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Trover Saves the Universe: Walkthrough

    Read the full walkthrough of a humorous cartoon adventure Trover Saves the Universe .

    Walkthrough all levels Trover Saves the Universe

    Watch the intro, and then listen to what they say on TV. First rotate the camera by moving the mouse, then move the cursor to any object on the floor and click RMB. Turn around and listen to the messages on the answering machine. Then a friend will come to you. Turn towards the door and open it with the red button on the right. Listen to the information on TV, and then take the blue creature from the hands of the character. Hold the RMB to do this. [adinserter block="6"] Now you can control the purple character with WASD. Move it to the nearest luminous point and press RMB to move to it. Move from one point to another. Use the "Space" to jump. Soon you will come across an old gamer. Answer YES, then when the hero can get his sword, you attack the old man with the LMB. You can move on. The path to the telepod is blocked, so turn left to the statues. Defeat two chicks, go back and follow the telepod. Go inside and listen to the hero. Look to the right and click on the red button on the control panel. Listen to the boss, answer YES and wait. Then again use a few buttons and find yourself on the first level.

    Shleemy wold

    Go outside and a strange creature will appear. Turn to the side of the telepod and you will the point of movement on the left. Follow there and destroy the rotating object behind the telepod. You will receive the first Norphin . Jump over the log, but the hero will die. A strange stranger has the right crystal. Now you can lower and raise your chair into the air. E - raise, Q - lower. Raise the chair and control the hero. Hop across the log, defeat the three enemies and move to the point. Turn around: there is another stone inside the log. You need to break this stone. The third is located near the mountain to the left, if you look at the log. Follow a little further and see a point at the gate. But first go on the log, jump on the platforms and destroy the fourth stone with Norphin . [adinserter block="3"] Go to the door. You need to press the buttons so that the green "likes" appear. Climb up in a chair to find new buttons. If you cannot solve the riddle for a long time, then go down and break the gate with the hero's sword. Follow the log to the new point on the other side. Turn around and see a green Norphin on a log branch. Draw it by holding RMB. Break a stone with Norphin inside the next log and move on. Another stone is hidden under a waterfall. You will see an upgrade seller near next point of movement. Jump over the cliff to the left, follow the platforms and break another stone. Turn around and see Norphin behind a tree by the cliff. Another stone with the Norphin is located in the very cliff, but there is a log on which to stand. Move along the left side of the location. Kill the enemies and open the blue buds by the RMB. Rise higher and higher past the house of a strange stranger, move until you reach the second shop of the upgrades seller. Listen to him. Rise above and fight enemies. First kill all enemies below. Then jump on a hill, finish off the shooters and kill the red boss. Get to the red house and listen to Michael . After that, go down in a chair and talk face to face with the hero. Use the C key. Agree to kill Michael, and then attack his house so that he falls down. A flying creature will appear that will give you a crystal. Find a nearby stone with Norphin . Click on the red button and go back. Collect all 30 Norphin is optional. However, you can load them into a special telepod tank in order to receive various improvements for the hero. The first improvement costs 10 Norphin , the second - 15 (new 15), the third - 25 and so on. These improvements provide you with additional "hearts" (health points). When you return, you can go to a new place. [adinserter block="7"]

    Abstainer's Sanctum

    [caption id="attachment_7743" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Trover Saves the Universe Walkthrough Trover Saves the Universe: Walkthrough [/caption] Return to the telepod, look at the membranes on the left and click on the red button to spend the collected creatures. The phone will ring. Click on the green monitor to the left of the membranes to pick up the phone. Move to a new location. Go forward until you find three strange creatures. When they begin to meditate, go back and answer the phone. Move to anew world.

