Walkthrough Dredge: The Pale Reach 100%

Guide and guide for completing the story add-on The Pale Reach for the game DREDGE.
Walkthrough Dredge: The Pale Reach 100%
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
16 November 2023

Walkthrough Dredge: The Pale Reach

After purchasing the first story add-on The Pale Reach, a completely new location will appear on the in-game world map: having opened the map, pay attention to its southern part to find negative coordinates (from -1 to -9), between which there is a huge area marked with a “question mark” "

This is the so-called Pale Reach, a harsh, icy environment located southwest of Star Bay. To get there, you will have to properly equip the boat, so I recommend completing the main story before Chapter 2 so that you have all the necessary equipment. Once in the right place, move south towards the large pieces of ice that are visible on the horizon.


Once you reach the Pale Reach, you will come across the Grim Pontoon. There will be a traveling merchant here who will ask for help and invite you to visit a nearby platform. Head there now to learn about the icebreaker plans. This is a useful tool that allows you to go through ice without harming the boat's hull. It won’t be possible to finish it right now, since there are no important parts, which, as the traveling merchant suspects, are scattered in different parts of this location.

In particular, you need to find three parts: the two halves of the icebreaker plow and the mount. To begin with, follow?? go to the shipyard to purchase important equipment.

Buying new fishing equipment

A new environment will appear in the Pale Reach, containing 18 new fish (including mutations). There are also 4 new crabs (including mutations), although technically they are no different from the others (in terms of the fishing process). The traveling merchant will offer special fishing rods. You must purchase at least one of them. The following rods are available:

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  • Spiny Ice Rod - fishing speed +19%, fish type - Ice/Ocean, $216.
  • Ice Spear - Fishing Speed +38%, Fish Type - Ice, $216.00.

After shopping, rest for an early morning start; then undock and begin to move deeper into the Pale Reach, along the serpentine mouth of the river. In the center of the glacier you will find two different fishing spots: the first contains icefish (1x2), and the second contains much larger toothfish (3x2). You need to catch two of each fish. This is only possible with a fishing rod purchased minutes earlier.


Once you have collected the listed fish, continue towards the glacier until you come across an ice barricade with a ship moored to the side. Interact with the fish to meet the Photographer. Your new friend will tell you that she is trying to photograph a narwhal swimming in the icy waters, but she was unable to go deep into the glacier. The woman suspects that in order to achieve her goal she mustthe fish will achieve. A panel will open on which you need to place the previously caught fish. With its help you can attract a sea creature. Luckily, two toothfish and two regular icefish will suffice. Otherwise you will have to go fishing. When you're ready, move the fish onto the panel, and after a while a Narwhal will appear and destroy the set of ice walls that were blocking the path.

Continuation of the story

This will complete the side mission, and you can continue searching for the three missing pieces of the icebreaker. Behind the disappeared wall you will find an open area that resembles some kind of gaming hub. There is a small island with a house. Follow the house, there is a glowing spot right next to it - go to it and do deep sea work to find the first half of the icebreaker plow .

Прохождение Dredge: The Pale Reach

Land at the small island (hub) and inspect the hut. You will gain access to a map of the area, and also find three pieces of the captain's journal (Captain's Journals 3/9) . This is our own version of messages in a bottle for the plot addition. From the magazine you will learn important information regarding the history of this region. There are 9 magazines in total (d??captain's eunuchs), and in this guide I show in detail where to find them. Examine the map of the Pale Reach.

Having collected the card, you can go further and interact with the Ice Shard, which is located in the hub: an interesting character will appear. To complete the proposed tasks you need an Icebreaker. I won’t describe the passage of this additional mission right now, because there is no point in doing so. Read below.


Open the map, here is a description of important locations:

  • As you already know, one of the parts of the icebreaker was located at coordinates I4, next to the location hub. The rest are in F4 and J6. However, getting to them is not so easy, since there will be obstacles on the way to the goal.

Прохождение Dredge: The Pale Reach

Continue west to find a river mouth blocked by an ice wall. To remove this obstacle, you need to repeat the same steps as with the photographer: go to the wall and interact with it. This time you need to place even more fish here (panel 16 by 16). Then a narwhal will appear and break through the wall.

Also, I forgot to say that you need to feed the narwhal fish periodically, otherwise it will chase you and try to sink the boat. Place d?The feeding area is located not far from the hub.

Move through the destroyed barrier, go north as soon as possible to reach a small lake with a huge glacier in the center. To the left of it, look for a glowing place where you can find the second half of the icebreaker plow .

It will likely be night by this point, so head to the West Terminal on the Glacier and rest. This western camp contains an Ice Shard and Equipment: the former will activate the "Under the Ice" bonus objective (discussed below); and in the second place are three new parts of the captain's journal (captain's diaries 6/9) .

