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Walkthrough Baby in Yellow — Guide & Solution

How to go through all the nights and collect all the souls
Walkthrough Baby in Yellow — Guide & Solution
Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
16 April 2022

Walkthrough Baby in Yellow

The game consists of three separate nights. You need to take care of the child. In addition, during these nights you can collect collectibles - all souls.

Night 1 or How to Find All the Souls

Go to the kitchen through the door on the right. Open the top cabinets. The first soul of a cat (1/12) is hidden in the right of them, open the refrigerator and get a bottle of milk. Take the bottle and apply it to the baby sitting at the table. Get distracted, find the TV on the left and shoot the cat's soul standing on it (2/12). Take the baby and take it to the open room on the right. Put it on the changing pad and take the diaper from the cabinet opposite. Also next to the swaddling bed, on a white wall shelf, there will be another cat soul (3/12). Take the diaper and turn around. The baby will not be there. Go out into the hall and pick up the baby from the floor. Put him back on the changer and change the diaper you should have left on him.

Take the baby to the second floor and put it in the crib in the back room. You are asked to find a book of fairy tales. But first, pay attention to the table-cabinet to the right of the chair. The cat's soul (4/12) is hidden behind the children's cubes.

Exit and look into the next room, where the blue footprints point. On the washing machine, look for the fifth soul of the cat (5/12). There is also a voice recorder on the shelves (you can turn it on up to five times to listen to five different recordings). Pay attention to the hatch leading to the attic. Need a key. Turn around and look for the book "Key to Secrets" behind the door on the right. Open it to find a key with a yellow circle. Use it to open the lock on the hatch and go upstairs. Interact with the painting. You can go forward, but after the game will throw you back. Apparently, you need to wait for the update.

When you're ready, return to the bedroom, pick up the book "The Prince and the Cat" from the shelf next to the chair and sit in the chair. Start reading the book (button in the lower right corner). Go watch TV. Climb up, come back down, because the baby is not in the crib. Get him back to bed. Find a plush cat on a high cabinet and give it to the baby in the crib. If he laughs, go outside and close the door. Watch TV again.

Night 2

First, go to the kitchen and look in the refrigerator. The bottle will disappear. Look for it in one of the lower cabinets to the right of the oven. Take the bottle and give it to the child. Take him to the changing station and try to take a diaper. He will run away. Follow him to the sofa. Then go to the kitchen and search the cabinets. Climb upstairs when the diaper escapes. Enter the children's bedroom and interact with him (on the chair). Exit and follow to the parent's bedroom (the first door by the stairs). Come closer. The diaper will hit the wall. On the table on the left is the soul of a cat (6/12). Grab a diaper and go to your baby to change. Put the child back down, take the book to the right of the chair and sit in the chair. Read a fairy tale. This time put a plush rabbit in the crib.

Go downstairs and try to sit on the sofa. There will be a call. Open the door, pick up the box and place it on the table. Sit back on the couch in front of the TV.

Night 3

Go to the baby, interact to calm down, and then close the door and go downstairs. In the kitchen, open the white toaster to the right of the oven. Place a piece of bread, cheese from the refrigerator and a second piece of bread. Click to make a toast. After the explosion, look into the refrigerator, find a bottle in the distance and try to get out. Turn around and move along the corridors to leave the refrigerator. Feed your baby.

Take it to the changing table and take the diaper. Run upstairs to the parent's bedroom and break the glass cabinet on the wall by the door on the left. Take the pacifier, go downstairs and give it to the baby. Carry it upstairs to the children's bedroom until the screen goes dark. Walk forward to see the new book. Enter the children's bedroom where the baby has flown. Put him to bed, give him a plush sheep, take a book and read it while sitting in a chair. The third night will end.

True ending (new nights)

After the first passage of three nights, you will be able to get the true ending. Restart the first night and exit the apartment. Go to the elevator and you will see a "bunny" above the call button. Click on the button and wait. Enter the elevator and press the button. You will unlock new chapters.

