Dragon Age: The Veilguard Walkthrough — Game Guide

Solas, known as the Dread Wolf, once captured the elven gods and created the Veil, separating our world from the primordial magic of the Fade. This caused the elves to lose their magic and immortality. Now Solas intends to destroy the Veil to right his wrongs, but this action could lead to the destruction of the world.
Dragon Age: The Veilguard Walkthrough — Game Guide
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
2 November 2024

Dragon Age: The Veilguard how to get the best ending

We have to stop him by choosing our hero and customizing his appearance, class, faction and playstyle. We complete the character creation by choosing a name, surname and voice.

The End of the Beginning

Our adventure begins in the capital of the Tevinter Empire, Minrathous. In order to find Solas in this huge city, the first thing we need to do is interrogate the innkeeper in the local tavern. Here a choice arises: solve the problem by force, entering into battle, or try to negotiate by starting a conversation. With us in this mission is the dwarf Varric, a famous storyteller who helps us on the way to finding a contact named Nev Gallus.

Having descended to the streets of the city, we see that Solas has already begun his ritual, and demons are beginning to penetrate the Veil. We follow Varric, running across the bridge and overcoming obstacles. Along the way, we meet the dwarf Harding, and the three of us fight the ghosts. Moving further, we find the Venatori cultist mages, who must be destroyed. We make our way through their ranks, learn to use combat skills to overcome the crystal barriers and roll down the slope to the next target. Soon we meet the sorceress Nev, and now our team consists of four people. Moving through the destroyed prison, we are on the way to a huge statue, where Solas may be hiding. We descend along the rope and use ranged attacks to break through the barricades. In the fight, we use two-handed weapons, and then, having reached the balcony, we activate the lever, opening the doors to a large portal. It takes us to the Arlathan Forest, where we again have to fight ghosts and climb the paths to the glowing crystals.

Shadows of Ancient Arlathan

Dragon Age The Veilguard walkthrough

In a large clearing, we are attacked by a boss - the Demon of Pride. After its defeat, Varric decides to meet Solas alone and try to resolve the conflict peacefully, but his efforts are in vain. We need to continue our task - climb to the heights and destroy the statue. At the same time, we choose who will go with us - Nev or Harding. We move along the bridges and destroy the column, after which Solas attacks Varric. Huge creatures appear around Solas, and we lose consciousness, finding ourselves in a shadow space.

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At this point, Solas explains that his ritual ended in disaster: he himself was imprisoned, and the ancient gods he captured broke free. Now he entrusts us with the task of destroying two elven deities who pose a mortal threat to the world.

Waking up in the infirmary, we see that Varric is wounded, and the girl who went with us also received serious injuries. In the room there is a chest with armor, which is available to those who pre-ordered. After that, we go out to examine the lighthouse, see destroyed towers and realize that we are in the Fade. We configure our hero's skills to prepare for returning to the base, where we will discuss what happened and the next step. During the discussion, it turns out that the freed gods - Elgar'nan and Ghilan'nain - are now free. We support the point of view of one of our companions and prepare for new challenges. Through the portal, we return to the Arlatan Forest, where we meet three new heroes: Irelin, Strife and Tarith. These artifact seekers explore the forest in search of ancient magical items that were activated after the awakening of the gods. Their goal is to find their experienced colleague Bellara, who can help cope with the increased threat.

In the Grip of Entropy

Dragon Age: Vilgard. Walkthrough

In the forest, we will be attacked by mobile armor that has come to life under the influence of ancient magic. During the battle, a specialist in magical artifacts named Bellara appears. She absorbs the revived artifacts, which temporarily neutralizes their magical energy. Together with her, we go in search of the core of the artifact that created the magical barrier that surrounded us. After passing through the ruins of the elven temple, we search the chests in which we can find useful items.

Further along the path in the forest, we come across a cliff. On the right, we will notice a crystal that will need to be taken and inserted into a special stand to create a magical bridge. On the other bank, we restore the broken magical device, after which we are attacked by a squad of ghosts. They will use powerful spells, so it is important to avoid their attacks in time and counterattack.

