab it, return to the middle point of your bridge and go down. The leaf will help you hover and slow down your path: follow the path avoiding the spikes until you fall to the top of the Pink Orchid.

From there, grab your leaf again (or, if you've lost yours, grab onto some of the ones that should be right above you) and follow the path to the right, using the currents to avoid hitting the spikes.

You should end up at the top of a branch from which you can create a set of jumpers that will lead you to the next pink orchid:

After that, go through the small hole to your right and you should be on top of a branch that is very close to the baby spider. Collect it, then climb down the small branches until you find a hole in the wall: there will be a spiked floor and lots of branches to jump on.Use a safe approach and weave webs to get through them as you climb up. Stop as soon as you meet a pink orchid (don't forget to collect its pollen).

Now that you're at that point, you'll be able to select two different exits to your right:

  • The one at the very bottom (blocked by a broken branch) leads to a skate park. Be aware that the entrance is blocked, although the lever next to the metal door opens them.
  • The one above takes you to screen J.

Skate park

You will enter this area through the roof. If you go left, you will eventually run into ants and a pink bird on skateboards. Talk to the latter to accept his challenge: you will be given a skateboard and you will need to collect six different letters that are scattered across the screen, a la Tony Hawk. They form the word "WEBBED", they can be collected in any order (although the scene seems to be designed to achieve this linearly), all within a 1:30 minute countdown.

Luckily, the counter only activates after you've picked up your first letter, but that doesn't make it any less difficult. The timer is a bit tight and you will probably need a couple of tries before you catch it. We can't give you an exact walkthrough as it's more about skate control and nothing else, but we can give you the following tips:

Take??b for a skateboard. Don't let it go. Similarly, don't fall on your back or you'll lose traction on the skateboard. Losing traction on a skateboard is almost fatal as you have to flip it back over with a strap, which takes up valuable time.

Take advantage of the grip to change the trajectory. Getting to some letters based on jumps is tricky. Helping guide him with the webbing is as easy as point and click.

And that's more or less any advice that works. It will take a couple of times, but in the end you will understand how the physics works, how certain sections can be removed and what to do to capture each letter. Collect all the letters and the Bird will congratulate you with a "Skateboard" sticker that will allow you to use the skateboard anywhere as long as it is equipped.

The skate park came out from where you came from. There is an entrance at the left end of the screen, but it leads to a blocked part of what looks like an Ant Hill.

Screen I

This area is quite difficult: it is mainly associated with wind currents and leaves, which you must use to swim between several barbed boughs. For example, you start this section in front of a chasm where air flows and you have a wall of spikes in front of you. There is a leaf next to you. Grab it to lift it up and, without letting go, jump into the air current that will push you up.erh.

Then cling to the vine that appears above you as soon as you see it. In front of you will be a spider that you need to collect.

There are also leaves in front of you. Grab one and jump back into the hole to your right. Keep hovering and avoid the spikes as you follow the winding path. Eventually, you will reach safe ground.

Once here, jump onto the vine to your right to reach the end of the room: there will be an exit here that will take you to screen J.

Screen J

We will describe this section assuming you are coming from Screen I, since this area is round and confusing.

First, you'll find Ohida if you immediately go to the right and enter a spiraling section where the walls are mostly covered in spikes, but with a few normal sections allowing you to make your way to the end, as shown here:

Now let's talk about possible solutions. From the starting area, the exit leading to screen K is easily accessible if you need to climb up the spiral section and then right. At first, you will use a set of branches, and once you get to a few vines, the exit will be on the top right. Here are some images depicting such a path.

On your way, you may encounter a fly (although it may roam other places in this room).

Meanwhile, getting to screen L is a longer route, so how do you find its input?on the other side of the room. However, by taking the longer route, you will be able to stop and pick up more collectibles on your way there.

