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A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead Walkthrough & Guide

Guide to all chapters of the game: how to find all documents and collections on cassettes, where to look for collectibles, toys; what are credits for and other secrets of the game
A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead Walkthrough & Guide
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
18 October 2024

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead — all documents, collections and collectibles

Select the desired difficulty level. We played the game on "normal". After the intro, go forward, crouch with the C key, press F to climb over the low fence. Later, you will learn that water, rocks, branches and other objects under your feet make a lot of noise. You can slow down the movement by scrolling the mouse wheel down. Climb onto the rocks ahead and jump down.

Once inside the house, squeeze between the cabinets on the right. Open the door on the right by moving the mouse. The slower you move it, the less noise you make. There is no point in acting quietly right now. Jump into the basement, get out into another room and through the window outside. Watch the cutscene.

Day 105, Ranch

Press J to see the number of documents and collections that can be found on the ranch - 15 and 2 respectively. First, look to the left to find a table with two benches and the first document (1/15). If you go around this ruined gazebo, you can find a toy for which you will receive credits. Go to the main doors ahead (Martin will climb through the window on the right) and pick up the document "Loud Natural Sounds" (2/15) lying on the bench. Go left, around the corner of the house, and look for an open window with yellow paint. Climb inside.

Pick up the toy plane from the table ahead to get 30 credits. This is a collectible. In fact, it is an ordinary value for which you will receive in-game currency. Such things have no relation to achievements and collecting in general. Open the door to leave the kitchen. You will find yourself in the hall, which you could have entered through the only open door from the outside.

Go to the right and immediately turn to the stairs on the left. Near it, on the couch, lies the document "Romantic Message" (3/15). Also behind the couch, in the corner, there is a nightstand. The drawer of this cabinet contains the audio cassette "Horses" (collection 1/2). Go to the end of the first floor, there are medicines in the infirmary, but you can't get inside, because the door is locked. Go up the stairs in the center, next to the horse statue, and take the document "Romantic Answer" (4/15), lying on a small round table. Go along the corridor to the left. Room 4 is locked with a key, and at the end of the corridor there is a ventilation grate. To open it, you need to find a screwdriver.

The door on the right is knocked down - that's where you go! Get out onto the visor and go right, pressing yourself against the wall with yellow paint. Climb into the open window to find yourself on the other side of the rubble on the first staircase, which you couldn't use to get to the second floor. Take the screwdriver from the cabinet on the left, then climb over the cabinet on the right (there is yellow paint on it). Unscrew the bolts on the ventilation grill at the end of the corridor and crawl through the ventilation duct. First, turn left, and in the dead end you will find a collectible, a toy for 20 credits. Then climb in the other direction.

After going down to the office, you can open the door on the right to create a shortcut to the common hall. By the way, opposite the infirmary behind this door, on the table lies the document "On ventilation" (5/15). Enter the far room of the office, watch the cut-scene. In the wall cabinet on the right hangs the key to room 4. On the table with the computer to the left of the window lies the document "Note on the radio message" (6/15).

Go up to the second floor and enter room 4. Open the drawer in the cabinet on the left and take the audio cassette "Black Metal and Kittens" (compilations 2/2). Take the document "Message from the Flower Picker" (7/15) from the nightstand to the right of the bed. In the next room, on the nightstand to the right of the bed, there is the document "Alarming Message" (8/15). When you are ready, jump down through the hole to the first floor. After the cutscene, open the latch on the door to reunite with Martin.

Follow and go down to the basement. Light the candles, go to the right and take the drawing of dad and the drawing of mom from the wall - documents (9-10/15). On the table to the left is the document "Walking to School with Dad" (11/15). Further to the left, on the wall, there is a drawing of Joshi (documents 12/15). On another long table there is a drawing of a monster and a drawing of a father and son (documents 13-14/15). On the table in the center there is a nursery rhyme (documents 15/15). Once you've lit all the candles, talk to Martin. After a few cutscenes, leave the ranch and follow Martin.

