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Shadows of Doubt — Walkthrough & Guide 2024

A detailed guide to all the mechanics of the game, its secrets, completing quests, investigations, and so on.
Shadows of Doubt — Walkthrough & Guide 2024
Svetlana Ivanova
Date of publication
27 September 2024

Walkthrough Shadows of Doubt ShowGamer

The game has a tutorial and it is quite laconic, so I will not repeat the most basic things here. I will simply give recommendations for a more comfortable game, and advice on solving difficult situations.

If you are playing for the first time, make a small city. Its size will be 3x3 buildings.

If you have already got the hang of it and want more complexity, take larger sizes (a huge one will give a city of 5x4 buildings). The cities themselves do not differ much in size, it is just that the number of residents and places of work increases (except for the black market, there is always one of these organizations), but this in itself increases the difficulty of searching for characters according to vague criteria.

As soon as you appear, I recommend that you immediately start going to local establishments and collecting information (more details in the investigation assistance section). If you launched a training mission, then close the first introductory case while the evidence is hot, and only then study the area.

Find yourself an apartment (ads for their sale can be found in various eateries among the ads, the cheapest options cost about 1000kr), the apartment will be useful to you to dump equipment there and sell stolen goods. In the apartment put

·         Bed (to sleep on)

·         Shower (to reset the bad smell debuff )

·         Towel (to dry off after a shower and rain)

·         Bookcase (to throw loot in, although you can throw it on the floor)

·         Machine for purchasing equipment (so you don't have to run to the city hall for it)

Advertisement for sale of apartment:

If you run out of money during the process, you can rob offices and apartments. Offices are located in tall buildings with a clean white entrance in the shape of the letter P and a bunch of mailboxes at the entrance. In the offices you can find sync disks , vials for upgrading them, valuable loot and, importantly, information about the employees, always look for data on employees if you break into organizations, this will help in future investigations. And in the apartments on the upper floors live directors and other rich people who will have diamonds, sync disks and vials for upgrading them.

This is the starting minimum. Now on to the nuances


There are quite a few items in the game, but most of the functional items are various products. However, there are some things that are better to have on you.

·         Hand-to-hand weapons. For example, a baton (sold for pennies in vending machines in the city hall, in the same ones as handcuffs). The game is not a fighting game and thank God, because the fighting in it is far from the best, so I recommend having a baton with you, which knocks out in two or three hits and allows you to emerge victorious in mass brawls (if you pumped up the strength of the blow)

·         Ballistic armor. Can be bought there or stolen from the office of the captain of the security forces. It is enough to simply keep it in the inventory. Reduces damage received.

·         Door stopper. Situational thing, but can be useful if you need to barricade someone while you search the room. But it's easier to just hit everyone in the way on the head, especially since the door will be kicked down anyway, breaking the stopper, and faster than they will come out of unconsciousness after being beaten with a baton.

·         Beacon. There is usually no need to track someone with it . It can be useful if you still can't find the apartment's residents at home. Put the beacon and do something else until they return.

·         Splint. A fracture greatly reduces movement speed and turns a trip to a clinic or a medicine dispenser into a tedious adventure, but it doesn't happen very often, and can be useful if you like getting into fights.

·         Handcuffs are needed for arrest, if you are not going to arrest anyone there is no point in wearing them

·         Decryptor usually find the password is not particularly difficult, but if a problem occurs , you can go for it, I do not recommend keeping it with you all the time


The abilities of the sync disks are very different and I recommend customizing them to suit your play style. However, I recommend upgrading the inventory size wherever possible. Because the size of the initial inventory is very small and you need to carry a lot with you, and also have a couple of spare cells for quest items and stolen goods.

