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Walkthrough Dead Space Remake 2023

Full walkthrough of the game - all story and side tasks.
Walkthrough Dead Space Remake 2023
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
30 January 2023

Walkthrough Dead Space 1 Remake

In our guide, we do not indicate the location of every little thing, including ammunition and first-aid kits. Moreover, their number will be different depending on the chosen level of complexity. Before proceeding with the passage, I recommend that you read the tips below:

  1. Use the compass to find the right path. Moreover, at first try to go in the wrong direction, where the game indicates by pressing X. This will reveal side rooms and additional resources.
  2. When you eliminate the enemy, trample his corpse to get additional resources.
  3. If possible, aim for the legs first to slow down the enemies. Then finish off by shooting at the remaining limbs.
  4. Upgrade your Plasma Cutter and Pulse Rifle damage first.
  5. Use the surrounding objects to destroy enemies and conserve ammo. For example, shoot at exploding canisters, or throw various objects at opponents using kinesis.
  6. If the Necromorph is on the ground, shoot it once as a precaution to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Episode 1. Arrival

At the start of the chapter, follow the crew of the USG Kellion. On board the Ishimura, stand in front of the front door to sync the RIG. After the dialogues, open the door to the left of Hammond and assess the damage??I ship to the nearest console. Necromorphs will appear. Run to the elevator. Once inside, use the button on the left to drive down.

Take the plasma cutter from the workbench. Approach the door to the control room and hit the power box to open it and save the ammo. You will see a Necromorph. Use weapons to destroy the lower limbs and slow down the enemy. Finish off the monster by chopping off the rest of the limbs. Go to the control room at the end of the hall. Hammond and Kendra are tasked with fixing the funicular. Go to the tunnel.

Go down the stairs and pick up the stasis module near the faulty door. Use stasis on the door to slow it down and move on. Go to the download area. Open the door using the gateway screen. Activate the first clip on the left on the tram. Kill some enemies.

Activate the second clip on the right and quickly use stasis to freeze him. Then start the repair from the main monitor. The funicular has been repaired. You need a hard drive to reboot the system. Return to the control room to access the maintenance room. If you get lost, press the X key.

Turn off the power at the maintenance door at the end of the hall. Enter the technical department and kill the enemies. Once you clear the path, use the compass to find the elevator. Upstairs, use the circuit breaker to p??Red food to the service room and the elevator. Go back down the elevator and enter the maintenance room. Take away the hard drive. Return to the control room, eliminating enemies along the way. Install the hard drive to repair the funicular.

Repeat the same steps to get to USG Kellion. Be careful, Necromorphs will block the way. Talk to the pilot on board to trigger a cutscene. A new enemy will appear. Shoot at his paws so he can't reach you. Get it finally. After the battle, new targets will appear. Collect the RIG from Captain Matius in the medbay. Use the compass to get to the medical center via the funicular station. Use the workbench to equip level 2 equipment. Collect the kinesis module from the medical center to complete the chapter.

Episode 2. Intensive Care

Use the telekinesis module to move the boxes to clear your way to the medical bridge station. At the station, remove the machine gun from the corpse of the guard. Unlock the station using the control panel to make your next trips easier. Go to the guard post. Use telekinesis to move the crates along the corridor. On the other hand, a dialogue with Hammond begins. You get the objective to destroy the barricade.

Go to the Medical Imaging Wing. In the room, move the tank using telekinesis. On the other hand, locaterunning a discharged battery. Take the battery opposite on the table and insert it into the slot. Redirect the energy to the elevator and go upstairs. At the top, use telekinesis to connect the platform. Go to the weightless treatment room. Walk down the hallway into space to reach the room. Use thrusters to go to maintenance.

In the room, take the hydrazine canister on the table on the left. Return to the security room. Along the way, pick up the Pulse Ammunition Plan located in the workshop. Get to the guard post, go through the door to the research wing. Use telekinesis to get through the broken door. Spear monsters in the main lab to save ammo.

After the fight, the arrest is removed. Search Dr. Nicole Brennan's downstairs room for the recording. Play the recording to unlock the optional mission: "Scientific Methods". Then search the locker rooms of the lab to find the Stasis Recharge Plan. Go to the room with bioprostheses. Move through the laboratory to meet a new enemy. Break his legs before he pulls out, or cut the tentacles to knock him down. Use the elevator at the bottom of the lab to go upstairs.

Other enemies are waiting for you upstairs. Go through the sanitary shower doore fight. Go to the limb stimulation room. Send energy to doors. Remove the defibrillator above the patient. Return to the guard post to arm the charge against the barricade. Take cover in a nearby crate to activate the charge.

