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ShowGamer.comValorant: character and ability guide

Valorant: character and ability guide

We talk about all the agents from the new shooter from Riot Games

Valorant is a tactical first-person shooter with mechanics that are like a mixture of CS:GO and Overwatch . There are ten different operatives in the game, which differ in unique abilities and their own ultimate. The ability to shoot is an important skill to win the game, but in addition to this, you also need to be able to handle the skills of a particular character. In this guide, we will describe each class and explain all the special skills of agents.

All heroes have four abilities: one of them is a "class" one, which is restored by itself. You can purchase two more in the game store. And the last ability is the ultimate, which can be charged by collecting spheres and killing enemies.

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List of agents

Agents are divided into four classes:

  • Specialists are soNts master the threats on the ground to ensure victory for their team.
  • Sentinels are defensive experts, capable of providing protection to areas of the battlefield and flanks both defensively and offensively.
  • Duelists are self-sufficient assassins that teammates expect high performance and aggressive play from. Their skills and abilities help them to succeed in this.
  • Instigators - these operatives work out dangerous corners, thus preparing for the capture of territories by their team and pushing back the defenders.


How to play Brimstone

This agent has a special gadget on his arm. With this gadget, Brimstone can summon smoke screens as well as kill enemies in the marked area. In addition, he has other abilities.

How to play Brimstone
  • Incendiary grenade . The operative selects an incendiary ?A launcher that can be used in line of sight. After throwing a grenade, a fire remains on the ground for some time, which sets fire to all enemies that fall into the area of effect.
  • Heavenly smoke. When activated, a tactical map with the nearest terrain opens in front of you. You can summon up to three smoke clouds and block the enemy's view in a given area. Up to three smoke clouds can be used in one round.
  • Beacon-stimulator. The hero throws a small beacon forward, which increases the rate of fire of all allies in its area of effect. Up to two beacons can be used in one round.
  • Orbital strike. A tactical map opens up in front of you. You can select any location on the map to launch an air strike. All players within the impact area will die.


How to play Cypher

Cypher is an "observer" who monitors every movement of not only enemy fighters, but also his own. Not a single maneuver will go unnoticed by this hero - Cypher will see everything.

How to play Cypher
  • Cybercell . drop this item anywhere, then activate as needed. From the moment of activation, the cage limits the view of enemies (a kind of smoke), and also slows down opponents.
  • camera . Cypher throws the camera to any convenient place on the map, then, by pressing a key, activates it and can conduct surveillance on the ground. If an enemy appears in the line of sight, the agent can "mark" him with a dart. For some time after that, Cypher will be able to track the movement of the marked player.
  • Stretching . Install the stretch in any opening. An enemy that hits it will give out its location and will be highlighted on the map and on the Cypher screen for a few more seconds.
  • Neurotheft. Find any enemy corpse and activate your ultimate on it. At this point, on the map you will see the location of all living enemies.


How to play as Jett

Thanks to his skills, the agent has with?A peculiar style of battle: she is very dexterous, able to get out of the danger zone in an instant and overtake the enemy.

How to play as Jett
  • Rise . When activated, Jett flies into the air. With this skill, you can climb high obstacles.
  • Tailwind . By analogy with the previous skill, the agent disappears from his place with lightning speed, making a dash in the chosen direction. If you stand still, then Jett will make a leap forward.
  • Vortex . An analogue of smoke that blocks the view of enemies. Not endowed with other effects.
  • Bladestorm . Jett is armed with a set of precision throwing daggers that reload even after the elimination of the enemy.


How to play Omen

This operative can teleport around the location, both in the line-of-sight zone and to the point you need. With proper use, Omen will become a very serious enemy.

How to play Omen
  • Paranoia . The agent releases a black veil in front of him, which blinds all enemies in the area of effect for a few seconds. Passes through walls.
  • Dark cover . Smoke analogue. Use to retreat or attack the enemy.
  • hidden step . Allows the operator to teleport in line of sight.
  • From the shadow . Allows the agent to teleport to any point on the map.


How to play Phoenix

The only hero who can create his own clone. In addition, Phoenix has other combat skills.

