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All choices, decisions and consequences in Cyberpunk 2077

    Cyberpunk 2077 is full of choices and their consequences. We've covered every option, so read our guide carefully to make the right decision for every situation.

    Cyberpunk 2077: Street Child's Past - All Decisions and Consequences


    When you start talking to Kirk, you will have several options.

    • Not sure if I can make it work

    Let Kirk know you're not a thief, and it won't be easy to steal something like that. Kirk says it's easy and he will pay off Pepe's debt and pay you if you complete the task.

    • Will I fulfill and the debt will be repaid?

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    Kirk says yes

    • Agreement

    Kirk will say he's glad to hear it. He will say that V has always been smart. Then you can go on a mission.

    Sixth street soldier

    When you're in the car with the Padre, a Sixth Street soldier will stop her. The ignoramus will start to be rude. You can speak up if you like, or let him continue.

    • Do you know who you're talking to?

    The soldier will say that you need to be on your guard. And you will receive a card from the Padres.

    • Nothing to do.

    The padre will make a counteroffer to the man. The padre will inform the man that his mother will wake up alive and well in the morning if the soldier leaves. Either way, the soldier will threaten V and the Padre. You will still get the Padre's contact.

    Car theft

    When trying to steal cars?? Jackie jumps out and puts a gun to V's head.

    • [Leave].

    You will try to leave, but the car will not budge. Then the cops show up.

    • Calmly...

    You agree to go out, but the cops will show up anyway.

    After that, there are some quick options, but they don't matter, so choose what you like.

    Conversation with Jackie after the police left

    • Stints wouldn't do that.

    You say Stint won't do it, but Jackie isn't sure about that.

    • Me too.

    You agree with Jackie and continue to chat.

    There are other options.

    • Very unlikely.

    You say no. You would never have left in a car.

    • It is my fault.

    You say no, it was your own fault. You think the technology you used worked.

    • What are we now, friends?

    Everything is fine. You two are going to have lunch.

    • Sharpened ?

    Jackie says you guys should go eat his mom's chili because he's the best in town. You two go out to eat.

    Cyberpunk 2077: The Nomad Past - Choices and Consequences

    The conversation with the sheriff at the very beginning does not matter much. Say what you want.

    Border crossing

    • Everything is fine?
    • I know the rules

    The choice has no value. Either way, you will be attacked.

    He then asks what clan V is in:

    • It does not concern you.
    • I don't work for one clan.

    Doesn't matter. after crossing the border, you will still be attacked by lawmen.

    Talking to Jackie in the garage

    • You will pay me for the transportation.
    • Just get the job done.

    Doesn't matter.

    After that, you will have another choice.

    • Will you fix my car

    You need money, and then you and Jackie will split up.

    • I could ask you the same question

    You tell him to stop whining and Jackie admits he doesn't have any money right now.

    • You fooled me

    Jackie just laughs it off and apologizes for the deception.

    • Thanks for being honest

    V tells him that he is happy with the truth.

    He then asks what V is going to do in Night City:

    • Do not know yet

    You acknowledge that you have no plans at the moment. Jackie says she'll help you find a place to stay.

    • What's the matter?

    Jackie offers to make friends and work together.

    After that, you will have a couple more options.

    • Thank you

    You thank Jackie and go to Night City.

    • I do not need help

    you thsay you don't need help. Jackie says that it's stupid of V to miss out on such a great opportunity to settle down in Night City.

    Cyberpunk 2077: Past "Corporat" - all decisions and consequences

    The first choice doesn't matter. Choose what you want.

    Conversation with Frank

    A guy to talk to on the way to Jenkins.

    • I remember you. How are you?

    You ask Frank how he's doing. He says he's fine, and then you can use a few more options if you want.

    • I'm in hurry.

    You apologize and say you have to go. Frank understands.

    When talking to Jenkins

    • How long have you been working together?

    He says a long time ago.

    • It's not the first time she's been setting you up.

    You remind him that this isn't the first time he's been set up. He acknowledges this.

    Then he asks what would you do if you were him.

    • You need to defend yourself.

    You tell him to defend himself and he agrees. Then he gives the task.