  • First, and where you'll start if you come from screen I, climb down using the branches you find until you find one with a baby spider (which you'll save of course).
  • Now keep moving down using more branches until you come across not only another baby spider but also some flies that are roaming around here that you can catch.
  • From there, there should be a vine right in front of you. Get to it and climb it. You should see a small fragile branch next to you: break it and through it you will find a Pink Orchid - enter, collect its pollen and return to the vine.
  • Once back, keep walking to the right, first over the branch, then the platform, and finally the vine until you meet the right end of the room. You think there's more pollen.
  • When this happens, take the branches going up. There should be another Pink Orchid to your left (you'll have to weave very carefully to get to it) and right above it another Spiderling. Collect both and return to your path.
  • Climb a little more and you should find an exit on the right side. This will take you to screen L.

Screen K

In the first part of this screen, you will need to useUse your web and climb up the vertical section: there won't be any traps or anything like that, but at the very top you'll find a spider with a pink orchid on the platform right above it.

From now on, go to the right, where you will probably also meet a fly, right in front of the hole. Form a bridge between the border of this hole and the small branch that should be in front of you (to your right) and when you are in the middle of it, go down - you will find a new Pink Orchid that you can collect pollen from.

Then return to the bridge and complete the walk to the other side (where the branch is). Once there, cling upward and you'll end up on top of another small branch - to your right, another Pink Orchid that you can collect pollen from.

After collecting it, return to the branch that we threw over the bridge, and now go to the right, jumping between the branches. Keep in mind that spikes will appear at some point! Be careful and use straps to connect the branches, just in case.

After you've made it through the spiky section, there should be another branch you can get to in the bottom right corner. Do this and you should find a spider on the right, a pink orchid below where you are and, in our case, also a fly (try and wait for it to get close).

Now all you have to do is get to the top left y??la from where the spider should have been to find another pink orchid. Collect his pollen and, trust us, go down through the hole to the right of the platform. You should fall right over the exit leading to screen M.

Screen L

After exiting screen J, you should start at the very bottom of the pit, so first go up to the top using the grapple. You can find a fly on the way up, as long as it's not dangling in another part of this screen.

Once at the top, you should notice a sign pointing to the right: ignore it as you head up, as there is a Baby Spider and a Pink Orchid right above you.

Only after you collect them, go back to where the sign was. Gently grab onto its corner and, while continuing to grapple, crawl under it: there is a Pink Orchid here, but note that there are no platforms, so grabbing is important so as not to fall into the void!

Once again, go back to where the sign is and from there, jump to the right and immediately grab the post that is in front of you, using it to hit the vines on the right side, like this.

Now jump from vine to vine (heading to the right) and finally jump and cling to the next roof while swinging to the right. Soon you will find a baby spider. Pick it up and keep swinging to the right, but be careful! At some point, there will be a gabled wall, so don't crash into it!

Do you wanthang yourself between the penultimate and penultimate leaves in front of a pointed wall, and then let yourself fall. You must be safely on the secret platform that contains the Pink Orchid.

Then all you have to do is go to the right: there will be several platforms that you can connect with your network until you end up touching the exit of this screen, which will take you to the M-screen.

Screen M

For this screen, both entrances coming from screens I and J are quite close to each other - one is right below the other, and there is a spider hanging between them, which you can pick up, as you can see here.

To your right - up or down, depending on the entrance - there is a small platform where the sign points to the right. Climb onto it and grab onto one of the leaves that are there. Now jump to the right and swim through the complex labyrinth of thorny branches. This is a long jump, so use the following animation as a guide if you like.

This way you will land on a platform from which you have to jump onto the first branch you can find and then start clinging up in a straight line. This will take you to the Golden Web Room, making it even less accessible.

Return to our "starting" branch (before you go to the Golden Web), and now cling to the one thati is on the top right. Then from it to the vine above it, and from it follow the path that is clearly to your right, from the vine to the platform. There will be another spider near you that needs to be rescued, and it is also likely that you will find a buzzing fly.

At this point, you will probably reach a precipice and spiky branches below. You should know what to do now: Grab onto one of the leaves in the upper right corner and swim to the right as shown here.

As you can see at the end of this animation, you will be taken directly to the exit, which will take you to screen N.

Screen N

Now we are very close to Canopy Peak! Actually, the last section before him.

You will start in the lower left corner of the room. Walk a little to the right and, as soon as you see a vine, climb it. You'll be on top of the branch you're about to grapple up with, leaning slightly to the right, and you'll be able to make contact with (and collect) the Baby Spider.