Day 119, Hospital

There are 36 documents and 1 collection hidden in the hospital. Look at the bed and take the document "Song Ideas" (1/36). Turn around and pick up the document "Children's Names" (2/36) from the floor. On the wall board on the right is the document "Draft Lyrics" (3/36). There you will also find three damaged photos of a porch, a swing and a pier (6/36). On the table is the document "Happy Anniversary!" (7/36), in the cabinet to the left is "I'm Here" (8/36). Finally, on the shelf of the table is hidden a photo of Julia (9/36). Go out into the corridor, enter Martin's room on the left and collect 5 more documents. You should have 14/36 documents.

Move to the opposite end of the corridor, on the floor is the document "From Mark to Kenneth" (15/36). Squeeze along the mattress, go to the end of the corridor. There are two people behind the glass door ahead. Turn right and look for the document "Garbage" (16/36) on the board on the right. Run to the opposite side of the corridor, nearby on the right wall there will be a board with the document "Cutting Rations" (17/36). And on the chairs a little further, on the right, look for the document "Promise" (18/36). Turn left, go down to the first floor. Turn left along the corridor and on the wall on the right look for the document "Mark - the Chief" (19/36). Continue moving along the corridor to the right, on the wall on the right before the fork, by the unlocked door hangs the document "Medicine Cabinet" (20/36). Open the door, take the box of batteries from the table ahead. Alex will automatically take the medicine. The Q key allows you to switch between an empty hand and tools, E - between consumables such as pills and inhalations. Exit the room, you can turn into the room with the altar on the left and light all the candles to get the achievement. Run to the right along the corridor, open the last door on the left, leading to the storage room. On the way to the storage room, on the right wall look for a board with the document "Radio Silence" (21/36). In the storage room look for batteries and an inhaler. You can use the latter if the screen is cloudy and the lung icon in the upper left is red. Return to the second floor, make your way along the mattress and enter the opened ward 101 on the left. Inside there are three documents (24/36). For some reason, the note in the opening suitcase does not count. Return to Alex's room.

After the cutscene, try to unscrew the bolts on the ventilation, then go to Kenneth. Scroll the mouse wheel down to make less noise, and go through the door ahead. Make your way along the metal sheet. Alex will get the phonometer. The left scale shows the noise level of the environment, the right one - the sounds you make. Open the door at the end of the corridor, enter the room. Either move the large barrel on the right and climb into the room through the window, or open another door. Get out through the ventilation, climb up the ledge and climb into the ventilation, unscrewing the bolts.

Once in Laura's room, look around and collect 8 documents (32/36). Look in the bathroom to find another document (33/36). Exit the room and find a document (34/36) on the chairs on the left. You can go a little further, to Mark's room, to find a toy for 20 credits. Continue moving, hide in the room to the right of the monster. When it leaves, look for the penultimate document (35/36) on the nearest table. On the wall opposite the room hangs the document "Radio Silence". You should have picked it up earlier. Go forward and into the room with medicine on the left. Go right, climb onto the ledge, unscrew the bolts and climb through the ventilation shaft. Once in the other room, take the key from the table. Move the latch and go back to the place where you climbed into the ventilation. Open the door opposite it. There is a large sign on the wall that says ENTRANCE. Do not rush to go left, where the arrow points. Turn right, enter the office at the end of the corridor and look in the desk drawer to get the audio cassette "For Beth" (collection 1/1).

Go the other way and open the door to the reception. On the table with the computer on the right, look for the last document (36/36). Climb over the shelf, go through the door on the left and go down to the parking lot. Go around the puddles and other objects. In the parking lot, you need to move around the perimeter of the room clockwise to get around the monster, find a toy for credits and get to the door, interacting with which will end the chapter.


When you start, you’ll immediately see the first information stand that has Note 8 – The squirrel and Note 9 – Drawing of a squirrel.

Proceed (no matter which way) and you’ll see the next information board that has Note 10 – The bee and Note 11 – Drawing of a bee.

Proceed (no matter which way) and you’ll see third information board that has Note 12 – The owl and Note 13 – Drawing of an owl.

Proceed further and after a drop you’ll see a house. In this section you can get A Jump From The Window achievement for collecting the plank and leaving the house garden in under 3:30 minutes. It’s probably better to get the collectibles and then immediately replay the section for the achievement or vice versa.

Inside the house (get inside from the back), there’s Note 6 – About asthma pills on a table near the front door.

