The first level of Planet of Lana is a complete tutorial. Lana's sister calls her downstairs. Just run to the right until you fall down, and then to the left. Get under the wall. Keep following your sister as you climb up the buildings. Soon you will be in the water. Swim to the left and climb onto the boat to get to the market square. Once in the butcher shop, duck and sneak past the butcher when he turns away. If he is standing with his back, you can move to his full height (so faster).
Keep going forward to find the sister near a higher platform. There is a cart here. Push it all the way to the left and climb up. Hurry up as the cart is slowly rolling to the right! Use it to get to the top platform and continue forward. Soon you will see a video, Lana's sister will be kidnapped.
Once you regain control of Lana, run back to the right. When you crawl through the cave again, you will see a flying robot with a surveillance camera. Hide in the tall grass. Wait until he flies to the right and follow him. Keep hiding in the tall grass, and soon the robot will fly off to the left, and you can continue moving. Once in the village, captured by aliens, continue to run and, where necessary, swim. No need to slow down until you get to the robota-observer. Wait for it to fly away and continue.
Continue forward and you will soon reach a wall blocking the path. You can take it down. Pull twice as shown on the screen to open the path. Make your way when the observer robot flies over the roof. Jump down and crawl through the building ahead.
A spider robot will appear. Wait inside the structure until it turns around, then run under the robot. Once you're under him, pause again for him to turn to the left and run to the right. Overtake the observer robot in front and jump into the water. Tear down the wall in the cave and go inside to hide from the fearsome aliens! Use the rope to climb up the ledges in the cave and get to the other side. Continue until the cutscene that ends the chapter plays.
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
Lana will wake up early in the morning and you will have control over her. Walk to the right and you will soon reach an area where you have to jump on some easy platforms. When you get to the platform with the enemy below, jump off the moment he turns left and hide in the tall grass. Move forward to the next patch of tall grass when the enemy turns to the left. After he passes the second patch of grass, continue forward. You will slide down the rocky slope and jump over the abyss.
Ahead will be the first puzzle. Run to the farleft side to find a crate that can be moved. Move it to the left so that you can jump onto the structure on the left side. Climb up on it and push the crate. Place a crate to the left of each pillar. Climb onto the left crate and jump onto the platform. This will lower the left platform and raise the right one. Place the box on the left on the left platform to secure it. You can now climb onto the right crate to get to the correct platform and continue on.
Soon you will see a new enemy. Drop down to the same level as it turns to the right and start climbing up the platform you fell off. As soon as the enemy turns around, he will rush at you, so climb back up. Crashing into a wall will give the boar a stun. Use this to run past him to the right and jump over the gap. Jump off the platforms and run to the left.
Temple . You will find a boar that has fallen from above. Before you move it, run left to the cave with the first temple.
After interacting with the altar, go back outside and push the boar carcass to the right. Place it on top of the flowers to extend the platform on the right. Now you can go right and use the platform. Crawl through the cave, and soon you will find a creature stuck in a trap. He needs to be saved!
Jump down and flip the switch to free the creature. ABOUTbut will rise to the extreme right corner. Turn the switch again to close the drawer. Now you can go down to the crate and push it to the right. Return to the switch to open it again and use the raised crate to follow the creature. Soon you will fall through the wooden platform and find yourself at the bottom.
You need to follow the creature through several adits. On the left, there is another wooden plank that you can walk through to get into the cave. Climb up to the platform to the left of it and jump onto the wooden planks to make your way further. Make your way through the cave and break the boards on the other side. Climb up the rope that the creature will lower to follow it.
The creature will again be trapped. Move the crate to the right when the spider robot turns away and hide in the bushes. Do not rush to climb, break the action into several parts. As soon as the spiderbot turns to the right again, climb onto the box and climb onto the platform on the right. Crawl into the cave. As soon as the spider robot turns away from the box, press the switch to release the creature, which will fall into the same cave. Climb up the rope it lowers to continue moving. Run to the right to see a cutscene. While sleeping, run to the left, after your friend, until you wake up.
Waking up, you find that a mysterious new friend?? wants to stay with you! His name is Mui! Run to the right and learn how to control your partner. When you get to a large gap with an expanding platform, ask Mui to stop at the flowers. Jump over the abyss with an extended platform. Step on the next flowers to expand the new platform and ask Mui to follow you. He will jump over the abyss to you.