From there, go left and up using the branches and vines you have available and you should end up in the part where the spider is right above you and the Pink Orchid is on the top left, as shown in the following pictures.

Collect them both and from where the Pink Orchid is, exit the screen to the right to reveal the Golden Web area. It should be the last one, so the golden orb spider will congratulate you on ??eem that you have found all your webs and will give you a sticker that changes your appearance to your own every time you switch.

After collecting them, return to area N, where you collected your first spider. From this position, start moving to the right, clinging to vines and sticks to move. Soon enough you will reach an orchid flower sitting under a pointed platform.

Now jump to the last branch where the screen ends. Once there, create a web pointing up: it should connect, and if you go through it, you will be right under the platform. Leaping to the left and grappling around the corner of such a platform should allow you to climb onto it. Once there, it will only be a couple of steps and you will reach the Golden Canopy. Congratulations.

Canopy Peak

Canopy's Peak is not as big a place as you might think. In fact, it is just one room, and at the end of it lies a queen bee.

I really hope that you followed our advice and collected at least 20 of the 43 possible pollen grains, because this is exactly what the queen bee expects from us. If you did, great! You'll get a "Princess" sticker (which just gives your little spider a crown), but most importantly, you'll get their support on your upcoming adventure.

Collected pollen will help revive the new bee princess, and she will agree to help us! CroMoreover, she will even take us to the very nest of the Moth, avoiding the need to return! Returning home, you will find yourself on the platform. From there, go right to be at the top of the nest where our new friend soars. Talk to her and she will patch up our balloon!

Join us on the next page of our walkthrough as we visit dung beetles and try to find fuel for our journey.

pile of manure

To get to the Dunghill, you need to go down from where the Moth's Nest is (where we stopped last time), go down to the ground, break the branches to your left, and once they disappear, go west.

But there's one problem: you'll get to a section of slippery floor and you won't be able to move on! But you can get around this: get to the penultimate step and, as shown in the pictures below, jump and then grapple up.

At the top of the platform you've hooked on, you'll find a new NPC: Lord of the Flies.

From where the Lord of the Flies is, jump to the left and you'll slide down to the entrance to the Dunghill (literally).

dung mountain

The first screen in the Dunghill is a simple horizontal room that you can simply slide across. Be aware that there is a fly buzzing around this room.

The second screen is a little more difficult: at the very beginning there is a steep climb and you cannot climbI'm on it. Instead, you must point to your upper left corner and grapple: you will end up on either a vine or a stick. From there, keep grabbing onto the branches on the roof to the left until you reach the exit.

You will reach the third screen, which starts exactly the same - a steep climb - and is solved the same way - grab the stick at the top.

But what you do after that changes. First, go to the platform you will see on your left. Then there's another platform to your left (it's on the very edge of the screen, so it might be hard to see, but it's there). And so on until you reach the exit. Halfway down you will be able to find a flying fly.

The fourth room presents an interesting concept: your path will be blocked by a large log set up like a swing. Just like a seesaw, you can weave your web to lower it using physics: you want it to point up to the left so that you can not only climb it, but exit through the exit without any problems, just like this:

The fifth room starts from the well. Dive into it and, without worrying about oxygen, calmly swim to the other side, avoiding areas with spikes.

Once on the other side, climb onto the small branch that emerges from the cliff to your right and build a bridge between it and the non-slip section of the wall.

From there, jump onto the platform on the right o?? you, build a bridge as shown below and climb onto the platform directly above you.

Then grapple to the top left corner and you should be at the top of the branch. From there, create a bridge between the wall next to you and the piece of land on the right. Cross the indicated place.

From there, create the next series of bridges to zigzag up and out of this screen.

The sixth screen will require you to collect even more bridges. First you will come across a patch of spikes blocking your path, with a branch right above them. Bridge to him, then from him the bridge straight to the left to get on a new branch.

Then move over to a small piece of land next to you and from there you should be able to see a branch in the upper left corner. Bridge (and get) to that too.