When you get in the room with the plank, there’s Note 5 – About planks on the table.

When you find a way around the house to the door that leads in the room with the plank (from the side that you can unlock, near the pit), there will be a table. Inside this table there’s Mixtape 1 – Chased by Wolves.

After you cross to the other side of the pit that divides the train tracks and climb some boxes, take first right around train cart and go to your right. There will be a toy lying on the ground.

Keep going and when the MC says that she can’t follow the tracks anymore, look to your left, there will be Note 7 – Soldier’s message near a dead body near a wall.

Proceed until the first encounter with the monster. In this section you can also get A Run Through The Bushes achievement for completing the area with the monster in under 1:45 minutes. It’s probably better to get the collectibles and then immediately replay the section for the achievement or vice versa.

Go down from where you started. Then on a level below go to the right of another descend, you’ll see a climbable rock. On top of that rock there’s a toy.

Keep going until you reach the house. Under the front locked door of the house there’s Note 1 – Disturbing message

Get into the house and when you leave the safe room, turn left and around the corner towards the kitchen. There you’ll see Note 3 – Poem on the wall and Note 2 – Old woman’s diary on the ground.

Go upstairs and in the first door on your left. In that bedroom there’s Note 4 – Girl’s diary and Mixtape 2 – Poetry.

Near the end of forest section when you’ll have to avoid the monster again, you can start earning the Over There achievement (you have to break 25 bottles to get it)

After completing this area, you’ll get the Forest achievement.

Lake House

When you get to the party, there’s Note 1 – Birthday card on a table to the right from the one where Mark’s sitting

When you are walking towards the car turn right and there are a bunch of notes in the shed along with a suitcase. Here’s the list:

Note 2 – Swing photo, Note 3 – Porch photo, Note 4 – Dock photo, Note 5 – Photo album note, Note 8 – Birthday puzzle

The code to the suitcase is 481. For opening the suitcase you’ll immediately get two achievements: Resolving – for opening this particular suitcase

Inside the suitcase there are Note 6 – Gift Reminder and Note 7 – Ticket stubs along with Mixtape 1 – Live Bootleg.

Combination with Repetition – for opening your first suitcase.

Once you go inside the house, turn right. There’s a toy on the shelf near the TV. At this point if you collected all the previous toys, you’ll get the Collector achievement (for collecting 10 toys)

A bit further there’s Note 9 – Vinyl records inside the little cabinet.

To the left of the kitchen you can find Note 11 – Laura’s degree, Note 12 – Trophy, Note 13 – Scientific Achievement Award, Note 14 – Robert’s degree

On the table in the kitchen there’s Note 10 – Cake recipe

Go upstairs. At the end of the corridor there’s Note 15 – Magazine.

Go in the bedroom on the right. There’s a bunch of notes inside, here’s the list:

Note 18 – Ripped note, Note 19 – Ripped page, Note 20 – Helping a friend, Note 21 – Novel in progress, Note 17 – A stack of books

There’s also a toy inside the left bedside table and Note 22 – Crumpled letter on the right bedside table

Now go in the other bedroom. There’s Note 16 – Ciao from Italy! on the table

Once you get into the attic, explore it before interacting with the Vinyl collection. Here’s the list of attic collectibles: Note 23 – Essay, Note 24 – Laura’s photo

And there’s also a toy on the table

At the end of the section, you’ll get the Lake House achievement.


You’ll have to walk a bit before you encounter the first toy on the level behind the box that you’ll have to climb near big gate.

After that you’ll have to proceed until you see a tripwire, when dodging it and walking around you’ll go alongside the porch. As soon as you can turn right and get up that porch to get Note 3 – Camp Leader Welcome.

Get down from the porch and keep moving. Almost immediately you’ll have to walk around a puddle. Here if you’re crouched, it’s hard to notice Note 2 – Bear traps that’s on the barrel.

Keep moving and once you get on the other side of barricaded path turn around and grab Note 6 – Last Words from the top of another barrel.

Move towards the other porch (it’s on the left if you look at the previous screenshot) and grab Mixtape 1 – Omar the Otter from the table.

After you learn to disarm bear traps and climb over the fence, you can get Note 9 – National Guards orders from the box a little bit in front of you.