·         love implant that allows you to determine your position and salary from a photo, since this is much more useful than your exact height and shoe size (especially since by default, during the first examination, they are determined approximately in contrast to your salary)

·         For the "Attractiveness" implant, take the upgrade for more willing provision of information, because you will hardly notice the price reduction, since everything you will actually buy already costs pennies

·         Take the "Figure" implant for height increase, it will allow you to jump to the ventilation without stools. True, you will have to squat through the doors , but you will get used to it quickly) I don't see any point in reducing height at all, maybe it helps a little in hide and seek, but they are already extremely simple

·         The "robber" implant seems to have a useful "invisibility" ability, but it does not work at the time of writing, at least for cameras. There is no point in efficiency, since lockpicks are literally lying underfoot and can be bought in machines for pennies, so take the speed of hacking

Where to look for information

State Base

The city hall has access to citizens’ databases on computers in clinics and law enforcement agencies.

You can watch them one by one and you can't filter them except by name.

From the databases you can find out :

·         Name

·         Photo

·         Blood type

·         Residential address

·         Prints

Tenant lists

Almost every apartment building has a security room with access to the building's cameras (very useful when searching for killers if you know the time of death), and also lists of all tenants in the building. You can find out from the Lease Agreement

·         Name

·         Photo

·         Residential address

·         Date of birth

·         Handwriting

Also in these rooms are BUILDING BLUEPRINTS, which open all the architecture including ventilation on the map. They look like a blue roll, usually lying on the table

Employee details

Every company (even bars and black markets) has lists of employee data

There are employment contracts, but they contain less information. It is better to find the employees' data, since there are photos and fingerprints. Most often, they are in the director's office. Sometimes they can be in the storeroom or in the offices themselves. As a rule, in card files, but they can also be in a desk drawer.

·         Name and all personal data

·         Photo

·         Position and place of work

·         Salary

·         Prints

·         Working hours

·         Handwriting

Photos of employees

Some companies have boards with employees. Always look at them when you first enter the establishment, there is little information in them, but getting it does not require any effort and risk. From them you can find out

·         Photo (and if you have v- love , then your salary right away)

·         Name

·         Job title

Search by cameras

There are cameras almost everywhere in the city and through their control terminals you can find everyone they have recorded. You will only know their appearance, but this can be useful when searching for the killer.

Personal methods

Apartment of the target

If you need to know everything about a specific person, it is usually enough to break into his apartment, you will find a lot of interesting things there. In the closet (very rarely in the file cabinet) there will be a box with personal documents, from it you will learn almost everything you can.

·         Place of work.

·         Blood type.

·         A loved one (documents of other halves are always there).

·         Tax returns (why would you need them?)

·         Work schedules are usually located in the kitchen.

·         The passwords are either in the office or in the bedroom.

·         ID - with the full name can be found in the kitchen or living room.

·         On personal computers you can find out the phone number , password and name, if you can log into them (citizens often do not log out after work).

·         You can identify the number from your phone.

·         In the address book you can recognize all your acquaintances (but some colleagues may not be there), but you will only recognize their names, however, it is not a problem to check them in government databases .

·         Wallets contain an address, handwriting and a name.

Investigation Tips

Personal files of ALL

As soon as you start the game, I recommend that you immediately start piling into all the jobs and start compiling your own citizen base.

Why? Unfortunately, at the moment, all information about citizens , although saved forever, is almost impossible to work with. Only 40 of the last found objects are saved in the search, and you cannot view all the personal files known to you anywhere (at least at the time of writing the guide). Therefore, it is in your interests to simplify your life in future cases and create your own knowledge base. Only you can decide what it will look like. From my own experience, I can recommend distributing everyone by salary or position. Do not forget to use stickers and connections (in a large city, you may have to do without the latter, because there will be too many residents and connections)

Be sure to save the residents, not their documents, because the resident's card displays full information about him when hovering over it, and it is easier to analyze. Moreover, from this card you can get any document that you found on it (there would be a reason, because everything important will still be in the card)

It would be useful to go around all the office companies and eateries and take personal data of employees there. Because corporate theft cases are the most profitable and attractive, and company employees are more often than others involved in all sorts of incidents. But this is your choice, it is tedious, but you will still have to do it when you take the order)

ATTENTION! When there are a lot of people the board will start to lag quite a bit when opening, but it's worth it

Took an additional task, and you were given an eye color and blood type (or other insignificant game) to search for?