We move to the next building, where we meet living armor again. Inside the building we will find two tunnels, but only one crystal that opens the doors. We need to move the crystal to the right to open the necessary doors. Behind them we will find a new weapon that will come in handy in subsequent battles. In the main hall we will encounter a large detachment of living armor, which will require good coordination and tactics.

Outside, in the ruins, we first meet the creatures of darkness - ghouls. These are fast and dangerous creatures capable of causing significant damage. Having defeated them, we climb up, where we need to repair the second device. On the lower floors of the building there will also be several chests in which resources and accessories are hidden. Having taken control of a large ballista, we shoot at the gate, destroy it and destroy the enemies behind it. Then we move to the third device, which needs to be restored.

In the round square we will again face a battle - a detachment of armor and ghouls unite against us. There are locked doors ahead, and next to them we will find a crystal that needs to be moved back to open the side doors. We climb onto the balcony, where we again use the ballista to shoot at the huge growths blocking the further path. After passing through the cleared gates, we will find ourselves in a dead end, where we find the second crystal. Now we insert both crystals into the stands in front of the doors ahead to continue the path.

Inside the temple, Bellara begins to absorb a large artifact, thereby weakening its magical protection. At this moment, the boss attacks us - the Ogre. We use all available abilities against him, including a powerful attack (key 4). When the Ogre is defeated, Bellara will extract the crystal from the artifact, and the Spirit of the Archive will appear in the room. After talking with Bellara, we search the entire room in search of useful items and talk to her again to discuss further actions. We return to the temple in the forest, where the Veil Wanderers have set up camp.

City of Shadows

Dragon Age The Veilguard how to get there

We return to the Veil Wanderers camp, which was organized near the temple in the forest. We are tasked with finding the missing Wanderers who went on an expedition but lost contact. We go out into the forest, heading towards the mark on the map. On the way, we encounter a broken device, which we can repair with the help of Bellara (Tab key). Behind the force field that guards the chest, we will find some gold and other useful items.

At the fork, we turn right and, having climbed the hill, search the chests and find another crystal. Having returned to the fork, we go straight, where we meet the sorceress Nev on the pier by the water. She joins our squad, and together we sail on a boat to an abandoned settlement.

Having reached the D'meta Crossing, we encounter a barricade on the main road. We need to turn right, climb over the fence and destroy the red growths on the walls that block the way. In the courtyard, we meet several surviving villagers who talk about recent tragic events. Moving further, we break through the doors and examine the houses in search of clues and useful items. Having broken another large red growth, we enter the cave.

Inside the cave, we are met by a dying elf named Jahel, who manages to warn that the ancient gods have returned and began to use blood magic. We break through another growth that blocks the exit to the outside. The dragon Ghilannain will suddenly appear outside. Despite his threatening appearance, he will not attack us and will simply fly away. In a cocoon inside, we find the dying Elder Julius. We ask him about what happened and find out that the gods used his greed to destroy the rest of the villagers. At this point, we have to make an important choice: save him, send him to the Gray Wardens, or leave him to die.

Returning to the Veil Walkers camp, we tell everyone about the destroyed village and the meeting with the gods. The Veil Walkers call for help from the powerful witch Morrigan. She offers to find Solas' dagger, which will be the only weapon capable of resisting the ancient gods.

Singing Blade

Dragon Age The Veilguard Guide

Together with Harding and Nev, we head to the Ritual Site. As soon as we enter the building, a demon holding a dagger will appear before us, who will rush to run away. We follow him, on the way we break through the red growth and repel the attack of the creatures of darkness. Moving further, through the ruins we climb to the hill. There will be a crystal on the balcony, a beam of light must be directed at it to open the gate. Behind these gates we will find a chest, after which we will continue our journey.