Let Mui stop at the first set of colors and you jump to the next colors. Tell Mui to follow and stand on the same colors as you. Slowly descend, go right and climb up the rope. Break the boards on the left and call Mui. Climb down the rope and go right.
The game will tell you how to send Mui to different areas. Aim at the higher platform as shown on the screen and send Mui there to have his partner lower the rope. Follow the prompts on the screen to slowly jump off the cliff and jump over the chasm. Lower the next set of platforms and continue to the right.
Crawl under the platform ahead and you will see an alien moving a large rock. Tell Mui to climb the rock and she will move to the right. Crawl back to the left to climb these platforms and jump over the platform, which will move to the side. When you go outside, you will find a rope holding a drawbridge. Stand right on top of itYou will see a hint for the interaction. Mui will break the rope, lowering the bridge.
Send Mui to the small cave ahead to expand the platform. As soon as you go up, ask Mui to follow you. Continue forward until you reach a large gap with several expanding platforms.
Here you have to run to the left, under the bridge that you just crossed. Send Mui through a hole in the ground, causing him to stand on the hole and interact. It will appear on the other side, expanding the platform. Cross the chasm and stand on other colors to expand another platform. Now call Mui to reunite with you and continue. Soon you will reach a trap box with a broken electrical element on top. Climb to the top platform and run to the left.
Temple . In the section where you need to push the cart to the right, run left until you find the temple.
Have Mui break the rope holding the cart and push it as far to the right as possible. Climb onto the cart and then onto the upper platform. Run right past the switch and break the boards below it. Send Mui to the bare wire for the boards that have just been broken, but don't tear it yet! Return to the cart and push it to the left so that it blocks the solar panel on the ground. You can break the wire! Go down to the right and push the crate inright. Use it to get into the cave.
Go ahead and use the tall grass to hide from the next spider robot. Send Mui to the next platform to lower the rope and follow up. You will soon reach an area where you need to ask Mui to stay to the left of the moving rock. Climb up and break the wooden boards on the left side.
Temple . Don't drop the box yet! Climb up the crate and jump onto the higher platform to find the temple.
Now you can go down back to the box. Slide the crate off the ledge, and push as far to the right as you can. Call Mui to return to you and climb onto the box. Once the platform rises from the moving stone, jump onto the platform on the right.
Run to the right and make your way under the next platform. Tell Mui to jump onto the flowers from above to expand the platform. Crawl back to the left and use the platform to move forward. Soon you will reach the robot guarding the area.
Move to the second tall grass area the moment the robot looks to the side. Send Mui through the hole in the grass and wait for the robot to notice your partner. As soon as he turns around, immediately ask Mui to climb into the same hole. The robot will be distracted for a few seconds, looking for the hole, and you and Mui can move on to the next set of heights?What herbs.
When the robot turns away, order Mui to climb up the rope. Run to the right and stay unnoticed. When you can, quickly crawl into the hole on the right and tell Mui to cut the wire. Dropping the logs will crush the robot. Climb up and keep walking to the right. After the cutscene, run to the right and jump off the ledges. A new chapter will start soon.
Next will be the usual machine translation through Google Translate.
Walk to the right to go deeper into the cave. Soon you will reach this glowing plant. Tell Mui to stand on it to light the way ahead. Run forward until you jump over the gaps until you reach the next light source. Once you are in another lighted area, you can call Mui back.
Temple . At the next light, look to the left and you can climb up the hidden rope to the shrine.
Continue walking through the cave, doing the same, telling Mui to stop to light the way.
Soon you will reach a source of light that you cannot reach yourself. Command Mui to stand on it and it will light up the nearby area, revealing the rope. Climb up this rope to continue. Jump over the chasms until you reach the area with the spider.
First you need to jump over the rope to the middle platform. Order Mui to dig a hole in the righttop corner to light the path below. The spider is afraid of light, so it does not run through it. Jump to the left and hang on the rope. The spider will try to attack you, but will not let the light through. Tell Mui to burrow into the hole again to turn off the lights and quickly climb up the rope to escape the spider that is attacking you. Now quickly command Mui to go through the hole again to light the path below. This will cause the spider to be stuck to the left of the light source.
Climb up the rope and jump to the right. Drop down to the right of the light and you'll stay safe. Climb up the platforms and break the boards to the right of Mui. Order him to go up to the right to lower the rope so you can go deeper into the cave.