There’s also Note 8 – Kids’ chat on the bench in that area.

After you learn to disarm sound traps you’ll have to walk for a little and then climb a tall box. On top of it there’s Note 14 – Madman’s memories #1

When you jump down there will be Note 13 – Madman’s memories #2 on a table in front of you

When you reach this signpost with the option to climb the tall box, instead of climbing it go to the left and follow the path till the end to find a toy.

After that continue on your way and climb up that tall box. You’ll see Great Pine Park info board. To the left of it, behind a box there’s Note 12 – Madman’s memories #3

Proceed until you get to the radio tower. On the gate near the entrance there’s Note 7 – About powering the watchtower.

Keep going and eventually you’ll be inside the building where the monster is going to roam on the roof of said building. There will be a corpse lying in the nook with Note 5 – Madman’s vengeance and Note 1 – Photo of a girl. Don’t worry, it’s hard to miss since you’ll have to disarm a trap right nearby.

When you finish with the radio tower section, you’ll get the key from the other fence gate. Once you open it, the toy will be lying on top of a little ramp in front of you.

Proceed further until you see a corpse on the ground. Go to the right from it towards the broken bear trap and further. Down that path there will be another toy on a wooden bench.

When you go past the corpse up the porch, there will be 2 buckets on top of planks above you. To earn the Ordering achievement you have to knock them both down with bricks.

Go on and when you reach the parking lot (there will be a couple of vans standing around, doesn’t really look like a parking lot, you’ll get a chance to earn the Disappear Among the Caravans achievement for completing the section in under 7:00 minutes.

Also at the start of the section right when the monster appears, there will be Note 10 – A father’s reqest lying on a box in front of you.

When you finish the parking lot section, you’ll be in mines – sort of area. Follow the tracks to the right and you’ll see Mixtape 2 – cave sounds on top of burlsac and Note 11 – National Guard decision on the ground.

At the end of the chapter you’ll see the last Note 4 – A mother’s gratitude on the ground near the waterfall.

You’ll get The Campsite achievement for completing this section of the game.

Trainwreck (Part 1)

In this chapter, you’ll have to scare away all flocks of birds to get the Chasing Away achievement, so we’ll count those as well.

When you start the chapter proceed until you get to go in the cave. There you’ll see two boxes blocking a tunnel. Move them away, go through the tunnel and at the end collect the toy.

When you drop down, you’ll stumble upon the first Note 1 – Sandbags, lying on the ground.

Now that you got introduced to sandbag mechanic, you have the chance to get the achievement A Safe Path for completely emptying 20 sandbags. So, if you can get a new one, try to empty the last one first instead of just dropping it to progress towards getting the achievement.

Turn left and you’ll see a shack. Flock of birds 1 is on the shack so it’ll fly away when you enter. Flock of birds 2 is SUPER SNEAKY! On the screenshot you see that there’s a path in the grass to the left of said shack. Go there and you’ll see those sneaky flock of birds 2 behind a rock (you can get them only with a bottle)

Now go in the direction you came from and you’ll see the flock of birds 3 (in the distance on my screenshot)

At some point you’ll have to go under a shack (because you don’t have a plank to go over the bridge to it). At the point where you have to move the box and crouch there will be flock of birds 4 and at the end of the crawlspace there will be flock of birds 5

Go through the shack towards a fork. Left road leads to another shack (but you need a plank) and right road leads to tents (and there you can find a plank). Take the plank and cross towards the shack (you’ll hear flock of birds 6).

Go through it and you’ll see a sandbag. Behind that sandbag there’s a path, follow it and at the end you’ll find another toy.

If you go further a bit towards 2 logs you can climb, you’ll hear flock of birds 7

Here I’d recommend backtracking a bit towards the shack, over the plank and towards the tent (where you got the plank initially). Follow the path and then turn right towards another shack. In front of the shack there’s flock of birds 8 Inside there’s a suitcase. The code is 369. Inside the suitcase there’s Mixtape 2 – Birdwatching

Now go back but instead of turning left towards the tent, go to the right inside the cave. There you’ll find Mixtape 1 – Post-Rock Madness

When you reach climbable surface instead of climbing, go alongside the trains a bit and you’ll see flock of birds 9. And the achievement should drop for you.

