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Autopsy Simulator Walkthrough — Guide 100%

All chapters and puzzles of the game Autopsy Simulator.
Autopsy Simulator Walkthrough — Guide 100%
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
7 June 2024

Walkthrough Autopsy Simulator

The game consists of several chapters, in which you have to dissect bodies, doing the usual work of a pathologist. If it embarrasses you, in the settings you can lower the degree of gloominess of everything that is happening, get rid of nudity.


After examining the office, go to the restroom across the hall and take your pills. In the Storage Room, look for a video camera and place it on a tripod behind the double doors in the operating room. Point the camera at the body in the center. Examine the board to the left of the computer, click on the four steps. Read the report near the desk. Click on all the obscured evidence. Put on gloves on the table to the left of the instruction board, get the camera from the table with the computer.

Take a picture of the entire body and then the left foot, left hand, the hematoma on the forehead, the scar under the right ribs. Place the photograph on the board in the corner. Walk to the corpse .The TAB key opens the list of tools. Overall with the magnifying glass it's pretty simple. Press Shift and click on the body on the right, all parts of it. This is how you'll make note of potential causes of death. Raise the corpse's arm so that the scale stays in the rising border. You need to hold down the LKM and move the mouse.

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Examine the brain. While cutting organs, you need to hold down the LKM and move the white dot along the given boundaries. Nothing difficult! Using a scalpel, cut the body. Just draw along the specified dotted line. Pull back three parts of the skin and use the baby clippers. Examine the lungs by clicking on them in the clipboard. Use the syringe to draw fluid from the three marked areas. In the office, find the notebook. Go to the centrifuge, put in three tubes, set the parameters to 15 minutes and 70%. Start the centrifuge by clicking the PCM.

When the analysis is complete, take the result. Take out the heart, turn it until you hear the main character's comments. Examine the stomach, cut it open, do the same with the trench. Select the cause of death as “asphyxia” and the circumstances as “accident”. Finish the needle and sew up the corpse by holding the LCM. Move the body to the freezer and go to the hallway. Examine the skeleton on the gurney and pick up the skull.

Chapter 1

Explore the room, go to the restroom and pick up the pills from the sink. Go back to the living room and answer the phone. Go to the bedroom (back) and look at the table on the right. Open the drawer of the small jewelry box and take the picture of Charlotte and Alice. Exit the bedroom and look for an envelope on the table on the left. Go down to the first floor, in the parking lot look for a blue mailbox. Then get in your car.

Visit your office, listen to the answering machine and examine the cupcake. Go to the autopsy room, remove the gown on the right and take the gloves on the left. Turn on the camera, read the police report. Get the camera, take a picture of all the places: general photo, neck, stomach, right arm, legs, left shoulder. Place the photos on the board and examine the corpse. Apply a magnifying glass to all highlighted positions, describe them in the clipboard. Apply the ultraviolet lamp, taking it from the tools. Raise your hand as you did in the prologue.

Open the corpse, pull back the skin and remove the ribs. Take three samples, put them on a centrifuge with a setting of 15 minutes and 70%. When the lights go out, go to the end of the hallway, into the pantry, and examine the panel. Lower the right and left toggle switches. Go back and look in the office and talk to Stephen on the phone. Take the pills in the restroom.

In the prosector's room, examine the centrifuge, turn off the radio and take the result. Go to the laboratory, place the test tubes on the rack on the right. Adjust the pipette. Set +5 ml for each new sample. Clamp the LCC and lower the pipette. Release the LKM and click again when the liquid is filled to the desired mark. Once three 5 mL liquids have been drawn, switch to the chromatograph. Read the conclusion.

Go back to the corpse, cross out the alcohol on the clipboard. Take two samples with a syringe, examine the liver. Weigh it on a nearby table and cut it open. Examine the heart, press it into the clipboard. Place the two fluids in the centrifuge, but this time set it to 10 minutes and 75%. Take the result and use the chromatograph in the lab, taking 6 ml from each tube.

