We take the key near the chest, insert it into the hole on the hatch. We take the doll from the table, read the note. On the left we take a candle, in the fireplace we take the second key. We read the recipe over the fireplace, take the knife. From the eye of the mask we take a ruby. On the right we take a broom, from the floor - an ax handle.
With a broom we remove the web on the right, we will find another key. The latter lies on the table under the note on the right, now open the hatch.
We collect berries from the bush, remove the birch bark with a knife, then cut the mushrooms near the water. They also cut the lily. We put the ruby in the bird's eye, pull out the arrow. We find feathers near the logs, connect the handle to the blade. We change the handle with a knife and get an ax with which we chop logs.
We play with a bird. We click on the birds that are sitting above the well. We get KKZhZhKZhZhK, click on the colored eyes and find the crystal. We use it on the stained glass window.
I put firewood in the oven. We chop a tree near the water with an ax, set fire to a candle in a flame. We do the same with the doll. We scare the snake with it, we will find a precious stone. Find a pot in the water.
We fix the kettle on the chain of the well. We light firewood candles in the fireplace. Use the gem on the chest, play. In the chest we find a stick, nets. We use them in the water, cut the algae with a knife. We collect the components for the potion.
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In the house we cut off the rope with a knife on the left, where the herbs hang. Connect the rope with paLkoy, add an arrow and feathers. Now we bring down the apple from the branch. After that, use the knife on the bow to get the rope.
We find a handle near the stone near the water, fasten it to the well, lower the pot. We'll get a key and water. We fix the pot over the fire, throw the components. Use the key to open the chest on the shore, take the bottle. We put it on the table, near the stairs.
We lower the apple into the potion, use it on the bottle.
We use the ax on the web, it breaks, the handle remains. We remove the leaf that blocks the stone, we see the symbols - 1432. These are hints for fire. We go to him, click on the stones, the fire went out, the ashes remained.
We go back, click on the dead beetle to break off its horn. Attach a stick to it with the help of a rope. We remove the web, take the chrysalis. Click on the stone, play. We read the note, take the spatula.
We give the praying mantis a chrysalis, we get a seal. We dig a flower, dig a hole in the ashes with a spatula, plant the bulb in the ashes. We take the flower. We open the book with a signet, we get the recipe, the amulet and the key. Open the box, take the cans.
We decrease again, collect dew from the left flower, and pollen from the right one. We cut the stem in the center with a knife, collect the juice. Now we go to the scales and prepare.
On the left we put weight 8, on the right - weight 3 and cup 5. Then click on the red bottle. On the left we put bowl 5, on the right - weight 3 and bowl 2. Then click on the green bottle. On the left we put the weight 8, on the right - the bowl 2and an empty bowl 6. Click on the blue bottle. On the left we put bowls 2 and 5, on the right - bowl 7. We fill it from a purple bottle. On the left we put bowls 7 and 2, and on the right - 4 and 5. Use the last bottle. The ink collects itself. We put them next to the book.
We release the bird with the help of the amulet, give the flower, the bird flies away, and in the cage we find a feather. We write to them in ink in a book. Click on the whirlpool, go to the level - "Secluded Island".
In the center we will find a fishing rod, and in the boat - a saw and a hammer. We also select brushwood. Being in the primary position, we use a saw on the boat. We get boards, use them, we come to the hut.
We remove the sail from the boat and take the second brushwood. On the ground we see a place for a fire, we will find the third brushwood.
In the pocket of the jacket we find a lighter, open the chest, play with knots so that they do not intersect, we get a ladder. From the grid on the left we take the fourth brushwood. We use the ladder on the tree, we get brushwood and a key.
We open the lock on the hut, we take an empty canister. We go to the motor boat, remove the cover from the motor, pour fuel into the canister. Pour it into the lamp in the hut, light it with a lighter.
We take tongs from the wall, a fishing line from the barrel, fasten it to the bait. We take more brushwood on the stove. We look at the picture, the color of the sails is yellow, green, red. We put these colors on the box, take a knife and a hook. We fasten the hook to the fishing rod. E?? we take out the canister from the water, we get the key from it.