Pickman's Madness

When the elevator stops, exit and look to the left. There is a cat's soul on the rug by the door (7/12). Run forward along the corridor. Try to open the door on the left, which has a rabbit on it. Chains and a lock will appear, and the child will disappear. Enter the apartment and you will see a child with a key on the table. Try to catch him, but it's useless. You need to find several pieces of music sheet. Turn right and look for sheet music on a shelf around the corner. Place some sheet music on the piano stand. Look for the other part on the kitchen table. The third one is on the bedside table behind the screen. In addition, on a cabinet with white shelves, between the gramophone and the bed, there is the soul of a cat (8/12).

When all the notes are set, play the piano. Click on the red button that will appear on the piano. Go through the secret passage and find the plate at the end. Go back and put it on the gramophone on the right, next to the piano. The child will be distracted by the player, and you can pick up the key and open that very door.

Go to the elevator ahead, try to call it. Lack of electricity. Take the door on the left as you face the elevator. Go down the corridor, through the next door and open the door on the right, which shows the "lightning" sign.

Take the blue fuse from the box opposite the door. Walk a little forward and install it in the shield on the left. Against the wall on the right is a ladder, on which there will be a soul of a cat (9/12). Then find on the right, further along the room, green lockers. In the middle are purple fuses. Take one of them and install it in the shield opposite the previous one, where they put the blue fuse. You will see that the baby has stolen the blue fuse.

We must get rid of him. To the right of the front door is the first part of the code - 43. In the left green cabinet, there is a sheet with the second part - 17. Enter the code 4317 on the garbage chute lock to open it and throw the child there. Now put the fuses back in place - blue in the left shield, purple in the right. Run back to the elevator and call him.

A monster will appear. Again, run through the door where you came from (where the electricity was turned on). On the way, pick up the key with a yellow circle from the table on the right and open the door in front, removing the lock from it. Run to the left, look on the right table, approximately in the middle, for a key with yellow crescents, and remove the first lock. On the left table, on the right edge, look for a key with a yellow triangle, and remove the second lock. Run forward and enter the elevator.


When the chapter starts, ignore the task. To the left of the child (to the right of the stairs) there is a vase with a key with a purple heart. Pick up this key and go to the second floor. Open the far door. Go forward along the corridor, past the child. Do not touch him! Turn into the last door on the right, go past the crib. Behind the crib lies another cat soul (10/12). Don't watch TV or you'll faint! Go past the bed again. Don't look into red eyes.

When you meet the monster, pick up the child. If you put him in the crib, the day will repeat itself. Instead, to escape, pick up the baby and throw it into the hole to the left or right of the crib. A new passage will appear. Next to the crib, look for the soul of a cat (11/12). Follow the bridge and look for a niche in the wall on the right. It is at the bottom; you need to move the cardboard sheet. Go to the exit and a monster will appear.

Run from it to the left, turn right at the fork. Go right along the corridor and look for cardboard at the bottom of the wall on the left, which can be moved to the side. There will be toys in this niche, and to the left of the shelf with them is the soul of a cat (12/12). Turn right when the monster reappears. Run forward, open the door. Look for a passage between the cubes on the left. The passage between the locomotives will be in the middle. Approximately in the same place, in the middle there will be a passage between bottles of milk. Follow the green arrows pointing in the right direction. There will be an exit behind the bottles.

How to start the Black Cat update?

Move along the floor to the left and enter the apartment with the open door. Go to the second floor, enter the first door on the left and go up the stairs from the storage room to the attic. There is a painting at the end. Get closer to see a cutscene where a black cat will jump into the painting. The main character will be drawn there too. Go forward to the black cat, touch it and wait for the screen to go dark.


“Follow me and get moving. Through the portal and hide!”

Immediately take a look at the shelf on the right to play the entry from June 2nd . Go forward, there will be a closed door on the left. There is a socket on the wall for some kind of control unit. The elevator cannot be called. Go a little further and on the table on the left turn on the recording from September 14th . Notice the bookshelf at the very end. There are 3 empty places. You need to insert three books into them.

Go back to the very beginning and turn around. On the nearest shelf on the left side there is a book with three dots . In a niche on the right side, opposite the descent to the locked door??ri, there is a book with two dots on the shelf. Finally, closer to the bookshelf, there is a book with five dots . Place a book with two dots on the top shelf, a book with five dots on the left side of the bottom shelf, and a book with three dots on the right side of the bottom shelf.