Now be sure to reach the patch of ground on the platform to your right, avoiding the slippery floor, and from there grapple directly above you to climb the branch. During this process, you may encounter a fly.

From the branches grapple again at the top and you will end up on another, from which you have to build a bridge in the upper left corner, but not so high.

Then connect the bridge to the section of wall on your right, and from there create a bridge pointing up and leaning slightly to the left.

Finally, move to the top right corner and now you will notice a branch in the top left corner that you need toget in. From there, you will reach a piece of land that you can walk on, and just a few steps to your left will be the exit to the next screen.

Entering the seventh screen eventually leads you to a chest suspended over a lake - it balances on a pointed rock like a swing. The exit to this level is on your left, but you can't get to it! What you need to do is use straps and small barrels so that the right side of the barrel touches the water, like in the following pictures.

Sorry for the mess, but ultimately the goal is for this to happen: the barrel has to touch the water at exactly the same level, and it's useless to be careful here. Once you have this set up, you can go left using the journal and you will be able to reach the exit to the next screen.

This is followed by the eighth screen, and it begins with a slippery slope that will return you to the previous one if you are not fast enough. So be and cling to the branch at the top left. Next to him we watched three Flies.

From the branch, go to the platform on the left and keep walking until you fall into a puddle of water, and from there grapple to the patch of ground on your left.

Then from this place, jump and cling to the upper left corner. Somewhere there should be a piece of land, and you will find yourself on it. In the upper right corner is a small pillar with another piece of land. Create mstay between them and climb it.

Cross it and create another one pointing to the top left corner, then cross it. This time you will see a branch in the top right corner. Get down to business.

Then go around the branch and weave a bridge between it and the center - the top of the screen. The web should connect and you will be taken to a bridge. After crossing it, go down to the platform that is under you.

From the very end of the platform, weave a bridge that points to the right side of the screen, then cross it to get to a new platform.

Now stay in the middle of the platform and create a bridge with a wall on the top left.

Get to the very end of this new bridge and jump around trying to grab the corner of the grabbing ground that is in the top left corner. From there, pick up speed and keep climbing until you can grapple and climb to the top of the branch.

Then keep gaining momentum and go left to exit this screen.

On the ninth screen, keep going left until you reach a mechanism.


Notice how the gear got stuck? Use your web to get the magazine from there! This is what the mechanism does not work. Do this and you will notice that the big mThe stop will go down - follow back to the right, then go up the bridges.

Once you've crossed the bridges, all you have to do is create a pair of bridges with the straps: first from the floor to the branch, then from the branch to the branch, then from the branch to the corner on the roof. , then go to the next screen.

Tenth screen. First of all, jump on the platform to your right and from it cling to the branch that is above you.

From the branch, jump to the right and, using momentum, cling to the next branch, but do it quickly! Otherwise, you will fall into a hole and return to the previous screen.

Now go along this branch and move to another branch on the upper right. On your way, you will probably meet a Fly.

From this new branch, weave another bridge that goes up, albeit slightly slanted to the right, to get to the top of the other.

Then go left and you will end up in Dungtown! However, there isn't much to do here - there will be a bunch of dung beetles that you can talk to (and dance with). Further left is the entrance to the next screen, which is still called Dungtown. From the entrance, keep going left until you find two dung beetles who want to talk. Their names are Michael (Mike) and Wendy and they will give you a little quest.

You can now proceed to the next screen by selecting the exit on your left.

The twelfth screen is now: the initial section. Go left thencling to the branch above you.

Then go left, you will find a fly, keep going left and grab the branch that is on the top left. There will be a piece of land in front of you - build a bridge to it and get to this side, then build another one at the top right (and get there).

From the corner you're currently in, grab the branch that's in the upper left corner, and once at the top, jump to the platform on the right, then grab the branch that's now above you. Once there, jump onto the platform to your right, get to the end of it, then grapple up. You will be at the top of the branch.

A bridge with a patch of grass on your upper left, then climb onto the branch above you. Now a bridge with a patch of grass in the top right corner, and then again in the top left corner.

Go only to the middle of the last bridge and create another one by pointing to the wall on the right. Then climb onto the branch on top of you. From there, point to the upper right side of the screen (the exact location is shown in the picture below) and weave a web that you will climb on.

