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ShowGamer.comWalkthrough Moons of Madness

Walkthrough Moons of Madness

Your attention is presented a guide to the passage of the horror Moons of Madness - a first-person horror game in the universe of the online role-playing game The Secret World from Funcom.


Click LMB to get out of bed. Leave the room and look around the round bench in the center of the hall. It has a lantern on it. Pick it up and turn it on by pressing F. There are two long corridors. One of them leads to a door with green lights. If they are still red, then just walk in a circle. After going through the door, go left along the corridor. On the left hand there will be a jammed door. Move on until you see tentacles crawling away. Open the cabinet on the right and take out the mount . Go back to the ajar door and use the crowbar on it. Come to the festive table with a cake.

morning routine

When you wake up, examine the cabin. The computer cannot be accessed. There is an unfinished letter on the table, and in a glass cabinet there is some kind of stone from Mars. Open another locker in front of the computer and take the level 1 pass . A photo frame fell out of the same locker. Examine it, expand it and on the back you will find the code - 0509 . Sit down at the computer and enter this code. Examine the letters and select the last option to from??dig the door. Exit the room.

Level 1 Pass in Moons of Madness
Main character pass

Walk down the corridor to the open door (green lights). Along the way, you can examine the note lying on the table to the right. Go past the gym and find a note on the chess table. To the left is a coffee machine. You can have a cup of coffee. To the right of it lies a lantern . Take it, eat food from a tray nearby. Then, at the command of a partner, open the biocomp by pressing TAB. In fact, it will not be on the hero's hand.

Go along the corridor opposite the gym, to the laboratory. Go left, pick up the crowbar and open the jammed door. Turn on the lantern and examine the table behind the partition on the left. It has a biocomp on it. Having picked it up, try to reset it by pressing the red button on the back panel. You need something subtle. Pick up the handle lying to the right, and then start the biocomp. Approach the locked door in the center of the hall, click on the RMB to connect to the closet, and reboot the system.

Biocomp location in Moons of Madness
This is where the biocomp is located.

Now you will need to manually configure the solar panels. Exit to the corridor and go through the small door following the AIRLOCK sign. Put on the helmet and fill it with oxygen using the device on the left. Press the button to the right of the door and go outside. Go to the back of the rover and press the red button. Go inside and close the door behind you by pressing the red button to the right of the exit. Open the door and get into the driver's seat. Start the engine. The main character will go to the solar panels on their own.

The power of the sun

Upon arrival, get out of the transport and go up the hill. When you get to the solar panels, look around. There are three control panels. If you go up to the right, then you will find an empty battery slot. For now, nothing can be done about it. Climb the stairs to the left to find the control panel. Interact with it manually or use the RMB to connect the biocomputer. In any case, you need to use the WASD keys to adjust the batteries so that you get 90% or higher. First, rotate the batteries up or down with the W and S keys. When you reach the maximum, start rotating left and right with the A and D keys. And again you will reach the maximum, which will cause you to rotate the batteries up and down.

After setting, movego to the far batteries on the left. The staircase to the control panel is destroyed, so you need to connect by scanning (RMB). Set up those batteries and go back to the first ones where the battery is needed. Go to the cliff where the elevator is installed. Call him and drive down. Take the battery out of the elevator and enter the research facility. The computer on the left needs to change the atmosphere in the entrance gateway so that you can go inside.

Inside, insert the battery into the device on the left. Read the information on the computer. You will learn that Lucas took the battery. Open the door with the computer and find the battery in the next room. Return to the elevator, taking the first battery as well. Insert one battery into the elevator, go upstairs and insert another battery into the solar plate controller. Set them up as you did before. Go to the broken ladder by the third set of batteries, climb up the slope and find a large device.

