1/23 - W-870 pump action shotgun
In the village, during the battle or after, pick up a shotgun on the second floor of the house in which you were hiding from the hillbillies who went and the enemy with a chainsaw in his hands.
1/39 - Velvety Gem
On the roof of the building where you picked up the shotgun. Climb through the window and go along the roof.
2/39 - Ruby
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Go to the left side of the village (the path to the lake), in a tiny house in a box lies a treasure.
3/39 - Pearl necklace
Having reached the location with the windmills, go forward and climb over the fence. Shoot down the pendant "lamp" containing the treasure with a shot from a small windmill. Important: to keep the value of the treasure, knock it down so that it does not fall down into the mud well.
1/19 - Destroy the blue medallions
Here nearby, on the wall in front of the closed gate, read a note with an order from the merchant. Complete the [Destroy 5 Blue Medallions] quest and receive the x3 Spinel reward. Map with all medallions:
4/39 - Decanter
When you get to the second floor of the mill, do not rush to run to the big barn, find the door that will lead you to the wooden stairs (where the last medallion was hanging). Jump down and reach the red treasure chest.
5/39 - Ruby
Next, open the door to a large barn, in writing ?Tole in the drawer lies a treasure.
2/23 - Kitchen knife
Here, to the right of the desk is a kitchen knife.
1/16 - clockwork keeper
Having reached through a small tunnel to the location "Settlement by the lake", go into the dilapidated building in front, where the enemy stood with a stick of dynamite. The first figurine is on top.
Village Treasure 6/39 - Sapphire
After learning how to parry enemy attacks, open the second oven door.
Assignment 2/19: Pest Control
The note hangs to the right of the merchant. Go back to the abandoned factory and kill 3 rats.
Village Treasure 7/39 - Ruby
After the first merchant, you will enter the Valley with a bunch of enemies. The treasure is in the red chest at the top of the location.
Important Thing - Small Key
Take the small key in the shack, which has an iron weather vane in the form of a bird on the roof.
Village Treasure 8/39 - Elegant Mask
Return to the merchant (the passage back opens with a valve on the shack nearby) to the factory, to the place where you took your equipment. Open the locked drawer nearby with the small key.
Village Treasure 9/39 - Sapphire
Open the gate using the hexagonal emblem and go forward until you reach the stairs, but don't go upstairs, but crouch down into the passage on the left under the crates and take the treasure from the red chest.
Village Treasure 10/39 - Sapphire
Underclimb the stairs and go forward, in front of the hut, look up, a "lamp" will hang on a rope - there is a treasure inside.
Clockwork Keeper 2/16
Go to the hut nearby. The figurine is in the corner, to the right of the entrance.
Village Treasure 11/39 - Pearl Pendant
Exit the hut and go a little to the left. Shoot down the lamp with the treasure inside. Important: first shoot at the stick to close the well, and only then at the treasure.
Village Treasure 12/39 - Ruby
When you enter the house from the back entrance, there is a desk with a drawer in front.
Important Thing - Small Key
In the corner, on a box to the left of the main entrance to the house.
Village Treasure 13/39 - Antique Compass
Return to the village square. Enter the first house after the barn.
Open the locked drawer with the small key you picked up earlier.
Treasure of the Village 14/39 - Velvety Gem
Once in the town hall building, pay attention to the ceiling.
Assignment 3/19: Viper Hunt
After the town hall, take the errand next to the merchant. To complete, you need to kill and sell three vipers to a merchant. Vipers can be found in boxes, the first one was at the beginning of the town hall, the rest you will collect as the game progresses.
Treasure of the Village 15/39 - Elegant Hairpin
Inside the red box, behind the church.
Assignment 4/19: Desecrating Graves
Next to the red box, read the note with the assignment. Come back n?? graveyard in front of the church and find 2 tombstones with V emblems there, shoot both emblems.
1/3 - Viper
Go to the first house on the way to the lake, there is a viper in a small box.
Quest 5/19: Destroy Blue Medallions 2
At the entrance to the quarry, another order from the merchant hangs on the wall. The blue medallions, as before, are marked on your map, and will also be listed on the list (below) in sequential order.
Village Treasure 16/39 - Ruby
In the center of the quarry, look up and knock the treasure lamp off the rope.
1/5 - Medallion
A little further away hangs a blue medallion on a wooden scaffolding.
The Important Thing: Hex Piece A
Opposite the merchant in the red box is an important detail that will come in handy in the future.
Clockwork Keeper 3/16
From the merchant, jump down and go to the right side of the pier.
2/5 - Medallion
Below, under the pier, another medallion hangs.
