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Walkthrough Amnesia: The Bunker (2023)

How to get out of the bunker, where to find a wrench, bolt cutter, dynamite, handle, shotgun and more.
Walkthrough Amnesia: The Bunker (2023)
Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
5 June 2023

Walkthrough Amnesia Bunker 2023

Note . At the end of the guide, look for answers to frequently asked questions. And here - information about all the endings of the game.

  • The game does not have an autosave feature. Instead, you need to manually save in the save room (by interacting with the save lamp). Be sure to save often or you will lose your progress if you die.
  • Keep the generator running as often as possible, as the game becomes increasingly difficult without it.
  • Try not to make too much noise, otherwise the monster will hear you.
  • Codes, notes and photos are automatically added under different tabs in your inventory when you purchase them.

Overcoming obstacles and blocking devices

In fact, any wooden obstacle (doors, etc.) can be broken in several ways:

  • Throw a heavy brick at him twice.
  • Throw a grenade at him.
  • Make the explosive barrel explode next to it.
  • Let the monster break it.

Padlocks can be destroyed in several ways:

  • Throw a heavy brick at him twice.
  • Throw a grenade at him.
  • Make the explosive barrel explode next to it.
  • Shoot him with your weapon.
  • Use the chain cutters on it.

Chains can only be broken withusing chain cutters. The ventilation grilles can only be bypassed with a key. Metal doors with keyholes can only be opened with a special key.


Several elements of the game are randomized on each playthrough. Here is a list of what is randomized:

  • All 4-digit codes for lockers and doors are randomly generated, and some of them are randomly placed.
  • Most resources and item placement are random.
  • The location and type of the trap is random.

The game also features two "Key Items" that are not required to complete the game, but allow players to overcome obstacles in a new way. This is a lighter and a gas mask. Codes for the lockers that contain these items will always be in the same place when you first play the game, but on subsequent playthroughs, these codes will be located next to a random corpse.

  • Passage of introductory episodes
  • Go through the first locked wooden door.
  • Take the brick lying near the door and throw it at the door twice.
  • Go through the second locked wooden door.
  • Take the grenades that are near the wooden door and use one to blow the door open.
  • Make your way through the wooden blockage.
  • Option 1: Load a bullet into your gun and shoot a bo??ku with explosives, located next to the blockage.
  • Alternative 2: Throw one of the grenades (that you found earlier) into the rubble. If you find yourself running out of bricks, grenades, or bullets, then new ones should have spawned in the spot where you first found them.

Get to the admin office

The first step after waking up in the bunker is to get to the Admin Office (this is also the main game save room).

Meet the "smoking soldier" in the kitchen near the officers' mess. Get a gun from him. Find the bullets in the pantry located next door.

Go through the locked door into the corridor near the dining room. Option 1: shoot the castle with a pistol. Alternative 2: throw a brick at the castle (there are bricks near the place where the smoking soldier sat).

Go down the stairs, open the door straight ahead and enter the administrator's office.

Finding the code from the door of the administrator's office

To log out of the administrator's office, you need to find the 4-digit code for the door lock.

Go down to the generator room next to the administrator's office.

Check the dead soldier token next to the generator. Interact with the token. Turn the token to check the code on the back.

Use the code on the combination lock on the admin office door.

Open sublevels with the locking wheel.

INAt the beginning of the game, only the hub level is available to you. You need to find the second blocking wheel to open the blocking gate to the other sublevels (Arsenal, Soldiers quarters, Prison and Maintenance).

Look for lock controls outside of the job store. Turn the wheel and watch it break.

Find a way to the Mission Vault. Option 1: Remove the loose grate to the right of the doors and climb through the ventilation shaft. Option 2: break one of the wooden doors.

Find the lock wheel. Look at the lockers at the far end of the mission storage room. Inside one of the lockers there is a new locking wheel. The name on the locker says "Delil" and now you need to find it to get the code.

Find and sneak into Delil's room. Delisle's room is marked on the map in the administrator's office.

Enter the room either through the vent in the living room next door or by breaking the wooden door.

Get the code from Delil's corpse. Check the token next to the corpse. Don't forget to rotate it to see the code on the back.

Take the lock wheel from the locker. Return to the Mission Vault. Enter the code in Delil's locker to open it. Take the lock wheel.

Return to the lock controls outside of the mission vault.

Replace the wheel and turn it toopen the gates to all sublevels.

Getting a Wrench

To get into the warden's office in the prison, you need to get a wrench. The Wrench is in one of the lockers in the Mission Storage. The name on the locker says F. Stafford and you need to track down Foreman Stafford to get the code. Brigadier Stafford is in the maintenance sub-level of the pillbox, and here's what you need to do to find him:

Go to the service sublevel.

