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The Killing Antidote Walkthrough — Game Guide

The game is in early access, and at the time of writing the guide, only two locations are available. We will supplement the guide as updates are released.
The Killing Antidote Walkthrough — Game Guide
Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
13 October 2024

The Killing Antidote how to complete

Judy's Office

Go to the desk and interact with the computer by pressing E. There's not much else to do in the apartment, but there's a storage box and a wardrobe. It'll be empty at the start of the game.

7th Bioinstitute Offices

Floor A1

Move around the office by selecting the desired difficulty level. It only affects the strength of the main character and enemies. Go through the door and examine the switched-on computer. There's a first aid kit in the cabinet. To use it, open your inventory with TAB and select the item. Go to the hallway, go forward and climb over the box on the right using the "Space" key. You can't destroy the boards yet, so enter the room on the left. There's an audio recording of the captain of the guard on the box. Go further down the hallway, the landing is closed, and look for a knife and an axe in the room on the left. This is your first melee weapon. Defeat the enemy and examine the door with a panel that requires a key card. By the way, the main character will plunge the knife into the heads of enemies when they try to grab her. Then you can take it.

Go back, dealing with a couple of opponents along the way. By holding down the "1" key, you can switch between weapons and other equipment. The flashlight is turned on / off with the F key. Having returned back, break the boards. On the right, there is another door with a panel for a key card. Crouch on C and crawl under the boards. The CTRL key allows you to dodge.

You can only open one door, behind it there are about 5 enemies waiting for you. After destroying them all, examine the walls on the right to find the code 5678. Enter it on the nearest locker to get a pistol and ammo. There is a first aid kit in another locker. Go back to the corridor, some enemies will revive. More enemies will knock down the door on the right, behind it there is a rack with a grenade. Go back to the rubble you crawled under earlier. The door on the left has opened. There is a yellow keycard for the doors on the box.

Creep under the boards and open the door ahead. There are knee socks for the main character, a small first aid kit, a bed for saving, a storage box, a mirror for changing clothes. Go back to the place where you found the axe and knife. There will be an enemy on the ceiling. After killing him, you will receive ammo for the pistol. Open another door with a yellow keycard.

You will find yourself in a warehouse. Destroy all enemies, climb onto the open container using the nearest crate and look through the glass into the equipment room. The code on it is #520. Hide your weapon by pressing X to run faster and jump further. Jump onto the adjacent container and from there to the open door. Don't rush. Look through the window with a net, behind which you can see a shotgun. Press T to change the angle and shoot the button by the door. Take the shotgun with ammo!

As soon as you move forward and to the left or right, enemies will burst out from all sides. Don't spare the ammo. After defeating them, search the room near the passage with the boards, take the audio recording "Staff". Then break the boards and enter the equipment room. After killing everyone, you can open the box with the combination lock. The code is displayed on the equipment nearby - enter #520. You will receive ammunition and a hard drive 1/11 with encrypted data. They can be decrypted in Judy's office. There is a large button near the window. Press it, and you will see a green light above the large warehouse door light up. Also on the board to the left of the computer there is a photo that will open a new scene.

Go back, on the right there is a rest room with a new jacket, pills and standard objects.

Floor A3

Return to the warehouse and open the double door. Kill all the enemies behind it, take the audio recording "Staff" and the stairs. Go up to the third floor (the second is closed; but you can go up the stairs towards the fourth floor; it is blocked, but under the fence lies the emblem of the Z Institute 1/26, which will start a side quest) and kill all the enemies. There are really a lot of them here! The nearest door requires a blue keycard, go further, kill the enemies near the elevator. There is a backpack on the bench on the left. In fact, it is a banal decoration. At the end of the corridor there will be a code door. The code is indicated in the audio recording from the fourth floor. To save your time, enter 1314. You will see a cutscene with a girl chained to equipment. Therefore, I do not recommend entering it now. Let's follow the story!

There is another door in the corridor next to the code door. After opening it, jump down to the bridge below. Kill the enemies, go to the end and open the door. There is a badge of the Institute Z employees (2/26) in the room. Another door will allow you to create a shortcut to the rest room. You can save. Now jump down to the bridge even lower, back to the first floor. Also find the hard drive 2/11.