We go back to the house, cut the mattress with a knife, we get a chip. Use the key to open the table on the right, get the box and the tripod. We put a tripod over a place for a fire. In the corner of the hut we take a bucket of resin, brushwood. On the street we find a rubber duck, cut it with a knife, we get a chip. We hang the resin on a tripod.
We use the hammer on the steps, we get a chip and the last brushwood. We put brushwood under the resin, use a lighter. We use tongs to get the chip. We put all the chips in the chest of drawers, play with the lines. We get a sewing machine, sew up the sail, return it to the boat. We see the constellation, draw it in the box, get the key. We remove the lock with them, that we chain the sailboat. Now click on the whirlpool.
We pass to the third level - "Locked apartment".
On the right we take a whisk, remove the dust from the switch. We take the first chip and turn on the light. From the table we take sleeping pills and a rope. On the pillow on the chair we find another chip. We break off the leg from the overturned chair, bend the carpet and find the list and the third chip.
We use the leg of the chair to get the handle and the queen from the fireplace. We will find another chip on the chandelier. We throw the queen into a box on the couch, play a game so that the pieces do not intersect along the lines and horizontally. We get a number - 48136275. Perhaps there are other options. We find the last chip.
We put the handle on the window, close it. The snow melts, we see the box, put the chips. We arrange them, take a magnet. We tie it to a rope, put it in the aquarium. We get the key, open the door, get into the kitchen.
We take a newspaper from the table, we find green gloves in the closet, and a fuse in the trash can. We remove the damper, but there is no access to the game with pipes.
We take the meat in the freezer, put it in the microwave. We remove the key from the chair, use it on the locked cabinet, take the knife.
We cut one of the pillows with it, we get the key to the door. Open by playing with the lock. We turn on the light using gloves and a fuse. We use gloves on the washing machine, cut off the cord with a knife. In the machine itself, we find a bit and see the colors on the fabric. In the chest we find the screwdriver itself. We knock down icicles from the castle with a knife.
We go to the kitchen, fasten the cord. We put the handles in positions, like mugs. We press the buttons - 3569. The meat is defrosted, we add sleeping pills, we give it to the dog. We examine the safe and the picture. We take a kettle and firewood. We put paper and firewood in the fireplace, use a match. We look at the picture above. We sum up the elements and get - 5872. In the safe we find a valve and an accumulator. We fasten the battery to the screwdriver, and the valve - under the tap. Make a line, then rotate all the faucets. We collect water in the kettle. We put it on the fire, take boiling water, pour it on the frozen castle. We use a screwdriver on the grate on the ceilinge in the kitchen, find the key, open the lock on the window near the washing machine and exit. Let's move on to the fourth episode - "Floating Islands".
We read the note on the right, take the wire and the shackle. Behind the anvil we will find brushwood. On the left we find a hook, a rusty knife. We take the handle from the swing, attach it to the grinding wheel, sharpen the knife. We cut off the swing for them, we get a rope, which we attach to the hook. We use the hook to pull the ladder. Let's go.
We will find brushwood on the closet. On the right we find oil, a grip, a bucket to which we attach the bow. We will also find a half of the windmill. We find brushwood near the chest. Use the knife to cut the red fabric over the stove. We will find matches on the altar. We will find another brushwood near the tree.
Use the wire to open the chest on the right. We set the levels, we get a box and dynamite. We put dynamite near the stone, use matches. After the explosion comes water. We take out the second part of the mill from it, collect water in a bucket.
We put the parts of the windmill in the box, play, get the beans. We put the beans where the bean tree used to be, pour water from a bucket. A new tree grows on the third island. Cut off the leaf with a knife and move on.
There is a box near the skeleton, we grease it with oil, we play. We'll get the key and the recipe. We use the grip to get the nest from the ship, we will also find a crystal. We take brushwood from the barrel. Cutting the mesh??to the knife, we get the second crystal. We take grain from the ground. From the path we select the last bunch of brushwood. With a knife we cut off the blue flowers that grow along the road.
We go to the first island, we plant grain in the ground. We open the cabinet with the key, we get the last crystal and the hammer, with which we remove the stone, which prevents the water from reaching the grains.