3/5 - Medallion
At the beginning of the fish hatchery, in the first hut after the water.
2/3 - 3/3 - Viper
In the same location, you will find the missing vipers to complete the merchant's order.
4/5 - Medallion
The penultimate medallion hangs between wooden boards on the left side of the location.
Treasure of the Village 17/39 - Old smoking pipe
A lamp with a treasure inside on the right side of the hatchery.
5/5 - Medallion
At the end of the hatchery before landfall, go right into the floodennoy area.
Important Thing: Hex Piece B
Near the box with an important item.
Important Thing: Small Key
After reaching the land, where you need to pick up fuel for the boat, go into the tiny barn and open the box. The key will come in handy later.
Village Treasure 18/39 - Copper Pocket Watch
Don't fill the boat with fuel yet, but go back to the merchant's lair, jump down to the dock where you destroyed the 3/16 caretaker figurine. Use the small key to open the box and take the valuable treasure. And don't forget to sell the harvested vipers to the merchant to complete the challenge.
Key to the old chapel
Right after the cave with the drawing, open the box and take the key.
6/19 - Egg Hunt
Here, on the left, there is a new order from the merchant. Where to find the golden egg to complete the assignment will be indicated below.
19/39 - Alexandrite
Swim to the center of the lake to the wrecked ship. Treasure in a red chest.
20/39 - 3/23 - Red9
Next, take the gun in the chest. Considered a treasure and a weapon at the same time.
21/39 - Velvety Gem
Swim to the chicken farm. The treasure lies on the barrel, to the left after the pier.
golden chicken egg
Right there, among other chicken eggs, you will find the golden one that the merchant needs.
22/39 - Pearl bracelet
Swim to the settlement by the lake. Open the village sanctuary with the key to the old chapel.
7/19 - ?catch me a big fish
Nearby, open the door with the emblem. In the cave you will find another assignment. You can get the required fish near the boat shed, but more on that later and further down the list.
small key
After the note with the order, go through the iron door and go up the stairs to the altar in the forest. Take the small key on the wagon next to the barrel.
4/16 - clockwork keeper
Nearby, behind the fence, another clockwork figure.
23/39 - Gold ingot
In the house of the settlement by the lake, use the small key to open the box and take the treasure.
24/39 - Red stone ring
Go further and go down to the basement where you found Luis.
huge perch
Swim to the boat shed. Usually the perch lives near the pier, swims slowly and slowly, it will not be difficult to kill it. Harpoon it and take it to the merchant for sale, at the same time sell the golden egg you found earlier to complete this assignment too.
Hexagon piece C
Swim towards the castle into the cave with the chapel (on the map: "the place marked on the picture"). Open the door by pressing 3 emblems in the correct order.
In the box in front of the stairs is the last important piece for the puzzle, after completing which you will receive the valuable treasure "Corrupted Idol".
25/39 - Ruby
Climb up the stairs and knock down the lamp.
26/39 - Vicious idol
Swim to the stone pedestal, where nearbyentrance to the fish hatchery. Insert the 3 pieces of previously assembled hex pieces (A, B, C) on the plinth. Below is the rotation order of the emblems depending on the difficulty. If you make a mistake in order, you will have to look for a solution yourself. You can save before the puzzle, just in case.
Simplified / Regular:
Hardcore / Professional:
27/39 - Luxurious bracelet
Swim through the narrow tunnel of the cave to the western part of the lake. Get off the boat and use the key to the old chapel to open the chest in the village sanctuary.
28/39 - Alexandrite
Here, look up and knock down the lamp. Perhaps you knocked it down in chapter 3 on the way from the church to the quarry, in which case the treasure will already be lying at the bottom.
29/39 - Velvety Gem
Ride the boat to the chapel in the large cave. Get off at the pier and advance through the cave with the enemies until you reach the stairs. Shoot down the lamp from the ceiling.
30/39 - Lamp with butterflies
Go to the quarry through the cave with the merchant, open the sanctuary along the way.
small key
When you get to the church, take the key to the right of the altar.
31/39 - Yellow diamond
Exit the church and go on the right side to the save room. Use the small key to open the drawer and take the treasure.
32/39 - Yellow diamond
Return to the roomswhere the last chapter ended. Shoot down the lamp on the ceiling.
8/19 - Evil dog
A note near the merchant, in front of the entrance to the town hall building. More on implementation later.
33/39 - Elegant bracelet
Once you get to the village square, go to the locked shed at the beginning, give Ashley a lift to climb inside and open the door. Open the treasure chest.