    • What are you going to do here?

    You remind him that there are people who run Night City and it's useless to fight them.


    Enter the office and talk to a man named Harry.

    • Is it related to Frankfurt?
    • I have no time at the moment.

    Doesn't matter. Next choice:

    • We take out.
    • Let it work.

    In the first case, you will save the agent.

    Life coach

    Everything is wonderful

    You tell him that everything is fine. He will then tell you what you think of the last session and summarize.

    Everything is fine

    He advises you to remember the past session and do relaxation exercises.


    • I thought you wouldn't refuse.

    Jackie says it's not his style.

    • I need someone who can be trusted.

    After that, you can choose whether to relax with Jackie or not.

    • [Say a toast] Well, we will.

    You have a drink with Jackie and continue the conversation.

    • No thanks

    You say you don't drink, but Jackie knocks back the glass anyway.

    After drinking alcohol, Jackie will say that you are losing your soul because of this work.

    • Such are the rules of the game.

    Jackie will say that you are already high.

    • Do you think I have a choice?

    Agent Arasaka

    The guys will drive up while you chat with Jackie.

    • Who are you anyway?

    The agent doesn't answer and he hacks V's body.

    • It does not concern you.

    You say no, and they hack into your systems and basically fire you from the corporation.

    At the end you chat with Jackie.

    • I don't have anything else.

    Do you tell him that sweat?You took everything you had. Jackie reminds you that you still have money.

    • Do I have a friend?

    You're joking, but Jackie is talking about the loot the boss gave you.

    Cyberpunk 2077: Main Story - All Decisions and Consequences

    Variants with ripper Vic

    Ripper will give V a free upgrade. You need to decide something with money.

    • I will pay when the job is done

    Doc says this is the last time, but he will fix you.

    • Pay him 21000 right now

    I can't tell you anything, since this is the beginning of the game, I didn't even have that amount.

    • Like at the dentist

    You will say that the procedure is similar to a visit to the dentist.

    • Nothing

    V will say that he does not feel anything. Doc says he needs to check something just in case.

    Choice with Dex DeShawn

    When you get into Dex's car, you will have several options.

    • How will you be remembered

    You say price doesn't matter. It's important to be remembered. Dexter says that he expected such an answer.

    • Surviving in Night City is unrealistic

    You say anyone will die in Night City someday.

    • Is this some kind of test?

    You wonder why Dex asks such questions.

    When corporations are mentioned that needto hit the biochip, you will be able to choose two options.

    • Never

    You say corporations don't deserve respect, and Dex is glad to hear it.

    • It's a death sentence

    You say it's suicide. This territory belongs to a powerful group and is dangerous. Dex says high risk means high reward.

    Maelström or informer

    The choice is yours, but I recommend meeting with Meredith Stout, and after that go to All Foods for the quest "Crash into the Maelstrom".

    Finding Evelyn

    When you talk to the bartender, he will ask you for your name.

    • In and

    You say you are Vee and you have a date with her. Soon a woman will come. She introduces herself as Evelyn Parker and offers to drink.

    • Answer the question

    V does not say the name, but asks to answer the question. The bartender will send you out, but Evelyn will show up anyway.

    • good tips

    You will promise him a good tip if you get answers. The bartender thanks, but says he's being paid to keep quiet.

    When Evelyn arrives.

    • Why didn't you come over earlier?

    She says she wanted to take a good look at you first.

    • Drink

    You drink tequila and she says you shouldn't be in a hurry. She is interested in you. Then two more options will appear.

    • Let's talk

    Evelyn agrees, but not here.

    • Why did we meet?

    You ask why she wanted to meet here.

    Conversation with Evelyn in a private booth

    When you go to the private room, you can talk to Evelyn in private.

    • We are not buddies.

    Vee will say that he does not work with Dex for long. Evelyn is curious why Dex chose you.

    • Let's get down to business

    Evelyn will talk about the goal. She wants data about the bot, and she tells you where it is stored.

    • I am the best

    You say you are doing a good job.

    • You don't care what Dex thinks

    You say she doesn't care what Dex thinks and you both know it.