Floor A1

There are three doors. Open the right of the two adjacent ones, kill two zombies. One of them will have a red crystal in his head - this is a stronger version of the regular enemies. Be sure to collect crystals from enemies, both blue and red! There is also a white dress for Judy, a first aid kit and a pulse grenade, which blows up the heads of all zombies in the area. The other door is closed, so go to the far one and look for an air duct. Crouch and follow it. Note that there are enemies here. After getting out of the tunnel, take the identifiers from the shelves. These devices are used as beacons for orientation, since there is no regular map.

Open the door ahead to create a shortcut. Go to the door with the "red cross". Wait for enemies to break it down. Kill some zombies, there is a door on the right for a blue keycard. Go left and open the first door to get to the rest room. There are new boots, pistol ammo and shotgun ammo here. Be sure to save! Move to the end of the corridor, open the penultimate door to create a shortcut to the warehouse, and then open the door with the yellow terminal. You will get to the captain's room. Kill the enemy, take the revolver, examine the computer and on the second tab, reset the password to 0000. Also open the locker in the captain's room by entering the code 6090 (written on the wall at the entrance). As soon as you try to leave, the enemies will burst in through two doors. If you still have a pulse grenade, now is the time to use it (hold "2")! Behind the door that the enemies knocked down, there is a golden skull 1/20 hanging on the wall. Shoot it or hit it with a melee weapon.

Return to the same door above the warehouse and open it to find a spitting zombie. Kill the mob using the revolver and search the room. Take the audio recording, stockings and the blue keycard. You've already seen two locked doors for such a card! Also take the hard drive 3/11. Return to the corridor with the captain's room and open the storage room with the blue keycard. Be careful, carefully look around the corner and shoot the mine. There is a defusing tool in the locker.

Floor A3

Through the warehouse and the double door, go up the stairs to the third floor. Open the door with the blue keycard. Enter the planning department on the left, crouch and defuse the two mines. Examine the computer. There is a locker. The code is 0210 (on the back of one of the photos hanging on the board). Inside there is the hard drive 4/11 and supplies. In the office opposite there is an outfit, a computer and an exquisite statuette. In the room next to it there is a door with a code panel. Enter 3964 (on the poster nearby) to get to the save room.

Return to the door that you just opened with the blue keycard. To the left of it are restrooms and a door leading to a platform with catwalks. Go across the catwalk to another door to get to an office with a spitter holding a red crystal. Killing it will create a shortcut to the elevator on the third floor. The computer has the code 1180, which opens a nearby locker with a pulse grenade.

Floor A4-A3

Return to the third floor behind the blue door and look for a landing at the end of the corridor. Go upstairs, kill a couple of enemies. In the closed room on the right there is a submachine gun, but the password is unknown yet. It is hidden in a poster with gifts. Enter 3758 to open the room and take the submachine gun. On the shelf nearby is an audio recording with the code 1314. This is the code for the very door at the end of the main part of the third floor. Go there past the elevator, open the door and kill Alice. This is a dangerous monster. Run away and shoot with everything you have. Use a pulse or regular grenade.

Return to the room, there is a photograph hanging on the board. Take it to open a new scene "Desperate Cryer". In the locker there is a hard drive 4/11. In the corner look for an outfit.

Basement B1

Return to the third floor behind the blue door and look for a landing at the end of the corridor. Go down. The second floor corridor is blocked by flames. Go down even further to basement B1. Kill all the enemies, search the rooms. At the end of the right corridor, there is a pipe without a valve. You need to find it. On the right, there is a room blocked by a shelf. Shoot the golden skull 2/20. Return to the beginning of the basement and go left. At the fork, turn right. There are three monsters, and on the shelf is a sewing kit. You can also shoot the golden skull 3/20 through the window with a grate on the left. Go back and climb over the fence using the box. Kill the enemies that fall from above. There is a mine in the room on the left, so duck and dismantle it!

Press the button in the room to open the double door. Clear the warehouse with tanks. One door ahead is closed, and the door on the left is open. Go there, climb the stairs and kill the enemy. Remove the valve, you can save in the room on the left. Also on the way through the corridor there will be a door for the red keycard, which you do not have yet. Go even further to return to the main basement. In the corridor to the left of the landing, place the valve and turn it.

Floor A2 and Basement

Go back up to the second floor. The fire does not block the way. The door on the left will allow you to create a shortcut to the very first save room. Go to the hall ahead, kill all the enemies that fall from above. In one of the rooms on the right, a golden skull hangs on the wall 4/20. Climb to the second tier along the rack, climb over the railing onto the boxes. Inspect the hole on the right, two closed doors. If you jump through the hole, you will get to the closed room below. There are supplies and the Z emblem (2/26) there, but the door may not open. Just shoot it. You will return to the first code locker.