Soon you will reach a large door blocking your path. Order Mui to climb on it and open the door. This area is really dark and every light is temporary, so keep running while you enjoy the beautiful yet mysterious rock art. Notice the big one at the end!
The first image above shows two symbols for solving the next puzzle. They are circled in the image. Move forward and we will enter a large room with a puzzle. We need to move the slides on each pipe to their respective positions. Look at the shape of the slide and the location of the dots relative to the slide. Do we need??o Arrange each slide as shown in the pictures.
After the first painting in the previous room, there are also two paintings in the puzzle room. The first one will be shown with a light in the upper left corner. The other one will open by moving the crate of logs in the lower right corner. You can find them all in the second image above, as well as the puzzle solution. Simply place each slide as shown in the right image above and jump onto the rope on the right to open the door! Interact with the device in the next room to get the amulet.
Now tell Mui to grab the flowers ahead and drag them to the left until a path opens up. Command Mui to stand on the light source ahead, and you will see a path below that you can follow. Approach the ledge and click down to hang on it. Click again to fall onto the lower ledge. Now you can move to the right.
Soon you will reach a sleeping slug for a beam of light. Don't worry, it's not dangerous. Climb to the top left corner and order Mui to move the top left slug to the right. Now jump down and pull the one on the ground to the left. Climb up his back to reach a higher platform. Once you are on the higher platform, tell Mui to push the slug to the right so that it shows its tail on the upper platform. Keep climbing up from here and you can??te remember Mui. Run forward until you slide down the slope to complete this chapter and go to the Highlands.
Go right until you slide down the slope to the puzzle pictured above. Place your pet on the right so that it expands the platform and move the box so that it is closer to the middle between the two platforms. Flip the switch to raise it as shown in the image above. Crawl through the hole on the left and jump across the platforms. Now we can jump to the upper right corner and remember our pet. Soon you will see a large wooden structure with a platform in the upper right corner and a load in the lower left corner. Run past him and climb up the rope.
Temple . Swing on this rope to create momentum. You will see a ledge on the right wall when you turn left. Jump after you jump onto this ledge for the shrine.
Now climb up the rope again. You will see that this area is too high for your pet to follow you. At the top of the rope, jump to the left and follow the bottom path. Jump onto the platform to lower it. Once it is on the ground, order your pet to stand on it. Now run back to the right. You will see the weight of the platform only with the pet not enough and lift up. Climb up this ropeova and remember your pet upstairs. Now that you are reunited, take the upper left path. Command your pet to jump on the rope and lower it to go up and go to the right.
Next, we will need to go past another robot. He will jump on the lower platforms and then patrol the uppermost platform. Jump to the platform below it when it is up and command your pet to go through the hole on the right when the robot is facing left. Quickly tell your pet to burrow into the hole so the robot doesn't see it yet. Climb up the tall grass in the upper left when it's safe to do so, then tell your pet to dig the hole again. The robot will see this and chase after it, so quickly tell your pet to dig to safety. Climb to the highest platform and jump down to your pet as the robot jumps back to the bottom platform to continue safely. Continue along the path to the right, complete this short chapter and enter the Swamp.
We will quickly discover that our little friend hates water. We must find ways to help him get over any water he can't jump over. Swim to the right when he refuses to move on and you will find this journal on a higher platform. Push him into the water on the left, and then swim with him all the way to the left. Order Muijump onto the log and swim to the right. Tell Mui to climb up the high cliff and lower the rope from the other side.
On the next patch of water, dive into the water and swim towards the flowers below to expand the platform. Call Mui to follow you and he will jump over the extended platform. Now climb onto the solid ground and order Mui to stand on the top row of flowers.
Temple . Before continuing, crouch and crawl into the wall on the right. There is a hidden shrine here.
Use the extended platform to jump into the next area on the right. You can remember Mui once you get there. Keep running forward until you find a worm-like creature that burrows into the ground as you approach it.
Tell Mui to stay with the worm and jump into the water. Interact with it once it reappears and drag it to the right. This will raise the water level and you will be able to swim across it. Once you're back on solid ground, pull it to the left to lower the water level completely. Once the water is completely gone, call on Mui to come back to you. Have Mui lower the rope forward. Shortly after, jump off the ledges and fall into the water below.
Temple . Swim into the wall on the left and you'll find another hidden temple.