Examine the result again. Go to the body, cut open the stomach. Examine the lungs, trachea and intestines. Take the saw and cut open the skull. Take out and cut the brain. Take the glasses lying on the table by the computer. Go to the reception area, talk to Ridley. Go to the dining room in the common hallway (first door on the left) and find the small key on the kitchen furniture on the left). Go outside, go around the house and go down to the basement by applying the key. Take the saw and go back to the body. Cut out the spinal cord. The victim died due to a suicide overdose. Put a seal on it. Drive home and go up to your floor.

Chapter 2

Examine the box in the bedroom, then enter the bathroom and take the pills. Interact with the phone, and then collect the scattered things (they will be highlighted). The hero will automatically go to bed. Take the pills again, interact with the closet in the bedroom and go to the first floor. But before that, enter the elevator and press any button. You will not go to the top floor anyway, for which you will get an Achievement. Get into your car. Enter the corridor and push forward the gurney with the corpse. Equip an apron, gloves and interact with the recorder lying by the computer. Study the report, open the bag and take pictures of the girl and the following locations:

  • Abdomen
  • Neck
  • Right thigh
  • Left foot.
  • Scratches on the left arm
  • Left hand

Apply a magnifying glass to all these points, use a clipboard and describe them. A case appears to the left of the centrifuge. Get the fingerprint tools from there. Interact with the left hand, apply the syringe to all fingers, paint them with the brush and apply the paper. Pick up the paper and place it in the fax machine to the right of the computer. Press the green button and examine the prints on the computer. Apply the found prints to each sample, press the analyze button until you get a confirmation. Print out the result.

Examine the girl, use a syringe to take an analysis from the brain. Use the microscope on the left side of the case, set the focus and brightness to 50%, zoom in fully and find the algae (just move it to different parts). It looks different from the rest of the microbes. Examine the corpse, take the tablet and cross out the cause with third party interference. Open the body, remove the ribs, take an analysis from the lung and get the same. After examining the lung, make a note in the tablet (you need to click on the organ), go to the storeroom where you took the video camera and take the bucket. Enter the lab and put the bucket in the washbasin. Open the water faucet, take the lung out of the body and place it in the water. After that, take the lung and cut it on the board in the examination room.

Use the microscope to find the same algae as before. Examine the heart, then take out and cut open the liver, apply the syringe to the stomach and cut it open on the board. From the cabinet, take a notebook, set the centrifuge for 35 minutes and 25%. After analyzing, go to the lab and follow the usual steps by dialing 3 ml each. Take the trachea out of the body, dissect the organ and examine the ring. Look on its inner area to see the date. Take the pills and head home. Look in the jewelry box, but the ring will not be in it. Take the pills and call Steven. Take a seat at the table where the envelope was.

Chapter 3

Talk to Charlotte and go and get the pills. Pick up the trash bag from the front door, take the elevator down and throw it in the container. Get in the car. Push the gurney to the autopsy room, put on gloves, apron, turn on the recorder and examine the cops' report. Open the bag, then find the duffel bag at the beginning of the location. Take out the jeans, t-shirt, and belt. Examine the belt in one spot, on the t-shirt find the scales in the neck area, look at the back of the t-shirt. Then look at the jeans a couple times, find the scale in the belt area and from the pocket get the lighter. Enter your office and find a large book, an encyclopedia on animals. Enter the lab, walk to the table between the two windows and interact with it. On the left side, every time you will need to move one of the scales you found. Then flip through the pages and click on the scales of the different crocodiles. Until you find a match for both samples!