He will lead you to a branch, and in front of it we found a fly. From the given branch, create a web bridge pointing to the upper left corner of the screen as shown below and traverse it. Then climb onto the last platform and exit to the next screen.

Thirteenth Screen: How soon will you start??it, as soon as you enter this one. Keep going until it gets too steep, at which point you should grab onto the last branch you see. Next to him we noticed a fly.

From there, jump onto the platform to your left, then jump onto the next ledge. Now you need to grab onto the branch in the upper right corner to get to the platform from which you will cling to another branch in the upper right corner.

Further to the left there will be a piece of non-slip floor that you need to climb onto. Not one Fly wanders around, but two. Now it will seem that there is no other way out. No branches... no landings... But the wall to our right is solid! Bridge on it. Then, from the same bridges, go to higher places in the same wall - the idea is to climb high enough to find a ledge on your left.

Finally, climb over to the indicated ledge, and from there just go left until you reach the next screen.

Fourteenth screen. This is a water area: it’s easy to navigate, but be careful! Some sections have spikes!

The last section of the waterway is a little tricky, with a sharp angle. Don't hesitate and react quickly! After that, you will come out to the surface, from where you will need to grab some sticks.

Then build a bridge to the platform that is in the upper right corner (can you find flies around it??about the place), and from it climb onto the branch that comes out of the right wall. Now jump and grapple up to get onto an invisible branch, but above your current position.

From there, keep moving up (the bridge to the wall, then the bridge away from that bridge, and so on) until you reach a branch on the upper left. Then just jump to the left and to the exit.

Fifteenth screen. This includes a small puzzle, but we already know the trick. You see, this area is made up of two different hanging platforms, one on the right is all the way up and the other is all the way down. But we need the last one to be at the top because it will lead us to the exit. Luckily, when one goes down, the other one does the same, so we'll move the one on the right down a bit so we can use the one on the left to go up. This former hanging platform can be easily reached by going through a clear tunnel that is visible from the entrance to this area - this one:

As you can see, you are near both the platform and a conveniently located group of stones. Just place one of them on the platform to your right, but before you do that, be sure to destroy the piece of wood that has the vine blocking it from falling! Once it's high enough, jump to the left and exit to the next screen.

Sixteenth room. Jump to the platform on the left?? from you and so four times (or go through them).

And this is the screen. Three flies buzz between the platforms, but nothing else. Go ahead!

Seventeenth Screen: First, move to the platforms to your left twice as shown below. On your way you meet Flies, there are three of them.

From the second platform, create a bridge to your left, angled upwards slightly to connect to the wall. Go there, then grab the branch above you. Then connect to the pillar in front of you and climb up there.

Once at the pillar, climb onto the branch on the upper left. Climb it, then jump onto the vine in the upper right corner. From this point on, you can see four flies (but they are roaming around, so not all at the same time). Keep moving to the right using the vines until you are on top of a large branch.

From the branch, connect to the wall in the upper left as shown below and reach the end. Keep climbing up, between the web and wall sections, until you get to the top where the branch is.

You can now head left to the exit of this screen, to the eighteenth screen, which greets you with a big drop, after which you enter a water tunnel. Its walls are surrounded by spikes, swim carefully to avoid them.

Once at the end, cling to the branch that is above you, and from it - to another branch that is above the last one.From there, cling to the top right and you should end up on another branch. After that, grapple up again (skew to the right) and you will find yourself in another branch.

Then up again, this time with a slight skew to the left. From this top branch, get to the platform on your left, and from there to the vine next to it. Then jump onto the platform that was left of you.

Now connect to the other platform further to the left, and from this one to the branch to your left. Then throw yourself to the left along the same branch and you will reach an exit that will take you to the last screen in the Dunghill.

Once in the cave, this is the last screen, just go right until you encounter dung beetles.

Their massive ball will be yours...if you can get the little Beetle that's inside. And how do you do it? Push it down! Once it falls, use your web to climb on top of it and go to stay on top! This unlocks a unique achievement and that's the reason to do it.

