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ShowGamer.comWalkthrough The Apartment

Walkthrough The Apartment


To begin with, some principles of the game should be explained. You are offered a choice of actions - if you click on the wrong one, then everything will start again. To understand what is at stake, let's go through the episode in the apartment of a private detective.

The apartment has many objects with which you can interact. But most of them can be simply dragged - hold LMB and move with the mouse. Also open and deri. But there are four objects for interaction - a TV in the living room, bottles of beer in the kitchen, a bed and a work board in the bedroom on the left. When choosing a TV, a drink or a bed, you will make a wrong action and the game will start over. The protagonist himself indicates that he needs to work.

Click on the work board and examine the medical notes of both girls. An inscription will appear on the board - view medical reports. Go to the table opposite, on which there are laptops and papers. There are two open reports on different parts of the table. Study them. Move your mouse over each line slowly. You will notice tohow dark outlines appear. Click on them to highlight the most interesting facts. As soon as you select ALL the facts, then automatically exit the approximation. You don't need to go out on your own.

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After that, medical descriptions will appear in the notes of each girl. Something out of the ordinary needs to be highlighted. Select 21-25 for both girls and then Missing organs. Next, select the personal data of both girls (at the top of each board) and combine the same characteristics - Female, no address, no data. A door will open leading to a corridor.

Nightmare #1

Go down the corridor to the open door at the very end. Go through and see a table smeared with blood and a knife stuck in it. Walk around the table and look to the right. There will be a passage. Follow there, turn right and look into the room through the door on the left hand. There will be a jumping box on the table. Remove the cover to see the head.

All of a sudden everything is on fire. Run along the only path and turn left into a room with furniture. Move the lying cabinet blocking the way. Do the same with the other cabinet in the doorway. SnGet four planks to open the door. Then there is only one path - follow it and approach the far door. Go through the hole to find yourself in the subway, at the crime scene.

Metro (crime scene)

Follow forward and to the left. After talking with the officer, move straight ahead and talk to Detective Alex, located near the girl's corpse. When he finishes the conversation, then examine the different parts of the girl's body until words appear - evidence. Select important clues (a hint about this should appear) - female, young, missing organs (woman, young, missing organs).

Talk to Alex, and then proceed to inspect the crime scene. Click on the girl's body. After a while, click on the chain with which her hands are tied. Find the same chain on the wall nearby and interact with it to set the clue tag. Click on the floor next to the corpse (the word USE will appear on hover). Words will come up, and you must indicate what is missing here - blood (blood).

Having done this, look at Detective Alex and select the bottom line - she was not killed here. After his words, look to the right - there were officers at the end of the corridor, but now they are not there. Move there, enter the corridor on the right and turn the first valve on the right hand (to block the leak). Go further withturn right and open the first red door on the right.

The police will be here. After talking to them, examine the subway control panel on the right. A lot of words will pop up, and you need to choose the next three - careful, calm, methodical. Having done this, find three tall cabinets with three levers by the doorway on the left. Lower all the levers (maybe lowering the far right is enough) and pull out the yellow tube next to the subway control panel. Close the door through which you came here, and behind it you will see a broken pipe on the wall. This is where you need to install the yellow pipe. But first you have to turn on the light in the room - the left lever.

Also pick up a yellow camera (like a cover) lying on the floor. Install it on the wall above the doorway nearby. Listen to the words of the detective, after which a hint about the evidence found will appear.

Go back to the main room with the dead girl. Go back to the officer who let you in here. To the right of the pillar is another detective - Ortiz. To the right of him, a cardboard box is lying on the floor. Move it and find the sneakers. Examine it and choose one and3 points - it belonged to the victim (Victim's). A yellow glow will appear on the shoe. Take a yellow sneaker and put it on the victim's bare foot.

Finally, approach the officer who let you through and ask the only question available. After that, you can talk to Detective Ortiz nearby. So do it - he will say that you need to find the entrance where the suspect came from. Go further than the officer and you will see a door on the right. Examine it and point out that this is the entrance.

Nightmare #2

Open the door and move to the basement. Follow forward, turn around and go back to pick up a flashlight (it glows and rolls on the floor). Move along the only path, at the fork open the metal door on the right, with a green lamp. Approach the glowing light bulbs. Suddenly, the spiked walls will begin to narrow. You can press any red buttons on the wall - they will not help you anyway and the main character will be crushed.

Apartment and sacrifice

Once inside the apartment, enter the bedroom on the left. Look around until the girl's hanging corpse appears. Approach him and study. Various tooltips with parameters should pop up. Examine the magazine on the left, on the table. Cross out all the names because this girl is not here. Come and look againa dead body. Click on each of the three items, from age to clothing (pause for comments).

After that, the ghost of a girl will appear. Listen to her, look at the corpse and select Not local (not local). Listen to the ghost again, and then choose that the girl was a tourist. And for the third time, listen to the ghost lying on the bed. Then you can leave the room. Go down the corridor, go down the stairs and open the door to move to the police station.

Police station

Walk forward and enter the far room on the right, the briefing room. Listen to the chief's words, and then look at the map. Click on each label to replace them with time. Next, you will need to select something suspicious. There is Portland in the top left corner. Hover your cursor over there so that two arrows appear. Click on this place, then you will be prompted to choose why it aroused suspicion - click on the phrases Place (place) and Time (time). After listening to everyone, go to the exit from the room, as the nightmare begins. Follow forward, go to the elevator and leave this place.


Look around in the cave, go to the very end and hit the cobwebs. Go back a little and look for a fire in one of the tunnels. Lying nearby p??lka - pick it up and throw it into the fire. When it lights up, then pick up the stick and carry it to the web. You will need to bypass streams of water falling from the ceiling of the cave.

After doing this, burn the cobwebs and go into the strange house through the door ahead.



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