5/16 - clockwork keeper
Head to the village chief's mansion. In the room on the 2nd floor, activate the lever on the wall to open the attic, then give Ashley a boost so that she lowers the ladder for you.
The figurine is behind a crate near the crib.
34/39 - Antique camera
At the end of the attic, crouch under the planks and grab the camera on the old pedestal.
vicious dog
Return to the village square and kill the dog for quest 8/19. It can be considered a mini-boss, because the fight is not very easy, so get ready.
35/39 - Old smoking pipe
At the farm, open the village sanctuary and take the treasure. Before the end of the chapter, you can hand over the order to the merchant, he is in the mill in front of the bridge.
36/39 - Yellow diamond
After the merchant and the typewriter. After opening the first gate, go a little forward and go up the stairs to the left. There is a treasure in the red chest.
37/39 - Cup of atonement
After passing through the second gate, look into the hut on the left.
6/16 - clockwork keeper
After leaving the hut, pay attention to the fire on the right side, next to the figurine.
38/39 - Elegant hairpin
After reaching the entrance, before or after the battle with many enemies for the gate handle, go up to the 2nd floor and open the last village sanctuary.
39/39 - Emerald
After the boss fight. In front of the old car, a lamp with a treasure hangs on a tree.
Retrieve all the treasures from the Village Treasure Map in one playthrough.
1/41 - Antique compass
Go around the building with the merchant. Behind the two barrels is a passage, and there is a chest with a treasure.
4/23 - Pocket knife
In the chapel, drops after killing the first enemy that comes across.
2/41 - Elegant bracelet
The red box will meet you along the way, after you break the counterweight holding the antique cannon and climb up the stairs.
9/19 - Destroy blue medallions 3
Behind the destroyed cannon passage. A note with an order hangs on the wall, to the right of the gate. You can destroy all the blue medallions in advance yourself or follow the list below, without even reading the note, the assignment (and note) will automatically go to the list of files and will be considered completed, all that remains is to turn it in to the merchant and receive a reward.
1/6 - Medallion
In the pavilion next to the cannon.
2/6 - 3/6 - Medallion
Opposite the cannon among the ruins: one in the window above the passage, the other h??t further and higher.
4/6 - Medallion
From above, in the room where the counterweighted cannon stood.
5/6 - Medallion
After climbing the stairs to the platform, look down. The medallion hangs outside the castle, on a tree.
6/6 - Medallion
Near the red box where you took treasure 2/41.
3/41 - Fine perfume bottle
On the left side of the audience hall, lift Ashley upstairs so that she opens the gate.
After that, go to the right and to the end, there will be a treasure chest.
4/41 - Ruby
Squeeze through the gap in the wall and knock down the treasure lamp on the ceiling on the left.
5/41 - Spinel
After climbing the stairs to the pantry, you will find the treasure further on the sideboard.
7/16 - clockwork keeper
And on the right on the shelf is a clockwork figurine.
6/41 - Gold bracelet
The chest will meet after solving the puzzle with swords, at the end of the corridor.
7/41 - Golden hourglass
Important: once on the 2nd floor of the audience hall, go all the way to the right and go down the stairs, this will open a fast path up, instead of making a big circle again.
Now jump onto the chandelier closest to the stairs to get across to the other side, then turn right and jump down. Take the treasure from the chest.
10/19 - Gem thief
A note with this assignment will appear only in chapter 12, but you can complete it now if you know where to look. At the beginning of the chapter, notice the angerzdo on the roof of the passage leading to the wine cellar. Hit the nest with a shot and sell the picked up scratched emerald to the merchant, at the same time immediately completing the quest.
8/41 - Mirror (pearls and rubies)
Wine Vault. The place where the red-robed fanatic stood.
9/41 - Expensive watch
After the cut-scene. Open the chest to the left of the fireplace.
small key
After solving the puzzle, go further, at the turn of the corridor, take the key.
10/41 - Copper pocket watch
Return to the binding shop. Open the locked treasure chest.
11/41 - Fancy necklace
Making your way through the walls of the castle, you will reach a place where you need to switch levers, with which one passage opens, but another closes. After climbing up, do not switch the lever, but go a little forward and jump into the hole in the wooden floor.
Go through the opened doors and take the treasure from the chest.
8/16 - clockwork keeper
After a short cut-scene, run to the right and jump down. Head to the tower and climb the ladder (on the right) to the top. Go around the tower in a circle to the very end and knock down the clockwork figure.
12/41 - Emerald
On the same tower, in the center, there is a red treasure chest.