Eventually, both the ball and the Beetle that was inside will return to the main hub.


Go down and talk to the little dung beetle. He'll let you take his manure, which we're going to use as fuel.

Then take one ball of dung and place it on the elevator set up by the Ants. Tie it firmly there withjut the straps, then climb up with it. Once next to the future balloon, place it in a small metal chamber that should be the engine (which you should hang on the straps), like this:

As you can see, just use the straps to get it closer and closer to the metal box until it closes on its own. Join us on the next and last page of the walkthrough where we will collect the balloon and save our guy.

heavenly gazebo

On the previous two pages, we had Princess Bee patch up an old Moth's nest to make a balloon out of it, and put a Dung Beetle balloon in the engine that the Ants made. So we're left with a complete engine hanging from our refurbished balloon:

It remains only to support the pilot's platform so that our car is ready! All you need to do is hang both ends of the platform from the balloon with a webbing until it hangs a couple of, uh, centimeters? Just like shown here:

When this is done, you should go and talk to the engineering ant next to you and tell him that you are ready to take off.

heavenly gazebo

You've built a hot air balloon and everything is going well... but at some point there will be thunder! It's a storm! This means that the balloon will eventually have to stop.I'm at the entrance to the Sky Bower. You'll notice where it is because the balloon will stop and you'll be close to the ground (albeit floating) and Princess Bee will want to talk to you there.

find your boyfriend

First of all, go straight from the Bee Princess to get to the first screen. Once there, go a little to the right and you'll notice a blue gem coming off a branch, blocking out the room for you. Take it and take it to the other end of the room, where you will notice another set of empty branches. What you need to do is place the blue gem in there and the exits will open up again.

Walk towards the exit and you will be taken to a new screen with a blue stone floating in front of you. After that, the abyss. Build a bridge to the other end of the chasm using the web and take the blue gem with you.

Then there will be another chasm to your right, and another chasm to your left. Connect it by taking the gem with you again until you reach the blocked exit. What to do here? It's simple - just put the bridge on an empty branch right above the blockade. Once it is there, it will open allowing you to proceed to the next screen.

On this new screen, you will find an empty abyss in front of you with a small platform that you need to get on. But this one is special: it moves! What do you want to do is take this particular platform with you?? to the very end: first connect to your side of the abyss and enter it. Then connect it to your right and erase the first web you made. The platform will move to the right. Be aware that he may start to change position and you may fall! Hang yourself on one of the webs instead of being on the platform itself.

Eventually it should reach a section with a set of branches that will then open up: go around it, to the right.

Soon you will reach the end of the level, in the lower right corner, but the exit is blocked! Luckily, you've had the key all along: it's a gem on the platform! Use your web to carefully place the gem on top of the set of empty branches next to the exit, then make sure they connect. The exit should now open and you can proceed to the next screen.

This next screen is very similar to the one before the last one: you need to cross two chasms while holding the gem that appears right at the entrance, and you need to go all the way to the end, where if placed correctly, will allow you to continue. But the big difference is that, aside from the chasm already bridged, two strong air currents push you up as you cross them!

Fortunately, there are branches on both sides of each chasm: first of all, cross the lane?th chasm and immediately connect the blue gem to the small branch in the upper right. This will prevent him from flying. Then get close to it (don't let yourself fly away) and connect it to the middle platform: there should be a branch there too.

Now the gem will hang on both webs right in the middle of the air flow. Destroy the web holding him to the left. Then connect it to the right of the middle platform, where our exit is, and again break the web holding it to the left. From now on, all you have to do is connect the blue gem to the empty branches to open the door to the next screen and then continue.

For the next screen, you will have a set of rules similar to the last two: from the penultimate one, you will have the fact that you will have to cross a huge gap with the gem, and from the last one, the fact that air currents are involved. Let's go to!

You will notice that from the very beginning of the level, two gems are offered to you. We don't really know why as one is enough for what we want to do. Anyway, first of all, you want to go from the end of the initial platform, where the branch sticks out, down, like this.