The plasma cutter upgrade can be found on the seats on the other side of the clinic door. Enter the emergency room, turn off the fuses to remove the battery. Place the battery in the slot on the opposite wall. Go through the door to Ambulance Corridor A. Go to Corridor B to find the ICU. Go through intensive care and go to the morgue

The corridor explodes. Eliminate the enemies on the spot and raise the battery to the wall of the corridor. Use the battery to open a passage at the end of the corridor. Take the elevator up to get to the morgue. Go to the back of the morgue to find the captain's body. After the cutscene, quickly run from behind to take out the flying enemy quickly. Then take care of the captain and the remaining enemies. Use stasis to restrict their movements. After the fight, take the RIG from the operating table.

Return to the guard post via the elevator. On Hammond Road, change your plans and ask to join the hangar. Follow your compass to find your way. Use the tram to get to the hangar faster. In the hangar, use the engines to get out of the n??Station weeks.

Episode 3. Orbital correction

Head to the engineering bridge, watch out for the enemies and use the nearby oxygen stations to keep you breathing. Follow your compass to find your way around the hangar. Use the elevator to get to the bridge. Activate the command post on the spot. Head through the prep room and the shopping room to find a carver at the bottom of the stairs. Go to the fuel control room. Get rid of the enemies and use telekinesis to bring the cable car closer

Enter the cable car to activate it. Beware of the meeting committee upon arrival. Head upstairs to find the gas station access card in the workshop. Use the access card with the station door to open it at the bottom of the slope. Switch power from circuit breaker to station and life support. Approach the south engine with the compass and activate it manually. Join the north drive on the other side, taking out the newly spawned enemies.

Follow the compass and open the control room door by breaking the power supply. Follow the path to the centrifuge to take the elevator up. Enter the Decontamination Gateway to start the fight. Survive the fight and continue towards the centrifuge. Search the locker outside the airlock for a blueprint for a medium abirdies. Enter the centrifuge.

Find the generators on both sides and use your stasis on them. Then use the power of telekinesis to attach them to the spinner. Climb up and activate the control panel to activate the centrifuge. Take the elevator behind to go down. You must go to the other side. Use corners for cover. Eliminate enemies before moving forward so you don't slow down. Coming out of the centrifuge, a surprise awaits you.

A giant tentacle falls on you. Shoot at his growths to free yourself. Back on deck, go through the airlock to the engine room. Use stasis on the vent to get to the other side with your engines. If necessary, there is a stasis charging station below. You will find it behind the circuit breaker. Route its power to SAS 2.

Complete SAS 2 to encounter the growth. Shoot him to open a passage. Go to the engine room and take the flamethrower from the body. Continue and use the elevator to go down. At the end of the path, you will find a new growth to blow up with your weapon. Ready the flamethrower to destroy the enemies on the other side. Enter the first room to get the blueprint for Chopper Blades.

Take the second elevator in the back to go down to the engine room. Once in the engine room, waiting for yout many enemies. Clear. Climb up to find the battery. Resupply the surrounding resources before taking the battery and placing it in the slot in the center of the room. When you're ready, insert the battery and outlast the enemy wave. After the fight, start the engine on the control panel. Near the panel you will find a fuel plan for the flamethrower.

Go to the tram stop following the compass and unlock it with the panel.

Episode 4. Death is inevitable

At the beginning of episode 4, take the tram to the bridge. Arrive at your destination, you must find Hammond. Go to the main atrium to find an elevator under the stairs. After the dialogue with Hammond, return to the atrium to face the big beast. To defeat him, go to the east of the room to find a hole. Turn around the hole so that the beast pursues you without catching up. Wait for her to throw her projectiles and backstab her during the animation to knock her out. You can use stasis to ease your attacks.

Step into the breach of the beast to get to the safe room. Reactivate the elevators by clicking on the controls to the right of the armory. Take the elevator in the center of the atrium to the second floor. Go to the drilling room at the end of the corridor. Eliminate existing threats to find the circuit breaker at the bottom. Activate the fuse??l defensive guns.

Take the elevator back up and go up to the third floor towards the communication antenna. Along the way, you will be able to observe the improvement through the window. Use the power of telekinesis to move the crates and shoot the power pack from the door. Head inside to pick up an assault weapon upgrade. Follow your compass to get on with electrical systems. Several enemies are waiting for you, including a large beast. Stick close to the stasis cooldown in the room to slow it down. Take care of the others, then move on to the beast, shooting it in the back.

When the fight is over, follow your compass to find a new switch. Use stasis on the electrical wires and redirect the energy to the defense guns. Take the elevator back to the first floor in the atrium. Cross to the other side of the elevator to go up to the outer shell in a second. Enemies are waiting for you at the top. After clearing, feed the defensive cannons.

