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Nancy Drew: Mystery of the Seven Keys Walkthrough

A guide to all the riddles and puzzles of the game Nancy Drew The Mystery of the Seven Keys.
Nancy Drew: Mystery of the Seven Keys Walkthrough
Anton Latoshkin
Date of publication
14 May 2024

Walkthrough Nancy Drew: Mystery of the Seven Keys

If you want to skip the opening cutscene, you can press LKM. At the beginning of the game you can choose one of two difficulty levels (the second one disables hints, task diary and complicates puzzles), as well as the desired control system (classic — move by clicking the LKM, modern — move with WASD keys). After that, you will be prompted to explore the cafe.

Explore the cafe

Press the TAB key to open the journal. If you are playing on standard difficulty, the journal will display story and side objectives. Side objectives are important to complete before completing the associated story objective! In this instance, you are asked to:

Find the Wi-Fi password

Before you can complete this task, you are asked to walk forward, look to the right, and talk to the barista Patricia. A new story task and two additional objectives will appear (as for the find the password task, walk past the bar and look at the wall on the right where a QR code with the password IBRIK1708 hangs; this password will appear in the journal that opens with the J key):

Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.

Find the items to write to Ned

When you've collected both items below, double-click the postcard in your inventory, then select the pen and apply it to the postcard in the center of the screen. Nancy will write a letter to her boyfriend Ned.

Find something to write with

As for the pen, it's on the bar on Patricia's right side, next to the two pamphlets.

Find something to write on

Ask Patricia where you can find the postcard. There are three postcards lying on the left side of the bar. Pick them up.

Find more details about what happened

After loading, having completed the tasks of finding the password, the pen, and the postcard, you will find yourself outside. Turn around and enter the cafe. You will receive messages. Open the phone tab and read the messages from Carson and the unknown caller. You will receive an encrypted file. Talk to Patricia, then go to the table on the right side, by the window, and sit on it (there is a croissant plate on the table). Talk to Adela. Ask all the questions to get a new task.

Decipher a message from an unknown subscriber

The text visible under the encrypted file is a mystery. It points to the bookshelves in the cafe. You need to look at the sections with novels, history and travel. You will end up with a code — 1169. For example, the Travel section is number 9 on the list. You will get a map pointing to a specific cabinet and shelf in the book cafe. Make your way to the opposite wall opposite the bar. On the left there is a passage to a small room with a puzzle in the shape of a large clock. You are interested in the cabinet standing on the left side of this passage. Look on the shelves for “10. Kafka” book from the screenshot below:

Прохождение Nancy Drew: Mystery of the Seven Keys

Next, you will need to open this book using the texts inside the cafe. The answer is shown in the screenshot below:

Прохождение Nancy Drew: Mystery of the Seven Keys

Answer Diagram:


    3       6

1               4

    3       6


Take the key from the old book, then you can mark all the objectives in the journal.

Investigate Adela’s list

You have received a list from the girl. Just double-click it on the inventory bar at the bottom of the screen. You will get three new objectives.

Explore SecondShine

Examine Adela's list, click on the site in the middle to open it in your browser. Scroll down and click on the phone number. Call Hans, then call Carson. After that, send a message to Ned. You can check all the side and main objectives.

Find Oskar Dvorak

Once again get Adela's note from the inventory and click on Oskar's phone number. Call him. Exit the cafe and walk to the right side. The entrance to the right castle is behind the far fountain. Enter the lobby of the castle. Oskar's store is on the left and Vladena's store is on the right. Talk to Oskar and examine the artifact in the box next to him, on the left. Talk to Oskar again to ask for permission to examine the artifact. This will give you a new task. To complete the current one, you must first complete the objective above so that the conversation with Oscar is about DEGAS. Immediately after that, you can check off all the objectives.

Find Vladena Zlatý

Make your way to Vladena's store, located across from Oskar's store. Talk to the girl on all topics. It is important to do this after completing the goal related to SecondShine, so that there will be a question about DEGAS.

Investigate Oscar's artifact

Examine the artifact, press the LKM and look at the top cover. You will see two toggle switches. First, use the small toggle switch and move it around the large circle, making a full rotation. That is, you need to move the toggle switch clockwise so that it returns to its original position. Then move the sun to the right and use the first tumbler again, but this time move it around the oval ring. Again, you need to return the toggle switch to its original position. This is how you will activate the main part of the artifact.

Next, you need to place the correct symbols (from top to bottom):

  • The Orb (what the monarchs held in their hands along with the scepter)
  • 8 (the infinity sign)
  • A double-headed eagle on a shield
  • A skeleton with a birdcage in his hands.

After displaying the symbols, click on the bottom to see three gems. Try to examine these gems. When you click on them, Oscar will stop you. Talk to the man, then you can mark the objectives as completed.

Helping around the cafe

Go back to the cafe and talk to Patricia. She will ask for help. Go to the right side, on the wooden counter just past Adela is Patricia's recipe book. Take the item. Examine the bar counter. On the left side, where the cups are located, on the edge is the handle from the coffee machine. Walk to the right where the entrance behind the bar is located. On the floor, near the plant lies another part of the coffee machine. After collecting all the items, talk to Patricia, who will offer to make coffee.