Go to the corpse. Take pictures of it and the following locations:

  • Chest wounds longitudinal
  • Stab wounds on the chest.
  • A protruding bone in the right arm.
  • Wound on the lower abdomen.
  • A protruding bone in the right leg.
  • Lacerations on the left wrist
  • Marks on the left ribs
  • Neck
  • Marks on ankles

Placing the pictures on the board, take a picture of the ribs. Place this picture in the fax machine, download and take the enlarged picture. Go to the cabinet, open the file cabinet and find the tracing paper. Place the snapshot and tracing paper on your desk to redraw, then go to the lab and open the encyclopedia. Each time, move the photo with the bite of the animal's teeth as a sample and compare it to the crocodiles in the encyclopedia. Once you get a match, go to the corpse and make notes in the tablet.

Visit the lab again, find the dispenser gun on the middle table and apply it to the groin. Once you have the cast, use the tools from the case by the centrifuge, then place the excise in the facsimile. Using the computer, look for tooth bite matches. You will need to find them three times to a row:

  • Last, far right.
  • Penultimate (second from right to left).
  • Second from left to right.

If you make a lot of mistakes, you'll have to take pills. Go back to the corpse, use the tablet and click on all the studied points. As a result, you should get the causes of death (the same as before). Open the corpse, remove the ribs, examine the lungs and click on them on the tablet. Examine the heart and do the same. There are two notable areas on the heart at once, which you need to find and click on in the drawing on the tablet. Examine the liver, take out and open the stomach. Do the same with the trachea. So cause of death is decapitation, circumstances are homicide. Suture the skin and hide the body. Examine the car wheel, talk to Ridley and go back outside. Wait for the chapter to end.

Chapter 4

Examine the body, take the video camera from the storage room and point it at the corpse. Equip gloves, apron, examine the file, take pictures:

  • General
  • Neck
  • Bound hands
  • Left thigh
  • Right knee
  • Bound legs
  • Head
  • Chest

Place the photos, cut the ropes, examine all the locations, make notes in the clipboard. Go to the lab, get the dental impression tool from the middle desk drawer. Place the mold on the victim's mouth, take the tool out of the case and use the tray beside it. Apply the brush and paper, place the result in a fax machine and use the computer. You will automatically get the victim's name.

Proceed to the autopsy. Immediately apply the rib cutters, do the same with the ribs inside, opening the skin. Visit the lab, look for a ladle on the middle table. Talk to Ridley, look in the basement and take the pump. Place it on the prosector's table (mobile), look in the cabinet and find the code 3649. Enter this code on the locker in the break room and examine the things in the cardboard box. There will be a pendant in the book. Go to the study and talk on the phone. Take the pills and examine the cardboard box again. You will get a tube. Connect it to the pump, start it (turn the toggle switch all the way and press the button) and study the body. Pump all the water out of the cavity until the action stops. Apply the syringe, take the pad from the cabinet and set the centrifuge to 10 minutes and 85%. Analyze in the lab by taking 2 ml of each.

Go to the autopsy room, but the corpse will disappear. Go to Ridley, enter the break room and look in the refrigerator. Step away from the refrigerator. Look at it again. If it's closed, it's okay. Go back to the corpse, examine the heart and get the clipboard. It's definitely not a heart attack. Examine the lungs from all angles, open them up on the table and repeat with the trachea. Use the tablet on the corpse. Cause of death is carbon monoxide poisoning, circumstances are accidental. Hide the body in the freezer, go to the office and get a jar for analysis. Visit the restroom to collect urine. Take it to Ridley, go into the office and call a cab. Try to leave the office, then answer the phone and take the pills. Drink them with whiskey from the desk in the office and sit on the couch. Walk forward until the next chapter begins.

Chapter 5

Pick up the brick lying under the broken window and have a conversation with Ridley. Head to the autopsy room, on the way stop by the restroom and take some pills. Put on an apron and gloves, turn on the tape recorder and study the case file. The deceased is Amber Louv, tattoo artist, 30 years old. Take off her clothes, get a camera and take a general picture. Also take pictures of the severed right arm, dirt marks on her stomach, right knee, severed left leg, marks on her left arm, a hematoma on her forehead, and red spots on her skin in the chest area. Hang all the pictures on the board.