Swim to the right and climb onto the rope ahead. Hang from the bottom of this rope andmove from side to side. This will allow you to reach the platform on the left. Once you jump off, tear off the boards so Mui can join you and continue to the right. Open the cave with Mui. There are a lot of runners here, so enjoy the scenery while you run. Jump into the water when you get to it and swim as far to the right as you can.
Grab the rope when you get to it. You will have to start moving back to the left on the upper platforms, jumping and swinging as needed. Once you're on the left and on the rope, jump down and you'll break the boards below. Call Mui to come back to you and direct him to the worm below. Lower the water level here to the limit and leave Mui on the worm. Jump down and go right until you reach a log.
Raise the water level here just enough for the log to swing over the platform on the left. As soon as you pass it, lower the water level again and carry the log to the left. Once you're at the far end, raise the water level all the way. Swim to the left with the log and remember Mui to be in the log. Now swim to the right with the log and get out of the water. Lead Mui to the right to open a passage to the cave ahead. Climb up the rope and then up the platforms to the left of the rope to continue right up to complete this chapter and move on to the nextchapter, Past.
Run forward and interact with the control panel ahead to open the door. Jump over the rope here and drop down to the right. Slide down the slope to your left to find another rope. Jump to the right and continue from here.
We will reach this area with an electrified floor. Send Mui under the electrified platform and interact with the switch to turn off the power. Now you can safely intersect with Lana. There is quite a lot of running around here. After a while, you will enter a dark room with a monster below.
Tell Mui to wait on the switch on the left as shown in the first image above. Wait for the monster to move to the left and jump down to the right. Quickly run over a section of the electrified floor and activate it with Mui when the monster is on it. This will kill the monster, leaving you and Mui safe! Tell Mui to lower the rope in front and climb up.
Keep running forward to find out how these creatures came to earth. Shortly after, jump down and press the button to expand the bridge. Tell Mui to stay on the switch and cross the bridge. Once you're on the other side, tell Mui to push the switch to remove the bridge. Jump down and call Mui. Run right from here.
We will be in this area, ??provided above. First, order Mui to go up to the switch in the upper left corner. There are two objects on the paths, one on each side of the water. Pull them both into the water and swim to the right side. Tell Mui to activate the switch to turn on the power by electrifying the water. Activate the switch in the lower right corner with Lana to expand the bridge. Now tell Mui to turn off the power and climb on it. Cross the bridge, which has now been extended. Tell Mui to lower the rope here and climb up the platforms. Follow Mui to the right as he runs ahead.
Jump onto the rope ahead and swing to reach the platform on the right. Interact with the control panel in front and you will get a bracelet! Keep moving forward and jump onto the platform that lowers with your weight.
This area is a bit tricky. You want to jump to the far left first and activate the computer terminal. You will see that you can control the elevator from here. When you are not in control of it, it will always slowly descend. You need to position it around the area shown in the image above. Position it so that it drops to the right of the platform and high enough so that you can reach it before it drops all the way down. As soon as you exit the computer, quickly run to the right and jump to the square.?tform when it is lowered. Jump left to the switch below where you entered from and press it. Open the ventilation on the left. Go back to the computer terminal and place it in the same area you dropped out of.
Tell Mui to wait on the platform and return to the computer. You want to position it high above a wire that it can break, as shown in the second image above. Quickly get off the computer and run to the power switch. Turn off the power and let Mui break the wire when the platform goes down. If you don't turn off the power first, it will die.
Now that the bridge is down, we need to go back to the computer one more time. Place it high above the gap between the bridge and the upper left platform. Get off and run towards him before he falls too far. Use it to get to the bridge and keep moving to the right. Soon after, slide down the slope to complete this chapter and start Ocean.
Crawl out of this cave to the right. Soon you will reach an observer robot flying ahead. Crouch in the tall grass to hide from her. As soon as it passes on the left, run to the right. Break the cover off the control panel and interact with it.
You will find that you can now control the surveillance bot! Fly to the upper platform on the right and place it on the grass, which will expand the platform??mu as shown in the image above. You can now turn off your computer and go upstairs to continue. Soon you will reach the boat. Sit on it to complete this very short chapter. We will now move on to The Turning Tide.
Temple . At the very beginning of this chapter, just swim to the left and you will find a temple.
Move forward until you find this pig. Send Mui into a small hole and make him look into the pig's eyes. This will allow you to command the pig. Push it towards the flowers on the far right to expand the platform. Climb to the top of this platform with Lana. Pull the pig back to the left so that Mui is in a small hole under Lana. Break your gaze so that the pig pounces on the pet and hits its head on a stone. Quickly jump to the right and remember Mui. Continue to the right and climb onto the platform ahead to escape the pig. Order Mui to climb onto the platform and press the rope to climb up and continue.
