Kena: Bridge of Spirits walkthrough - story quests and collectibles guide

Detailed walkthrough of story missions, search for smolders, cursed chests, hats, bosses and much more
Kena: Bridge of Spirits walkthrough - story quests and collectibles guide
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
21 September 2021

At the beginning of the game, you will learn the basics of control. Run forward, stand on the slab and press E to open the passage. Fight the first enemies using LMB, RMB and CTRL. Ripple (E) on the runes to the left and right of the closed passage, then stand in a circle and press E. In general, ripple is used for many purposes. By holding the wheel, you can run. Examine the tree, then press E on the small creature and pick up the first carrion. Embers are used as minions in Overlords. You will order them to drag different items, attack enemies and so on. with each new level you unlock new abilities. But first you will need to find 5 slimes, not counting the first one, in order to get the first level. After that, you can give them orders.

Ken Walkthrough: Spirit Bridge

Climb up, go to the place where they saw the children, and pick up the first calf . Don't forget about the E and Q keys. Go forward and turn right. Climb to the ledge and take the second calf . Turn around, go the other way and go through the tree to find the third calf . Follow the main path, enter the ruins on the left and pick up the fourth calf . Go back and look for the lake. Nearby there will be a round plate. Standing on it, press E. Jump up the columns and take the fifth calf . Go to the infected area and order the smolders (R key) to attack the flower. They will create a blue sphere. Press E to explode the flower. The filth will disappear.

Follow on, up the tree, clear the area of enemies and remove the filth, as you did before. Climb up and see a block. Order the smolderers to pick up a stone, press Shift to aim and order to move the stone (on R). So you can climb the building. Inside there are barrels with crystals. Crystals are the currency to buy hats for your scum. More on that later. Jump to another building and beyond. Defeat the Sprout mini-boss. Use E to block attacks (you need to hold this key). If you press right before an enemy attack, you can parry it. For killing Sprout you will receive 3 scum.


After the victory, you will reach the village. Cleanse the center of the village from the filth. You will need to destroy the enemies, three flowers (one in the building on the right) and the main flower. You will gain access to the first fast travel point (the altar) and the first hat shop. Each shop unlocked gives you one hat. Here, in a circle, you can find chests with two hats. On the table, under the plate, there is a carrion. If you go back and to the left, you can find a cursed chest. Go straight on the marker (map opens to M) from the center and turn left. An old man will appear and give you a mask. Return to the children in the center, stand at the barrier and put on the mask. Look at the houses on the left and right as you wish. Walk forward to a new location.

tarot tree

Get to the children and remove the filth. Use a sticky tear to destroy the red growths (LMB and RMB). Find the drop on the right and ask the fledglings to move it towards the children so that a sticky tear will grow. Get rid of the corruption on the side to find the temple of flowers. This is another kind of collectible. Jump up the ledges avoiding the mud slopes. Deal with the enemies and Sprout. With sticky tears, you can remove the growths on the left and right, but you need to enter the cave ahead. Get to the desired point and use the mask.

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Tarot is the first spirit you will help in the game. There are three such spirits in total. For each, you need to find three relics, after which the game will allow you to fight with them. You need to climb to Rusu's house, located on the very top of the cliff. Go left along the water and turn into another passage. Get to the altar "Gorge" by killing enemies and so on.

Mount Rusu

Chat with the kids near the water, go left and look for the Tarot memory. Move up by jumping on different ledges and avoid falling onto slippery surfaces. There will be a new altar - "Ruins". Keep moving, jumping on different parts of the mountain and clinging to the white ledges. This will take you to the broken bridge. Let your decayers fix it, and you quickly run across to the other side. You will find the altar "House of Rusu".