Make sure it connects, and if it does, grab the gem and head down. You should be on a forked platform. Tie downattach your gem to it so it doesn't fly away, and from the right end of this new platform, cross the bridge to the rocky roof on the upper right. Don't grab the gem yet, but instead get to the end of your new bridge, from which you'll keep building bridges until you get to a branch where the wind current starts. Then go back, take the gem and go to the current.

This should push you up to another thread that is pointing correctly. Let them carry you and you should end up in the last part of the screen where all you have to do is place the blue gem on the empty set of branches towards the roof to open the exit. At some point, you may fail this jump, especially since the gems float somewhat clumsily. But don't panic: there's a fuse where you'll be just below the exit and you'll just have to carry the gem to it.

On the next screen, the first section is pretty simple: you simply take the gem that is hovering above you and carry it to the end of the tunnel as usual, placing it on a set of empty branches to open the door.

But then it will be more difficult. Behind that door... your boyfriend! And he's so happy to see you, look at him! Dance with him and he will follow you. Take him to the right end of the screen, to a set of empty branches, and, what's the surprise?But, he opens the door to the next screen in them.

big escape

The first screen is just as simple, just with a small web puzzle: you'll reach a small area that you can't jump over. Connect the right end of the platform to the branch on the roof in the upper right corner, and from there build another bridge pointing to the end of the screen. Then dance to have your boyfriend follow you across the bridges and finally into the empty branches that open the exit door.

For the next one, have your guy follow you until you reach a section with two rocks that you need to connect.

Then continue with your boyfriend until you reach the vertical section. In this part, the idea is that you get to the rock that is in the very corner of the screen, and from there you zigzag up.

Keep zigzagging up like this.

Eventually you will reach the end of the screen, where you will again have to place your boyfriend on the empty branches to open the exit: take him to go to the next screen.

Be careful on this new screen! The bird will appear in the very first section and, if you are not careful, will attack you. However, once he attacks, he can open up a secret path underneath him that you are going to lead your boyfriend down. Just cross the tunnel and you will reach the exit -nothing complicated.

But on the next one, everything becomes more complicated: The bird attacks from below! Look at it. But look also at the breaking branch on the upper right. Destroy it and the log will fall to block the Bird.

From there, just carry your boyfriend to the end. Keep in mind that since he can't jump, you will need to weave a couple of bridges.

Now, on the next level, the Bird attacks from above again! Next to it is a bendable piece of pipe, and under it is a piece of wood. Use the pipe to block the bird as shown below and keep going straight until you reach a hole.

Now the Bird will attack from this hole, and nothing will block it! Except... the wooden block we saw earlier - use it to block the Bird, but be very meticulous, and then make a bridge that you and your guy can cross over.

Once there, you will again come to the hole from which the Bird flies out. To do this, you want to make a bridge that goes straight up starting from the bottom cliff, and after that connect one to the very right end of the cliff, being careful that the Bird can't reach the two of you. Finally, create a bridge to the platform you now see in front of you.

Now zigzag up until you reach the bird again. Be careful and move on!

Now you should go to the gear and to the upper right to the empty mechanism. Konechbut, place the gear in the mechanism and activate it with the lever that is nearby. This will close the gap from which the bird can attack. Now just work your way up and take your boyfriend to the exit (don't forget to guide him into the branches to open the door!).

Beat the bird - game over

In the last room, you will first follow your boyfriend until you meet up with Princess Bee, but when you exit, the Bird attacks! And he's taking our guy back with him!

But we won't let it go! Grab onto Princess Bee, and as soon as she lets you get close to the Bird, jump and cling to her, trying to get to her head. Once close, keep firing lasers at him!

The bird will constantly change direction and intent to fight you off, just grab onto Princess Bee to send you back to the Bird and keep attacking her head! In the end, you must fall on the balloon! And the Ant, with the help of the Dung Beetle, brought the Ant Fur to help you get rid of the Bird once and for all!

You will be right behind the Bird, a little higher. Connect a mech ant to it, just keep spinning a web to shoot it down until a cutscene starts where the weapon is deployed and knocks the bird down.

And you will come home! Talk to the mechanical ant pilot to end the story. Bird ?flies, and everyone can live in peace. Congratulations on beating the game! _