Turn on solar panels in Moons of Madness
Latest Control Panel

There is a panel on its right side. Pick it up and pull the lever. Activate the power, then return to the all-terrain vehicle and drive back.

flooded greenhouse

Walk forward along the path and enter the building. Turn left along the corridor to get into the greenhouses. Go straight. There are three locked doors. Climb the stairs on the right and open the door on the left by using the pass. You will be able to explore the room with the computer, as well as open another door. But it will take you back to the beginning. Climb up the stairs again, but go right. Cross the bridge and climb up the yellow fire escape. Jump inside the building through the open window, right on the pipes.

Once inside, take the handle from the table. Go forward and right on the arrows. Apply the handle and turn it clockwise to block the pipes. Go to the yellow hatch and go down below. Do the same for the second hatch, as the next door requires a level 2 pass. Keep going the only way. Where possible, shut off steam flows. If there is no place for a handle nearby, then look for some kind of passage under the pipes. In the end, you will climb up through the yellow hatch.

Find the level 2 pass on the table that belonged to Lucas. Examine the water purifier on the wall. It lacks three modules. You can study the information on the computer, and then go outside through the only door using the level 2 pass. On the left is a device for climate change. Do you needo go through the door ahead. Move through the laboratory with black slime. Climb up the two sets of stairs to the top and pull out the first repair module .

Nearby there is a level 2 door and a yellow fire escape. First, open the door, go forward and scan the remote. Press A or D to turn the wheel with plants so that a small hole is formed. Crouch down and move forward. Scan the remote behind the plants and turn the wheel again to get to the vault with the second repair module .

Go back the same way and this time go up the yellow fire escape. There are pipes on the left and right that you have to close with the crank. Do this to disable sprinklers. Go down the stairs on the other side, enter the building by opening the level 2 door and go down to the first floor. You will see a vault here with a third repair module . There are also cages. Someone escaped from one of them, breaking the glass. Go through the hole in the glass and follow into the room with the water purifier.

Insert modules according to their colors, after selecting the desired values:

  • Red 50.
  • Yellow 90.
  • Blue 100.

Having done this, scan the wall with modules andactivate the water purifier by clicking on the LMB. Exit through the door and pull the lever on the climate control console.

Creature in the fog

Just run away from the monster by the only route until you can leave the greenhouses. Get into the all-terrain vehicle and drive to Declan at the station.

Monster from Moons of Madness
This is what the monster looks like

Cave of Madness

Upon arrival, go outside and see the entrance to the cave in front of you. Follow inside. Move forward until you find the orbs. Focus on them by holding Spacebar to get deeper into the cave. Soon you will reach the first table with a note. Charge all three spheres standing in a circle. Be careful with the worm. Look at him to scare away the monster and prevent him from approaching the hero. Move forward along the corridor where the worm will crawl, get to the room with notes and a sphere in the stand. Take the sphere and refer it to the previous three, placing it on a stand in the center. If you have already charged three orbs, then the one you brought will instantly be charged. Take it and put it back in place to open the way forward.

After going down, go to the ajar door after?and focus on the sphere. On the right there is a stand for the sphere, but there is no sphere itself. Go ahead, find another sphere and place it on the stand, charging it. Follow the door to the right, get to the empty stand. On the left there is another stand, but you need to install an already charged sphere on it. A little further, find an ordinary sphere and carry it to the stone stand. Focus on the sphere to get rid of the tentacles. Focus on the next sphere above the tentacles in the passage nearby.

So you get to the stand and the sphere. Place a sphere on it. You need to charge three on the sides. One is already ready, look for the second in the door on the ceiling, the third - behind the ajar door on the left (you need to bend down and look from the side). So you charge the sphere. Take it to the far stand to open the way further. Move forward until you meet a mysterious woman. Watch the video.

Creature from the Caverns of Madness in Moons of Madness
mysterious woman

dark basement

Search the basement, find the first photo and a note with elements from the periodic table - carbon, beryllium, helium, beryllium. There is a table in the back room. If you look at their serial numbera, you will get the code 6424 . Return to the bookcase and pull the books in the same order - 6, 4, 2, 4.