How to play Phoenix
  • Twisted feed . Throws an illuminating orb that, after detonating, blinds all enemies in line of sight for a few seconds.
  • hot hands . An analogue of the "Incendiary Grenade" from BRIMSTONE, only instead of a weapon, Phoenix throws a fireball with his hand. After the explosion, the ground in the radius of the ball continues to burn.
  • Hell . Creates a wall of fire that blocks the view of all players and injures enemies passing through it.
  • Return . This ability allows you to create a clone. The location is recorded upon activation, and when the backup dies, the Phoenix will reappear in the same location with full health.


How to play Sage

This guard is in some way a "medic" for his team. He can restore his health, the health of his teammates, and also resurrect dead allies.

How to play Sage
  • Sphere of deceleration. The agent releases a sphere that creates a small amount of ice upon landing. All players (allied and enemy) are slowed down when walking on such ice.
  • area of treatment. When activated?? spheres Sage can heal himself and nearby teammates.
  • Barrier sphere. The agent creates a long line-of-sight barrier.
  • Resurrection. Guardian resurrects one dead teammate.


How to play Owl

Owl tracks, finds and destroys enemies with ruthless efficiency and accuracy. This hero has a special bow and unique intelligence abilities with which the agent will find any enemy.

How to play Owl
  • Shock Arrow. The Operator fires an arrow that, upon landing, electrocutes all enemies in the area, draining a large amount of HP.
  • Reconnaissance. Attach such an arrow to the desired location to find out about the location of enemies in this area. If there are opponents within the range of the arrow, then the whole team will see them.
  • Drone Owl. Cipher has an analogue of the “Camera”, but only in this case, the Owl releases a drone and cangovern them. Just like Cypher's camera, Owl Drone can fire a tracking dart.
  • Wrath of the Hunter. If you know the exact location of the enemy, then select this ultimate and fire a few shots in a given direction. Arrows will fly through the walls and destroy all who stand in the way.


How to play Breach

How to play Breach
  • Blinding charge. An analogue of the "Paranoia" ability of the Omen agent. Fires a blinding projectile that can travel through walls and blinds all enemies upon reaching the target.
  • Crack. Causes a seismic explosion that deals damage to all enemies in the area.
  • Punching blow. Activates a nuclear explosion through the wall. The charge deals massive damage.
  • Thunder Strike. The hero selects a seismic charge, then launches it in front of him. Any enemy agent caught in the wave's area of effect will be temporarily stunned and also knock upup in the air.


How to play Raze

Unlike other agents, Raze loves grenades and explosions. Lots of explosions. That is why she has a whole arsenal of grenades and various explosives.

How to play Raze
  • Explosive backpack. When activated, it immediately throws an explosive pack in front of it, which attaches to any surface. The satchel explodes, knocking enemies back and dealing good damage to them.
  • Cassette grenade. The agent chooses a cluster grenade, which, after the first explosion, shatters into small exploding pieces. If the enemy is within the radius of destruction, then the first explosion will not kill him, but the subsequent ones will definitely finish him off.
  • Bombtron . Launches a small drone that follows forward and bounces off walls. If it spots an enemy, it will follow the target and explode upon reaching it, dealing massive damage.
  • We extinguish the candles! Raze activates a rocket launcher that can kill any enemy in range?? explosion.


How to play Viper

Truly one of the hardest heroes in the game. Like the others, this agent has special skills, as well as a scale for filling acid. If you do not follow this scale, then all skills will be useless.

How to play Viper
  • Poison Cloud . Viper sprays a poisonous cloud of gas around him, which remains until the end of the round. The atomizer can be moved, but you will spend an acid gauge.
  • Toxic Veil . Creates a wall of toxic gas, blocking the view of enemies.
  • Serpent bite . Viper launches an acid pod that shatters on impact and leaves a toxic puddle on the ground. If there are enemies in the area, they are slowed down and take some damage.
  • Viper's Nest . Similar to Toxic Cloud, the agent sprays a cloud of poisonous chemicals around him that damages anyone who enters it. All enemies within the cloud's area of effectlose vision and maximum health.