    • You can ask her why she became so interested in Dex after

    You ask if she's writing a biography of Dex and admit that you don't know him well. She says she wonders why Dex chose you for this job despite not knowing V well.


    Most of the braindancing choices don't matter, but right before you move on to analyzing the hotel recording, T-Bug will show up.

    • You can trust her

    You say that T-Bug is a professional and you need her help. Judy doesn't like this, but Evelyn reassures her that everything is fine.

    • Relax Judy, everything will be alrightsho

    Judy doesn't like this option. She's mad at you, but Evelyn calms her down.

    • Evelyn ?

    Evelyn tells Judy to trust.

    Evelyn asks to complete the task

    Evelyn wants you to work for her, without middlemen like Dex.

    • I will think about it

    You say throwing Dex is dangerous. Evelyn will say that V will receive 50% of the total amount. Say what you think.

    • I trust Dex

    V refuses.

    • I'm not going to throw Dex

    V also refuses, and it's not about the money. You say you won't betray Dex for money.

    Meeting with Meredith Stout

    Shake her hand and you can get down to business. She will then ask if you are alone.

    • I have reinforcements

    You claim that there are snipers around. But she will detect lies.

    • I am alone

    You admit that you came here yourself, but Stout sends a drone to investigate anyway.

    After she reveals a potential traitor, you will be able to choose one of two options:

    • I don't know him

    You say you don't know him and the informant confirms.

    • Let me go

    Vee asks Meredith Stout to let him go.

    When she decides to listen to V, you can choose an option.

    • Take a chip with money

    Wee beret chip with money. She asks to pay with this card. If you do this, and everything goes according to plan, then in the future the woman will call you.

    • Nothing will happen

    You refuse. Stout will leave, but will say that V made a big mistake.

    Downfall in the Maelström

    You will have three different options if V has a money chip. Otherwise, only two.

    • I doubt everything will go smoothly

    You tell Jackie that everything will surely end in bloodshed.

    • Pay with Militech card

    You tell Jackie that you will cooperate with Militech. But Jackie says you could split the money on the card between you.

    • Pay your 10,000.

    You can offer your money. If you have them, of course.

    To smoke in the Maelström shelter or not

    Dum-Dum will offer to drag on a joint. If you do, you will gain temporary damage resistance.

    • I do not smoke

    Dum Dum calls you a princess, but generally won't mind.

    • take a puff

    You smoke weed, Dum-Dum is happy.

    Royce puts a gun to your face

    You will have two options when they put a gun to your face.

    • Do you think I'll pay twice?

    Royce says yes, V will pay twice.

    • Let's make a new deal

    You offer a deal and are willing to pay again. Then it comes down to reciprocity.

    • Give the Militech chip (do not say anything)

    You give him the card and he checks it. Turns out there's a virus inside. Royce takes damage. A fight breaks out.

    • Give a Militech chip with a virus

    With any past, you will know that there is a virus on the map. But if you are a corporate, you can directly tell Royce that the Militech virus is on the card with money. He will clear the card and take the money. You will receive "Bolt". Militech and Meredith Stout will be unhappy, but will let you leave.

    • How about a discount?

    Roy doesn't like this. He will ask who sent you. Then you can hit him or get a gun. The third option is to do nothing.

    • Pay your money

    If you pay your 10,000, you will get a bot and you can freely leave the building. Militech and Meredith will be unhappy, but V will keep the bot.

    Saving Brick

    When you try to escape from All Foods, you will see a small green icon on the map in one of the side rooms. This is the captive Brik. There is a detonator next to the door where Brick is being held. There are two options:

    • Blow up charge

    If you decide to detonate the charge, Brick will die.

    • defuse

    If you defuse an item and then enterthose into Brick's cell, breaking the keyboard, you will save the man. He will be grateful and promises to cover for V later.

    Dex asks about Evelyn

    If you say that Evelyn wanted to dump Dex and share everything equally, he will be grateful and increase your share to 40%.

    Trading with Dex

    In the room with Dex and T-Bug, Jackie will ask for more money. If you agree with him, the share will be increased to 35% (provided that it is not already increased to 40%).

    Where to send Jackie's body

    After the mission at the hotel, you will have a choice.

