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Hearts of Iron 4 Cheats - Guide (HoI 4 Cheats)

List of current cheats and codes for Hearts of Iron 4, how to activate the console line, how to use console commands in Hearts of Iron 4
Hearts of Iron 4 Cheats - Guide (HoI 4 Cheats)
Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
24 November 2021

HoI 4 codes - cheat codes for the game

And so, console commands do not work in online sessions. This is done so that there are no advantages for the players.

Let's just say that not all console commands work on the regular version. To
To use the entire pack of console commands, we need to do a couple of things:

  1. Go to - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Hearts of Iron IV (usually here).
  2. Then, in this folder, look for hoi4.exe.
  3. Next, right-click on hoi4.exe - Send to → Desktop / Create Shortcut.
  4. On the desktop, right click on the shortcut → Properties → Shortcut → Object.
  5. In "Object", at the end of the line we write -debug . The most important thing is not to remove anything superfluous.

Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.

If you did everything right, you can click on the shortcut (not through Steam), the game will open for you. In the game you will not have online mode available.

After these shenanigans, you should have two games:

  1. Hearts of Iron IV - Steam version.
  2. HOI4 - Developer Version / Debug Mode.

Next, go into the game, click on (~) and that's it.

Hearts of Iron 4 main console commands

  • instant construction - instant construction.
  • tdebug - find out the tag of any country and other information in detail (just hover over the territory).
  • manpower [number] - adds the specified amount of manpower (if you do not specify the amount, you will be given exactly one million).
  • pp [number] - adds a politicalth power (if you do not specify a number, you will be added 999 each).
  • gain_xp - Adds experience to the chosen leader/general.
  • cp [number] - adds team resources (up to 100 points).
  • st [number] - adds stability (up to 100 points).
  • ws [number] - adds military support (up to 100 points).
  • allowtraits - allows you to assign someone else's traits.
  • fow - disables the fog of war.
  • delall / deleteallunits [country tag] - deletes the troops of the selected state.
  • fronts - visibility of enemy fronts.
  • traderoutes - visibility of trade routes.
  • adiplo / allowdiplo - diplomatic actions are performed regardless of restrictions.
  • ai_accept - other states cannot refuse your wishes.
  • ai_invasion - disables the ability of fleets to perform naval invasions.
  • debug_nuking - allows you to perform atomic attacks.
  • research all - instant study of all research branches.
  • annex [country tag] - annexes the selected country.
  • winwars - increases war points.
  • tag [country tag] - switches control to any country in the world.
  • add_opinion [country tag] [number] - improves relations with any country.
  • add / remove_interest [country tag] - adds / removes the selected country from the list of your interests.
  • add / remove_core [Province ID] - Creates / cancels your country's claim to the specified territory.
  • xp [number] - adds the specified amount of experience to your armies and flotilia.
  • wp [country tag] - allows you to conclude a white peace with the specified state.
  • threat [number] - adds the selected amount of threat to your country (if you do not specify a number, you will be added 999 each).
  • nu [number] - Adds the specified amount of national unity.
  • nuke [number] - adds a nuclear weapon (from 100 to 1000 points).
  • spawn [troop type] [province ID] [number] - spawn troops in the selected province.
  • occupationpaint [country tag] - you occupy the selected state, but you cannot fully own it.
  • setowner [country code] [state id] - sets the realm owner.
  • nocb - allows you to declare war on absolutely any state.
  • setcontroller [country tag] [province id] - Sets country control over the given province.
  • instant_prepare - Allows fleet landings to happen instantly.
  • civilwar [war type] [country tag] - starts a civil war in the specified state (civil war can only be organized - fascism , communism , democratic ).
  • add_party_popularity [ideology] [number] - increases the popularity of any political party - f (fascism), d (democracy), c (communism), n (neutral).
  • set_ruling_party [ideology] - Sets the ruling party in the country.
  • event political.18 - Change your country's ideology to fascism.
  • event political.19 - Establishes communism as the ideology of the state.
  • event political.20 - change the ideology of your country to demokratia.
  • add_autonomy [tag] [number] - allows you to change the autonomy of the subject.
  • pause_in_hours [number] - allows you to skip any number of hours.
  • compliance [number] - change of loyalty in the province.


  • Focus.AutoComplete - national focuses are opened instantly.
  • Focus.NoChecks - Ignores focus requirements.
  • Focus.IgnorePrerequisites - Ignores focus prerequisites.

Additional cheats for Hearts of Iron 4

First of all, I will say that these commands are for people who like to change the game in a way that is aesthetically convenient for them.

