The add-on is played separately from the storyline and is launched from the main menu.
Follow your father, study different subjects. A note can be found by the window on the right in the classrooms. Outside, in the search area, look for a concrete slab with the words Here Lies History. Hide from the terminators and follow deep into the location. You can just run past the cars if you're sure you can get around the corner in time. In the parking lot, repeat the action: hide and act stealthily or quickly run past the cars.
Chat with everyone at the base. There is a letter from Ryan inside the garage. When you're ready, interact with the gate. Kill enemies. Use plasma weapons against vterminators! In the building on the right, you can find a book of skills. This is the only book in the entire expansion. Kill all enemies in the base area. You can search the boutiques to collect supplies. There is a shotgun to the left behind the counter by the escalator. You will also find lockpicks. Practice hacking. In the laundry room on the right there is a note about a weapon in the elevator. Go to the squad. When the door opens, enter the elevator ahead and jump to grab the Plasma Sniper Rifle. This is by far the best weapon in the game! With it, try to attack the terminators with accurate headshots. Pass below then on Kyle's orders verclimb up. Climb to the second floor and follow the boards to one of the markers to find the radio station. Go to bed and then talk to Kyle.
Go down to Ferro, talk to the girl and help her hack the terminal. Search the warehouse. You will also receive the side quest "Heating Suspicions".
Go to Evans by the marker, he is in the central hall. Go with him to the closed door. He will move the closet out of the way, and you can get inside. Look around, take the note and advance along the marker. Invest in Explosives skills or go through the corridor without hitting the lasers. Find the note in the room on the right. The task will end. A corridor with other lasers leads to a room with regular resources, so you can play it safe.
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After completing the side task, report everything to Kyle, and then go to rest. At the new location, use the scanner to activate night vision. Follow the commander. There will be two plot markers left. There is a save point and a note in the building with Kyle. Go to the bottom left of the area to find the first marker. Kill two terminators and read the note below. Two more terminators will appear at the output.
Another side mission. There are four markers. On the left of them, I found a rope, behind a closed door, which needs to be cracked. ?Use the rope in the indicated place, destroying all enemies, and then go down. There are two rooms - each with one turret and two terminators. Kill them and use the terminal.
Next to the first yellow marker there is a building with a shelter. Go there to fall down, and move towards the voice of the child. Destroy the terminator. The task will end.
In the story, follow the second marker and kill two enemies. There is a hideout in the shop on the left. You have to stand on the boards to fall down and kill two terminators. Save and go to the right building. Climb to the top. Another side quest will begin. Find a note here to complete the story part. Terminators will come to you. Wait for them to go up and then jump down any structures.
Get to the indicated place and destroy the tanks and plasma generators. To get into the territory, either hack the terminal, or go into the building to the left of it. On the second floor, you need to hack the control panel. Turrets are best hacked by sneaking up from behind, not destroyed. And don't rush, because there are a lot of cars here.
Go to the cemetery, along the way you can find a grenade launcher. Destroy the enemies, go down to the crypt and open the coffin. Escort Anselmo to Kyle. On the way to the extraction point, you can find a note in the ruins of the building.
Talk to everyone and go to bed. Escape from the interception group by destroying cars in different locations. The main thing - do not linger when the group goes forward!
Take Ferro's diary, chat with the squad and lie down on the mattress. Take a picture of a large excavator. Go forward to the shelter and take the dynamite from the back room. In the same shelter , the side task "Evacuation Protocol" is performed. Just look for notes in each blue colored area. In the same hideout, you can find a new weapon - the TC16-R Plasma Rifle . At the end, you will need to install explosives and get out.
Get to the excavator. Hack the turret and kill the enemies. Plant explosives and use the terminal nearby. Finally, go to the location of the main computer. Go around the huge terminators, because it is pointless to fight them. Clean up the location, go downstairs and enter the building with the computer. Hack it. Be sure to pick up a new weapon - the RSB-80 plasma minigun . You can leave the location, or first go to the point of completion of the side task "Delivery Protocol" . There you need to shoot the tanks. Be careful, because a terminator will come out from behind the door.
Use the camera to mark the enemies for Evans. Then follow the squad, huh?Welling opponents. Everything is quite simple. Use multiple panels. Inside the building, make your way through the ventilation and find the control panel.
Talk to everyone, take Ferro's diary and go after Kyle. Help civilians at three points. The main thing is not to rush. Then, together with Kyle, go to the last terminal and destroy the Centurion. Shoot at the red dots on his head. If you have a rocket launcher and/or a grenade launcher, it's time to use them. Although the Centurion is perfectly destroyed with the help of a plasma minigun, found earlier at the Skynet main computer.
The patch added new content to the game.
The console release is still a long way off.
The creators of the series themselves reported this.