Congratulations, because right now you will feel like a real detective, because murders are investigated surprisingly quickly and easily, but such tasks represent a real challenge . Especially if you have not collected data from citizens at all your places of work ) What you should know.

1.       If the data you found about the citizen matches, then his name in the card will be determined completely. If this does not happen, then you have found a person with the same characteristics. This happens, you will have to put up with it.

2.       Sometimes it may happen that you will immediately know the name, this is not the generosity of the employer, most likely you have simply already received this data earlier and now it has been applied. This is exactly why I recommend collecting data everywhere you go.

3.       If you really don't know where to start, you can start with your employer (if it's not an arrest) . The one who gives you a job ALWAYS knows the one he ordered from you (but doesn't tell you the name out of sporting interest).

A little about meeting with employers

The employer appeared in person

Sometimes you meet the employer yourself, in which case you can break into his home and take his address book with phone numbers and addresses of acquaintances, then go to work to take data on colleagues. Your target is one of the colleagues or other acquaintances of the employer.

The employer called

However, sometimes you are given data by phone, this is a more complicated case. If you are lucky, you can call this number again and they will introduce themselves to you right away, or you can ask the name yourself. If they refuse to provide it , then you can try to determine from which house you were called, and then you can raise the list of calls in the basement of the building in the telephone panels, and find the number there, the apartment will be listed nearby, and then according to the same plan as at a personal meeting

The employer passed everything on through someone

If you wondered why employers sometimes contact you so complicatedly, then it is precisely in order to remain anonymous and cause you more trouble, and those who transfer work through someone succeed in this the most. First, scan the case if you were given it, there will be fingerprints of the employer, if you are lucky, then you already know him, if not, then you will have to raise the lists of all employees of the place of work where it was transferred to you (there are several places of work in the city hall, and in the lobby it is its own, only a few people work there, so do not sniff the whole city hall)) but the employer may not be one of the employees, but his other half, so if the list of employees did not give you anything, then it is time to find out who their other halves are (see the section on searching for information). When you find the employer, again act according to the good old scheme of sorting through friends and colleagues

They didn't find anything about the killer, but did you know that the victim was shot?

Visit your local gun store and look up the sales records. Chances are someone recently bought the gun that was used to shoot the unfortunate guy. Knives are also bought there, so if the victim was stabbed, check for those purchases as well. No guarantees, but there's a chance.

Do you know the time of the crime and nothing else was found at the crime scene?

check the cameras during this period. They take a picture every five minutes, but the chances that the criminal was spotted are high. Apart from appearance, you won't learn anything, but you can compare with the victim's acquaintances, and acquaintances can be found in the address book next to the phone. The book will only contain names, but it won't be a problem to identify the person by name using the state database on terminals in law enforcement agencies and clinics in the mayor's office. If you come across several people with the same name, then check the address and phone number

Sharing idiotic investigations

The Story of the Psychopathic Shooter


The victim was killed with a .309 caliber rifle.

There are no fingerprints inside (except for the loved one, who was also suspected , but unsuccessfully)

there is no one on camera

The victim complained about being stalked by a middle-aged man with short hair (expressed in a note that for some reason the victim placed in the apartment, although according to the logic of the contents it should have been hanging on the outside door to the apartment, and a letter to the manager with a request to look at the cameras, with the answer that there was no one on the cameras ).

Witnesses saw nothing.

Progress of the investigation

First of all, I went to the black market of weapons, checked everyone who bought a rifle and/or cartridges for it, 1 name and two aliases (N and LC)

I check the names in the book of acquaintances - 1 match for N, but no traces of either the monster or herself at the crime scene

I searched my lover's rifle, no rifle was found, there was nothing to accuse him of, and there were no cartridges in the apartment.

