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Armored Core 6 Walkthrough - Chapter 1 (All Missions)

In this guide, we give practical recommendations for completing all the story missions of the first chapter. How to defeat bosses.
Armored Core 6 Walkthrough - Chapter 1 (All Missions)
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
25 August 2023

Walkthrough Armored Core 6

Illegal entry

How to pass Armored Core 6

The first mission is a basic tutorial in which you learn the basic controls, techniques and standard attacks. You will be told about amplification, aiming and other mechanics. After defeating the enemies and using the catapult, you will enter a spacious area where you can destroy a new enemy group.

After landing in the sunken city, get to three different markers. In each location, you need to scan the wreckage. After scanning the debris in three places, a fourth point will appear. Get there with the catapult. Scan the wreckage and an AH12: HC helicopter will appear.

How to destroy AH12: Helicopter HC

Walkthrough Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon

At the beginning of the battle, take the time to study the arena and the attacks of the war machine. You can counterattack, but don't flirt. Scan the wreckage in case of death, and the battle will begin again.

There are various buildings around that you can use as cover. Stay close to them: there should always be cover between you and the helicopter. So you protect yourself from bullets and missiles. After the attack, jump out of cover and hit the target with several projectiles. If you feel confident, you can fly up to the enemy and attack with melee weapons to ?inflict even more damage. You can land two hits in a row before the weapon needs to reload.

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Прохождение Armored Core 6 — Глава 1 — Как победить вертолёт

If you deal enough damage within a certain time, the bar above the boss's health bar will fill up - he will be temporarily stunned. Keep attacking him. Right now is the best moment for melee attacks! There will be no second phase, so continue to take cover and act as carefully as possible. Stay on the move by dodging missiles and getting airborne whenever possible.

Once you deal with him, the mission will end.

Reward : 170,000.

Destruction of artillery installations

Walkthrough Armored Core 6

The second mission is much smaller. You are asked to destroy anti-aircraft guns. Move along the markers to find weapons that need to be destroyed. Shoot them or attack from behind. A melee weapon destroys an anti-aircraft gun with one hit. After the destruction of the first two guns, a third target will appear. Destroy it and the mission will end.

Reward a : 100,000.

Clearing Sector 135

How to pass Armored Core 6

Another short mission that will end with ?before you sneeze. You need to destroy several enemy units. Some enemies will be in the air, others will use shields. Use missiles and a sword to deal with each mob.

Reward : 68,000.

Destruction of transport helicopters

Armored Core 6 Bosses

After loading, fly down to the factory and destroy all enemies. Here you will find the first transport helicopter, which will have to be eliminated. Move to a more massive structure, continuing to deal with mechs. There is another transport helicopter in this area. After destroying it, fly up. In addition to the usual enemies, you will find four more transport helicopters. Deal with them and the task will end.

Collectible item . After destroying the first two transport helicopters, you will fly up to an open factory. Around the corner on the left side is an enemy, defeating which, you will automatically receive the desired magazine.

Reward : 80,000.

Destroy AC "Prototype"

Armored Core 6 Collectibles

In this mission, you face a boss and a single normal enemy. Defeating them will complete the mission.

Collectible item . Defeat the only enemy in the mission and you will automatically receive a magazine.

Reward : 95,000.

Attack on the "Dyke Complex"

How to pass Armored Core 6

Will you be accompanied on this mission?There are two robots that will help destroy enemies and other structures. Follow them and destroy everything you see. Eventually, you will face the Burn Pickaxe / Index Dunham boss. Destroy it together with allies. After that, use the catapult to get to the top of the structure and destroy the last structure.

Collectible item . In the middle of the quest, you will encounter a Burn Pickaxe/Index Dunham enemy. Defeat him to get the magazine.

Reward : 190,000.

Destruction of a military mining ship

Walkthrough Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon

In this mission, you are single-handedly destroying a huge mining ship. However, the first goal is simply to get closer to it. When you do this, the ship will fire a laser beam and fire missiles that you have to dodge. In addition, on the ground you will meet ordinary enemies. I recommend using Instant Boost to get out of the way and significantly close the gap between you and the ship. Once you get close enough, aim and shoot at the war machine's rear right leg. Now you can fly into the mining ship and attack the generators. There are four of them in total.

Move up the ship, but be careful. The laser beam will try to shoot you down. Additional generators are located on both the left and right sides. Another one is in front of the laser beam on the very top.tire. The fourth should be sought below, "on the belly." All of them are marked on the interface with red target markers. Once you destroy the four generators, return to the top of the ship where the laser beam is located.

How to destroy EB-0309: Wanderer (Eye)

The best part about this boss fight is that you've already stripped him of over half his health by destroying the generators. The battle becomes much easier, but you still have to sweat. Basically, you're fighting a huge laser eye that fires a beam and fires rockets. Get close enough to the enemy to aim and fire bullets and rockets. Dodge in the air or use the ravines for cover.

Прохождение Armored Core 6 — Глава 1 — Как разрушить лазерный луч

Since you need to travel a long distance to get close to the boss, I highly recommend using rockets instead of melee weapons to destroy the boss. Launch the rockets as soon as they reload, then go into cover and wait for the next reload. As long as you dodge the beam and enemy missiles, there will be no problems.

Even if you fail, the battle will be less difficult. Do you have control at the start of the fight??naya point, and you will restore all resources. If you want to make the battle easier, die immediately to restore health points.

Once you destroy the Strider, jump off the mining ship and return to the ground to complete the task.

Reward : 270,000.

