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ShowGamer.comPassage of Kursk

Passage of Kursk

12th of August

After loading, look around: read the note lying on the table and look in the cabinet on the right to find a game console in the box among other things. You can control the submarine by using the A and D keys to move left and right respectively. To shoot, press the "Space". One way or another, as soon as you lose, there will be an explosion.

Try to open the door of the room, but nothing will come of it. To the right of it there is a sink. Look down and a little to the right you will find cardboard. Take it, pick up the stapler from the floor (in the center of the room), then close the vent??yu next to the bunk beds (left). Try to open the door by ripping off the pipe sticking out of the ceiling next to it. Chat with the man and a new download will begin.

Passage of Kursk: August 9, Moscow


In the room, examine various objects - shoes on the floor, a glass on the windowsill, a floppy disk with Flashout 3. Interact with the remote control to view the news, then answer the phone. The phone is to the left of the bed, on a small table against the wall. Next, go to the exit and look in the closet to the left of it to find a safe. Enter the code, take the PDA and interact with the case on the table. Familiarize yourself with all the files - a photo, a text document, a video, and another photo. The episode will end.

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