Малыш в жёлтом Чёрная Кошка

A descent to the basement will open. Follow there and throw some coals into the furnace to increase the pressure to maximum. When the arrow is in the red zone (additionally turn the valve), an explosion will occur, which will knock out the grille.

Bring robot Newt to life

Go down below and follow the tunnel. Take the third left and you will see a slightly open grate. Once outside, go out into the corridor and go right. In the last room on the right there is a hole through which you can see a cat. Come closer to update the task - you need to find a new battery for the robot. Go out into the corridor and go the other way. Look into the last room on the left. On the shelf on the right is a new entry dated March 1st . Take a new battery from the table (choose any of the two boxes). Go back and install the battery in Newt. Grab the robot and go to the other end to??ridora. Pull down the red lever to create a shortcut. This way you and Newt can return upstairs.

Place the robot in the slot near the P.E.S.T. monitor. Touch the screen at the moment when the rotating arrow is in the highlighted sector (of green dots). In the first round there will be 1 sector per revolution, in the second - 2 sectors, in the third - 3 sectors. But no one is rushing you - no one is forcing you to activate all sectors in one full turn of the arrow. So don't rush!

Find ink for Newt

Once Newt is fully charged, he will show a picture of ink. These are the ones you need to find! Return to the basement where you found the battery. On the same table there are boxes of ink. Take any can and give it to Newt.

Attach the new amplifier

When the robot flies out of the nest, grab it, turn the corner and place it in another nest to open the nearby door. Immediately duck down and go through the hole in the wall on the right. Grab the amplifier from the device and return to Newt. Leave the part next to the robot, as it cannot be attached by hand.

Return to the corridor beyond the door. Examine the two rooms on the left. In the first room you can attach an amplifier, but you can’t do it right now (if you remove Newt from the nest, the door will close). In the second room on the left there is an entry from January 22 . Enter the last door with the number V and collect spring for the door. It's actually a support. Go back to the door and place the spring under it. Now the door won't close! Take the new amplifier and place it in the device of the first room on the left. Take Newt and place him in the slot above the amplifier. Lower the lever to attach the booster to the robot.

Help Newt repair the elevator

Newt will hide in the ventilation. Exit into the main corridor, the starting area, and look to the right. Newt stands behind the elevator bars and asks for a wrench . On the shelf opposite the elevator there is a box with wrenches. Take any key and give it to Newt. The robot will then ask for oil. Return to the bookshelf you opened earlier. Between the bookshelf and the computer there is a shelf with cans of oil . Take any and give it to Newt. Find a hammer nearby. It can be in the same tool boxes or on the floor next to the cart. The robot will repair the elevator, and all you have to do is go inside and press the button.


“In the mysterious garden, where strangers are not welcome, refuge in Carcosa, wisdom redoubt”

After exiting the elevator, go to the left and place Newt in the nest to open the white door. You will find yourself in the laboratory. There is a chest on the right that will open when you free 3 souls. On the main table, find the entry dated December 1st . There is also a hint on how to make differentitems. Red and blue reagents give a magnet, green and red - a weight. Examine the large blue flower to the left of the chest and locked door. Double-click to call Newt. Take the blue reagent and place it in any flask. Lower the levers on the blue and red reagent flasks. When they are mixed in the central device, turn the red valve. Use the empty bottle (on the right) on the cauldron to fill it with the purple reagent. Give him the bottle, after which a purple key will be attracted to him. The kid should fall and you can pick up the key.

Use this key to open the door with the corresponding lock inside the laboratory. Behind the wooden door ahead, in the corridor, there is a note dated July 28th . Take the valve from the table and return to the main room. Approach the door with the green crescent lock. To his right, behind the crack, a black cat is visible. There is also a green key hanging there. There is a pipe on the right side of the crack. Install the valve, then create the magnetic potion again by mixing the red and blue reagents. Give the bottle of purple potion to the baby, then turn the valve near the crack and place the baby in the opened pipe (which attracts everything into it). Take the green key .

Open the door with the green lock, pay attention to the nest. Look at the wire that goes into the wall. Flip the switch, will you??Then place Newt in the slot near the center table. The ladder will begin to move from left to right and back. Take Newt when she is near the Black Cat on top. Follow him up.