    shroomia world

    When you will arrive at the planet, go outside and defeat the enemies. Open the flower on the side, jump on the hill and go left to the first green creature. Move forward until you find the wall of the fortress with two enemies. Below, there is another crystal with a green creature behind the plant. Climb up on the chair and on the fortress find two more creatures - left and right. The third is on a hill opposite. First, go to the right of the fortress. At the very end, there will be several platforms. Kill the yellow arrow, climb the platforms and destroy the crystal with the creature. [caption id="attachment_7745" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Trover Saves the Universe Walkthrough Trover Saves the Universe: Walkthrough [/caption] Go now to the left of the fortress and defeat a lot of mushrooms. Go down and see a woman. Do not rush to her, but turn to the portal on the right. Climb the chair and see a crystal on the hill. You can reach it by Trover . By doing so, you chat with the woman in the wheelchair. Her name is Doopy Dooper . [caption id="attachment_7746" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Trover Saves the Universe Walkthrough Trover Saves the Universe: Walkthrough [/caption] Look to the right and at the top you will see a building with an antenna. Zoom in on the picture, holding Z. Next, Doopy will give you an upgrade for the chair. Now you can grab items, move and rotate them. Do it with a tv. Place it so that Doopy can see the screen. Note that to rotate and move away or zoom in, you need to hold down the CTRL and WASD keys. Next, remove the blocks from the garage in the Doopy house. [adinserter block="4"] Next, you need to hide the box in another garage at a nearby portal. But first use them toclimb the mushroom with the crystal. Another green creature is hidden below, on the side of the mushroom. Doopy never opened the secret staircase, so just take one of the boxes in the garage and place it over the ledge. Jump up to continue. Notice that there is another hidden creature above. Go ahead, kill three mushrooms and open the flower to the left. Jump onto the ledge with the crystal and break it. Keep moving, climb up with the help of a mushroom that can be moved with a new tool. Defeat several opponents that will appear against the wall. A green creature is hidden in one of the holes in the wall. Next will be a puzzle. You must use concrete blocks. There are three blocks. One is inserted into the hole, the other is lying next to the wall, and the third is held by mushrooms. Smash the mushrooms. Insert the block into the lower niche, the second block should be in the niche slightly higher. Jump on the first, then on the second. Press against the wall and place the first block sideways on the second one where the character stands. Install the third block into the top hole and with the help of the second climb up. [caption id="attachment_7747" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Trover Saves the Universe Walkthrough Trover Saves the Universe: Walkthrough [/caption] Go to the shop upgrades. Kill all the mushrooms on the side to get a new improvement. Now the main character can roll. Press the Shift key to do this. Break the crystal on a hill nearby, move to it from another ledge. Then use a roll to get through the hole in the wall. [adinserter block="5"] In the yard, kill all enemies. The gate blocks the way forward, so you need to get to two enemies above them. There is one block nearby, the other you can find behind the wall to the left of the gate. There you can roll through a small hole. The third block is in another part of the yard (mushrooms are holding. There is still a flower that you need to uncover in order to jump onto the wall with a block. Line up two long blocks. Use the cube to get on them, then lift the cube up and jump onto the wall. Kill two enemies. The gate is now open. [caption id="attachment_7748" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Trover Saves the Universe Walkthrough Trover Saves the Universe: Walkthrough [/caption] Go forward. There are three green creatures on the courtyard (one under the head of a tall red mushroom). Defeat the enemies around the bowl. Kill new enemies, lure them to the bowl. If they don't go, then move the bowl. At the end, there will be a purple enemy with a shield. Just jump over it and beat it from behind. Kill two more of these opponents, and then take the bowl and return to the telepod. On the way, you will meet a familiar woman in a wheelchair. She will ask to return the boxes back to her old garage. Go there, do it and get a green creature. However, if you are tired of it, you can push it into a ravine. There are mushrooms near the telepod, which you can lower or raise to get to the crystal with the creature. Do this if you wish. Return to the telepod and download all the collected creatures. After that, answer the boss's call.

    Voodoo person

    [caption id="attachment_7749" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Trover Saves the Universe Walkthrough Trover Saves the Universe: Walkthrough [/caption] Move to a new planet and chat with a strange creature. Place the pot right in front of the creature and listen to it. Then go by telepod to the Vanilla Village . [adinserter block="6"]

    Vanilla Village

    You can immediately go back to Voodoo and say that no one was killed. In this case, this level can be omitted. Take the pot and fly away. If you decide to help, then read this chapter. Kill all the villagers, collect 10 green creatures and go back to Voodoo. Talk to him and take the pot. Return to the shelter. Glorcon will stop you. Talk to him, try to solve the puzzle with a bomb, but nothing will come of it. However, Trover will simply push the bomb into the portal.