Operation Wall Climber

Armored Core 6 - how to pass

This task is significantly different from the previous missions. Jump into the area below you and you'll notice several turrets lined up along the wall ahead. Approach them from the left side and fly into the air. Then, one by one, destroy all the weapons. At the end of the wall on the right side at the top there will be two more targets that are easy to destroy with missiles.

Make your way through the next area and reach a higher wall where there is another line of turrets. Proceed in the same way, starting from the left or right corner. Turrets are located in two levels, so you need to fly a little higher. As soon as you deal with all the tunnels, a powerful device will appear on the ground. Unfortunately, there is no checkpoint here, so proceed as carefully as possible. Before the destruction of the enemy on the ground, if you die, you will have to go through the task from the very beginning.

Once the turrets and the enemy are destroyed, fly back and go through the only available door. Move through the building and take the elevator up. Be sure to interact with the hint beforede than follow through the door. You will restore repair kits and health. On the other side of the door, you need to defeat the boss, Juggernaut HA-T-102.

How to beat the Juggernaut

During the fight with the Juggernaut, an ally helps you. But he will disappear approximately in the middle of the battle. Juggernaut only takes damage when attacking from behind, so in the first half of the battle, let an ally aggro the enemy, while you shoot him in the back or attack in melee. This phase will go relatively smoothly: just let the ally distract the enemy.

Прохождение Armored Core 6 — Глава 1 — Как победить Джаггернаут

Problems will begin in the second half of the battle, when the ally disappears. The boss will focus solely on you, so it will be harder to bypass him. I recommend fixing the target, as it will be difficult to track its movements on your own. Try to stay as close to the enemy as possible, using melee attacks whenever possible. A vertical rocket launcher will be useful, as the rockets are able to penetrate the Juggernaut's armor and deal damage even with frontal attacks. You could unlock and buy this installation just before the start of the current task.

When the boss has about a third of his health left, he will begin to scatter mines. Dodge them by taking to the air and continuing to avoid the missiles. It is not hard. The difficulty of the fight lies in finding the right position so that you can inflict damage on the enemy with attacks in the back.

Once the enemy is destroyed, the mission will end.

Reward : 330,000.

Collection of combat logs

In this mission, you will have four minutes to find 5 magazines in the area. Explore any smoking or burning debris. Smoke and fire indicate that a combat log is hidden in this place. Look for two items at the base near the spawn point, three more - on a snowy field. Even if you find all the combat logs, you will have to wait for the time to expire. So don't worry if the countdown hasn't stopped.

Reward : 10,000.

Investigation of the second armory of the PSVB

Armored Core 6 - all bosses

At the beginning of the mission, move through the air until they open fire on you. This is an invisible enemy that needs to be hunted down, guided by the trajectory of the laser beam. Approaching him, destroy the robot and continue moving. Deal with the rest of the hidden enemies. If you use the Scan ability, if successful, you can highlight the enemies on the screen and detect them before they notice your mech. At the end of the interaction area?Hit the door and go inside.

Jump into the hole where an ambush awaits you. Invisible robots will appear and you need to destroy them. Deal with the robot on the ground, then use the on-screen pointers to find the rest of the robots. They are located at the top of the walls. Once all enemies are destroyed, the mission will end.

Reward : 180,000.

Attack on the outpost

Armored Core 6 - Chapter 1 - Walkthrough and Bosses

To start the assault, first aim at the laser turrets on the roofs of the buildings - they pose the greatest threat and deal a lot of damage. Then focus on ground opponents. Do the same in the second sector and head to the third. Cross the bridge to watch a cut-scene that will lead to a fight with the Rogue/Sulla. I recommend immediately rebooting from the last checkpoint in order to restore repair kits and health, and then get rid of the enemy with full ammunition. Once you do this, interact with the door.

Exit to an open area and jump into the hole. Deal with the target and after the cut-scene, the battle with the final boss of Chapter 1 Baltheus will begin.

How to beat AAp07: Balteus

Balteus is a unique boss. At least compared to the enemies you fought before this encounter. He has a shield that needs to be knocked out before doing any damage to the health bar. By ?Uchi, you need to carry out normal attacks (shoot bullets, rockets, use melee weapons), after which he will fall to the ground, and you can deal real damage. For a while, he will completely lose the shield, but will soon restore it. Take full advantage of these moments to deal maximum damage.

Прохождение Armored Core 6 — Глава 1 — Как уничтожить Балтеус

At the first stage, the boss launches rockets. Activate Instant Buff and dodge them mid-air. When the enemy has about a third of his health left, he will draw a giant flaming sword that deals massive damage. Fire can spread across the floor. In addition, the boss will continue to launch missiles.

Undoubtedly, this is the most difficult boss fight to this point in the game. Act aggressively, trying to destroy the shield as quickly as possible. Use all available means to deal massive damage to stun the enemy and prolong his defenseless state. You can stun him two or even three times before the shield regenerates. And this is enough to reduce your health by about 50%! As soon as this happens, retreat (when you see that Balteus has turned white, because about?? an explosion occurs). Flaming swords will appear, so staying in close proximity to the boss is no longer desirable.

However, do not move too far, otherwise he will launch rockets again. If the strategy does not work, experiment: change the equipment and the selected weapon. Melee weapons work well, and rocket launchers will allow you to destroy shields faster and fill the stun gauge.

Defeating the boss will complete the first chapter of Armored Core 6.

Collectible item . As part of this mission, you will automatically meet Rogue Sulla. The battle will unfold on the bridge on the way to the third sector. As a result of victory, you will receive a collectible magazine.

Reward : 380,000.

Game from the guide
  • Platform: PS5, PS4, XBOX ONE, PC, Xbox Series S/X
  • Genre: Action, Shooter
  • Release date 25 August 2023