Keep moving and soon you will run into this observer robot. First hide in the tall grass until it flies away. After he flies away, crawl into the small space below as shown in the image above. As soon as it passes to the left, run forward and jump over the gap.
Soon you will reach anotherobserver bot. Crouch in the bushes to hide when he passes on the left. Once this happens, run and jump over the black stuff on the ground. This will slow you down a lot if you try to go through it. Hide in the next set of tall grass and wait for the observer robot. Move only when it passes to the left again. Crouch and crawl through the small hole in the wall ahead.
Tell Mui to go up to the top platform in front of the black substance and lower the rope. Do you see these black vines in this black substance? They will grab you and kill you! To avoid this, get to the lowest point of the rope and jump over it. Jump at the end. Crawl under the platform ahead and use the computer to control the observer bot. You probably noticed that the latter flies towards this black substance on the ground and hits it. This is what you need to do to kill the vines in the black substance that will kill you. Fly with the bot and shoot down all the creepers that you see, both the one behind you that you jumped over, and any in front of you.
Before you lose control, fly to the highest platform here and you will see the temple. Place the bot on the flowers to extend the platform above the rope to your left.
Temple . Climb up to the extended platform and run to the right towards the shrine.
Jump off arrMove to the left and drop off at a safe height to continue moving to the right. Get past all the black vines you killed with the bot and jump into the water ahead. Climb up the rope platforms and jump over it when you get to it. Drop down to the far right and go back to the left when you do. You will find a journal that you can move here. First move it to the right to open the door, then move it to the far left. Command Mui on the log and move him to the right to cross the water. As soon as you bring Mui all the way to the right, order him to climb to a higher platform and lower the rope. Climb it and you'll find even more captured villagers!
Climb up the platforms and quickly summon Mui before the observer robot notices her. Hack the computer terminal and use it to control the bot. Fly to the top platform and place it on top of the flowers to expand the highest platform. Climb up it and place Mui on the same color set as shown in the image above.
Now return to the computer to take control of the observer bot again. Drop down to the ground to the right and place it to the right of the largest set of flowers on earth. Climb back up to the upper platform and jump over the gap with the raextended platform. Remember Mui to open the way forward. Soon you will find yourself in an area with a worm that can control the water level and two watcher bots.
Lower the water level here and swim to the right, avoiding the lookout bots. Climb up the platforms at the very end and start jumping to the left over the observer robots. If necessary, you can hide in the tall grass. Move the log from the platform to the left when you get to it, being careful not to fall so that the observer bot does not notice you. Swim with him to the left when it's safe. Tell Mui to jump on the log and push it to the right when the observer robots are not looking. There's a lot of straight running here, so keep moving as needed until you reach a plank on the ground blocking your path. Jump to the higher platform to its right and then onto the boards to break through. Keep moving forward until you reach the next observer robot.
Climb up the platforms on the right side of this room as it flies to the left. Wait on the top right platform itself. He will quickly fly towards you. As soon as he flies back to the left, follow him and hide in the tall grass. Wait for it to fly to the right again and jump to the computer on the left to control it. Fly it towards you and order Mui to stand on it. Now flying to the upper right?th corner and you will find a rope that can be broken, as shown in the second image above. Now you can disconnect from the computer. Jump down and go right. Climb up the rope to continue moving forward.
Keep moving until you reach an area filled with cobwebs. The path will be divided between the higher path and the lower path. Jump to the higher platforms first. Order Mui to stand on the far right edge of this platform. Jump back to the left and swim to the right after that. You will find a huge spider! As soon as he starts to wake up, run back to the left. He will try to eat Mui! Just keep interacting with the clues as shown on the screen until the spider is no longer a threat. Climb up with Lana and cross the back of the spider on the next platform. Once you are on the other side, remember Mui. There is a lot of work to be done from here until you reach the end of this chapter! It's time to move on to the Desert. The next area is going to be a bit tricky. First, hide in the tall grass to avoid the Watcher Bot. You will find a pig on the far right. Lure him to the observer robot. Hide in the tall grass with Mui, but leave the pig open so that the observer bot will notice it and kill it. Move the carcass to the right so that it expands the lower platform. When do you watch the robot??b will start flying to the left, quickly tell Mui to stand on the left set of flowers so that the two lower platforms will slide out as shown in the image above.