Enter the room. Examine the board with numbers on the wall on the left. There is a second photo on the table. Go to the laundry where the wire is sparkling. Move through the objects on the right wall, enter the room and interact with the shield. Turn off the first toggle switch to get rid of the current. Return to the laundry room and find the third photo on the table.

Return to the room with the shield and find the fourth photo on the table. Go to the wall opposite the table. It is made up of boards. The fifth photo is stuck between two boards. Interact with the right edge of the board to break it off with a crowbar and get a picture.

Return to the room with the board and the numbers on the wall. Arrange the photos by time in the following order:

  1. 07:48
  2. 08:55
  3. 12:24
  4. 12:57
  5. 13:00
How to Arrange Photos in the Moons of Madness Basement
Photos location

Having done this, interact with the left plate. She will start to glow. Now you need to light the top sign to pick up the book. Go to the shield and turn offturn on the light in the basement. You need to find four white symbols in the main room of the basement. Two of them are on the objects near the green boat, the third is on the frame on the wall nearby, the fourth is on the tank near the door leading to the room with the shield. When all four are activated (you just need to look at them), then go back and interact with the top plate. Take the book.

One of the symbols in the basement of Moons of Madness
last character

Communication problems

Come outside. Examine the nearest container and remember the code 7357 . Enter this code in the panel on the left side of the closed container. Take the battery and insert it into the vehicle. Connect with him, start the engine and select "Test". The rover will lift the container. Go up the right path, climb up the hill and find a faulty elevator. Keep moving past him.

Climb up until you are inside Declan's base. Examine the computer and read his diary on the table in the next room. When you go outside, take out the battery. Follow the satellite dish, insert the battery and take the elevator up. Once inside, take the battery from the table on the right and insert it into the ??hole.

There are three panels on the wall. On the first one, you just need to redirect energy from the entrance to the exit, avoiding the zone with a gap. The red color of the cable is the one through which the energy flows. If the energy reaches the output, the cable will turn blue. Examine the computer to see the chatter frequency: -156, 43. Interact with the second panel. There are two exits here. Direct the energy to the upper right. Solve the problem with the third panel. It is necessary to draw a line so that the wire passes through the points, adding a total of 6 more units of energy.

Interact with the remote control on the computer. After applying the pass, connect to it and select the settings described above: 43 and -156. Should be 100%. Click on T to get the walkie-talkie and click LMB to establish a connection. Then go outside.

creatures of dust

Just run back to the rover, taking shortcuts where you can jump down. To get to the vehicle, follow from lamp to lamp. Start the engine to go to the base.

A vague threat

Enter inside the base, but the door to the laboratory will be closed by some kind of growth. Follow right and enter another office. Study the computer. It contains the formula to create a poison. In addition, on o?Nom from the tables is an injection gun. Take it. Examine the two tables to collect about 8 test tubes. Having done this, interact with the centrifuge. You can see it if you right click.

Now you need to arrange the test tubes correctly. To begin with, insert a test tube into any slot, where two blue cells are located at the bottom left and at the top right (diagonally). In the next slot, counterclockwise (above the previous tube), place a test tube with three cells (two on top, next to each other, and one below, which resembles the letter "G"). In the next slot, counterclockwise, insert a test tube with two blue cells (one in the center and one above it, close).

You now have three test tubes. Pull out the middle one and insert a test tube with two cells into it - at the bottom left and at the top right. In the next slot, already clockwise, insert a test tube with one cell at the top left. Now all four test tubes are installed one by one. The centrifuge will not spin as there is no uniformity. Rotate the centrifuge so that the four tubes are on top. Pull out the second test tube (counting from right to left) and move it behind the first test tube on the right (you need to insert a test tube with two cells - at the bottom left and at the top right). Thus, the four test tubes are evenly spaced. Close the centrifuge and collect the negative?wu.

Go to the corridor, make an injection and examine Lucas. Move to the right and read the information on the computer. You will learn about the enhanced formula. Take the test tube lying near the computer, study other documents and return to the centrifuge. This time, only three test tubes need to be placed (each through one empty slot). One of the test tubes has three cells standing next to each other.