To open the door to the left of the house, kill the enemies and move the diamond piece to the door. Stand on the platform and press E to open the door. Kill the Kappa inside the cave. Use the smolders to delay the mini-boss and prevent him from going underground. Ride the elevator, chat with Rusu, and optionally complete his archery challenges. In the end, find the descent down to the right of the huge tree. Go there and kill the enemies. Some hide on tree branches! Lower the bridge by hitting the target. Slide even lower and find Rusu near the Rusu's Backyard altar.

Finish off the enemies at the back of the house, kill the wooden knight (aim at the growths) and get rid of the corruption. This is how you find the first tarot relic.

How to get to the Forgotten Forest

From the Tarot tree, go right and look for a closed door. Look up. There are crystals on the trees. One of them glows. Shoot all the glowing ones in turn to open a passage to the Forgotten Forest. You will find yourself in a large location. Go forward and look on the left hand for a barrier blocking the path to the Lantern Cave. You need to clear 4 temples. Go ahead and find the first one. You need to light the four bowls with arrows in the correct order:

  • To the right of the altar
  • To the right of the tree opposite the altar
  • To the left of the altar
  • To the left of the tree opposite the altar

The yellow waypoint points to a stone door that cannot be opened yet (all temples must be cleared). Look for the Temple of Water by the pond. Find two pieces of diamond on the side of the temple and place them in front of the temple, on the fragments. Get on the platform and press E.

From the Temple of Water, swim diagonally to the right and forward. There you will find a tree with a blue flower that you can gravitate towards. Do this and start climbing through the trees to the very top. There you need to kill the enemies, and then remove the damage from the third temple. Get to the fourth temple, just kill the enemies and clear it. go inside the desired cave, killing the mini-boss, and take the second relic.

Go to the Lantern Cave, talk to Rusu and he will open it for you. Move forward, shoot at the crystals and use the created creature to destroy the pieces of filth. There will be another sticky tear and a descent into the cave itself. Follow there. Kill the Guardian and pick up the third relic. Get out of here, pick up a lantern and place it at the altar next to another. Walk forward until you can return to the Tarot tree. Finish off Taro himself. You can shoot the glowing lantern on his neck (lights up once in a while), and the rest of the time just dodge.


Talk to the grandfather in the village to get Adira's mask. Now you can go to the left on the map by applying the mask. Get to the big barn door, go inside and talk to Adira's friend. Now you can use bombs. At the beginning, on the left and right, there are glowing stones. Throw bombs at them to climb up the fragments. First, moving to the beginning of the barn, climb the rocks on the left. Create platforms and kill enemies. At the end there will be a stone block of three parts. Blow it up, and then shoot at each part so that they glow. Go back down and climb the blocks on the right. Slide down the slope, kill enemies using bombs and shooting orange fragments hidden under a strong carapace. Climb up the slabs to be blown up. At the top, wait, blow up the plates again and shoot the crystal on one of them. In the corner on the right there is a stone that also needs to be blown up. So you can climb to the very top and find a stone block with three rings. Rotate them so that they light up. Go downstairs and open the door near Adira's friend.


Activate Adira's mask inside her tower. Go around the tower and on the back side, on the left (go counterclockwise) you will see the wreckage. Throw the bomb so that the debris is in the air. Jump on them (one of them needs to be turned - more oblong - by shooting at the crystal from the side), go behind the tower. There will be a big field here. Activate the three large obelisks on the sides. With two, everything is simple, and to the third you need to climb with the help of debris and a bomb (pull yourself to the blue flower). So you will find the descent down.

Follow there, inside the cave, kill the first enemies, and in the second adit, shoot the seed to create a sticky tear. Use this creature to kill enemies and destroy the red corruption. The doors will open. Go ahead, create a bridge from stone blocks and cross it. Take a running jump to the white ledge, detonate the bomb, jump on the floating blocks and destroy the three red knots with the slimes. After that, it will be possible to destroy the main node. Take the elevator up and follow the blue marker to Rufus' barn.

