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ShowGamer.comWalkthrough Seasons after Fall

Walkthrough Seasons after Fall

By controlling an incomprehensible luminous object, fly up. Crash into other glowing dots to collect charges.

Approaching two stalks with buds, click the left mouse button. The charges will fly into the buds. The branches will open up. Fly higher and higher repeating the steps. Somewhere you will need to fly to the right, somewhere - to the left, and after that up. At the end of the path you will see a huge bud. Fly into it. Loading.

After the dialogue box, fly to the left until you see a fox. Click with the left mouse button. The fox will run after you. Lure the fox back to the rocks where you spawned. As a result, a luminous cloud will settle inside the beast.

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Run forward, jump by pressing the "Space". From a tree, the jump will be higher. Go behind the screen.


Run to the right. In the grass, periodically you will find luminous charges. They will immediately fly into the plants. If you get a bud, then with its help you can jump even higher, like on a springboard. At the end of the path, if you do not jump anywhere, you will run into a rock. Before reaching it, there are two other hills. In front of the left one in the grass, find charges to make a bud. Jump up on the bud. Jump over to another rock. Approach the twisted branch and click on the left mouse button to spin it. Run to the end and jump onto the rock. Follow to the right side, to a new location.


Move to the right until you eventually reach a dead end. Follow the left and down into the cave. Approach the bear. A glowing cloud will soon appear. Go right, to a huge bud. Left click. So you change the season from autumn to winter.