After resting, return to the hub and move east: you are interested in the coordinates of J6, although first you need to get rid of another obstacle. At the mouth of the river leading to the icebreaker, you will encounter an ice wall. Interact with it and fill the 16 by 16 panel with local fish. Move to the lake in the southeast to find another glacier (East Terminal, where you can collect the last three parts of the journal - Captain's Diaries 9/9 ). Pick up the third part for the icebreaker from the bottom.

If night falls, take a break at the east terminal, then return to the Gloomy Pontoon, where you can craft an Icebreaker at the docks. Equip it on the boat.

As stated at the beginning of the guide, the Icebreaker will allow you to move through??eating waters without endangering the ship's hull.


After completing the Icebreaker mission, return to the ice platform at the Gloomy Pontoon to begin the side mission. The traveling merchant will tell you that she managed to find diagrams of another useful device - a freezer. As in the case of creating an icebreaker, you need to find a special part on the ocean floor. This is a solid item that needs to be obtained at coordinates H3. To get to this place you will need an Icebreaker. Above I told you where to find all its parts.

Прохождение Dredge: The Pale Reach

Pick up the freezer and return to the Grim Pontoon so the Traveling Trader can install the equipment on the boat. From now on, you will be able to buy small and large pieces of ice from the woman. They need to be placed in your inventory to slow down the rate of fish rotting.

Small blocks of ice last a day and cost $21.25. As for large pieces of ice, everything is multiple here - the price and validity period increase exactly 2 times. In addition to the freezer, you will receive two small blocks of ice for completing the quest.

Under the ice

You need to inspect the ice fragments near any pier in the region. EveryOne of the locations is the Ice Shard, which you can interact with. All shards (except those in the hub) must be released. To do this, you need to use an Ice Pick, a fragile object that can be found in the depths of the Pale Reach. One ice ax per shard. Ice axes can be found at coordinates: J4, G5, G7 and K4.

The screenshot below shows the location of the ice shards :

Прохождение Dredge: The Pale Reach

  1. The ice ax in J4 is located just beyond the icy waters, and you need to use an icebreaker to get to it. It is closest to the hub.
  2. The ice ax at coordinates G5 is located near the Western Terminal, on a small estuary. To get to it, you will also need an icebreaker. You can use it on the Ice Shard of the West Terminal.
  3. The third ice ax is located at coordinates G7, behind the river, which requires an icebreaker to pass. Once you receive the item, use it on the nearest fragment of the South Terminal.
  4. The last ice ax that can be used on the East Terminal fragment is located at the bottom of the lake at coordinates K4.

And this is a screenshot with the location of the ice axes :

64b4fe847fe0993f6f9.jpg"> Прохождение Dredge: The Pale Reach

As you destroy each shard, you will see a video of a huge frozen sea creature closing one eye. You will then be able to collect the Ice Heart, which should be kept in your inventory.

There are only two things left for you to do. First, head to coordinates K4, where you can find an ice monolith near one of the shores of the lake. It will have enough space for the Ice Hearts you have collected, and by placing them in the monolith, you will gain access to the unique Radiant Trawl Net, which gives a 5% bonus to the appearance of mutations. This is the only trawl net that can be used on ice.

Then return to the South Terminal, where you will find a sea creature's horn that has fallen into the sea. Complete deep sea work to obtain a "Golden Anchor" which can be "thrown overboard" anywhere to create a two-way portal to Blackstone Wreck.

White figure

Finally, the last piece of content for this expansion is another side quest, “The Figure in…”. The white figure can be found on the northeastern shore of the region (between coordinates K4 and L4). The person will ask for mutations of some fish:

  • Fractal fish (mutation of ice fish). The best way to get this fish is anduse the shining trawl net and navigate to the ice fish fishing spots (the closest one is at coordinates K3).
  • Fallen Stars (mutation of the Starfish crab). Starfish Crab seems to spawn quite rarely in the area east of the Gloomy Pontoon: place as many crab pots as possible in depths greater than 50 meters. Eventually you will catch crabs.
  • Crater Seer (Stargazer mutation). The Stargazer - like its mutation - can only be caught using a glowing trawl. As with the fractal fish, follow the coordinates K3.

Once you deliver all three mutated creatures, you will receive a book of astral symbols, which increases the chance of mutations appearing by 4% . The task will be completed. Basically, this is all the content that is in the game’s story add-on.

Game from the guide
  • Platform: PS5, PS4, XBOX ONE, Switch, PC, Xbox Series S/X
  • Genre: Adventure
  • Release date 30 March 2023


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