On the second island we put the crystals in the slots for the birds. We put brushwood in the oven, make a fire with matches. We count the birds by islands and get 432. Then press the button and hold your finger. We see a bowl for the ritual.
We go to the part of the airship, we use the hammer, we get nails and cloth. We repair fabric, hammer and nail mill. We take a bag from the bench, cut off the grain with a knife, use it in the mill, we get flour. Collecting the recipe. Use the ingredients on the pot in the oven. We drag them to the pot in order - water, leaf, flowers, eggs, flour. We put the bread on the bowl, a bird and a whirlpool will appear. We pass to the fifth level - "Amusement Park".
In the trash can on the right we find cartridges, a glass cutter, we see a newspaper. We take a fork from the tray. We take a valve in the shooting range, attach it to the pipe on the left, the water supply to the lawn stops. We find a chip on the lawn. Open the shield on the left, take the keys.
With their help, open the suitcase, take scissors and a wrench. We cut the hose on the grass with scissors, put a part of the hose on the scissors and cut it?? wires on the shield. We pick them up and go to the store.
Behind the map we will find the button, we go to the shield at the carousel. We put wires, we play. We cut the door with a glass cutter, we get a handle and a gun. We put cartridges in the gun, we go to shoot. It is necessary that all targets lie, shoot down in a certain order, starting with a hare. We get the key, they open the doors in the building.
We use the wrench on the alarm from above, press it so that the light turns green. We go. We take a glove, we see that there is no light bulb in the sconce. We go to the attraction booth, use the glove to unscrew the light bulb. We put it in a sconce.
From the table we take a paper clip, a teapot. We fasten the handle to the receiver on the shelf, behind the calendar we see a postcard from London. London clock 11-25, put these numbers on the receiver, we get a knife. We open the phone with them, take the board, put it in the device on the table, enter the code from the newspaper - 5286. We get incomprehensible red symbols.
We go into the corridor, on the left there is a crack on the tile, we hook it with a fork, we will find the second chip. We go outside, near the bucket of bottles, we collect water from them into the kettle. We warm it in the office, we see the code on the mirror - 374. We go to the safe, fold back the part, put the button, press it as shown by the posters in the corridor - red, yellow, blue, green. We get a token, throw it into the gaming machine. We play with the machine, we get the cryptex. We put the symbols from the game on the table, we get the key to the cash register. Paperclip openingwe eat a table cabinet, we get tweezers, with which we pull out a chip in the corridor from behind the bars. We enter code 374 on the cash register, we get the last chip. We put the chips to the door, we play. We leave and go to the sixth level "Museum".
We put the sponge in the sink, but there is no valve, so you can’t open the water. We take boards in the box, a rag from the trash can. We also take boards from the chairs. From the table we take a screwdriver, a paper clip, a lantern. We use a screwdriver and a paper clip on the lock on the locker, we play. We take a pen, a hammer and a card. We put the handle near the TVs, lower it. Part of the TVs turned on - 3468. We press these buttons at the exit, use the card, the doors open.
We take carved decor from the cannon, we see radio 104.2 FM on the sign. Near the cannon we take the core and the board. We take another board on the right between the cabinets. Use the hammer on the red light.
We go back, tune the radio. We get the second decor, put them both on the closet, play. We'll get an oil can. On the gun we remove the part with a screwdriver, we get a ramrod. We go back to the office, play on the cabinet by entering the code 425. We take the button, gunpowder. We fill the gunpowder in the cannon, use the ramrod, put the core. We use the ramrod again. Then we wrap it with a rag, soak it with oil and set it on fire from a sparkling lamp. We light the fuse of the gun, we pass.
On the right we take the board, use the oil on the red jacket, find the key in the pocket. On the ground to the leftlet's head. We go to the first location, open the cabinet with the key, get the batteries, we see a stack of wars. We expose by date, the earliest - on top: NE, VzNUSA, NV, GVvUSA, WWI, WWII. We get the second button.
We put the battery in the flashlight. We go to the last room, near the door we will find the last board. We climb onto the scaffolding, we repair them with the help of planks three times. We use a screwdriver on the ventilation grill, shine with a flashlight, we will find the head.
