At the beginning of the game, enter the elevator and then leave the front door. Move to the left and interact with the toy boat. Follow the boy until you reach a tree. This will turn out to be a dream.
Hold RMB and select all options. You can inspect the ship in the bedroom, a photograph from childhood and a tape recorder. You can turn on the TV in the kitchen. The TV show tells about an American woman who remembers every day of her life by heart. This is the theme of our game. You can talk to mom and dad on the phone in the hallway. Father will hang up. It's time to open the door. Chat with children and a drunken father. Agree to be thrown to work, because you will not help the children anyway.
If you suddenly stay at home, answer Uncle Kolya's call, and then go outside. The hero lives on the ground floor, so no elevator is needed. Walk down and to the left to the train station. Talk to Uncle Kolya. Go through the red door and sit down at the table. Type on your keyboard the name and surname of the person with the pass - Ivanov Vladimir. Press Enter. Keep adding names:
Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.
Aunt Galya will have an expired pass. You can skip Aunt Galya or not. Type in the name of the next man, and then Asya will appear. Type in her name. Talk to VItalian and Uncle Kolya.
ALWAYS assemble the map piece by piece . They are in the wrong order! After the conversation, go outside. Agree to help Aunt Galya, because you will still be in time for all the places. Carry the bag into your house and leave it by the elevator. Run along the path from the house without turning anywhere to catch up with the children, Mongol and the doctor. Chat with everyone. Promise to help the children. The task will end. It remains to be in time for a meeting with Asya. I had 12:00, and one minute is enough to get to the right place. It is located down a straight road from the station. Gather a map and figure out where to go.
Stand next to Asya and wait. Collect all the bubbles to remember your childhood. He can say that they were spying on Asya. Go to the lake and stand by the other leaves. Say you didn't have time to think. Asya remembers that the hero saved her in childhood.
Run to the right and stand by the leaves next to the car and apartment building. Collect all the bubbles again. Asya will leave, and you will be able to remember everything you did in the park. Walk around the lake and find three more places with memories. There is another place with memories near the oak, on the left, where there are blue chairs and tables from the cafe. Open the map and run down to the Research Institute. The hero will wait at the entrance. Run along with Asya forward to the gates of the park. You can give in to her. Go to other leaves, talk to Asya on the way to the train station. Get up in a frienddry leaves, on rails. Keep walking towards the train station. Check out the market. Stand in the leaves near the Green Cat Cafe. Walk to the train station while holding the umbrella. You can call your mom and dad. Asya will give her number. Check out all passengers. You can immediately call Asya, but her father will pick up the phone. You can go out to the platform and stand on the leaves near the front door.
Outside you will meet Diamond. You can find more leaves in front of your house. There are other leaves in front of the entrance. On the road opposite the station, you can meet a police car with a Mongol. At home, you can call Mongol and Asya. Then leave your clothes on a chair and go to bed.
Go to work in the morning. You will meet Artyom. Enter all data. Asya will appear. Talk to Artyom and Asya outside and get on the bus. Get off the bus and stand in the leaves. Go ahead and collect bubbles with different heroes. Talk to Uncle Kolya. Inspect the garage, all possible places, and then get into Uncle Kolya's car.
Collect the photo piece by piece. Open the map and collect new parts. Talk to Mongol, collect a photo to remember the story of how Mongol helped a girl in her childhood. Return to the car to go to the shelter. Ask the punks to look after Petya and Katya. Go to the territory of the shelter to meet Zinaida. When the children run away, find each one, click and bring them back to de??sky platform. Collect another photo. You can ask Zinaida to be softer with the punks.
Get back in the car, drive to the market and take the photo from Diamond. Also advise to buy irises. Aunt Galya will like these flowers. Collect it, then upgrade the map and return home. Look inside the apartment and take the photo from the bedroom table. Go out to the entrance to meet friends. Collect the last photo. Go to Aunt Galya's apartment. Agree to bring a dressing and pour tea. Put all the ingredients for Aunt Galya. Give Artyom and Almaz hot tea with cold water. Mongolu is hot tea with lemon and sugar, and Ase is just hot tea.
After Asya, call the station. Go with your friends to the elevator and push the car. Give the guys a break so that they replenish their strength. When you find yourself in a garage cooperative, talk to the chairman. Run to the police station. On the left there are leaves with memories. Enter the station, listen to Uncle Kolya and agree to take a walk with Asya. New leaves will appear outside the police station. Climb onto the roof with Asya and confess your feelings to Asya. The girl will reciprocate.
You can call your father and mother in the morning. Skip all the people. Artyom will appear, who will say that Aunt Galya has lost her memory. Ask if they showed the photo album. Fill out the map and run home. Ride the elevatorthen knock on the door. Choose the second option (I went on a spree and did not look). Get inside. The woman will give the album. Collect photos.
If you haven't downloaded the latest update dated February 11, 2022, you won't be able to collect the shattered photo in this place. The pieces will fly off the screen .