Proceed with the autopsy. Use a magnifying glass to examine all previously photographed areas. Then go through all the records to find three possible causes of death. Use the ultraviolet lamp to detect the writing on the body (“Why did you do it?”). Take the pills in the restroom, then use the lamp again. This time there will be no inscriptions. Push back the gurneys and go to the study. When Alice's portraits disappear, find the hard disk on the nightstand on the left side of the study. Go back and talk to Ridley. There will be an X-ray machine to your left. Drag it to the autopsy room and place it near the corpse. Insert the hard disk at the top and start the machine with the round button under the disk. Take out the square black panel on the side of the X-ray machine and place it under the head. Interact with the end of the apparatus. Use the two toggle switches to create a large square of light to cover the entire head area. The protagonist will let you know when everything is right. Press the small button.

Remove the hard disk from the x-ray. Go to the lab to the computer on the right, load the disk and print the data. Place the x-ray on the board opposite and try to turn on the light with the switch just to the left. The light will turn off. Go to the vault and lower both toggle switches, but nothing will work. Take the flashlight from the table on the right and go to Ridley's front desk. He won't be there. Go outside, go left, past the basement, to the wooden shed. Pull back the pallet and examine the lock. Go back into the storage area and take the hammer. Hit the lock with it. Once inside, examine the generator on the right. I recommend turning off the lights to make it easier to find the interaction containers. Search each one until you find a lever. Place it on the generator. You need to hold down the LKM and quickly move the mouse in a circle to turn the lever and start the generator. It will turn out that there is no fuel inside. Examine the nearest canister, go down to the basement and find a full canister.

Apply the canister to the generator to start it (remember to crank the crank sharply). Next will be the final scene.

All achievements

Plot's Achievments

Jack the Ripper

Cut open the first body.

Before it dries

Put the body in the refrigerator.

Tobias Chambers

Go through the prologue.


Use a UV lamp for the first time.

Electrical genius

Fix the electricity.

Samantha Barker

Finish Chapter 1.

I'll clean up the rest in the morning

Clean up the apartment after the robbery.

Over, over, one, two...

First time using a tape recorder.

The woman in the well

Identify the deceased.

Till death do us part

Find Alice's wedding ring.

Harper Lloyd

Finish chapter two.

Did you leave your head at home?

Open the bag containing the decapitated body.

James Evans Jr.

Complete Chapter 3.


Draining the blood from the abdomen.

Richard Jacobson

Complete chapter four.

Amber Louv

Complete chapter five.

It's all my fault

Get through the game.

Secret Achievements


Read the reporter's note. There is a note from the reporter on the desk in the office.

Hard memories

Examine 5 items that remind you of Alice. From the beginning of the game, try to look at all the items (photos on the shelves, etc). I got the achievement the moment I examined the items in my apartment and in my office at work.

What would I eat?

Look in the refrigerator. When you are in your home, go into the kitchen and open the refrigerator.

Can't you close the window?

Eliminate the draft. At some point, while at work, the protagonist will say that someone opened a window in the office. Visit the office and close the window.

Wrong button

End up on the top floor. After the apartment is robbed, you will have to get in the car and go to work. Leave the apartment, call the elevator and press the lowest floor F. The elevator will go to the top floor. You will have to walk up the stairs to leave the building.


After the first playthrough of the game, watch the end credits and click on the “Continue” button. The last chapter will start. When you are told to talk to Ridley, go to the restroom and drink the pills as many times as it takes to knock out the Achivk.

Will You Forgive Me?

Continue through chapter five after earning the previous Achievement. Drink the pills whenever the main character wants you to. Do everything as indicated in the current challenges.

Hints & Tips

  • The code for the locker lock is in the desk in the office — 3649.
  • X-ray is in the room with the guard (opposite the guard).
  • In the story we are asked to find a photo and an envelope. The photo is in the box in the room with the bed (the bottom drawer of the box), the envelope is on the table in the hallway
  • The mailbox is downstairs in the parking lot, near the mesh fence.
Game from the guide