Walkthrough Elden Ring - Phia, quest chain, Greater Rune of the Prince of Death

We tell you how to go through the entire quest chain of Fii
Walkthrough Elden Ring - Phia, quest chain, Greater Rune of the Prince of Death
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
15 March 2022

Fii Quest in Elden Ring - how to get through

Fiya is in the Round Table Hall, in a separate room. With her you can hug to receive grace. Kill several bosses until the option to talk appears when cuddling with Fiya. After talking with her, you can find out about the request. She will give a dagger, and you need to find its owner. Dee is sitting in the room with the Round Table. Give him the dagger, teleport to any place and return to the Round Table hall. Go to the back room, behind the blacksmith and the bell orb sellers. You will see Fia over Dee's corpse. Talk to her, the woman will disappear. Roger sitting on the balcony will also be injured. Later, he will die, and you can take his bell sphere and armor.

Now you need to get to the Lower Deep Root. To do this, go to Nokron, the Eternal City. To get to Nokron, you need to defeat Radan, then move to the Graveyard, east, to the grace in the southeast corner of Fort Haight, west:

Квест Фии в Elden Ring — как пройти

Having done this, look for a huge crater nearby and go down. This path leads to Nokron, the Eternal City. To get to the Lower Deep Root, move through Nokronto the grace of the Forest of Ancestors . There is still a corpse of a huge elk here and you need to light the altars to fight it. Head north past the steps leading to the corpse and look for jellyfish on the edge of the cliff. Walk along the edge of the mountain, past the jellyfish, and find a passage that just the same leads to the Deep Root Lowlands.

Once there, go through the location, move up the branches in the ruined city and find another blessing. This path leads to a clearing with water. Defeat the enemy and talk to Fiya sitting next to the teleporter. Bring her the badge of the curse. It is located on the Sacred Tower of Liurnia. To access it, head to the Reading Room west of the tower in Liurnia, use the upside-down figurine you can get from Rennie, and you can go down the elevator at the bottom of the reading room to get to the bridge leading to the tower of Liurnia. Instead of activating the Great Rune, a curse mark can be found at the top of the tower.

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After receiving it, return to Fiya and talk. Teleport and talk a few more times until Fia says she's ready to lie down with Godwin. Teleport again and return. Fiya will sleep. Interact with her, kill the huge monster and take the Great Rune from Fii's corpse.

    Game from the guide
    Elden Ring
    • Platform: PS5, PS4, XBOX ONE, PC, Xbox Series S/X
    • Genre: Action, RPG
    • Release date 24 February 2022


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