Subsequently, a new murder occurs. The same house and the same circumstances. A series was planned and there was no progress in the case. At some point, a thought struck that should have visited me from the very beginning. The victims were killed with a rifle, both in the same house and on the same side, and there were no cartridges and no one saw anything. They shot from a neighboring building. I double-checked where the victims were at the time of death. Opposite the windows - everything matches (except for the absence of fragments and any textures of the broken window, which in general created this problem in determining the seemingly obvious moment of the investigation)

I went to the neighboring house, in the apartment on the top floor I quickly found a tenant with a rifle, the initials LC, mature years and short hair, and a cartridge case by the window. LC got drooping kidneys and a couple of wonderful bracelets, which was a wonderful conclusion to the case, which had been spent on an incomparable amount of time for its complexity, and all because the killer used bullets that did not break windows.

Arrest of lover of chemical company worker

Work is an arrest. Two things are known about the goal,

name starts with E

his beloved works as a human resources administrator at company N

I thought it would be a 5-minute job and went to company N to look for whoever holds the position of HR administrator.

In company N there is no such position, there was only a duty administrator, but he did not have a loved one (since his documents were not in the apartment)

It turned out that in the same building (which is called the same as this company) there are also residential apartments. I shot a list of residents in the manager's room and started looking for which of the residents holds the position of HR administrator. Such a person was found quite quickly, and he did not work for company N, and he had a lover with a name starting with E. After the disclosure, there was no auto-detection in the case , I had to take a risk and arrest blindly , but everything turned out to be investigated correctly.

The imbecile employer could not distinguish between the place of work and the place of residence, thereby turning a 5-minute job into a 2-hour adventure

Professions and their salaries

Work - Salary

·         Unemployed/No — no

·         Sales consultant (pawn shop/hardware store) — 11,700 kr.

·         Cleaning operator - 15,000 kr.

·         Laundry worker - 15,000 kr.

·         Medical staff - 15,000 kr.

·         Secretary - 15,000kr.

·         Kitchen staff (canteen) - 15400kr.

·         Shop owner (pawn shop/hardware store) - 16900kr.

·         Kitchen staff (Restaurant) - 17200kr.

·         Security Officer (Industrial Plant) - 17,500 kr.

·         Kitchen staff (bar) - 19100kr.

·         Chef (canteen) - 20,000 kr.

·         Street vendor - 20,000kr.

·         Bar employee (bar) - 24,000 kr.

·         Service staff - 24,000 kr.

·         Sales consultant (pharmacy/supermarket) — 24,600 kr.

·         Bar (Restaurant) staff - 24800 kr.

·         Construction Cleaning Operator - 25,000kr.

·         Retail owner (pawn shop/hardware store) - 25,000 kr.

·         Security Officer (apartment/dispatch) - 25,000 kr.

·         Manager - 25,000kr.

·         Technical engineer - 26200cr.

·         Sous chef (bar) - 29,400 kr.

·         Sous chef (restaurant) - 30,900 kr.

·         Engineer - 36200kr.

·         QA specialist - 37900 kr.

·         Chef (bar) - 42,000 kr.

·         Chef (Restaurant) - 42900kr.

·         Law enforcement officer - 49,000 kr.

·         Doctor - 49,000kr.

·         Master - 49100kr.

·         Floor manager - 60,000kr.

·         Retail owner (bar/restaurant) - 60,000kr.

·         Collector - 64,000 kr.

·         Representative El- Gen - 93300kr.

·         Shop owner (drugstore/supermarket) - 93,300kr.

·         HR Administrator - 96200kr.

·         Black Market Doctor - 100,000kr.

·         Black Market Trader - 100,000kr.

·         Head physician - 100,000 kr.

·         Captain of the security forces - 100,000kr.

·         Owner of a gambling house - 100,000kr.

·         Retail owner (self-service laundry) - 100,000 kr.