You will start this chapter with a long section of running without obstacles. After a while, you will come across this bot shown in the image above. Wait for it to turn right and climb up to the highest platform. Crouch here to hide and wait until he passes under you on the left again. Once this happens, run to the right and crawl through the small cave. Keep walking forward until you reach an elevator.
Crawl into the cave on the right and order Mui to look at the worm. Jump onto the platform on the right to lower it so that the light stops shining on the worm. Now push the worm to the left with Mui to lower the elevator. Get out of this cave, leaving Mui on the worm, and jump onto the elevator. Once you step on it, pull the worm back to the right to activate the elevator again. Call Mui and take the elevator to continue.
Soon we will reach another section of the elevator. First, order Mui to go to the switch above. Press it to make the elevator go up and the rope to fall. Click again to lower the elevator. Jump onto the rope. Tell Mui to press the switch again to lift you up and jump onto the platform with Mui. Press the button againto lower the elevator and jump on it. Finally, tell Mui to press again to raise the platform.
There is an observer bot here, but it will not notice you in the left elevator. When he flies away, quickly follow him and press the button to raise the right elevator. Run back to the left elevator to calmly wait for it to rise. Once the bot flies back to the right, follow it again and press the button again to lower the right elevator. Just run off the platform to land on the descending elevator. Order Mui to return to you below and jump down when he stops to continue moving.
Next, we will find ourselves in this puzzle with the observer bot. The switch on the left will open the middle of the floor, which is patrolled by an observer bot. Tell Mui to wait at the switch and go up to the right. Make sure the floor is open. Once the bot flies to the right, jump down the hole and tell Mui to press the button. This will protect you from the observer robot. When he passes on the left, get out of here and jump to the right and access the computer. Here you will not control the bot, you will control the magnet at the top. Take the bot and push it into this hole. He won't be deactivated for long, so Mui will quickly cover his floor before he flies away.
Temple . Before we leave this area, place the magnet as shown in the image above to go upi to the top left. Crouch through the small opening and run to the left towards the last shrine of the game!
After you get this temple, go back to the computer and place the magnet on the far right side so you can jump onto it and then onto the highest platform. Make Mui lower the rope to the top left corner. Climb it to get out of here. Have Mui break the next rope ahead and continue until you reach a section with a large fan.
First, tell Mui to wait next to the computer. Fans and electrified floors can kill you. Run forward with Lana, stopping at each obstacle to turn off the fans. Keep moving slowly until you pass the second fan. Wait for the observer bot to fly up and jump onto the platform ahead. Flip the switch to turn off the force field and electrified floors, and quickly jump down to the left. Return to Mui. Be sure to wait by the fans until they turn off. You will find that you can now access a computer terminal. Activate it to control the surveillance bot. Fly it up and through the higher fan here. You will find that the path splits almost immediately. Walk along the lower path and break the floor. Keep moving left to returnI'm with Mui and Lana.
Order Mui to get on the bot and fly along the same path you just went through. Go through the fan in front of you when it's off and take off through the new hole you made. Before flying in front of the top fan, wait for it to turn off because the second fan will kill Mui. Run it through the fan when it's off. Activate the switch in the upper right corner of this area to turn off the power and then in the upper left corner to cut the wire with Mui. Now you can return here with Lana. Climb up the rope and run to the right.
Have Mui wait at the hole on the left in this section and start crawling through the hole. When the bot turns right, quickly run after it and hide in the tall grass. Make Mui crawl through the hole. Once Mui is spotted by the bot, crawl through the hole again and run to the next patch of grass ahead. Wait on the next platform between tall grass, just before where you will crouch. As soon as the bot spots you, quickly crouch in the hole ahead. Order Mui to dig a tunnel and then order him to run towards the tall grass behind the bot trying to get you. Wait for the bot to lose interest and run back to the left. Now you can force Mui to come back to you.
As soon as the next bot jumps on theuh, order Mui to go up to the upper left platform as shown in the image above. Start crawling to the right. As soon as the bot jumps, call Mui and keep running into the cave on the right. The bot will try to chase it between platforms and get stuck, giving you time to get away. Unfortunately, shortly after entering the cave, we will be separated from Mui! We can't save him from here, just run to the right until you reach a cutscene. We wake up in a state of sleep. Just run left until you complete this chapter and start Oasis.
