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Experiencing Dadd-E Zenless Zone Zero: how to solve the puzzle

Detailed guide on how to pass the order Experiencing Dadd-E in the gacha game Zenless Zone Zero. How to solve all the puzzles, collect all the gears and so on.
Experiencing Dadd-E Zenless Zone Zero: how to solve the puzzle
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
6 July 2024

Experiencing Dadd-E Walkthrough

The research assignment you get in the second half of the second story chapter, in the "Interlude" section. Open the private correspondences where CommonLazy wrote to you. This will take place in the second half of the second story chapter.

  • Location: Old Town neighborhood
  • Goal: Pap-A needs to finish his training in cavern research. Help him and evaluate his progress.
  • Reward: 550 Internot credits, 30 Polychromes, 2 Elite Explorer Supply Boxes, 2 Senior Explorer Supply Boxes, 2 Banbu Algorithmic Modules, 11,000 Denny.

You need to explore the caverns in the allotted number of turns. The sequence is described below. While doing so, remember that Pap-A will repeat your actions on the board on the right side, where there are also rewards. Let's pass all the levels in the minimum number of moves and collect all the prizes!

First stage:

  1. Twice to the right
  2. Twice down
  3. Twice left
  4. Twice down
  5. Twice to the right

You will collect 3500 sixlings, and you will pay 3000 to move to the next area.

Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.

Second area:

  1. Twice to the right
  2. Two times down
  3. Left to press the button. Take your time!
  4. Left
  5. Down
  6. Three times up
  7. Two times right
  8. Four times down
  9. Two times left

You should have 4500 sixlings, and you will pay 3000 to move to a new area.

The third area:

  1. Two times down
  2. Two times right
  3. Two times down
  4. Two times up
  5. Twice to the left
  6. Two times up
  7. Two times to the right
  8. All the way down
  9. Two times to the left.

You should have a total of 5000 sixlings, and 3000 you will pay to advance to the next level.

Area four:

  1. Two times down
  2. Two times right
  3. Two times up
  4. Left
  5. Right
  6. All the way down
  7. Left on the red button
  8. Right
  9. Two times up
  10. Left twice
  11. Two times up
  12. Twice to the right
  13. All the way down
  14. Two times to the left

Fifth area:

  1. Two times down
  2. Twice to the right
  3. Twice to the left
  4. Two times up
  5. Two times to the right
  6. All the way down
  7. Two times to the left

Sixth area:

  1. Two times to the right
  2. Two times down
  3. Two times to the left
  4. Two times to the right
  5. Two times down
  6. Two times left

Fight the enemies. Just circle the last field of monitors to collect all the rewards.

Game from the guide