After the filing of the cannons, the exit is through an external access. Outside, sync with cannons to fire at asteroids. Do this for all three guns to complete the mission. Return to the atrium to end the episode.

Episode 5

Isaac must return to the medical pole. Go to the tram to get to the post faster. Go through the station shop to equip?? level 3 equipment. Passing through the guard post, Isaac gets stuck. Continue medical imaging. In the room, burn the growth in the center to open a path. New enemy on the wall in front of the elevator. Sever all his ties to eliminate him.

Take the elevator up to get to the floor. Pull on the growth to clear the path. Continue and look to the right to find a new growth that needs to be destroyed. Head into the chemistry lab and open the visualization door by breaking the power supply before entering the lab. Inside, Dr. Mercer sets a trap for you.

Survive by using stasis or cutting off a creature's lower limbs. Run away as soon as Kendra opens the door for you. Join the guard post and continue towards the clinic to remove the containment. In an emergency, don't worry about the enemies, take the battery in front of the door to corridor A and insert it to open it. If enemies catch up with you, eliminate them in the corridor, the creature will not pass.

In the corridor, go to the emergency equipment storage to find a new weapon: a slicer. Start intensive care. Once inside the morgue, enter the assistant scientist's office to remove the containment. Return to the guard post to reactivate the life support systems. Then continue to follow the compass to cryogenics to restore liquid nitrogen.

Pro?And the creatures start the fight. Run to the control room to open the doors first to make the fight smoother. Your goal is to place the creature in a cryogenic chamber in order to lock it up. Wait for him to go inside to slow him down. Then approach the control room panel to lock it. After the fight, take the fabric sample from the chamber for a side quest.

Episode 6

Go to the tram, towards the barn at the repair station, where there is access to aboveground crops. Arrive at the station, unlock access to the tram to create a shortcut for later. Enter the soilless main entrance and click on the panel to add nitrogen to the enzyme. Keep diving into this area to get a new objective: sting the whistlers.

Continue towards the east tower, you will come to a flow control room. Beware of acid projectors. Enter the first room on the left to find an upgrade for the Cutter. Then go down and take the elevator up. Cross the bridge after eliminating the threat and reach the western culture room.

Enemies are waiting for you in the room, get out. Then enter West Crop B to find the first stinger. Enter an enzyme to destroy it.

Enter West Seedling Room A to collect the Mega PK Weapon. One of the scariest weapons in the game. Follow the compass to the third floor of the grow room. Upstairs, enter the doc's office?Ora Cross to find the second Whistler. Then go down to the second floor. Go to the switch and redirect the energy to the doors. Continue to the cooling tower opposite.

Move forward to meet a new type of enemy. Shoot his left arm to make it explode. Clear a path to continue on to the cooling tower. Use your engines and shoot the hatch above with telekinesis. Climb up to get to the exit and the third whistler. Return to the grow room.

Enter the opposite room this time. Inside, shoot the growth to find the fourth Whistler. After eliminating it, leave the Oriental culture room. Take the elevator up to start a new fight. You know the technique to defeat the big beast. Use stasis and aim at his back to destroy him.

After the fight, return to East Seed Room A to find another Whistler. Return to the grow room and look up to find growths. Break the growth and go upstairs to eliminate the rest. Get Holt's rig down to earth for the upcoming side mission.

Search the floor below to find a battery in the corn greenhouse. Use the battery on the location near the wall to activate gravity. Head upstairs with your engines to find Whistler.

Now go to phil hall??tractions of air above. The tentacle sets a trap for you at the end of the corridor. Shoot the growth to free yourself. Keep entering the zero gravity zone. Make your way through the organic pile. Use your stasis to block the electric turbines. Above, turn off the control of electric turbines.

In the annex to the filter pipes, take the elevator down. Open the doors by destroying their power packs and go to the other side. Climb up and unlock access so you don't go underwater. Then go to the annex depot to find a whistler. Exit through the door near the elevator to the eastern crops.

You will find an elevator leading to the seedling room to the east B. Inject the enzyme into the last Whistler. Exit by destroying the growths in the room. Follow your compass to the storage room at the main entrance. Open the gateway using the control panel.

The battle with Leviathan begins. Dodge his attacks by moving away from his tentacles. Then shoot at their height to destroy them. In the second step, destroy the growth in the center. You can use your telekinesis to deflect Leviathan projectiles. Exit the room to end the episode.

Episode 7

From the main entrance, follow the compass to find the Borehole tram stop. Unlock access to the tram for later. Proceed to the drilling operations and enter the elevator. Go to Deck C. The elevator falls and you get hit?those trapped with the Necromorphs. Fight them to restart the elevator. On deck C, use the telekinesis crates to get past the mines. Enter the nearest extraction zone.

