Passage Dracula Love Story 3 season 7 series. Romance Club - Solomon's Ritual Answers
At the very beginning of the series, you will have to make a choice that will allow you to earn respect from Agnes.
1. "Agnesh..."
- You have to show me where he is! No effect
- Please help us. Agnes, your polite request is pleasant!
Then you will need to give the correct answers to several questions. You will only earn parameters if you give the correct answer. Read the answers to all three questions! For the correct answer, you can earn both Courage and Luck.
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2. "The length of one hare jump is..."
- One and a half meters. The right choice. Hooray! This is the right choice!
- Three meters. Wrong
- Five meters. Wrong
3. "So, the Middle Ages is a period..."
For the correct answer, you can earn both Courage and Luck.
- From the Ⅴ to ⅩⅤ of the 1st century. +1 Courage, +1 Luck. Great! This is the correct answer!
- From Ⅹ to ⅩIⅩ century. Wrong
- ⅩⅤ-ⅩⅩ century. Wrong
4. Brocade is...
Attention, timing! You need to answer as quickly as possible. For the correct answer, you can earn both Courage and Luck.
- Thin transparent fabric. Wrong
- Fabric with short goose pile. Wrong
- Thick fabric with gold embroidery. +1 Good luck. +1 Courage. You know a lot about fabrics! This is the correct answer!
5. "Yes, and if Mephis wants to hurt..."
Be careful. One of the answers below will improve relationships with all your friends and minions!!!
- Vlad won't be able to protect me. You only care about yourself!
- Vlad won't be able to defend himself. You only care about Vlad!
- We will all be in danger. You care about everyone! Relations with Vlad, Leo, Sandra and Noe have improved!
6. "I think..."
Here you can get either Courage or Luck.
- We need to free you from the darkness. +1 Courage
- It's better to wait. +1 Luck
- My opinion should not influence you. +1 Luck
Relationship with Vlad: "I think I need..."
- Be as close as possible to him this evening (54 Diamonds). Your relationship with Vlad has improved!
- Do not touch him, let him think. No effect
If you chose the option "Be as close to him as possible this evening", then an additional choice will appear:
- "I want you..." He undressed me and caressed me. Intimate scene with Vlad
- Just held my hand.
7. Choice of Outfit for Noe:
Unlike many other forks, in this case, choosing an outfit will allow you to get a nice bonus - improve relations with Noe.
- Clothes for 20/34 Diamonds. Your relationship with Noe has improved!
Relationship with Noe:
"..." You'll have to spend a lot of diamonds, but the end effect is worth it. Take a look at the picture of Noe below!
- Good (96 Diamonds). Relations with Noe st have improved! intimate scene
- No! I want to get out of here. No effect
- With pleasure, thank you. (30 Diamonds). The adviser was pleased to talk to you
- I can't, sorry. No effect
Relationship with Leo : The couple decide to spend the night together.