·         Arms dealer - 100,000kr.

·         Owner of a gambling house - 100,000kr.

·         Doctor on the black market - 100,000kr.

·         Black Market Trader - 100,000kr.

·         Marketing manager - 109900cr.

·         Security officer - 113100kr.

·         Accountant (Office) - 125,400 kr.

·         Delivery manager - 126200kr.

·         Research and Development Manager - 148700kr.

·         Head of HR Department - 167800kr.

·         Office manager - 169700kr.

·         Accountant (Loan Shark) - 200,000kr.

·         Director of the company - 200,000 kr.

·         El- Gen Manager - 200,000cr.

·         Retail owner (pharmacy/supermarket) - 200,000 kr.

·         Facility manager - 200,000 kr.

·         Lessor - 1,000,000kr.

Let me know if I missed anything, I'm sure it will change and be added in patches.

By location/name

Apartment/control room

cleaning operator , Security officer

Asian Restaurant/Bar

Bar staff, chef, cleaning operator, kitchen staff, retail owner, sous-chef

Black Market Clinic

Black Market Doctor


Black Market Trader

City Hall

Chief Physician, Law Enforcement Officer, Law Enforcement Captain, Doctor, Medical Staff, Supervisor

Industrial plant/canteen

Cleaning Operator, Engineer, Floor Manager, Foreman, Chef, Building Cleaning Operator, Kitchen Staff, Engineering Technician, RnD Manager , Security Officer (x2), Security Officer, Site Manager, Logistics Manager, Unemployed

Fast food restaurant/diner

Cleaning operator , Shop owner, Waiters

Gambling house

Owner of a gambling house


Cleaning operator, laundry worker, retail owner

Money lender

Accountant, Collector


Accountant, Company Director, Head of HR, HR Administrator, Marketing Manager, Office Manager, QA Specialist, Secretary

Pawnshop/Hardware Store

Retail owner, sales consultant, seller


Retail owner, sales consultant, seller


Landlord, Street vendor, Unemployed/Not employed

Synchronic Clinic

Gen Manager , El Gen Representative

Weapons shop

Arms dealer

Tips for Penetration

·         Ask the owners if you can come in. With a sync disc , the chances of compliance are good and you won't have to hide. In general, you can buy the opportunity to take a walk. It's not expensive.

·         There may be a key under the rugs in the apartment

·         Cameras can be turned off not only via the electrical panel , but also via the terminal of the company director if the observation point of a residential building

·         If the camera is bothering you, you can turn off the light, then it will only see you point-blank

·         Lasers can only be switched off via electrical panels .

·         If you need to get into an apartment where someone is, it's better to turn off the electricity, this will help you remain unnoticed, and it will also turn off the lasers if there are any

·         The password to the director's door can almost always be found in the lobby of the workstations or cafeteria.

·         You can hide under beds, under tables and in kitchen drawers (which are large, two-door ones)

·         Coded doors are knocked down just as well as regular ones

·         Pay attention to whether you have a key to the door or not.

·         Buy a door stopper to keep stalkers or occupants of the premises behind the door. It will delay them, but sooner or later they will knock the door down

·         You can look under the doors. Point at the bottom of the door to make the option appear. But the view there will be so-so

·         Carry a baton with you, it will help if stealth fails

Where to look for sync disks ?

Synchrodisks are perhaps the most useful item in the game. If you know where to get them , you can greatly simplify the game. Where can you get them:

·         Some can be purchased at vending machines and synchronic clinics

·         find in the apartments of workers on the black market in the safe (can be from 0 to 4 pieces at a time) Found: Robber, agent, cartographer, interceptor

·         In safes in apartments of citizens with a salary of 200,000 kr and above ( landlord ( his name will be in any lease agreement), managers of el-gen clinics , company directors, facility managers, owners of retail pharmacies and supermarkets) they will have sets of more legal sync discs . ( also from 0 to 4 pieces). In any case, it is not in vain to go, even if there are no discs, there will be diamonds or vials for improving sync discs .

