Alone in the Dark Guide: All Beast of Burden Lagniappes

How to find all the Beast of Burden Lagniappes in the Alone in the Dark 2024 Horror Game.
Alone in the Dark Guide: All Beast of Burden Lagniappes
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
20 March 2024

Alone in the Dark (2024) Beast of Burden Lagniappes

In Alone in the Dark (2024), there are a total of 15 Lagniappes Sets, consisting of three different Lagniappes that you can find in different corners of Derseto and Jeremy's memories. In this guide, we'll show you how to collect items from the Beast of Burden Lagniappes and what the rewards are.

All Beast of Burden Lagniappes

  • Mummified cat. When you return to the vegetable garden to get the broken plate, examine the dug hole to the right of the hole where the plate is. If you're playing as Emily, you'll see the housekeeper burying the cat.
  • Looking Statue. Once at the Oil Rig, move through the location, smash the red fence (first time in the game) and you'll see a passage to the oil rig on the right. First go left and on the side of the last house, look for a trapdoor that will allow you to reach the back door and get to the room with the collectible.
  • Evil Exposed. Start the third chapter. You will enter the Great Library. Go up to the third floor (by the steps) and find the crack in the wall hidden behind the leaves.
Game from the guide
Alone in the Dark (2024)
  • Platform: PS5, PC, Xbox Series S/X
  • Genre: Action, Survival horror, Horror, Adventure
  • Release date 20 March 2024


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