After the introduction, you will find yourself on an abandoned ship. Move forward and to the right. On the table near the monitor with a red screen is the first report (1/24) - take it and you will learn about some kind of faith, a blasphemer pilot and Sarah who betrayed everyone.
Use your first syringe by pressing the X key. The game will immediately warn you that there are not many such syringes left at Shakhtar-1. Having done this, go further, turn to the wall on the left and you will see a small steamer with a corridor going down. On the way, you will have to turn on the flashlight - the F key.
Get down there and go left. Soon you will run into boxes - you need to crouch on CTRL and crawl under them. Go further and take the walkie-talkie (1/12) from the table on the left. Walk forward and into the corridor to the left to climb higher. Go through the door on the right, immediately turn left and open another similar door. A little further you will be prompted to open the map - the M key. It is inconvenient to use it ...
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Turn to the door on the right, examine the computer on your right, and then remove the syringe from the yellow box next to it. Open the door and find yourself in the control room. Take the note (2/24) from the chair in the center, which suggests you to synchronize the generators and meet someone in the command center. Take your pThe first melee weapon is a wrench that rests on this chair. Interact with the generator screen and synchronize it - move from large rings to smaller ones, rotating them there so that the picture is complete (without empty cells).
After synchronizing the generator, go back a little and you will see that the passage on the left has opened. Go there, going down, go to the left of the stairs and take out the clip and the syringe from the locker. This clip will come in handy soon. Move further, up the stairs, and opposite the door to the command center, in the corner, find another clip. Go to the command center, go right, counterclockwise around the perimeter of the round room. Crouch down and pick up the second radio from the floor (2/12). Keep moving until you see a fallen cabinet. Read the note (3/24) next to it, and then hit the cabinet by pressing C. This can knock enemies back and restart a similar technique. The cabinet activates the computer on the right. Look into it, save and read both messages from the two found walkie-talkies. You will understand that someone is talking to you.
On the same rack with the monitor is a small arms - pick it up. It was from him that you found clips. It kills enemies.
Go back to the capsule, near which you appeared at the beginning of the game. Do you have to kill a few along the way??monsters, or try to bypass them. I don’t know about the others, but the first enemy is easily dealt with - he will go through the area in the center of the room, and you just have to go along the perimeter in either of two directions.
You cannot shoot at a monster if it has come close and is attacking you. First of all, you need to kick him with your foot - C key. Actually, you should always do this, and after that shoot, aiming at the head. Some enemies will die from one shot, others after two or three. You will know that the enemy is finished if his head is blown off.
After reaching the capsule, open the door leading to the service corridors. On them you should move to the living compartment.
Go downstairs, but do not rush to open the door. Go a little further, take the clip from the barrel, and the syringe from the floor. After opening the door, go left, chasing the stranger. Stop at a table with a TV in the corner. Take the syringe and another note (4/24). From the note, you will learn that the yellow bars can be destroyed by an explosion. Turn around and chase the enemy. There will be a yellow grate ahead - a yellow gas cylinder hangs nearby. Shoot at him, there will be an explosion that will break the way further.
Move forward, killing familiar enemies. SveRnuv along the corridor to the right, on the left between the two columns, find the walkie-talkie (3/12). Climb down the stairs, as you did earlier, and go to the living compartment.
Once inside, immediately save to the terminal on the left. Those letters that you read on the terminal have nothing to do with walkie-talkies or found notes. In the “Scans” section, yes, there are notes that you find, but you can’t listen to walkie-talkies anywhere. At the terminal, you can simply find out how many of them have been collected so far. Walk a little forward to start the illusion. Enemies will knock down - gas cylinders hang at the aisles to the right and left - shoot at them to finish off the opponents. Go to the left and you will see a long grate in front, behind the wall, and to the left of it is a hanging gas cylinder. You don't even need to shoot it - shoot straight in this state to open the way further. Take a couple of steps forward, there will be a flash and you will lose consciousness.
After waking up, go through the large door, and first move to the left along the corridor. Enter the side room, search all the beds and find a note (5/24) on one of them. Exit back and follow to another part of the corridor. Enter a similar room and on one of the beds this time find a walkie-talkie (4/12).
Exit and go to the rightrecreation area (Rest Area). Ahead is a large door with an electronic lock that requires a password. There is also a note “Do you remember now?”. In one of the notes found (namely, the last one), Sarah turns to Mark, accusing him of forgetting the year of her birth - 1988. It is him who enter on the panel, and then press Enter (on the same dial), to open the door.
In a spacious hall, you will need to avoid huge monsters that strive to attack you. It is impossible to defeat them in combat. Just go forward and hide on the left. When they pass, go to the turn, but do not rush to follow to the right. First, in the corner on the left, find a walkie-talkie lying around (5/12). After that, go through the door on the right, take a couple more steps and soon you will find yourself in the garden.
While in the garden, go to the right wall to find the door to the control room with the generator. It also needs to be synchronized, but do not rush. Read the note (6/24) hanging to the right of the monitor, and then look into the computer terminal on the left - another message has appeared there. Save and sync the generator. Come out and kill all the enemies. If you go into the building on the right, then you will meet a few more mutants, but then a dead end awaits you. Unfortunately, the passage on the left is also closed. This is some kind of mistake, but in this case, I acted like this - saved, left the game, and afterso rebooted it. The corridors were cleared, and it was possible to walk back along the same long path to the command center. Inside it, a cut-scene will start (you may have to call the elevator in the center of the room), and Sarah will call the code for the cargo hold - "002". Remember it, and at the end of the cut-scene, stand on the elevator in the center and enter the code.