·         The average safe of directors and other rich people.

·         Find in company offices, in employees' desks (not in every company).

·         Randomly found in any office or apartment.

·         Receive as a reward for your work (the ad states which sync disk you will receive as a reward).

Where to find the black market

There are 5 types of businesses on the black market. There will be one representative of each regardless of the size of the city.

·         Arms dealer

·         Merchant of stolen goods

·         Gambling house

·         Money lender

·         Underground clinic

ATTENTION! YOUR PASSWORDS CAN AND WILL DIFFER! Only the graffiti corresponding to the merchant will remain unchanged.

·         Example of a stolen goods dealer password - SNAKE and a head in a mask

·         Example of a gun dealer password: turkey and gun

Their location is determined randomly in each generated city, but mostly they are basements of houses, and small extensions to houses on the ground floor of the house. Those on the ground floor are visible on the map immediately, those in the basements must first be found.

The arms dealer and the stolen goods require passwords that are randomly generated for each city. The password can be found in the notes of criminals, but it is much easier to just see them as graffiti on the walls.

The arms dealer will have the password written under the gun graffiti.

The Merchant of Stolen Goods has masked heads under the graffiti.

To use the services of a black market trader, knock on the door and when they open the door, tell them the password. Keep in mind that traders are also buggy and sometimes they say that the password is correct, although this may not be the case, sometimes on the contrary, they say that it is incorrect and give access to the assortment. And sometimes even the correct password may not work.

The tutorial says that you can figure out the location of an underground shop by graffiti, but at the time of writing, graffiti corresponding to underground organizations is painted on several houses, and on the house in which the organization is actually located, there may not be any at all. This is probably also a bug.

In reality, these enterprises are of little use to the player.

The gambling house simply exists and there is nothing in it except for the bar.

The services of a money lender are simply not needed, because getting money in the game is not a problem, and the loan amount is small.

I never once saw an underground clinic operating, and I can’t imagine why there would be one if there are no restrictions in regular clinics.

You can sell stolen goods to a merchant, but why bother if you have an apartment where you can stock up on supplies, take a break, and at the same time sell the stolen goods without going to God knows where?

The arms dealer is not needed because in the game firearms do not fire at the moment anyway) The only reason he is needed is to spy on firearm buyers in the sales book in search of the killer, but usually the suspect is already watching enough that you don’t even have to go to the store.

How to Raise Money

If the "work" option doesn't suit you, then you always have housebreaking at your disposal . The most popular items for karzh and subsequent sales are diamonds and vials of synchrodisc improvement . The latter may seem too valuable to sell, but at some point you will have more of them than a fool has gingerbread.

The bottles cost 500 each, but the diamonds have different prices from 500 to 3000 “wings”.

Stash for a rainy day:

How to sell them?

1.       In any pawnshop (marked as a stack of three books on the map). Select the line "I want to buy something" in the dialogue with the employee and in the purchase window you will see the tab "sell" switch to it to get to the sale menu

2.       The second method is more convenient since pawnshops do not work around the clock, and you can always go into your apartment. Moreover, it is still useful to have it. Place the stolen item somewhere (even on the floor), open the interior menu, switch to the Items tab -> Room and find in the list what you want to sell. works without any restrictions.

I recommend storing stolen goods and selling them as needed, because large sums of money will not be useful to you anywhere except for buying an apartment, and treatment costs 20% of your current finances, if you are laid up with 10,000 in your pocket, then you will have to fork out 2,000 for treatment. Moreover, if you are laid up with 100, then treatment will cost only 20 wings. But you can take the "Spartan insurance" synchro disc for free treatment and forget about these expenses altogether.

The richest in the game lore live in Echelons, the upper floors of houses, and their houses are really bigger and richer, so walking around the upper floors (above the 10th) will always be useful, there are more cash amounts there, and sync discs are more common, as well as diamonds with vials for improvements.

