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Where to find all robots in the Crane Express quest in Honkai: Star Rail

In the Honkai: Star Rail gacha, there is a hidden Crane Express quest in which we need to find several robots. In this guide, we will tell you where they are located.
Where to find all robots in the Crane Express quest in Honkai: Star Rail
Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
16 May 2023

All robots in Honkai Star Rail

First you need to find a representative of the delivery service Zintsiya, he is waiting for you in the Central Harbor in the Stary Skiff Refuge. This is where you will come after you meet the first robot that will start the activity.

Now we need to find the rest of the robots scattered throughout the locations. There are 7 of them in total, and a certain mini-quest is associated with almost each of them.

Sad robot

This robot is located on the fence of the bridge in the northeast of Central Harbor.

Все робоптахи в Хонкай Стар Рейл

Having found a roboptah, talk to her and try to dissuade her from an unwanted act. After that, return to Ziqiao and tell about what happened. After that, the NPC will ask you to find the rest of the robots by activating the quest and giving the achievement "Seven Bug Robots: Sloth".

Indignant Robopt

The next objective you can find is to the east of the "Earth Square" transition point, it is located not far from the bushes next to the chest.

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After talking with her, you will receive a navigation map and activate the game of hide and seek. Immediately run to the south (ignore the map, just follow in this direction), leave the search area, after which the game will inform you that the roboptah was able to beat you.

The bird will be waiting for you not far from the red building, on the side. After talking to her, return to Ziqiao and get the next achievement.

Disgruntled robot

Let's go for the next target. This time our path lies to the counter of the store in the harbor of the Shelter.

Все робоптахи в Хонкай Стар Рейл, Юйцзинь

Arriving at the place, interact with the robot, who will ask us to beat her in a word game. You need to select the "Roboptach who always lies" option, which will allow you to count this point as passed and receive a reward.

Roboptah nicknamed the Evil Dragon

We go to the teleport "Fund of greenery", located at the first stage of the Cloud crossing.


After finding the robot, interact with it and find out that we need to fix the robot so that it can return to the company. To do this, you need to rotate the device parts in the following order:

  • Left hexagon - two times right;
  • Right hexagon - once to the right;
  • Left hexagon - two times to the left;
  • Right hexagon - left once;
  • Left hex - to the left once.

After completing all the steps, you will repair the robot and get another achievement.

Courteous robopta

Go to the teleport "Cloud crossing: landing zone", from it follow south to the square, in the corner of the location you will find the next robot.

Все робоптахи в Хонкай Стар Рейл

Talk to her and find out that you need to find a photo album to complete this stage. The item is in a container, but on the way to it you will have to deal with several opponents. When you reach the end, you will find the item and get an achievement.

Brave robot

Proceed to Port Stargazer Navalia, using the transition point "Ship's incubator - Growth". If you run into a locked gate, get to the right place?And it will be possible with the help of the “Berth” movement point.

Все робоптахи в Хонкай Стар Рейл

Next, you'll have to defeat some glowing dragonfish. Having dealt with the enemies, you will help the robot and return it to its destination, receiving the reward due for this.

Roboptah nicknamed Thug

This robopta awaits you at the Exalted Sanctuary. You can get there by the Tranquility Yard teleport, from which you need to run north.

Все робоптахи в Хонкай Стар Рейл

Having found the robot, in a conversation with him, select the answer "5". After that, you will receive a reward for completing the next challenge.

Now you need to return to Zinqiao, who will credit you with completing the entire quest chain and give you a reward in the form of:

  • 5000 credits;
  • 20 units of Star Jade;
  • Achievements "Better one bird in the hands than a thousand in the sky."

The next day, a message about robots will come to your smartphone, after which you need to talk to Zinqiao again, who will issue ??am a gift from a stranger - 3000 credits.

Game from the guide
  • Platform: PS5, PS4, PC, Android, iOS
  • Genre: Action, RPG, Adventure, JRPG
  • Release date 11 October 2023