    Abstainer's Sanctum

    Get to the shelter and chat with huge creatures. Insert the four crystals in the eyes of any of them. Hold down the RMB; aim at the eye and release. When all four are installed, you will be sent in search of another four. Return to the telepod and chat with the boss.

    flash world

    When you will arrive at the planet, defeat your enemies and find nearby green creatures and a crystal. Go to the shop seller upgrades and get a new improvement. You can now apply a strong blow from below by pressing F. Use this to knock strange creatures out of the holes to the left of the merchant. Then press RMB, aim at the target and release RMB. Shells will smash targets. Behind one of them is a green creature. Destroy the crystal at the top to get another one. Finally, if you destroy all the targets third, the seller will give you a green creature. Next, use the same technique to destroy the castle on a huge gate. [caption id="attachment_7750" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Trover Saves the Universe Walkthrough Trover Saves the Universe: Walkthrough [/caption] There is another creature behind the gate to the right. Chat with the character in the center of the yard. You need to open the gate on the left. Jump onto the ledge to the right of them. Hit the hole so that the projectile appears, hold the RMB and use Trover on the square button. Slime will disappear, and behind it you will see the lock. Shoot and follow on. [adinserter block="7"] There will be several cells with prisoners. Walk past them and exit to the acid lake. You cannot cross it, so go back to the cameras and stop in the center. A monitor should appear and you will see old friend. Listen to him. Now you have a long battle. Kill absolutely everyone until the first boss appears. Use the shells in the holes (knock them out with the F key) to throw at the boss. After three hits his armor will be completely destroyed. Attack as usual. Do the same with the second boss. Then throw projectiles into cubes, from which fall green opponents. Do this with all three cubes, including the one on whichis shown the old friend of Trover. You can move around the green lake with the help of three cubes. Along the way, collect green creatures. Climb the hill with the portal by placing two cubes on top of each other. Set one of the cubes on the button and move to the portal in front. Enter the cave with the first crystal babe. He will be caught by a worm. Knock out gold teeth and throw them into the monster that will crawl out of the holes. In the end, you destroy it and get a crystal baby. There is also a green creature in the hole to the left. [caption id="attachment_7751" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Trover Saves the Universe Walkthrough Trover Saves the Universe: Walkthrough [/caption] Go back to the square where you fought your enemies. Shoot down the cube and place it on the green button at the back pass. A wall will open at the top. Use the cube, climb up, re-install it on the button and Trover will be able to hit the green lever. Return to the shop with an old friend of Trover. Kill any opponents with teeth. Go to the aisle in the far part of the location. There will be two cubes with the same character. Shoot them down with a projectile. Place one cube on the button to the right. The mucus will become thinner, but this is not enough. Knock the projectile out of the pit and hold RMB. While holding the projectile, jump up with the springboard to the left of the gate and hit the green button on the wall. If you do not reach, then use the second cube. the mucus will completely disappear, and you can throw a shell at the castle. [adinserter block="4"] Go ahead, kill the enemies and see a huge man sitting at the entrance to the cave with the inscription "Crystal Baby". You need to get him out of the way. First, throw a shell into the green lever to the left of the person sitting. A yellow pill will fly out of the hole. Throw it in the fat man's face. He will ask for a blue pill. Look to the right and see a blue lever that is protected by green teeth. Go to the beginning of the location and look at the sign WILD. There is a closed passage to the right of it, and above - a large lever. Throw a projectile at him, then climb up use thespringboard and go inside the secret corridor. [caption id="attachment_7752" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Trover Saves the Universe Walkthrough Trover Saves the Universe: Walkthrough [/caption] It will lead you to the golden tooth, which can be thrown at the blue lever. By doing so, grab the blue pill and throw in the fat man. Go down and listen to his new request. Throw the usual projectile from the hole, which you use in any other cases. The fat man will become even bigger, and then he will ask you to climb onto the rock (the portal that was red is activated). Do this by activating the portal, then go down and hit the green lever so that the pills appear. Choose the one that the fat man asks for. Repeat the process until it bursts. You get a crystal baby. Destroy the next cube and install it on the button. Enter the cave and go to the hole on the right. Trover will fall into the trap. Throw the skull in the green levers. When all of them are activated, Trover will be released. Move to the portal on the right and find the prisoner. There is a green creature on the left. Go back to the telepod, reset the green creatures, and answer the boss's call. Visit the refuge and insert the crystal babies into the eyes of the last creature. Return to the telepod and answer the next call.