If you haven’t gotten the achievement for the birds, don’t proceed just yet and try to find the missing flock. Past this point there will be no more flocks. Now you can proceed to the next area. 

As soon as you drop the timer for the achievement Fast As a Train will start. For this achievement you have to cross the train over the bridge in under 6:30 minutes. The description of the achievement is really vague so I’ll let you know when the timed section will end. It’s probably better to explore and collect stuff and then reload and do the timed activity for the achievement.

So once you drop you’ll see a bunch of notes in the first and second train vagons. Here’s the list:

Note 3 – Gven’s character sheet, Note 4 – Cindie’s character sheet, Note 5 – Game master’s notes, Note 6 – Leaving the band, Note 7 – Live concert flyer, Note 8 – Live concert setlist

During the first encounter with the monster, when you get inside the train, instead of going left, go right – at the end of the train cart there will be Mixtape 3 – Monologue

Now proceed to the second location with the monster. Get to the next train cart but before going in go left from it, you’ll see a sandbag. Use sand to get to clilmbable elevation, up there, there will be Mixtape 4 – Purr Purr Heaven (on the screenshot I’m looking back at the train cart we started in)

Proceed until you should drop under the bridge. Before dropping down pick up the Note 9 – Cartoon on the chairs near the drop.

After you drop, instead of turning right there and getting back up, go left to find a toy.

As soon as you get the key and escape this location (and get to the next area that starts with a thing you can squeeze through) – the timer for the achievement Fast As a Train stops and if you were faster than 6:30 minutes, it’ll pop.

Trainwreck (Part 2)

After escaping another area with the monster by dropping inside a cart, turn around and go a bit further into the cart. There will be Note 10 – Monologue on your left on the bench.

Go inside the tilted cart. When it falls and you are able to move again, go behind the barstand to find Mixtape 5 – Grungy cat.

A bit further on the table to your right there will be Note 11 – Restaurants checklist

Go further and in the flooded cart there will be Note 12 – Creatures’ strange behavior on top of some luggages.

A bit further there will be Note 13 – Get well soon also on top of some luggages.

At the end of the part where creatures focus every now and again. Right before getting to the latter, turn left and climb over an obstacle. Further down that path there will be a toy.


It’s a short fun section. Enjoy!

You’ll get the chance to earn the achievement Hitting for completing the chase without dying. It’s pretty simple, as a wise man once said – aim, shoot, reload, watch for your ammo. You’ve got this!

Upon completing the section, you’ll earn The Chase achievement.

Pump Station

When you start, turn around, there will be Note 11 – Flares on the table.

Proceed further until you see a table with flares on it. There’s Note 8 – About the end of the world inside the table and Note 2 – Loud machines on a locker to the left of the table.

Now that the game introduced flares, you can get an achievement Flash In the Dark for using 15 flares.

Keep moving until you see the first valve. From here on and until you reach the sewers, you can get an achievement Lightning Between the Valves for finishing that section in under 7:00 minutes. It’s probably better to first explore and get all collectibles in the section and then attempt to get this achievement.

Anyway, near the first valve there will be Note 13 – Pipe burst on the floor.

When you’ll be trying to close the second valve, you’ll have to duck in the hole of a gate. Note 11 – Work planning will be right in front of you on a shelf after the duck.

If you go to the right from here (instead of going to the valve), you’ll see a toy on the table.

When you reach the sewers, there will be Note 7 – Intermitten water bursts to your left.

Proceed until you get the plank and will be ready to place it in a new spot. Instead of placing it in the right spot (on the screenshot) that leads towards a vent, place it in the left spot that leads towards the door. This door is locked but you can go to the left and eventually climb over a wall and end up in a room with a table. There’s Mixtape 1 – Relaxing sounds inside of said table.

After you leave the vent, you’ll see Note 14 – Sorry worker’s note on a box to your right.

Harbor (Part 1)

Missing 1 toy atm.

You’ll have to walk for quiet a while before you see Note 1 – Couple selfie. It’s gonna be after the second big information board you encounter.

Keep going and you’ll stumble upon a little picnic area. Note 13 – List of ingredients will be on a bench.