Find the workshop and make your way through the "rat tunnel".

Go through the locked door leading to the bunker. Option 1: Use the key. Go to the located chapel. Find a priest in the confessional. Next to the priest lies the key to the door of the bunker. Return to the pillbox and use the key.

Alternative 2: Break inside. Hack the door of the ammunition depot (next to the pillbox). Break the wooden wall between the ammo storage and the pillbox.

Get the code from Stafford. Examine the token next to the corpse in the pillbox. The code leads to a locker with a wrench.

Return to the Mission Vault and open Stafford's locker using the code you found in the dota.


Getting chain cutters

The chain cutters are in the cell with the captured German. In order to get chain cutters, you need:

  • Take the wrench (see above).
  • Open the grate leading to the office on??viewer.
  • Make sure the generator is running so you have power at the cell doors.
  • Open the cell with the captured German.
  • All this noise now will probably require you to deal with the monster, but you need to get to the cell and grab the chain cutters before the power goes out and the cell doors close again.

Obtaining the Detonator Handle

When you have the chain cutters (see above), you can cut the chain that locks the gate leading to the water-filled vault, which in turn leads down to the "Roman Tunnels". Once you cut the chain, you will be able to move to a vault filled with water.

Drain the water. Turn on the power switch, which is located further in the water-filled vault. Turn on the pump that is at the back near the gate where you cut the chain. The pump requires the generator to be running (and also the switch to be on).

Once the water is drained, you can move to the far end of the warehouse where a metal box and plank block you from entering the tunnels. Remove the plank. Move the metal box. Move into the tunnels.

First you will reach a small camp. Here you will be able to save the game using a save light bulb similar to the one you have in the admin office.

Move into the Roman tunnels and control the blind and crazy soldier whohe is hiding there. If you kill him, you can get a shotgun from him. If you're skilled enough, you can sneak past him without ever killing him.

No matter how you control the enemy, you need to get into the room with the detonator handle and grab it. You will need to break at least one door to get into the room with the handle.

OPTIONAL: In the room with the detonator handle, there is a hidden passage leading to the crater. There, you can find a token (with a code) and a rabbit doll, which can later be used against the monster.

Once you have the detonator handle, you must return to the bunker. A. You need to push a couple of crates (one smaller and one larger) next to the ledge you jumped off before the collision. Use them to jump up and get back to the bunker.

Getting the code from the Arsenal door

To get into the main area of the Arsenal, you need to get the code from the door. The code is transmitted by one of the officers over the radio, so you need to get to the Communications Room inside the Soldiers' Quarters.

Enter the Soldiers' Quarters sublevel.

At the far end of the first corridor is a door to the communication room. It's locked up. There is a sign next to the door that says "Safety" pointing to the right.

Find and sneak into the security room. Follow the "Safety" sign to the security room. Break down the door. Open the box with the keys, etc.??read the note inside. The note is signed by a person (randomly for passing).

Find the key near the bed of the person who wrote the note. Search the two barracks for a bed with a name on it that matches the name on the note found in the guard room. Optional: There is a sketch in the clerk's office (the first room of the sublevel) showing which bed is assigned to which soldier if help is needed.

Search the bed as soon as you find it. The key should be somewhere on the bed or in the "mailbox".

Use the key to open the communication room.

Once in the communication room, you will find that the radio is not working. Now you need to keep an eye on the power flow that leads to the radio due to the fact that the power switches are wired in series.

Find your way to the utility room. Pass through barracks B and enter the corridor leading to the dining room. Go to the rest room. Shoot (or throw a brick) at the padlock that locks the gate to the adjacent utility room.

Once in the utility room, turn on the switch on the wall.

Return to the communication room and turn on the radio. Make sure the generator is running. Make sure the switch on the wall inside the Communications Room is turned on. Press the button on the radio to hear the code.

Obtaining dynamite in the Arsenal

The dynamite is in the Arsenal, but to get there, you need toYou must first obtain the code for the Armory door (see 11 above). After receiving it, you will be able to open the door leading to the main part of the Arsenal. Go through the "maze" and make your way to the Explosive Storage "behind".

Blow up the exit

Put the dynamite in the wooden box near the exit.

Insert the detonator handle into the detonator.

Interact with the detonator. This now creates a hole in the ground next to the exit that the player will have to jump into.

Last meeting

Below, in the large area of the final meeting, you will have to face the monster. You can end the game in two ways:

Avoid the monster and buy enough time to overcome the "wall" (by pressing the nearest crates) and get to the exit.

Make the monster fall into the crack below.

Some pointers: Bridges are randomly generated. Wooden bridges can be destroyed with explosives or a shotgun.

Game from the guide