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Walkthrough Sifu - how to kill all the bosses

A detailed walkthrough of all levels of the game, the search for each clue, how to defeat the Sifu bosses
Walkthrough Sifu - how to kill all the bosses
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
30 January 2022

How to kill all Sifu bosses: walkthrough and game guide

Let's start with the mechanics. When you die, you come to life, but you grow old. The first death will age the character by 1 year and increase the death counter to 1. The next death will age the character again by 1 year, but increase the counter to 2. Then by 2 years, and so on. The higher the death counter, the faster you age. The counter is reset by using crypts (for 1000 experience points) or by killing empowered enemies. For example, fat people or those who come to life when you attack on X and continue the fight.

Other Sifu Guides

At the bottom of the screen is the structure. Every enemy has it, under the health bar. By skipping damage or blocking attacks, you fill up your structure. When the scale is full, the structure will collapse and you will be defenseless. You need to destroy the structure of the enemies, and then you will be able to finish off with the X key. From the techniques, use the steps by pressing W, S and RMB. Then finish off downed enemies by holding E. And don't forget to block (??Robel) and dodge to the sides.

Every 10 years, you age significantly, losing some of your maximum health, but gaining an increase in damage dealt. Part of the talisman is also destroyed. With complete destruction (at 70 years old), in the event of the next death, you will die forever.

Experience points must be spent on the purchase of skills. The tree can be accessed through the crypts (green figurines) or in case of death. To unlock a skill permanently, you have to invest in it several times. The top price indicates the number of experience points (XP) that must be spent to unlock the skill for the current playthrough (until you permanently die or give up, or restart the level). Below is the same price with one more number. For example, 500 and 5x500 means that you need to spend 3000 skill points to permanently buy a skill. For one passage of the Slums, you can collect this amount. So you can go through the slums multiple times to PERMANENTLY unlock all skills worth 500 xp . Another thing is which of them will be useful to you.

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Concentration - blue scale on the left. Fills up as you hit enemies or dodge/parry/successfully block their attacks. Consumed for active skills. Press F to see the available ones. They need to be unlocked first. Then, while holding F, move the mouse in the direction of the dots onand a circular scale. These are the available active skills.


Nothing special. Kill everyone you meet on the way. Your character is invincible.


The first location you visit in the game. Let's talk about the hooks available at the beginning:

  • Fakhar - Botanist. This is the boss in the Slums, the first one that the new si-fu decided to eliminate.
  • Slums - A newspaper clipping about the location itself.

Go ahead. At the beginning of the level, jump over the fence on the right and kill the two enemies. Go to the courtyard through the door on the left. Ahead there will be a wall along which you can climb to the second floor, into a room with a sleeping drug addict. This is a new lead "Junkies" . And also, after defeating the first enemies, you will receive a new lead "Bandits" . On the ground floor of the house, there is a door that you cannot open on your first playthrough. But you can read the note hanging on it. So you will get a new clue "Skull Note" . When interacting with the door, you can get a clue "Door to the avenue" . You will receive it if you do not interact now, but open the door later.

Climb up the floors. Eliminate all enemies. You can throw bottles at them. Jump through the window with a run and kill three more opponents. Having done this, inspect the kitchen table and find the Purple Fog clue there. Go through the door, taking the bottle with you, and kill inall enemies in a long corridor. Can pick up a pipe dropped from one of the first opponents.

After the victory, go through another door, up the stairs and kill the opponents in the rooms on the left and right. Both will have two enemies. In the room on the right, the enemy is standing with his back. If you attack such RMBs, you can immediately destroy the structure. And finishing will be available.

Outside, finish off all opponents. One of them can respawn when you try to kill him on X. These enemies pay a lot of experience points (250), so I recommend provoking them to respawn and kill them. Go forward and in the next room you will find a figurine. Spend skill points and buy temporary upgrades. To switch to the unlockable skills screen, press Shift.

Follow up the wall by pressing Q, kill three enemies, take the brick and jump into the neighboring building through the glass roof. A healthy one will appear. Dodge his capture as the game suggests. You will receive a "Giant" lead . There will be many such enemies, and they act like this one. Also take away from the table a new clue "Banknotes" .

Go through the door and jump into the elevator shaft. Kill the enemy in the restroom on the right, and then clear the drug production site. There will be one reinforced opponent. On the table in the room on the left, there is a metal pipe and a Club Flyer lead . Also, is there another pipe?? door that leads on. Grab it and go to the corridor. In the room on the left there will be brothers in turtles (hook) . The same brothers who left the skull note . Remember? It was they who closed the door. They catch bottles, so don't use them in combat. After the victory you will receive the key. With this key, upon re-passing, it will be possible to open the door at the beginning of the Slums, and significantly shorten the path to the boss . In the same room there is a figurine (crypt).

Exit to the corridor and open the steel gate (hook) on the left. Go forward and you will find yourself in a large warehouse. You can go around all the enemies along the left wall, but it's best to kill them in order to collect as many experience points as possible. In addition, on one of the tables lies a new clue - "Purple Flower" . After the victory, take a weapon, go through the door and attack the Giant with a run on the RMB. So you destroy its structure and can instantly finish off the enemy. Deal with the others and go outside. Along the way, you will find a figurine . Enter the next room to pick up Card Key 206 (hook) . Also inspect the door to a separate room (hook) . For now, you won't be able to open it.

How to beat Fahar

Then you will have a battle with the first boss. All boss fights are based on the same mechanic. No, you can try something else, but am I really strong?? the block with dodges to the sides, bending and bouncing helped. I explain. But first, I can advise you to go through the first level several times and unlock permanently some of the most used skills. For example, a skill that increases the time of using a weapon. And then collect three weapon damage upgrades in the crypts. This will help a lot. And grab a metal pipe for the boss fight. And you don't have to attack anyone with it. Throw out the pipe by holding E and fight with your bare hands, then grab the pipe and carry it to the boss.

At the first stage, you should act something like this: hold down the block key (Space on PC) and wait. When the boss flies at you, dodge left-right, A and D, and at the end you always need to press S to crouch. Overhead strike is usually the last in his combo. This is the second or third hit of the combo. Also, if the boss is already around, he will often use the steps. So be ready to jump on W and then immediately crouch on S. This will not only reset your stamina bar, but also slow down time. A successful dodge slows down time and gives you an opportunity to counterattack. Land your few RMB hits. Moreover, without a weapon, there is a chance of inflicting 3-4 blows, as a result of which Fakhar will generally fall to the ground! If Fakhar is nearby, then he has a 70% chance of tripping and overhead, andit means you need to jump up and duck down on W and S. And yes, you didn’t forget that you can’t let go of the Space during the entire battle?

Repeat actions until victory. In the second stage, run away from Fakhar, follow the circle of the location and destroy the small wooden sticks. Just running into them. This will give you a bamboo cane. With her, it will be easier to fight against Fakhar. Any of Fakhar's second stage combos end with a roundhouse kick that must be dodged to the left. In doing so, you should feel a slight delay with this hit. That is, when Fakhar attacks you with a sword, dodge to the sides quickly, and then, when he starts to turn around to kick, pause a little, and then press A (left) to go to the side. This will give you a great chance for your own counterattacks. It is better to attack with weapons, especially if you have pumped it to the maximum in three crypts found on the location.


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To be continued...

Game from the guide
  • Platform: PS5, PS4, PC
  • Genre: Action, Fighting
  • Release date 8 February 2022