Door code

You need to open the code door. Go downstairs, where there is a purple candle near the stairs. Throw the books off the shelf to reveal a white piece of paper with the first symbol on it. Go to the fireplace, where there is a small table with another purple candle. Remove the book from the table and you will see the second symbol. Next you need to manipulate the stairs with the help of Newt. Insert it into the slot. Stop the ladder at the purple candle on the left and another candle on the right. Climb the stairs to see a piece of paper with the desired symbol.

The answer to the code door is shown in the screenshot below, but I'll list the symbols from top to bottom:

  • Triangle with two horizontal lines.
  • A square with two horizontal lines (the square itself is turned at an angle, similar to a rhombus).
  • A square inside a circle.
  • A symbol similar to the letter "Э".

Малыш в жёлтом Чёрная Кошка Код от двери

Play the February 27 entry located on the shelf. Open the door and go down to the new roomnatu with a projector.

Reveal the secrets of photography

Examine the camera. Open the front cover, try to take a photo of the child. It won't work because you need film. Enter the nearest room and take the film from the table. Place it in the camera, take a photo of the baby, take the film and return to the red room. Close the door behind you and place the film in the bath. Then place the developed film into the projector on the right side of the tray.

Return with another film and take a photo of the wall on the left where the lever should be. Develop this film, place it in the projector on the right and return to the room to see that same lever. Activate the lever. A shelf with a wilted flower will go down. Insert the film into the camera and take a photograph of the withered flower (it will appear alive in the frame). Develop the film and install it in the projector. Try to take the reagent from the flower. Double click on it to make Newt appear. It will cool the flower, and you can take the green reagent .

Once done, return to the laboratory and place the reagent in the flask. Combine green and red reagents to make a weight. After mixing the reagents, fill the bottle. Feed the baby and carry him back along the corridor from where you came. At the end there is a large floor panel. Place your baby in a circle in front of the door. The door will open. You can’t just run to the door with a will work out. Instead, when you give him the potion, take it to the exit of the laboratory. Just outside the laboratory door, there is a pipe on the wall to the left. Open it by turning the valve and place the baby inside. It will fall straight onto the round button. Grab Newt and go through the opened door.

Explore the garden

You will find yourself in the courtyard. Go to the gate ahead and turn on the recording from March 12th . There is a flower on the left side of the gate. Interact with him to make a baby appear that bothers Newt. No need to run after him. Stand by any potty and wait until the baby is near you. Place it on Newt, then run towards the cannon. Instead of the core, place the baby in it, and then light the wick. Take the purple reagent from the flower and try to go back inside. Watch the cutscene ending the chapter.

Worlds Collide

“Their arrival is inevitable. I need to start preparing."

Go inside the laboratory, place the purple reagent in the last flask. Mix purple and green reagents to make a yellow potion. Fill a bottle with it and give it to your baby. While the baby is burning, you need to throw it on the door with the thickets to burn them. Open the gate and run upstairs to find yourself in the bedroom. You need a pacifier. Run back to the laboratory and enter the door on the left. There is a small box with glass on the wall. Break and take the pacifier , ?which should be given to the baby.

Go through the double doors. You will find yourself on the second floor of the laboratory. There is a lever nearby. There are two more on the left and right. You need to activate the levers in the correct sequence: left, center (at the door) and right. Go down to the first floor and try to take the fallen core.

When you are told to run, look to your right. Run through the library and return to the room with the camera. Grab the prop from the chair and place it under the door. Interact with Newt, who will help you climb up (where the ladder broke). Go down to the library, go through the door and go left. You will return to the corridor and can go out into the courtyard. Look to the right and next to the door, in the bushes, look for a core fragment . Pick it up and place it on the purple sphere. Look for the second fragment inside the fountain, from the side of the gate and the flower.

Having installed both fragments, give the core to Newt and run after him. The passage to the laboratory will be blocked, so turn left into the library. Crouch and crawl under the sliding door into the laboratory. Place the core in the center among the rings (while Newt is holding the door). This will kill the monster. Wait for the fragments to fly away, take the golden sphere and go up the steps to install the item in the hole. Watch the final video that completes the update?“Black Cat”