    • Wait for me here

    You tell Delamain to wait for you so Jackie's body stays in the car. But you still won't be able to return, so Jackie's body will be sent to his home.

    • family

    You tell "Delamaine" to take the body to the family. Then Mother Wells will invite you to the funeral (after you come to life).

    • Vika

    You tell the driver to leave Jackie's body with Vic. Mom Wells will be very upset because she has no body, there will be no funeral. Vic will then say that Arasaka took the body but doesn't know where. You will later learn that Arasaka created Jackie's engram.

    Whom to choose in the Clouds

    When you get to the Clouds, you will have to choose a partner. Know that all dolls and prostitutes in the game are bisexual, which means you can sleep with any character regardless of the current one??about the floor of V. So the choice doesn't matter here.

    When you name the safe word, you can ask for Evelyn. Any options lead to the fact that you have to look further, interrogate Tom and get to Woodman. But you can choose the following phrase:

    • I will pay for information

    You pay 900 Eurodollars and get information about Evelyn.

    Conversation with Woodman

    You can try to do without a fight, but if you fight Woodman, you can get an epic rifle. And to get information without a fight, try to say that you will get it anyway. He'll get bored and she'll tell. Otherwise, look for information in Woodman's computer.

    Johnny asks for a smoke

    This is important to him, and so you can improve relations with Johnny (raise them a little).

    Conversation with Mitch and Scorpio

    During the other main mission, you will be chatting with two men named Mitch and Scorpio. After the entry, you can try to persuade them to help you and Panama. If you decide to go after Nash, whom Panam wants to finish off, he will drop a legendary rifle called the Widow Maker . This path will also lead to the opportunity to have a drink with Panam and try to lure her into bed. If your character is male. But in any case, nothing will come of it.

    Mitch is hostage

    When Mitch is taken hostage, you have several options. Independent?? From what choice you make, everything will end the same way: the pilot will die without having time to share the necessary information.

    What to do with an agent

    After dealing with the Animals in the mall, you will meet a Netwatch agent who will offer a deal.

    • Give me one good reason why I shouldn't turn you in

    Wakako's name will be mentioned.

    • Who are you

    He introduces himself and says that he is a special agent. Then he says his pockets are much deeper than the Voodooists.

    • Disable an agent

    You knock out the agent and connect to him. This leads to overheating and death of the agent. The voodooists really betrayed V.

    All choices, decisions and consequences of side quests in Cyberpunk 2077

    Woman from La Mancha

    This side quest involves a police officer who can be killed or persuaded to leave.

    • Here to warn you

    You tell Anna that it would be a good idea to drop the investigation.

    • I can tell you who got the job

    You must fight Anna and kill her.

    • Yes it was a threat

    Again you have to fight with Anna.

    • I just want to help

    You try to dissuade her and that leads to more options.

    • It does not matter

    She is a govyells that this is so, and gets upset.

    • Your cop buddies

    She says she knew this and agrees to drop the investigation and leave.

    • What's next?

    She pushes you away and says everything to annoy you.

    • Give thanks

    Anna says that you are no different from the people who sent you to her, but she is alive.

    Hero item selection

    If you delivered Jackie to his mother, you can choose an item to bury him. Choose what you want. The belt seems to be in bad taste so I wouldn't do it. We have chosen a book to write.

    misty come or stay

    Misty and Mom Wells are on bad terms, but you can still convince her to show up. If she comes, tell Wells' mom to have dinner with Misty so she can sort things out. If you don't care, you can tell Misty to stay away.

    Charles' Choice

    Charles is a Ripperdoc that you will encounter after performing at the last concert.

    • I believe you

    He lies, but this will quickly get you out of the mission and give you access to him as a Ripperdoc.

    • You're lying

    He says you are right not to believe him and will offer you a discount. If you don't take advantage of the discount, he'll run away.

    • I read your mail

    To take advantage of this opportunity, you need to read the mail on know??beech at the bottom. You can use this to get a discount on Ripperdoc updates, which I recommend.

    All materials on are protected by copyright. Partial copying is permitted with an open (for search engines) link. ShowGamer (2015)