The way out is blocked by a plant. Go down the corridor to the other end. Use the scanner by pressing RMB to destroy the plants. Go through the door, inject and enter the airlock. The helmet will not be here. After talking with Declan, get outside and run forward along the path until you reach the greenhouse. All this must be done quickly.

poison tree

Walk on the marker using RMB to destroy the flowers. Do injections into the growths. After descending into the technical tunnel, find two filters and inject poison into them. Go back and follow the marker to the climate control device. After activating it, move around the tree, destroying flowers and making injections. Along the way, you will need to fight with the mutated Volkova. For successful QTEs, look where the marker appears and click LMB. Eventually, you will be able to kill Volkova.

Go maRker to the lab and examine Volkova's computer. In one of the documents there is a code - 5538. Enter it in the last section of the computer - "Call the elevator". Apply the pass and drive down to Argus.

Keepers of secrets

If you go forward, then you will be detected by the camera, which will lead to blocking the doors. Instead, connect to the camera from afar and turn it all the way to the left. Go through the door on the left, move on, moving the cameras to the sides. to start the conveyor, go down the corridor and connect to the camera behind the door. From it, connect to the panel in the next room and solve a familiar puzzle (move through "+3" and up). Go back. You will need to bend down, press against the wall on the left and push the camera all the way to the right. Without getting up, you can get under the light source. Go further along the conveyor, use the computer when you exit the room to disable the security system.

Get to the far room upstairs and take the Key Card of Director Orochi. Examine his computer and unlock the doors. The camera cannot be moved, so just run past it to the right. Pass through the hall with many cameras and patrolmen. Where necessary, the camera will have to be moved to the side. Make your way through the broken window and look out the door. Connect to the camera behind the ajar d?I'm here to see the monster. Open the passage, enter the room ahead and examine Orochi's computer. Go back to the elevator and go to the Icarus complex.

Complex "Icarus"

Follow the only route until you need to scan your palm. You won't be able to call the elevator. Turn around and go through the door on the right. On the right hand there will be a door with a code panel. You need to find the password. Follow this route to the very end and in the room with the capsules with babies, study the computer. It will contain the password - 9510. Open the door with a combination lock, examine the freezers and find a hand in one of them. Use it on the lift, go to it and go down. Walk forward along the corridor.

monster with eight heads

Interact with the computer and enter the EDEN code. Then go to the computer a little further and to the left. Using the dashboard with buttons and toggle switches, set the three parameters from top to bottom as follows: 20 / 100 / 100. As indicated on the sheet. Then click on the left and right square buttons to raise the gate. Go to the computer on the right and enter the code 512 (it is indicated on the sheet at the main computer Orochi). Go through the door.

Knowledge absorbed

Move from room to room listening to Cynthia's wordsor looking at different notes. Chat with your mother, go outside and start the all-terrain vehicle.


Interact with the nearby platform and connect to the orb. First select the top and bottom elements. Rotate them to match the bottom element with the middle one. That is, when combining the lower and middle, the grooves and lines should match. Then select only the top one and rotate it so that it also matches the middle one. If done correctly, the gate will open. Drive in a straight line.

Meeting with grief

Go the only route. In the cave with sand, jump down, run to the right and climb up to the hill. With such dashes, move around the safe islands of stone slabs. In the end, you will reach a huge cube.

Flawless Machine

Solve some simple puzzles. It is necessary to insert cubes into positions so that their pattern repeats the image from above. When all three puzzles are solved, run away.

End of the world

Just leave the cave using the only route and get into the rover.

The last man on Mars

Enter the building from the side, liftb to the second floor and activate the console. Come back: where necessary, bend down. Outside, move across the stone slabs to avoid the sandworms. Enter the rocket and launch it by clicking on all the toggle switches where the green light is not already on. When all the lights are green, press the big red button.

moons of madness

Choose the desired ending for the game. You can call the cargo on the radio or just do nothing.



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