A hot battle with demons in a fiery clearing awaits us on the observation deck. Having destroyed them, we continue moving, destroy another growth and find a chest behind the stream. The demon with a dagger will appear in front of us again and again try to hide. There will be a crystal behind the bridge that needs to be extracted. Turning around, we notice the first growth under the bridge - we destroy it with any long-range spell. Next, we destroy the second growth on the left wall and the main growth, which opens the way inside. We insert the crystal and take another chest.

In the old ruins, more enemies await us, which we will have to deal with on the stairs. After victory, we direct the first beam of light into the recess in the wall. Not far from the monument, we destroy the growth and jump to the lower platform, where a chest awaits us. We move along the corridor, clear it of enemies, and then jump over the abyss. In the clearing, a battle with a boss awaits us - a Lyrium Ghoul.

When Harding touches the lyrium, the spirit of the earth begins to speak through her. At this moment, she receives a new spell with which she can turn enemies into stone. In battle, we study how different types of spells work, including preparation effects and detonators. We fight the Lyrium Ghoul again, and at the end of the battle we get the blade.


Back at the base, we will discuss with Harding her new abilities, received after contact with lyrium.

The Enemy of My Enemy

A new meditation room will appear at the lighthouse. In this room, we examine four personal items and begin to meditate to establish a connection with Solas. In the process, we learn that the gods are planning to take over the world using the fel and their followers.

Then we go to the infirmary to consult with Varric. After that, we talk to Nev, who will offer options on where to find allies for the upcoming battle. We will have three possible choices of allies, each of which has a separate task. We go to the portal, where Bellara will set it up in such a way that we can choose where to move.

To the Crossroads

Dragon Age The Veilguard Walkthrough

Upon arriving at the crossroads, a spirit will appear that will tell us where we should move next. We go to the right dead end, where the graves are, an airboat will sail to this place. The spirit will transfer us to the world of souls of deceased creatures.

In the square, we fight with the revived armor that will resist us. Further along the way, we find a barricade erected with the help of blood magic. To overcome it, we need to find a champion of this magic.

We move to the Merged City, where we destroy the node of filth. A boss will emerge from this node - Sirin the Reforged. Having defeated him, we take his essence, which will be useful for opening the barricade. Along the way, you can find hidden chests in small growths. After that, we return to the red gates, which can be opened with the help of the received essence.

Two portals will open in front of us, leading to different allies. We choose any path, depending on who we want to attract to our side in the upcoming battle.

Sea of ​​Blood

Dragon Age The Veilguard how to get there

At the beginning of the adventure, we find ourselves in Treviso, from where we get to the city through the left portal, where we need to find the Order of the Ravens. The guide is Teia, who will take us to the meeting place. Together with her, we climb the wall along the net and, finding ourselves at the top, slide down the rope. At the headquarters of the order, we will be introduced to its leaders. Elder Katarina will tell us that her grandson Lucanis can help us.

Following the roofs, we move on, and then set off on a boat to sail across the sea, where we will be transported to magical corridors located on the seabed. We collect all available resources, move to the broken bridge and turn right. Approaching the red gate, we shoot at all the red crystals that open the passage. Chests with useful items can be found by the side doors.

When we approach the large crystal, we will be attacked by fanatics, but they will all be destroyed by Lucanis, who appeared with purple wings. We continue to examine the rooms, destroying the red crystals on the walls and under the ceiling. In the left room we find a blue crystal, which will be useful for creating a bridge on the way forward.

After crossing the wide bridge, pay attention to the hanging red crystal. We use Lucanis's ability "Instability in the Veil" to cause the appearance of a magical island, along which we can jump over the abyss. From this moment on, we will be able to install runes. In the large hall, we will have a battle with a boss named Fabricant, and then - several fights with demons.

When approaching the tower, a large abyss will open in front of us. We turn right and use our ally's ability to cross it, jumping on the islands that appear. At the top, we roll down the slope and return to the main path. In the large hall, you need to destroy all the red crystals, and to get closer, we set up temporary islands. Having destroyed the red barrier, we find a vase with Lucanis' blood and destroy it, after which we go up the elevator to the upper level.