After the fights, take the battery in the center, insert it into the opposite slot to power the elevator. Take the elevator up to get to the drilling control room. Interact with launch tubes to get a new target. Return to the elevator and go up to deck B: treatment.

Move the barricade down the corridor with telekinesis. Eliminate the enemies ahead and move towards the minerallurgy area. Attention in the corridor is represented by an armored enemy. Cut off his upper limbs to kill him. Enter the gap to enter the zero gravity zone.

Use your telekinesis to send pieces of the asteroid into the laser. When the number of anomalies is 0, use the gravity control panel nearby. Other enemies arrive after activating gravity. Exit through the door leading to the mining room. Find Dallas RIG admin. Return to the elevator to go down to Maintenance Deck D.

Transition to maintenance. Use your telekinesis to zoom in on the gondola. Get inside to activate it. Use your weapons and nearby items to destroy the enemies around. On the other sideNicole is waiting for you. Follow Nicole and protect her from threats. Go to the equipment preparation room to find the intermediate drilling rig blueprint. Take the lighthouse in the workshop.

Take the elevator back to Maintenance. Use the automatic switch to activate weightlessness and go to the other side. Use the main elevator to go up to deck C. The monsters are setting a trap for you again, survive. At the top, go through the mining area and then through the drilling control area. Insert the tag into the pipes. Is there something wrong. Repeat your steps to move to the drilling site.

Restore by passing the battery through the ejection area. Insert the battery into the room to the drilling site to activate the elevator. Go to the drilling site.

Start by passing between the rings of the asteroid to get out. Land a beacon on an asteroid. Use your stasis to slow down the gravity tethers. Shoot the tape to stop them. Two indoors and two outdoors.

Once the mission is completed, return to the drilling control area. You will need to pick up the battery from the extraction area in order to return. Once in the room, disconnect the asteroid. You receive a new mission. Return to the tram stop, but not everything goes according to plan. The creature has returned.

Slow down the enemies and open the door manually with the lever atwalls. Then go to the tram stop to end the episode.

Episode 8

From the tram, return to the bridge. Get rid of the enemies on the podium. After the fight, use the first elevator to go up to the third floor. Go down the corridor and clear the passage to the communication room.

On the spot, approach the communication antenna. Go through the gateway and destroy all enemies. You must solve the puzzle to activate the link. Start by removing all defective dishes. Collect all stable dishes near you to help solve the puzzle.

You need to start from the bottom to create the feed path at the top of the design. Get power right, up, left, up, right again to solve the puzzle.

Activate the antenna to contact emergency services. Follow the compass to the maintenance gondola. On the way to the antenna, change equipment to the 4th level. Once in for maintenance, you'll find that the Leviathan is still alive. Exit through the nearest SAS to pay him off.

You fight the Leviathan again. Synchronize your weapon with the barrel in front of you to break the Leviathan's body and get to one of its growths. Dodge his tentacles with thrusters. Use the nearby canisters to breathe. Use the same technique on the right to destroy the Leviathan projectiles. Finish the fight with the last cannon on the left. St?Eat at his projectiles and dodge his tentacles.

Deploy the antenna inside and join USS Valor to end the episode.

Scientific Methods Side Quest

Search Dr. Nicole Brennan's downstairs room for a recording in the main lab. Play the recording to unlock the side mission. Search the emergency room at the Ishimura Clinic for Nicole's entry. Follow Nicole's hologram to find a door to move with telekinesis. Collect the newspaper inside and play.

You must now look for the location of the autopsy in the technique. Head to the engineering deck in the hangar. Follow the compass to find a coin nearby.

Continue the mission on the drill rod. Use the main elevator to access Maintenance Deck D. Enter the Secure Storage and search Warehouse 02 for the entry Keene. The Dead Space 2 easter egg is in another entry with Nicole.

Side task Premeditated fault

After the fight with the creature in the freezer. Obtain a tissue sample from the cell. Go to the main laboratory to analyze the sample. Then head to the ICU to find Harris' tape.

Continue the mission later on the drill rod. Take the elevator to floor C and search the ore deposit. Move the drawers to find Harris' entry. Head to the podium to play Nicole's recording. Continue tosubcultures through the food system. After entering the diagnostic room, take Nicole's note to complete the mission.

Side quest Authorization required

In this secondary mission, you must find Ishimura's RIG agents. Activate the mission on the bridge. Holt's first rig is upstairs in the East Grow Room. The second Dallas RIG can be obtained during the main adventure in the drilling zone.

Game from the guide
  • Platform: PS5, PC, Xbox Series S/X
  • Genre: Action, Shooter
  • Release date 27 January 2023