Shoot at the target, the platform will start moving. Cling to it and jump to the left. This will take you to the backyard of the barn. Kill enemies. Move one barrel and two stacked barrels towards each other. Jump from one to the other, and ask the flies to carry you to the ledge. Climb into the barn, go down and kill all the enemies until you can clean the corruption.

Go to the watchtower and kill the opponents. Create a sticky tear creature and destroy all obstacles. After finding the second sticky tear, first blow up the debris with a bomb, and while it is raised, go ahead with the sticky tear creature and destroy the growths. The tower is free! So you get the first Adira relic (near the tower).

Follow the blue waypoint to the passage to the forge. If you destroyed all the nodes and got the bell, then Rufus will destroy the stones (talk to the girl nearby). Climb higher and higher, get out of the cave and climb to the ledge on the right. Now blow up the blocks and jump on them in the other direction. Draw to the blue flower. Explode these fragments again and jump to the other side, higher. Pull yourself to the next flower by blowing up the blocks and get to the waterfall. Blast the blocks, jump to the far left and shoot the crystal on the big one. Jump to the right and climb onto the big block. Destroy all enemies to inspect the forge and find tools. You can look around, and then go down in any convenient way down (there is an elevator and an altar).

The heart of the village

Follow the marker to this place, inside the cave. You are interested in the blue marker. Explode the debris on the left and right sides, and then use a burst of energy to open the door. Swim through the cave, climb the debris in the water to the white ledges and follow above. Kill all the enemies, blow up the same debris and jump over it to the other side. climb higher and higher using the debris in the poisoned pool. First, jump on them, and then shoot the crystal to climb higher. Shoot the crystal on the adjacent one to turn it around. jump in and follow up. Swim on the round platform and kill the enemies. Kill two mages, get to the room in the heart of the village and follow to the large knot of corruption. Use bombs and bow. After destroying the flower, you will receive the third relic.


It remains to return to the tower, activate the seal and go upstairs to fight Adira. Throw a bomb at a stone block to destroy the crystal's defenses. Shoot at the crystal until it is destroyed. Now you can deal damage to Adira. Repeat until victory.

Talk to the old man and take Toshi's mask. Use it nearby and run forward to the temple in the mountains. You need to find three relics. Follow the old man in the village and find the first portal on the side. Press E and LMB to move through it. You will find yourself in the place where you need to find the first relic, on the Path of the Master of Masks. Go through the cave with the chest, move the candles to the altar behind the bridge to make a teleport appear. Move through it as you did before. Continue moving up the cliff, get close to the portal and move through it. Blow up the columns along the mountain and jump on them, turning with the bow and crystals. Kill invisible enemies. You need to put the right block in order to parry the blows and make them visible. Eventually, you will find the mask master. Kill to get the first relic.

In the village, go to the portal on the right, behind the shooting range. Walk the hunter's path by jumping over traps. Shoot all the crystals on the trees and kill the hunter himself. Go through the third portal on the village dock. Shoot the bowls according to the number of stars above them. Moving in a circle through the portals, blow up the columns. Returning to the beginning, pull yourself up to the blue flower (before that, you had to destroy the corruption) and jump up the fragments from the three exploded columns. In one of the places you will need to hit four bowls with an arrow. Hints can be obtained using round panels. Activating each will reveal several stars above the bowls. You need to shoot at the left extreme, the right extreme, the second from the left and the second from the right. Then, at the very top, explode the stones in the poisoned water and roll down the slope. Jump and move through the portals, until the very last. Hit the bell and kill the warrior.

Return to the cave in the mountains, interact with the seal and defeat Toshi. Then fight the Corrupted God of Decay. Shoot the three growths on his body. Kill the normal enemies and shoot the three growths on the god's body again. In the third stage, wait for him to use a charged attack. Then golden spears appear on his back. Pull them out with the help of smolders. After pulling all three, you can meditate one last time and see the final video.

    Game from the guide
    Kena: Bridge of Spirits
    • Platform: PS5, PS4, PC
    • Genre: Action, Adventure
    • Release date 21 September 2021


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