A reference to the movie Blade Runner.
Airs: 10.00 12.00
In this cell, we immediately poke at the word B2Bot, when the interview with the person in the robot suit begins, we poke at its serial number.
B2Bot + CTSS-7094 = Eliza Pravrobot, we break through it and find a chat.
We are shooting a video where the purple robot answers the last question about the astro train.
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
Cage closure options:
Club task: the name of a person in a robot suit. $60 (camera continues to work).
Sending video to Elise. We receive a gratitude of $80.
A reference to the movie "A Space Odyssey 2001", specifically to the artificial intelligence HAL9000.
Airs: 13.30 18.00 24.00
We collect all links from conversations.
Gutters + team = team name = character contact.
We chat on various topics and in the process learn the model of artificial intelligence.
uZinc + configuration = configuration site.
Cage closure options:
Reference to the game Monkey Island.
There are active zones on the satellite: the satellite itself, the "strange device", the "red spiral" and the name of the spa?Nickname "Galbrush".
Satellite + name = owners of the satellite.
Red spiral = secret organization = leader's contacts.
If you ask the leader of a secret organization about "Gamesite", he will give a link to the satellite chat and ask you to start self-destruction.
Galbrush + classic video game = link to game description.
Verbal duels + game name = verbal duel response options required to self-destruct the satellite.
Cage closure options:
A reference to the Star Wars universe, C3PO assembly.
Airs: 9.00 16.00
From the first telephone conversation with the customer, we get a link to the "constellation" and "legend". We hammer both words into a search engine, we get the name of three legends. We add each name + "constellation" to the search engine, we get links to six planets. In the search engine, we enter one of the planets + the gorge and get the name of the sister.
Sister's name + student = sister's contact.
Cage closure options:
Trfucking night vision.
We collect links from the camera: spray can, graffiti. Over time, yellow eyes appear.
Yellow eyes + graffiti = artist's pseudonym.
At night, a car with the name of the company arrives. The search engine displays the owner.
Cage closure options:
Airs: 9.30 14.30
We just collect all the links from the conversations.
Psychologist + hypnosis = psychologist's name = psychologist's contacts.
Psychologist's name + star = star's name
Star name + contest = contest name = website link.
Cage closure options:
Consists of two chambers.
Airs: 6.00 9.30 15.30
We collect links from conversations in the first and second cameras.
Freaky + music show = channel name and contact.
Brain + Banyes Clover = Tony the Rat.
Banshee + prison = prison name = prison address.
Cage closure options:
Reference to the movie The Crow.
Night vision is required.
Active zones: flower, liquid, crow, grave.
In the search engine, the flower displays in the name of the deceased. Grave = funeral.
Funeral + name of the deceased = name of the husband.
The husband arrives at 22.30. Active zone: clothes. Collecting references from his speech.
Business + Seamstress = atelier.
Sleeveless suit = apocalyptic fashion.
Apocalyptic fashion + atelier = contacts and name of the atelier.
Cage closure options:
Airs: 17.00 22.00
We collect links from conversations.
Cassandra + fortune teller or fortune, we get the fortune teller's contacts.
Guild + license = psychics.
We collect links from the pervert's conversations, select the "author" category.
Author + sensual sorceress = "erotic nights" contact.
We call there, we talk about "hot soothsayer", we get the name of the author.
Cage closure options:
We are waiting for the mechanic to appear and collect tags: barrels, bathtub, buggy woogie.
At 11.00 the brewer comes, you can remove the link from the bottles of "XXX".
In the search engine, Buggy woogie gives out two more links: jar fest and monster truck.
Barrels + XXX = craft beer and ingredient.
Craft beer + jar fest = the name of the beer maker.
The name of the beer manufacturer in the search will give the contact.
Talk to him, offer to help, and he will give you the address.
Cage closure options:
Cell with two chambers.
Airs 19.00
On the first camera we collect the titles of books. On the second chamber - dialogues.
Producer + tangled networks = producer's name and contact.
Draft + movie = screenplay.
Scenario + tangled webs = last season and author's name.
We call the producer and talk about the author a couple of times, she will give his address.
Cage closure options:
Air time: 16.00
At first it may seem that this is an empty chamber. But at the bottom it says when it will be aired.
Collecting references from the pig's monologue.
We record it on video and post it online. The next day, his name can be found in the newspaper.
The name in the search engine gives several links.
The highest mountain + seven crowns = the name of the peak.
Seven crowns + rescue = rescue site.
Cage closure options:
Consists of two chambers.
Air time: 12.00 19.00
Camera 1. Link from the clock and chalk outline, as well as links from the detective's conversation. At night, around 1.00, the window opens from the wind, writing in a notebook.
Camera 2. Links from conversations.
Enter the last name in the search engine and get links to family members.
The name of the victim + witness = the name of the housekeeper, the phone in the mansion.
We call the mansion when the detective is not there, we talk with grandma, she says where she hid the revolver.
Cage closure options:
Consists of two chambers.
Air time: 4.00 10.00 18.00
We collect links from the second camera.
Villains = avenger.
Avenger + doomsday = hero references.
Hero name + villains = hero contact.
Hero's name + computer virus = villain's name = villain's contact.
Cage closure options:
Items that are delivered by mistake are listed here.
The patch added new content to the game.
The console release is still a long way off.
The creators of the series themselves reported this.