Run to the right until you meet a stranger. Follow him until he activates the computers. The inscriptions on the wall in front of the computers will tell you how to activate the bot. Just set up the terminals as shown in the image above and then activate them using the computer on the right. You can ride this boat in the desert! This section is mostly cinematic, but there are a few quick events so keep an eye on which buttons you have to press. In the end, the bot will give up and we will return on foot. Run quickly and crawl into the cave ahead. Just keep going forward to finish this short chapter and move on to the next one, End of the Road.
Wait at the first building until the observer bot flies to the left. Once it passes, run to the right and hide under the platform. Wait untilhe won't fly by again. Climb up to the platform you're hiding under once it passes on the left. Quickly jump to the right to get past this bot.
Keep going forward and push the crate to the right when you get to it. Activate the computer terminal on the right when the drawer is open to control the magnet. Pick up the crate and lift it to the left, positioning it as shown in the first image above. Now move the magnet so that it is between the higher platforms above you, as shown in the second image above. Climb up the crate and then jump over the magnet to continue forward.
Hide in the tall grass so as not to catch the eye of the observer robot flying from side to side. Watch for the next spider robot ahead. Hide in the small hole you need to climb through and wait until it jumps over you. As soon as he jumps down, quickly run out after him and run to the right. You will be able to crawl through the next hole before it notices you. You will see a large spaceship ahead! It will take off and then return to the ground. Once it lands, it will open. Climb into it and you will fly away!
Jump over the chasms until you get to the next spider robot. Wait for it to turn right and run under it. You will find a crate ahead.Pull it to the left as shown in the image above once the bot turns away. Climb up it and activate the switch when the bot turns left to open a path ahead. Just wait under the platform one more time until the bot turns left again to go through this hole. We will watch a cut-scene in which we find out that aliens have taken over Mui!
Jump onto the platform above the spider bot when it turns away and wait for the observer bot to fly to the left. You need to be fast here, so get out as soon as he passes you. Climb to the higher platform and jump over the gap on the right. you won't have time to jump to the higher platform, so crawl into the hole on the right to avoid being seen. As soon as he flies away again, you can climb up.
Jump down and activate the computer terminal to take control of the magnet above. Use it to grab the surveillance bot. Place it in the hole that Mui entered and quickly turn off the terminal. Quickly run to the right before the bot wakes up and activate the next computer terminal. This one will control the bot. Fly up and to the right of Mui. Here you will find one crate on a higher platform. Fly into it quickly to push it off the platform and lower it to the ground. Now you can exitand out of the terminal and push the drawer to the far left. Activate the left terminal again to take control of the magnet. Pick up this box and place it where Mui went.
Mui crate will now come out on the right. Return to the terminal that controls the Watcher Bot and use it to push Mui's crate off the platform. You will enter a cutscene where you will be reunited with Mui!
Order Mui to jump on the observer robot and control it again. Fly up to the switch on the ceiling and activate it. This switch will turn off power to the force field in the ceiling on the right. Fly there and follow that path, flipping the switches as needed. Once you're back on the ground, fly to the left and hit the last switch here to open a path for Lana. Continue forward as Lana and break the vent blocking your path.
Drop down to these yellow ledges. On the second ledge, drop down to the left and climb onto this platform. You'll need a running start to get to the next platform ahead. Keep running and jumping to the right until you reach your friend! Unfortunately, the robot spider will notice you! We'll have to keep running! Run forward and follow Mui into the hole. This is a pretty standard escape sequence. Luckily, Mui knows the way! Just follow Mui until you get to a safe place.about places.
Keep running to the right until you reach the core of the ship. Run to the right side of him and send Mui to the top platform to open the door. Activate the switch here. The core will now begin to pulse, sending a large flash across the room. Hitting it will kill you. Leave Mui on the switch in this little alcove. The switch will open and close the floors. Leave the floors open and run when the outbreak is over. Jump to the lower platform and cover the floor with Mui to keep yourself safe from the next flare, as shown in the second image above. Keep doing this until you reach the switch on the left. Click on this switch and an object will appear in the center of the room. Run towards it, using the floor as cover again, and you will enter a quick event with a long cutscene to disable this core! After it shuts down, we will start the next chapter, Tailo Village.
This is quite enough for the game! We have this last chapter, but all we're doing here is running to the left, enjoying the scenery. Once you catch up with Elo, the credits will roll!
The action game also received a content update.