We beat the hand of the statue with a hammer, we get the key. We open the chest, we get the third head and the button. We collect the statues, in the closet we find the key. We open the cabinet with them, we get a mask and a crane flywheel. We open the tap in the office, wet the sponge. We wash the mask, we see the code - 2674. We enter it on the safe, take the last button, put it on the device at the exit. We match the elements, the doors open. We pass to the seventh level - "Hospital".
From the table we take a pen, from the table near the bed we take a scalpel and ammonia. We cut the chair with a scalpel, we get the second handle. We also take a cord from the chair. We put the handles on the safe on the right, put the levels, as on a note from the table - 47 25 56. We find x-rays and a chip.
We fasten the wire to the device on the wall, use ammonia. We fix the pictures, we get the code 1342. We enter it on the door, we play with the ball. We pass into the corridor.
From the table we take a ruler, glue. We see the colors of the folders - red, yellow, blue, green. We return and enter the colors on the box - we take away the glass tube, part of the card, a screwdriver. In the corridor we move the chairs and remove the grate with a screwdriver, we find the key and the lighter. With the key we open the locker in the table, we see the game. We play, we take part of the card, a coin. We throw a coin into the machine with food, enter 11, we get the third part of the card. We connect the parts on the ruler, glue with tape. We use the map on the door, we pass.
We take a spatula from the table. We get her from the cactus in the ward, a chip and dry alcohol. We remove the tap valve with a screwdriver, put it on the device with juice, we see the code - 6371. We enter it on the cabinet, take the third chip and a flash drive from the dressing gown. We put it in a laptop. We go into the ward, put the chips on the cabinet. We play three times, we get a key, we open the refrigerator in the laboratory with it, we take away the syringe and the pen. We enter the code 7458 on the laptop, which is indicated on the patient's card.
We'll get the prescription, collect the test tubes. We put the test tubes in the centrifuge, fasten the handle in place. We set the result and heat it using dry fuel, a pipe and a lighter. We draw the medicine into the syringe, make an injection, get a magnetic key. We use it, but we can't get out. We go into the office, click on the trash can. It turns over, we approach. We get the clue "Running", we look at the little man above the door, there is a clue "Stethoscope". We look at it, there is "TV", then "History of the disease", get it?? codes: 46721, 31627, 54735. We enter the second one, exit and go to the eighth level "Theater"
From the left sofa we take a number, under it - a board. From the counter we take the mask, from the pocket of the jacket - a pen. We fasten the handle to the window, we will get the key. We open the clock with them, take the second mask. We open doors with masks, we play.
We take the second number from the piano, open the lid, but some of the keys are missing. On the left we take the first sandbag, near the harp we find the first key. We find a knife near the stairs. We go further, from the box with tools we take a saw, tongs and a hammer. We remove the nails with pliers from the boards on the door, pick up the nails and the board. We go back, put the board at the stairs, use the saw.
We go to the harp, use the pincers, get the string. We use the knife to cut the barrier rope in the first location. We also use a knife to remove the hook in the wardrobe. We attach a rope to it.
We throw a rope onto the balcony, take binoculars, a board, read a note. We open the purse with pliers, we get powder and a key. We're fixing the stairs. We go to the camera, remove the lens with a knife, we get the lens.
We put the ladder near the left lamp, break the glass with a hammer, take out the key. We open the door to the dressing room for them, we play.
We take a number from the chair, we take a brush and tweezers from the table, we will find a bag of sand behind the dresses. We go into the hall, near the window we get a number with tweezers. I put everything on the rack. Using powder and brushb. Let's compare the numbers and color of clothes - ZSKF. We go to the dressing room and enter the code, take the weight, key. We put the weight in the clock using a string with tongs.
Now we play with the windows, matching them with the light bulbs in the dressing room. A burning light bulb is an open window. We will get a scheme for the box, we will put flowers. Get a wheel and a mask.