  • rendertype - specifies the type of render to use.
  • tweakergui - calls the GUI editor.
  • time - shows the current time.
  • reloadfx [Arguments: map/mapname/postfx or *.fx filename] - reloads shaders.
  • particle_editor - Opens the particle editor.
  • testtool / test is a testing tool.
  • analyzetheatres / anth - search for bugs in theaters of war.
  • massconquer / massc is a mass conquest tool.
  • nopausetext - enable/disable the pause icon to get a nicer screenshot (why not).
  • nomapicons - enable/disable icons on the map.
  • reloadinterface - reload the entire interface.
  • reloadtechnologies - reload technologies database.
  • updateequipments - update equipment database.
  • updatesubunits - updating the database of subunits.
  • reloadoob [country tag] - reload orders of the selected country.
  • update_loc [localization tag] - update location tags for localization files.
  • poll - displays available events.
  • event [event id] [country tag] - starts the selected event.
  • savegame - Saves the game.
  • savecheck - saves the game (Test_01), loads it, makes another save (Test_02). These saves must be identical.
  • ip - Shows your IP address.
  • requestgamestate - Requests the game state of the host.
  • nudge - opens the nudge tool (position editor on the map)
  • mapmode [Mapmode type (int)] - change map mode.
  • fullscreen - enable / disable full screen mode.
  • debug_smooth - enable/disable frame smoothing.
  • debug_nomouse - enable/disable mouse wheel scrolling.
  • debug_terrain - enable/disable terrain.
  • debug_cities - enable / disable the display of cities.
  • debug_water - enable/disable water.
  • cameraclamp - enable/disable camera stabilization.
  • weather - enable/disable weather simulation.
  • browser [url] - Opens a browser window.

State tags

Here are the state tags in Hearts Of Iron 4. If you did not find any state, you can write in the comments, I will add it.

Superscript asterisk (*) - means that you can meet this state during the game. These states appear either from other countries - automatically, or from your decisions.

Main states :

  • France - F.R.A.
  • Third Reich (Germany) - GER / West Germany - WGR / East Germany - DDR
  • Italy-ITA
  • Soviet Union - SOV
  • Japan - ♥♥♥ (it may not be displayed for you, therefore - JAPan. Copy the first three letters).
  • United Kingdom - ENG
  • United States of America - USA

European states :

  • Albania - ALB
  • Austria - US
  • Belgium - BEL
  • Bulgaria - BUL
  • Czechoslovakia - CZE
  • Denmark - DEN
  • Estonia - EST
  • Finland - FIN
  • Greece - G.R.E.
  • Hungary - HUN
  • Ireland - I.R.E.
  • Latvia - LAT
  • Lithuania - LIT
  • Luxembourg - LUX
  • Netherlands-HOL
  • Norway - NOR
  • Poland-POL
  • Portugal - POR
  • Romania - ROM
  • Slovakia* - SLO
  • Spain - SPR
  • Prussia* - PRE
  • Sweden - SWE
  • Switzerland - SWI
  • Türkiye - TUR
  • Yugoslavia - YUG
  • Ukraine* - UKR
  • Catalonia* - CAT
  • Galicia* - GLC
  • Iceland* - ICE
  • Belarus* - BLR

North America and West Indies :

  • Canada - CAN
  • Costa Rica - COS
  • Cuba - CUB
  • Dominican Republic - DOM
  • El Salvador - ELS
  • Guatemala - GUA
  • Haiti-HAI
  • Honduras - HON
  • Mexico - MEX
  • Nicaragua - NIC
  • Panama-PAN

South America :

  • Argentina-ARG
  • Bolivia - BOL
  • Brazil - B.R.A.
  • Chile - CHL
  • Colombia - C.O.L.
  • Ecuador - ECU
  • Paraguay - PAR
  • Peru - PRU
  • Uruguay - URG
  • Venezuela - VEN

Asia :

  • Afghanistan - AFG
  • Bhutan - BHU
  • British India - RAJ
  • Pakistan* - PAK
  • People's Republic of China / Communist China - PRC
  • Guangxi clique - GXC
  • Iraq - IRQ
  • Jordan* - JOR
  • Lebanon* - LEB
  • Mengjiang - MEN
  • Mongolia - MON
  • China-CHI
  • Nepal - NEP
  • Oman - OMA
  • Palestine* - PAL
  • Iran - PER
  • Vietnam* - VIN
  • Republic of Laos* - LAO
  • Republic of Cambodia - CAM
  • Saudi Arabia - SAU
  • Shanxi - SHX
  • Xinjiang - SIK
  • Syria* - SYR
  • Tannu-Tuva - TAN
  • Manchukuo - MAN
  • Tibet-TIB
  • Sibei San Ma - XSM
  • Yemen - YEM
  • Yunnan - Yun
  • Korea* - KOR

Southeast Asia and Oceania :

  • Australia - AST
  • New Zealand - NZL
  • Philippines - PHI
  • Dutch East Indies / Indonesia - INS
  • Siam (Thailand) - SIA
  • Malaysia - MAL

Africa :

Egypt* - EGY

Ethiopia - ETH

Liberia - LIB

South Africa - S.A.F.

Eritrea* - ERI

Senegal* - SEN

Chad* - CHA

Togo* - TOG

Sudan* - SUD

Somalia* - SOM

Zimbabwe* - ZIM

Angola* - ANG

Botswana* - BOT

Mozambique* - MZB

Namibia* - NMB

Zaire* - COG

Tanzania* - TZN

Kenya* - KEN

Gabon* - GAB

Rwanda* - RWA

Burundi* - BRD

Cameroon* - CMR

Nigeria* - NGA

Libya* - LBA

Mauritania* - MRT

Zambia* - ZAM