Now instead of going forward, go to the left and back towards the big information board. Before climbable trunk, you’ll see a suitcase on a bench. The code for this suitcase is 629. Inside you’ll find Note 14 – Daughter’s note and Mixtape 1 – Sweet stories.

After that you’ll have to walk for a very long while without any objects of interest. It’s by far the longest walk. Eventually you’ll have to restore power in the warehouse. There will be a monster with you and you’ll get a chance to earn In and Out in a Second achievement for completing the warehouse area (restoring the power and escaping) in under 3:15 minutes. I managed to get both the collectible and this achievement during the same run on “Hard” so you can do this without replaying this part. But you can also replay as well.

On the second floor of the warehouse, to the right of the breaker there’s a table. Inside of it’s right drawer there’s a Mixtape 2 – Best musicals

When you get inside the technician’s shop (it’s where the door that had to be powered located and also a movable ladder), there’s Note 2 – About Dust and Note 7 – Block’s power source.

When you get into the gaming shop through the door that you have powered, instead of going left through the main doors, go to the right and through the window. There keep right and climb inside another window. There will be a table with a toy lying on top of it.

When you get to the rooftop first go left. Use the sand because you’ll have to backtrack and with sand it’s gonna be faster. Near the barricaded climbable pipe there’s a corpse with Note 15 – Note to self.

Now you have to backtrack all the way to the beginning of the section and keep going in the opposite direction. Take the first right and at the end of the path there will be the last suitcase. The code is 347. Upon opening it, you’ll get Code Breaker achievement for opening all suitcases.

Inside the suitcase there’s Note 17 – Another note to self and Mixtape 3 – Choir Concert.

Now keep going in the direction you were going before taking that turn towards the suitcase and open the gate with the key you found inside said suitcase. At the end of the path there will be a toy lying on the ground.

Keep going and eventually you’ll find Note 16 – Customer service lying on the ground to the right of the ladder leading down from the roof.

When you drop down, instead of proceeding to go through the climbable window, go left, towards crashed ambulance. There’s a toy hiding behind it.

When you enter the safe room, there’s a couple of notes to collect. Here’s the list:

Note 3 – the door code, Note 4 – Children’s book

Note 5 – Diner’s owner note

There’s also an achievement Attention for unlocking the padlock on your first try. The code is 615.

Proceed until you reach the pier. There’s a shack inside of which there’s a plank. You can find Note 6 – Scared girl note lying on the table there as well.

After you go over planks a couple of times, you’ll be in an area where there’s a climbable wall, a place where you can squeeze through and yellow markers for another plank. Grab the plank which you just went over and place on those yellow markers to reach the shack on the other side. Inside that shack there’s a toy.

Keep going until you find the lever. Near that lever there’s Note 11 – Evacuation Order.

When you lift the boat and go under it, you’ll see Note 8 – Dock’s situation lying on the ground in front of you to the left of sand bag.

Harbor (Part 2)

When you reach the shipyard, you’ll see Note 9 – Interrupted message lying on the ground near some barrels.

After you squeeze through the passage in front of you, another timed (for achievement) section will start. To get Like Wind on Water achievement, you have to complete this shipyard section in under 2:15 minutes. Helpful tip: during monster’s meltdown caused by TV static, you can literally RUN. While he’s breaking those 3 tutorial TVs you can run through 75% of the location towards climbable crate in the opposite corner of the shipyard.

Moreover, there’s another achievement tied to this section. To get Changing, you have to make the monster destroy 3 screens in the same attempt without reloading (the first 3 don’t count as they are the tutorial screens).

In shipyard location, once you climb down, keep to the right and go up the staircase (bring the plank along). You’ll see a spot where you can cross with the plank and on the opposite crate, there’s a toy.

When you get to the climbable crate that’s in the opposite corner of the shipyard comparing to where you started the section, there’s Note 10 – Soldier’s message lying right under it on the floor.

When you finish the section with the monster and go inside room full of TVs, you’ll find Note 12 – Determinde soldier’s note on the table in the middle of the room.

At the end of the section, you’ll get The Harbor achievement.

Game from the guide
  • Platform: PS5, PC, Xbox Series S/X
  • Genre: Horror, Adventure
  • Release date 17 October 2024