13/41 - Ruby
When you run through the next tower of the castle walls and jump down to the door switch, activate it to open the doors with the sign of the sun, and thenjump even lower. After the jump, turn around and enter the room. Shoot down the lamp on the ceiling.
9/16 - clockwork keeper
In the northwest corner of the labyrinth. Focus on the map.
14/41 - Stylish chessboard
To the east of the labyrinth there will be a small niche with a chest inside.
15/41 - Vicious idol
When you get out of the labyrinth, immediately head to the wine cellar and in the room with the knights, plant Ashley so that she climbs through the hole in the wall above and opens the door.
16/41 - Alexandrite
Once out of the labyrinth into the main hall, knock down the lamp in the hand of the statue.
11/19 - Destroy blue medallions 4
In the room with the merchant next to the typewriter. After reading the note, the medallions, as always, are marked on the map, but as an addition (below), each of their locations will be shown in the screenshots.
1/6 - Medallion
In an alcove upstairs, close to the room with the merchant and almost in front of the exit to the labyrinth.
2/6 - Medallion
On the 2nd floor, behind the statue without a head, on the ceiling near the column.
3/6 - Medallion
Turn around and look at the large chandelier.
12/19 - New pest control
Here, on the 2nd floor, another note hangs on the wall near the entrance to the dining room.
1/3 - Rat
In the dining room.
4/6 - Medallion
At the end of the dining room, in the window behind the curtain.
small key
On the way to the armory, open the drawer and take the keysTo.
5/6 - Medallion
In the armory, hanging in a niche on the right, behind the curtains.
cubic device
In a chest after exiting the armory. This is a very important item, because with the help of it in the future you will be able to open all the treasure altars throughout the castle.
2/3 - Rat
Here, nearby runs another rat. Important: the last rat will be only in the next chapter, information about it will be, respectively, later.
6/6 - Medallion
Behind the column in the gallery.
17/41 - Yellow diamond
After pulling the lever to raise the path leading to the story item, there will be a blue treasure chest at the bottom of this path.
18/41 - Lamp with butterflies
Do not rush to put the found (plot) heads on the statue. Head to the room with the merchant and use the cube device to open the cabinet with the square lock.
19/41 - Gold bar
Now return to the audience hall. Open the locked drawer with the small key.
20/41 - Statuette of Justice
In the same location, open another cabinet with a square lock.
21/41 - Fine perfume bottle
After you find a bunch of four keys, go to the left side of the library and crouch down through the passage under the bookshelves. Use key 2 from left to right to open the treasure chest.
22/41 – Sapphire
After escaping from the knights on the elevator and ending up in a room with a typewriter, go behind the bookstoresshelves and open the chest with the 4 keys from the bundle.
23/41 - Emerald
After opening the door with signs, go to the right behind the screen and open chest 1 with the key.
hidden treasures
At the beginning of the chapter, pick up the treasures that Ashley found in the last chapter on the floor. They are already counted in the statistics, but you still take them to sell to the merchant.
12/19 - Ruthless Knight
Go a little further than the treasure, and near the door leading to the library, take a note with an order from the merchant. The implementation will be described further down the list.
3/3 - Rat
On the way to the library, kill the rat in the corridor with animal heads on the walls.
24/41 - 5/23 - CQBR assault rifle
Go to the library, where in the last chapter Ashley took a bunch of keys. Open the safe with the cube device and take the weapon. Like all hidden weapons in the game, it is both a treasure and a weapon. If there is not enough space in the inventory, the rifle can be sent to storage and used later.
25/41 - Golden lynx
In the room with the typewriter where the last chapter ended, open the cabinet with the square lock and take the treasure.
Ruthless Knight
Now head to the tomb, this is where Ashley ran away from many knights in the last chapter. Defeat the knight in gold to complete the objective of the quest.
26/41 - Ruby
Under the rubble in the center of the ballroom, shoot downthose lamp with treasure.
27/41 - Beautiful beetle
On the other side behind the cliff, in a chest near the stairs leading to the gate lever.
28/41 - Elegant crown
In the depths. When you reach the room with the dead prisoners of the castle, at a dead end near the destructible wall you will see a corpse, it has a valuable treasure.
29/41 - Red beryl
Before reaching the merchant, knock down the lamp with the treasure in the niche of the tunnel.
10/16 - clockwork keeper
Opposite the merchant. Get closer to the sewer grate and knock down the figurine that is hanging upside down.
30/41 - Yellow diamond
In the underground laboratory. The passage to the treasure chest will open after starting the elevator power recovery.
The console release is still a long way off.
The creators of the series themselves reported this.
It looks like the series is about to be revived.