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All Metro Exodus Achievements: Sam's Story

    Let's take a look at the steps you need to complete in order to collect all the achievements in the Metro Exodus: Sam's Story DLC.

    Rigid principles (A Man of Principle)

    Complete SAM'S STORY with the Captain's full approval.

    To get the full approval of the Captain, which he will personally tell you about at the end of the chapter, do the following:

    1. Lower your weapon at the first encounter.
    2. Help the Captain lift the log in the multistory building when you save him from the mutants.
    3. Give the Captain the canned food when he pours the moonshine.
    4. Help the Captain set up all the traps in his hideout.
    5. Search the island near the fire station. There will be corpses of sailors. Find all three, including the XO's body on top of the cistern.
    6. Blow up the submarine at the end of the game.

    Cinema fan

    Arrange a screening of a documentary in the SAM'S STORY chapter.

    Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.

    When you get to the cinema, you will find a projector on the second floor. Take the film out of it. Go to the back of the second floor, into the corridor with two rooms. One of them has a cabinet with video cassettes. Search him. Sam will find the right entry. Return to the projector and play this video.


    Visit all Nightstalkers caches in SAM'S STORY.

    During the passage of the game, you must navigate the detector. Find all the items marked with a green marker!

    Weapon Baron

    Collect all mods for the Sammy Rifle and Stallion Pistol in SAM'S STORY.

    As you travel through locations, keep an eye on the detector. It will squeak if there are useful items nearby. They are marked in green. In our walkthrough of the game, we indicated each such place. Often these are the caches of the Night Hunters, which are not so easy to get into. If you can't get to any "green marker", ask about it in the comments below.

    List of all modifications for the machine "Sammy":

    1. Barrel 1. On a rifle in the "Dolphin" cache. In the building with the pool, you need to jump down onto the boards, duck down and go up the stairs through the flooded room.
    2. Clip 1. In the same place as point 1.
    3. Barrel 2, semi-automatic system. In the bandit building behind the field with traps. After this field, you will climb up the rope ladder. Go forward and on the right there will be a room with a modification.
    4. Butt 1. Visit old?? police building across the river from Tom's scouts.
    5. Clip 2. On the same weapon as the modification from point 4.
    6. Stock 2. In the room with the workbench on the submarine. In the very last chapter, when Tom asks you to help with Klim's rebellion. The rifle is in a dark corner.

    List of all modifications for the Stallion pistol:

    1. Handle 1. In the high-rise building where the Captain is hiding (next to the cinema). There is a red door on the third floor. Go around it through the adjacent room and balconies, knock out the closet and get into the room with seamings. The pistol with the modification is under the pillow on the bed.
    2. Barrel 1. In the same place as point 1.
    3. Sight 1. Similar to the previous paragraphs.
    4. Handle 2. In a cache at the base of the bandits behind the minefield. The second building has a closed door and three switches on the left. Turn right, left and middle to get to the stash.
    5. Barrel 2. In the same cache as point 4.
    6. Scope 2. In the same cache as point 4.
    7. Clip 1. In the same cache as point 4.
    8. Laser sight. In the same cache as point 4.
    9. Clip 2. In the back room of the large mutant lair, southeast of Tom's scouts. You can go to the long building on the bridge or swim across the river in a boat.

    music lover

    Collect all harmonica melodies in SAM'S STORY chapter.

    Read our guide, which shows the location of all ringtones.

    Last Hero

    Complete SAM'S STORY chapter.

    Complete the game on any difficulty.


    Load all five traps in SAM'S STORY at the Captain's request.

    After Sam and the Captain sleep off, the latter will ask you to set up five traps. Go down the multi-storey building and set traps where the "white crosses" are. To get out of the building, you will definitely have to go past these positions.


    Complete the SAM'S STORY chapter on NORMAL difficulty or higher without dying in any fights with fruit bats.

    Everything is clear here. The first time you will encounter the Batwing is at the very beginning of the game, after meeting with the Captain. The second time you will be at war with him in a junkyard with cars. Apparently, the boss you fight after the fire station is also from the Batwing family. To understand where he will jump out, watch the dust rising above the bushes. If you hear the sounds of wings, then the fruit bat will not run out: a flock of bats will attack you.

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