After collecting the photo, close the album. Aunt Galya still does not believe. Artyom is standing in the next room. Enter there so that he takes a picture of Misha. Take a look at your apartment. Asya will no longer be at home. Examine the things on the table. Examine the thoughts and go to the station. Talk to the guard, and then run to the helicopter landing site. There will be a crowd. A couple stands among them in the distance. Chat with Seryoga. He will hint that Asya may be in the hospital.
Refresh the map and run to the nearby hospital. Go inside and line up on the right. Wait to be called into the office. Sit in a chair, then talk to the doctors. Run down the road to meet Mongol's patrol car. Talk to him about Asa. Get to the old oak tree in the park where you walked with Asya.
Return to the house, talk to Diamond and tell Asa that you will stay here. Take her to the station, talk to everyone and call the authorities (from your office). You can talk to your mom first. The boss won't be able to call. Go to the hall, open the door for people, but they can't see it??ut stop the train. Tell Artyom that you need to think about how to overcome the disease. Asya will support you. Tell him he's sick and he can't leave town.
Return home. Asya will spend the night with Aunt Galya. Diamond will call you. Open the door for him. Examine the bed on which Diamond lay down. Undress and lie down in a chair. You will control Diamond. Leave the apartment to meet Asya. Say that you will deal with Darkness. At the entrance, you can stand in the leaves to listen to Almaz's memories. The same is outside. Run to the school, look through all the memories along the way. Talk to Artyom at the school. The military will take Artyom and Almaz to the police station. Chat with Mongol. Ask to call. Call your mother, tell them that Tyoma has been imprisoned. If you talk about conscience, the mother will not react. Talk to Tyoma in the cell. Then examine the writings on the wall and collect the photographs. And yet, Aunt Galya will appear in the station. Remind Mongol how he was released from the police station as a child. He will let Artyom and Almaz go. Ask who will host you today. Mongol agrees. Hug mom.
Now you will play as Mongol. Talk to the punks and focus on Pete. Ask him to come with you. He will agree. You will see a burning shelter. Run for help. Climb through the hole in the fence that Petya will point to. We need to save the children in the left wing. Extinguish the fire on the left and right. knock out dbelieve left and right. Go through the right door and exit through the other. The fire extinguisher will be empty. Remove the new one from the wall ahead, enter the room on the right and put out the fire. Go to the room on the left and put out the fire in two places. Kick in another door in the hallway and put out the fire so the kids can run back. The Mongolian will lose consciousness.
Get up in the morning and answer the phone. Talk to your father and mother. Before going to Mongol, take the elevator to Aunt Galya. Take Asya with you and run to the hospital. Talk to the doctor and ask to visit Mongol. Follow along. It turns out that Zinaida also began to lose her memory. Talk to Diamond and Mongol. Mongol also lost his memory. Also talk to Petya. Go out into the corridor, take the paper from the gurney and make a boat for Petya. Exit the hospital to meet Artyom.
Run to the school and talk to Aunt Galya on the sports ground. Drag some cardboard boxes. Talk to Asya and run to the station. The soldier won't let Misha into the office. Asya will offer a distraction plan. Agree. When Asya distracts the military, run into the office and inspect all the archive boxes. Then study Misha's thoughts. Empty. Go outside, Asya and a soldier will appear. It turns out that uncle Kolya stole the archives. Run to the garage cooperative, enter Uncle Kolya's garage and talk to him. Collect photos. Having received the archwillows, run to the school and talk to Artyom near the blackboard with photos. Together with Asya, run home.
Turn on the music in the bedroom, put the kettle on the stove in the kitchen and answer the phone. This is Asya's father. Run after Asya, run away from the military. Ignore the new thought of going home. Get to the old oak tree in the park. Asya is not here. Run along the roads and soon Misha will remember the old dovecote. Refresh the map and go to the dovecote at the bottom of the screen. You will get the "Elusive" achievement . Agree to have the policeman give you a ride home.
Asya and Misha will go for a walk. Go to the school and study the memories in front of it. Go down a little lower across the road to the area with the firewood truck and examine another memory. Visit the orphanage and learn the memory near the playground. Here you will meet Diamond. Run to the dovecote and examine the memory. Do the same in the market. Look for the leaves just beyond the market, up the screen, near the house and the truck.
Run through the streets and enter the building on the right. Follow the roof and boards and stop at the leaves. Keep moving until the memory ends. Time is fast forward. Call the parents you no longer remember. Put on your clothes and take your suitcase. Enter the neighbor's apartment, talk to Katya and offer to fix the lock. Take the elevator to the top floor and talk?those with Petya through the door. Don't pressure him.
Follow the trail from the house to find Asya in the cafe. Asya does not remember Misha. Run further after Asya, follow the trail until the Mongol stops you. You can go to the oak. Then collect the map and enter the DC opposite the park, on the left. Talk to Artyom. You can also chat with Diamond. If you go to the station and ask the guard to check you out, then Misha will leave, you will see the first ending and get the "Final" achievement.
You can continue your research. Talk to Aunt Galya at the school. If you agree to get to work, giving everyone passes, go back to the city, and the final cut-scene will begin.
Playing ahead of the curve - On the day when we need to visit Mongol in the hospital, instead we immediately go to Uncle Kolya's garage and there we persuade him to return the archives. After that, the achievement counts.