We go to the piano and put the keys. We play, we get the key, we open the closet in the dressing room with it, we take the second lens, we put both in binoculars. Below we find a bag. We put the wheel on the suitcase, look at the photo of a man with a suitcase, we get the code - 930. We take the lever, put the bags, set the levels so that the scenery opens up, look for the code - 4537 with binoculars. We enter the code on the closet in the dressing room, we get the second mask, we put them on the door, we play so that there are no repetitions in masks and colors. When the position is correct, the mask is highlighted in green.
The doors open and go to the ninth level "Antique Quarter"
On the right we take a palette and a screwdriver. Find a handle in the flower box, use a screwdriver on it, get a metal plate. We use the plate on the sewer grate, we get a hook. We take out the key from the drain, with which we open the letter box on the left. We play.
We receive a letter, we drag the handle to the door, we take the tower and the newspaper. We put the tower in the groove, we consider the letter. We put the newspaper under the door on the left, push the keyertkoy, open the door and go in.
On the right we take a teapot, we take a poker near the fireplace. Pushing things away from the small table, we take the Sphinx, put it in the groove. We lower the player on the table and take the lamp. We use the poker to open the cabinet on the left, we attach the handle to the device. In one of the cups above the fireplace we find matches. They light the oil in the lamp.
We go outside, move the manhole cover with a poker, take out the Statue of Liberty, put it in the groove. We hang a lamp on a hook, we go down. But it is not yet clear how to play with steam. We go back, remove from the toy that hangs under the ceiling, part of the gramophone. We fix it in place, but there is no plate yet. We attach the palette to the picture.
We use a screwdriver on the samovar, we get a valve. We climb into the sewers, we play.
Water begins to flow in the street fountain, we collect it in the kettle. We use the poker in the fireplace, pour out the water. We get a figure, which we put to others and the key. With the key we open the building opposite, we play in the manner of tags.
On the right we take a broom, we take paper from the table. We see a box with mice, enter the code - 734. We get mice, give them to the cat, take the ball. We put it on the table and play. We get the figure, put it in the groove. We arrange the figures by pressing the buttons. Get a brush and the first crystal. We put a sheet of paper on the ball, we see a picture that we will need to paint. We put a brush and paper to the picture.
We go outside, use a broom to get the key, which is on the sign on the left.We open the chest with them, collect light streams. We take the plate and the crystal, put the plate in the player. We take it and use it on the snake. We take a sprout and a stone, plant a sprout in a pot. We put the stone in the groove on the knight, we get the key with which we open the box.
We get another crystal and a potion. We use the potion on the flower, play with the pot. We get: 5142, 7985, 4636. We get the last stone. We put the stones in the grooves, draw. For green, mix blue and yellow in the center, and for purple - blue and red, for blue - white and blue.
Click on the curtain on the right. She falls, the cloth gets into inventory. We also take a chip and a cornice from the window. We use the cornice on the lamp on the ceiling, so we get the second chip. We click on the nearest compartment, put both chips and play. It is necessary to move the double chip down.
We go into the compartment, read the note on the glass. From the pocket of the jacket we take a pen, from the table we take a candle and a spoon. We use the spoon on the compartment icon, we get the key. We open the closet in the compartment with them, see the game, arrange the chips by color.
Get a button and a bottle of rum. Connect the bottle to the cloth, use it on the door at the end of the compartment to clean the dirt. We see the train, use the handle from inventory. We play a game to find the differences between the pictures.
We pass forward, open the blue box. In it we will find a knife, a screwdriver. Let's go back, cut the carpet in the corridor with a knife??e, go to the compartment, use the knife on the couch to cut the green button.
We go back, set the pressure on the instruments to 9 and 6, according to the note on the window. Open the stove, light a candle. We go to the compartment and put it back in the candlestick, we warm the note that lies nearby. We see the code, enter it on the suitcase - 931. We get a button and a cross key, with which we open the hatch on the floor. We take part of the shovel.
In the corridor, remove the handrails with a screwdriver, connect with a shovel. We use it on the corner, find the last button, put them on the wall in the groove. We play to place all the pieces in the right places.
The doors open, the key lies on the steps. We open the box in the compartment with them, match the symbols according to their meaning.
We get a chip, put it to the pair. We arrange the paths, with the right move they are fixed. We lower the lever and exit.
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