The presence of a medic or healer is a key point in building any squad. Whether you're playing a multiplayer or singleplayer game, the medic is extremely important. Liska is one of the cheapest mercenaries in the recruit category and you should consider hiring her first. Her skills will come in handy as you go deeper into Grand Chen.
If you hire Liska, most likely you will not be able to get Anbolik (and vice versa). They don't get along well, so you have to choose one of the characters. Anabolic is one of the best early mechanics. It should be chosen over Livewire due to its higher strength, which will allow you to carry more items, which is important when searching the island.
While you can train mechanics to defuse bombs, having an explosives expert on your team is much more effective. Barry will help you get through the minefields of Grand Chen. Also, with Barry's help, you can set up some good traps and lure enemies into them.
The raider is in the Elite category, but he is one of the best starting mercenaries in Jagged Alliance 3. Once you capture the settlement, you will have the opportunity to train the militia and provide protection. To make them more effective, you will need someone with good leadership.and qualities. The raider is great in this regard, as it trains militia faster and is great for training mercenaries.
Bunce is one of the best early shooter mercenaries. She has high accuracy and rarely misses. You can equip it with a ranged or assault rifle and take out enemies from afar. This will be your main damage dealer throughout the game.
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Last but not least, be sure to create a main character in the Test tab. Jagged Alliance 3 has the ability to make your own mercenary, and many players ignore this option at first. We recommend using it as soon as possible, given that you do not need to renew his contract. Having a free mercenary is a huge help!
The action game also received a content update.