At the Observation Post, the boss Kalivan awaits us - a powerful magician who will turn into a huge demon in battle. After his victory, we learn that Lucanis has a shadow double.

Returning to the Ravens' headquarters, we discover that in our absence, Zara Renata from Venatori attacked here. As a result of the attack, Katarina died. Together with Lucanis, we set off to avenge the death of the elder. At the lighthouse, we will discuss the demon that influences Lucanis.

The Case of the Smuggled Relic

Dragon Age The Veilguard Walkthrough

In 2024, our new quest begins in the port city, where we pass through the middle portal at the crossroads. Finding ourselves in a gloomy city, we meet agents Tarquin and Snake, with whom we set off in search of a relic made of red lyrium.

Moving along the streets, we fight fanatics and search buildings, carefully exploring all dead-end rooms and collecting resources. In one of the corner rooms, we find the first echo, which gives us a vision of the smuggler. Then we break the door using the abilities of an ally.

In the central market, you have to climb a high balcony. Turning east, we approach the cliff and jump to a separate platform on the right, after which we climb higher. Here on the balcony we will find the second echo. We return to the eastern gate and examine it, but it is locked. Then we head to the western gate, which can be hacked using Nev's ability.

Moving through the slums, we jump over the abyss and fight the ghosts, after which we continue moving along the roofs. Having gone down below, we pass through the building, slide down the rope and again move along the roofs until we reach the smugglers' docks.

On the road we find the third echo, which reveals important information to us: the thief Rana Savas will tell us that the artifact is going to be sold to the master's son. We climb two ladders to the roof and shoot the red crystals to clear the way. Having gone inside the building, we roll down to the platform, where a fight with the boss Albin Bataris awaits us.

After the victory, the influential father of the smuggler's son will stand up for him, and they will leave the meeting place together. At the end, we talk with the knight-commander Lenos and return to the base for further action.

Shadows of Minrathous

Dragon Age The Veilguard 2024 how to complete the story for the best ending

We start with a conversation with the Serpent, after which we head to the square. Having passed into the Shady Courtyard, we encounter Venatori fanatics who need to be eliminated. Behind the panel on the wall we find a secret descent into an underground hidden cache. On the way there will be a red growth that blocks the road; to get rid of it, you need to destroy its part in the left dead end. Having gone down below, we find a large detachment of enemies and another growth, the roots of which stretch into the side rooms - this is where you need to destroy its sources. Next, we can lower the stairs, opening a short path back to return to previously completed locations. We carefully examine all the rooms of the building, without missing a single detail. After that, we talk to the Serpent and Tarquin again.

When we find ourselves in the market, we go to the lattice gates and activate the lever. Then, using the elevator, we go down to the docks, where another battle with fanatics awaits. After victory, the path to the right will open, but only if you destroy all the red crystals. Having climbed the stairs to the roof, we look for a hatch through which you can go down further.

In the warehouse, we break through the wooden barricades between the shelves, making our way forward. In the basement, a battle with fanatics and a summoned demon awaits us. After destroying them, we examine the battle site: the first thing we find is traces of filth on the floor. We will find a note behind the northern shelf, and another one in the center of the room. After that, we head to the exit, where the Serpent is already waiting for us for further conversation.

Vigilance in the World

In search of help, we go to the southern city, where we will meet with the Gray Warden. Our path lies through the Dock Crossing, and it is here that the meeting with the First Warden will take place. He will listen to us, but instead of helping us, he will decide to arrest us. Fortunately, the mage Dorian will intervene, who will stand up for us, preventing trouble.

After that, we return to the lighthouse, where we talk to Varric. In the conversation, we discuss an important artifact made of red lyrium, which plays a key role in our plans. During the conversation, Harding intervenes, offering to establish contact with the Grey Wardens through other people in order to still get their support.

The Guardian's Best Friend

To be continued...

    Game from the guide
    Dragon Age: Dreadwolf
    • Platform: PS5, PC, Xbox Series S/X
    • Genre: Action, RPG
    • Release date 31 October 2024


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