    Weird earth

    Move to a new place and chat with George in the bathroom. [caption id="attachment_7753" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Trover Saves the Universe Walkthrough Trover Saves the Universe: Walkthrough [/caption]

    tech world

    Navigate to the new world. Activate the button in the telepod. Go ahead, defeat all opponents and jump up the gears. Above, jump to the right side until you meet new enemies. Understand them and activate the closest portal. [adinserter block="5"] Get to the console and release the two crystal babies. They will fall down. Go back to face the main villain. Wait for the pink Trover to appear. When he leaves, run to the portal and find a new telepod. Enter it. Accept the incoming call from the boss. Go to the boss shelter. When you find yourself in a new place, turn the guy hanging in the loop and take the bomb from the back. Enter the telepod and follow the new world. [caption id="attachment_7754" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Trover Saves the Universe Walkthrough Trover Saves the Universe: Walkthrough [/caption]

    mixed world

    Go outside and go left behind the green creature. Move the only route, kill enemies. Always stop, look around, especially back. So you can find the rest of the green creatures. Get to the place with the three green levers. Run to them and hit on each. Kill all opponents. Jump into a huge mouth to move to the next portal. There are arrows left and right on the high ledges. Green cubes will jump from below. Beat on these cubes, and then have time to grab their right click and throw at the shooters. Kill both shooters to activate the portal. [caption id="attachment_7755" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Trover Saves the Universe Walkthrough Trover Saves the Universe: Walkthrough [/caption] Soon you will reach the cave with the dead fellow of Trover. go inside; use one of the jumping babes to break the crystal on the left. Climb up the hill and move left. On the way, destroy the roots holding the stone. Jump onto the ledge on the left, where there is another stone with roots. When you destroy them, and then put both stones on top of each other on the left side of the screen. Jump to the top, move to the right and use the roll on Shift. Jump from springboards to the next portal. Get to the location of the bomb, defeat the enemies and move it inside. Come back, jump on the rotating gears. Kill all enemies on the way and launch the telepod. Wait for the explosion, and then answer the incoming call from the boss. [adinserter block="6"]

    Glorkon's Base

    [caption id="attachment_7756" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Trover Saves the Universe Walkthrough Trover Saves the Universe: Walkthrough[/caption] Upon arrival, wait for the metal ball to fall. Throw it at a sparkling target, then at a medium, and then at the right. Go ahead, kill all the enemies and follow the corridor to the left. A new metal ball will appear here. Throw it at a sparkling target, then - to the right, after - even more to the right. The fourth target is located on the ceiling. Get to Glorcon . Fight his teammates until the generators on the right and left stop sparkling. Throw weapons at them that fall out of more powerful enemies. When both generators are destroyed, Glorcon will run away. Finish the remaining enemies and follow him. [caption id="attachment_7757" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Trover Saves the Universe Walkthrough Trover Saves the Universe: Walkthrough [/caption] In the second hall, continue to fight enemies until a metal ball appears. After that, shoot the ball at the charged target, and then connect it with all the others to destroy the protection of the generators. Do this with targets on the left and right, and then throw a ball or any enemy weapon into the generator. The same ball can be used to kill opponents. When both generators are destroyed, Glorcon will run away again. Finish the remaining opponents and follow him. [caption id="attachment_7758" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]p-content/uploads/2019/06/Trover-Win64-Shipping-2019-06-10-12-47-15-379-1024x576.jpg" alt="Trover Saves the Universe Walkthrough" width="1024" height ="576" /> Trover Saves the Universe: Walkthrough [/caption] When Glorcon shut up, beat him by Trover and pull the dogs out of his eyes. Do this with both dogs. Kill the enemies and wait for the ball to appear Throw him at a sparkling target, but Glorcon will tear Trover. Use his head instead of a ball to connect all the targets with electricity, including the one that holds the crystal baby. When this happens, throw Thver's body at Glorcon to distract him , and then throw two crystal babies into the monster's eyes.[adinserter block="7"] [caption id="attachment_7759" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Trover Saves the Universe Walkthrough Trover Saves the Universe: Walkthrough [/caption]


    Defeat Glorcon , you will be at home. Wait for the TV to turn off, and then open the door for Trover. Go outside to the boss. Turn around and see another green creature. Go ahead and be able to chat with all the familiar characters, and also collect 9 more green creatures. After that, enter the telepod, which will send you to the main menu. [caption id="attachment_7760" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Trover Saves the Universe: Walkthrough Trover Saves the Universe: Walkthrough [/caption]

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