There is an audio recording in another room. A little further there will be a locked save room and a shower. Try taking a shower. No water. Search all the lockers. One has a Z emblem (3/26), another has a red keycard. You can use the keycard to open one of the nearby doors. In the empty room, there is a Z emblem 4/26 on the shelf.

Go back the same way you came here through the basement. In the corridor where you found the valve, open the door with the red keycard. Press the button on the left to open the double doors in the warehouse with large tanks. Collect supplies. There are grenades in the locker. Throw them on the crack in the floor. Throw mines or grenades there to kill the jumpers. There are new clothes below. Open the door to get to the basement. Go out to the room with the tanks and go through the double doors. Kill the enemies, take the audio recording and examine the pipe. Return to the beginning of the basement and take the valve that was used to block the flames. Use it in this room to supply water to the shower.

Floor A4

When you return to the showers, the rack will collapse, and you will not be able to climb up to the second tier to the showers in the usual way. Return to the landing and run to the fourth floor. There, the rack will break (near the room where the submachine gun was), and you will be able to go deeper into the corridor.

Note that in the nearest room there is a mourner, which you destroyed earlier. A very dangerous enemy. You can place mines and lure her into them. It is best to kill such monsters with a pulse grenade. There is a Z emblem (2/26) on the table.

There will be a lot of enemies further. You will find yourself on the third tier of the room with a shower. In the corridor ahead there is a mine, on the shelf to the right there is a Z emblem (6/26).


When you return to the shower and take a shower, a huge monster will appear. Run away. Then there will be a section with a minimum supply of health. Be sure to take an energy drink from the shelf. Go forward, and when the monster falls on you, turn around and run in the opposite direction. Go through the room. Run away from the monster, dodging obstacles and ordinary zombies. Periodically release Shift to replenish some of your stamina. About halfway through, use an energy drink (when your stamina runs out). You need to get to a dead-end corridor with ventilation and interact with the grate. The section is actually difficult, so be patient.

Next, you need to find a way to get back to the shower. First, pick up the pills, break the boards by pressing ALT, and jump down. Pick up the lantern, jump even lower. You will get to a room with an enemy and a mine. Enter the restroom on the left. There is a zombie inside. Lure it out and get out of the restroom. Go around the mine so that the enemy from the restroom stands on it and kills both himself and the other zombie. Enter the middle room, save and press the button to open the door in the room on the right. In addition, there is a Z emblem (7/26) in the restroom on the left.

Next, press the button and go through the door. Go forward, to the right and press the round button to start the fans. Return to the beginning and press the button to close the nearest door and open the door behind it. Move through the fan. You need to duck and press CTRL to do a somersault through the broken blades. Go through the door, jump down and go along the corridor. When you see the shadow of a zombie, go back and hide in the yellow cabinet. When the monster passes by, go up the stairs and use the ventilation.

You will find yourself in a warehouse with bandits. Crouch and move to the left while the enemy is looking down. Go along the corridor to the left, to the very end and in this way you will go around the floor, getting to the landing. First, go down a little lower into the rest room and save. Go up, but carefully. When the enemy from above goes further along the corridor, follow him and hide in the yellow locker. Wait, and soon the enemy will go in the opposite direction. Also on the nearby shelves is the Z emblem (8/26). Go down and go through the warehouse with pallets. Go down the stairs. There's an enemy on the right, and he's not going anywhere. You need to run into the room on floor E1 and find a vent in the back. Crawl through it to get to the rest room. Go out into the hallway, climb the stairs, and pick up the bow and arrows. You can pick up the arrows you shoot. Use the bow to shoot a couple of objects above to knock down a black cat statue and a new piece of clothing. There's a pressure panel on the floor, drag the corpse here.

Go back and quietly eliminate all the enemies. But if you ran here, the enemies have already raised the alarm, and you won’t be able to act stealthily. As soon as you crawl through the ventilation, they will attack you. So you need to get to the room unnoticed! Alternatively, from the rest room near the landing, go up to E2. When the enemies above leave, walk along the right wall and jump down over the fence, hiding behind the container. In general, you need to stealthily get to the room on the first floor and use the ventilation. Then you can save. Be sure to take the combat bow! In addition, in the same room with the ventilation, in the drawer of the table there is a blue key card. Take it and clear all three floors from 5-6 enemies. Be sure to save and go through the door on the second floor, using the blue key card.