Impudence is the second happiness

As of May 2023, the player in the game is potentially the most dangerous and elusive scumbag. Not even because he is cool, but because he is not so cool, they rush to catch, track down and punish him. If you are not playing a good guy, then keep this in mind.

·         If you run away from the clinic without paying for your treatment, everyone will forget about it.

·         If you rob someone, raising the whole building on its ears and beating up everyone on your way, you run away and everyone will forget about it (although there is a bug in which the security system will turn on constantly even when you are not in the building, the bug is cured by getting to the hospital in any way except going there on foot).

·         If the alarm goes off, no one will come running to arrest you. As soon as the turrets start shooting, sit out somewhere, wait until the alarm goes off and everyone forgets about it.

·         If they broke into your house and caught you, then take a club and explain to the owners that the problems are not really yours. And while the owners are unconscious, take out everything that is not nailed to the floor, periodically repeating lessons in humility to the owners. And when you leave, everyone will forget about it.

·         If you beat up the law enforcement officers, everyone will forget about it.

·         No one will come to your house to look for stolen goods. If you stole something and ran away, everyone will forget about it .

In fact, this impunity somewhat spoils the immersion, I hope that the developers will add more consequences for illegal actions.

About bugs

In May 2023, the game has non-critical but very annoying bugs. I will tell you about them and give advice on how to deal with them.

1.       Always save before accepting/turning in a quest or quest item. Sometimes they may not count properly.

2.       If you fall through a floor where you shouldn't... well, don't run into rooms until the floor loads, nothing to add here)

3.       Make sure you have your quest board open when you hand in a quest or complete any of its items including handing it in. Sometimes you can't even hand in a case to the mayor's office if you have a tab open with another case.

4.       Sometimes some citizens get stuck somewhere, usually it doesn't matter until they become part of a quest, and you can't find them either in their apartment or at work. Their spouses can help you with this (if they are not there, then it's better to close the case right away, you'll waste less nerves), ask the spouse if he knows "this person", and the spouse can tell the current location of his other half. I had a prisoner disappear like that, it turned out that before that he had given me a quest and got stuck at the meeting place, his wife kindly leaked his location to me.

5.       Quests to find envelopes are complicated by the fact that the target may have several of them, and only one specific one is correct. If you pick up the right one, then you will complete the task objective, be sure to check that it is closed. Just in case, save before taking and load if it does not count, if it does not help, then look for more.

6.       If you cannot interact normally with the interior settings of your apartment or things disappear when you place them, try re-entering the room or apartment as a whole, this usually helps to find the missing items and get to the desired interior.

7.       it helps some people but it didn't help me at the time.

8.       If you are stuck with handing over the findings on the case "to the door" of the employer, then this is not a bug, just a slightly sick implementation. You need to put the case that you were given to the door, then move the cursor under the door until the option "hand over evidence" appears.

9.       If your alarm is constantly going off, even though you haven't done anything at all, it means you've screwed someone over the head and now they're constantly running around in a panic to turn on the alarm. To be sure to reset it, just die once. This often happens if you beat up the owners of some apartment. Another reason not to get caught)

10.   When looking for brown-red envelopes at work, keep in mind that work stations are assigned... anyhow. There aren't enough people for all the work stations, so some computers and desks are filled with people who don't sit at them. And anyone can sit at desks with name tags except the person who's written on them).

Questions and Answers

If this is a task where they give me a photo with a case, where will this case be located?

Answer: somewhere in the place shown in the photo, it can sometimes fall into the textures and it will not be possible to pick it up at all.

How to hand over information to the customer at his door?

Answer: You need the case that you were given at the beginning of the mission, you need to put it under the door and aim at the lower part of the door until the opportunity to “hand over evidence” appears (by the way, you can peek under any door, but the view there is terrible).

To get information on some tasks, you need to "Ask workers about NAME". Which workers need to be asked?

Answer: Employees of the establishment where you found the job ad.