When one enemy leaves, finish off the closest one and try to shoot the one who is trying to move away. Go forward along the corridor. On the left there is an armory with enemies, but as you approach it, the bandits will be attacked by zombies. Let them kill each other, start shooting zombies and collecting ammo. The Q key will allow you to switch between a bow and a machine gun (since it is not in the weapon wheel). In the armory there is a box with 80 rounds. Keep in mind that the mercenaries will run to you several more times. In the far room there is a code door. The code is 9842 (indicated on the posters in the area). Inside the room, look for a yellow key card and a locked case. In the locker is a hard drive 5/11. There is also a password detector here. It is used to try to unlock the case. Use the case, you have 20 attempts. There is money inside. And in the corridor near the door under the yellow key there is an emblem Z (9/26). Finally, if you look closely at the main part of the warehouse, you can find 3 golden skulls at once.

Open the yellow door in the main hall and watch the cutscene. Move through the basement, collecting supplies. You can find the Z emblem. Then go up the metal stairs and go through the door. Worms will appear. I recommend running back, throwing a couple of grenades and carefully shooting all the enemies. There are really a lot of them. When they all disappear, go further, press the button on the right and open the door. Clear the floor. There is a hole in the floor on the left, and it leads to the beginning, so go forward. In one of the rooms there is a code door. The password is 2940. It is shown on the right if you open the door. When you are ready, call the elevator and go to B2.

Floor B2

Save in the room on the left. There's a vending machine on the right. You can sell all the crystals, buy whatever you want. All the doors will be locked. Buy an explosive arrow and go through the door onto the bridge. There will be a cracked wall ahead. Select the explosive arrow in your inventory and shoot it to create a hole. Run and jump into the corridor opposite. Open the nearest door, examine the computer, you can hack the case with a detector to get a hard drive.

Soon, zombies will appear in the corridors. Kill them all. One of the back doors will open, and you can go past the door with the red panel to open another one and create a shortcut to the elevator. Be sure to save. When you approach the far door, zombies will burst out of it. Kill all the mutants. This is a very difficult fight. I recommend running back, but keep in mind that mutants will appear there too. Almost all will be strengthened with red crystals. In the far room, open the locker by entering the code 9885. You will find an orange keycard. Be sure to return to the rest room and save! Then you can return to the shower. Take the things, go through the door with the orange panel.

Once on the large flight of stairs, go down, collecting various resources. Open the door with the red keycard, which you returned from the shower. After killing the guard, go to the room on the left. After the cutscene, you will be attacked by a clawed monster. The easiest way to fight it is to use a pulse grenade.

You will receive a white keycard. First, go up the same stairs to the top. Open the blue door next to the destroyed steps. This is the very last door. There is a pressure plate in the floor. If there is an enemy or his corpse nearby, move him to the plate. If there is no corpse, you will have to go back through the next door and floor A3 to another landing, then go up to floor A4, where there was a room with a submachine gun. Go to the blue corridors near the elevator you took earlier and use the red keycard to open the white door. Shoot the target above the same door in the room with three locked doors. Fight off the monsters. You can summon monsters an unlimited number of times to earn money. And you will have to drag any corpse all the way up another staircase to the right room.

As soon as the corpse is on the button, you can climb the boxes to the opened door. In the room behind the door, there is a combination lock on the cabinet. Enter 6083. The code is formed from the numbers outside, on the landing, if you stand so that only four numbers are visible. Inside is a hard drive. Enter the back office, examine the lockers to find the code 3974. Enter and take the Z emblem. Examine the computer, you cannot supply power to the floor with the lab (downstairs).

You can first go to A1 to pick up the audio recording. Go to B1. Take the device and place it in the slot on the floor. This is an anti-zombie turret. There is a save room on the left. In the room opposite the elevator, there is another zombie killer and a vending machine. There is also a hidden Z emblem. You can open the far door to get to the landing. Go to the end of the new corridor, prepare for defense and launch the first block from the computer. You need to do this with three blocks. Be sure to buy 2 pulse grenades, since a monster with claws will appear twice. Periodically collect money and diamonds, sell and buy ammunition. Do not forget to turn on new blocks, since the game will not remind you about it, and the zombies will stop killing only after you turn on all of them and warm them up.

After all this, return to the control room on the fourth floor, turn off the B1 floor and supply power to the lab. Head down to level X. Early access ends here. Wait for the update!

Game from the guide