You may be asked to make four types of coffee:

  • Cafe con hielo: one portion of coffee, two portions of cold water from a pitcher, one portion of caramel or other syrup as requested.
  • Latte: two servings of coffee, three servings of hot milk, pattern (just see from the picture). You need to make the coffee and milk first and then click on the Serve button, and then a button will appear to create the pattern. Stop drawing when the button to serve your drink appears at the bottom.
  • Flat White: two servings of coffee, two servings of hot milk, pattern (may ask for sugar or syrup). You need to make the coffee and milk first and then click on the Serve button, and then a button to make a pattern will appear. Stop drawing when the button to serve your drink appears at the bottom.
  • Sweet Sunrise: two servings of coffee, one serving of cold milk, one serving of vanilla, one serving of sugar.

To draw patterns, click on the icon at the left edge of the screen. The rest of the game will teach you everything else. Mark the objectives as completed. It will award you with a snow globe souvenir.

Optional. You can leave the cafe right now and walk forward to the diner on wheels. You can find a playing card on one of the tables. Also on the boxes to the right is a screwdriver, which will come in handy later. Another playing card can be found at Oscar's exhibition, on the stand on the left side of the knight's armor. The third playing card is hidden on the shelves of books inside the cafe, in the Mystery section.


IMPORTANT: Now you need to wait for a reply message from Ned! In order for it to come, complete all the tasks described above, as well as obligatory at the entrance to the cafe, on the bookshelves on the right side find the interactive book on alchemy. Only then will you receive a message from Ned!

Open your phone, send Ned some return messages. Go back to the cafe and call Ned.

Talk to the Hardy Brothers

Call the Hardy Brothers.

Getting the DAGAS file

Enter the cafe and talk to Patricia to find out where to buy a laptop. She will also hand you a cup of coffee. Take it to the elderly man at the table with the playing cards. Talk to Leo to update the objective. You can read the objective below. As you do so, exit the cafe and move to the right side. There is a fence to the left of the castle with Oskar and Vladena's showroom. Interact with the wicket to go to the square. Enter the store on the left side and talk to Elka (the shopkeeper). Enter the antiques shop on the left side and talk to Marek. At the end of the conversation, Radek will enter the store and announce the opening of the marionette theater. Below, find a description of this task with the correct scene for the performance.

After the performance, talk to Radek, go to Leo's office by going up the stairs in Oskar's showroom. Go to the office door to overhear the conversation between the secretary and Oskar. Immediately afterward, you should receive a text message from the Hardy Brothers. Read it. Go back to the cafe and find the power cord on the long table on the right. Double-click on the laptop in the inventory, turn it so that you can see the socket for the cord. Insert the power cord. Open the messages (envelope), enter the password IBRIK1708 and download the file the Hardy Brothers sent you. Click on the “cross” to close the email window. Open the downloaded file and start rearranging the puzzles in places. At some point, a clown will appear on the screen. Talk to Patricia.

Go to the laptop store and interact with the door. You will find yourself inside. Examine Elka's desktop. You can move the folder and examine the pink pen. Press the keyboard to turn on the computer and examine the screen. You can also examine the cyber defense pamphlet on the left and the picture of Elka with her mother. Now make your way to the antiques shop. Marek will not be there. Go behind the counter and examine his workstation. The most important thing you need to do is to pull out the drawer under the VCR and video tape. You will see a locked compartment. Move the note on the left side to highlight a bunch of keys and apply on the lock inside the drawer.

Прохождение Nancy Drew: Mystery of the Seven Keys

Inside the box are Easter eggs and a seal. Examine the other items as well. You can't take anything from here yet! Head back to the common room with the laptops. Elka should come back to you. Talk to the girl, after which you will need to solve the puzzle in 29 moves. For control, use the “arrow” keys. You need to move for the specified number of codes orange man to the exit. On the way you will have to collect all the data (green numbers).

  • Puzzle #1: up, left, up, right, three times up, left, up, up, down, three times right, up, two times right, down, down, right, two times down, left, two times down, right, up, up, two times left, down.
  • Puzzle #2: right, down, left, two times down, left, three times down, two times up, right, down, three times right, down, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, left, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up.

Continue the conversation, meet Zane Garrett. After the cutscene, talk to Ned and Adela for the next morning.

Visit the marionette show

Return to the main location and approach the wagon and stage in the center. Talk to Radek, who will ask for help with the performance. You need to properly compose 7 different scenes. Each scene consists of several frames. In each frame you need to choose an actor, leave them without an item or give one of them (Key, Scroll, Phrase: Crown, Phrase: Bridge) and then choose a line. Some frames will have a predetermined cue or actor. Also on the left side of the screen are hints as to what should happen in the frame and on stage.

Scene #1

  • Maria Theresa, no subject, phrase: Good day to all of you...
  • Royal scribe, no subject, phrase: Ahem, yes...
  • Maria Teresa, Scroll, phrase: You see...
  • Royal scribe, Scroll, phrase: And yet you were crowned...

Scene #2

  • Charles IV, Crown, phrase: Stop!
  • Maria Theresa, no subject, phrase: The king who led...
  • Charles IV, Crown, phrase: Yes.
  • Maria Theresa, Bridge, phrase: The king who built...
  • Charles IV, Crown, phrase: The same.

Scene #3

  • Royal scribe, Scroll, phrase: Oh, you did so much.....
  • Charles IV, Crown, phrase: Well, you could go on....
  • Maria Theresa, no subject, phrase: Not anymore!
  • Rudolf II, Crown, phrase: Me — Hello!
  • Maria Theresa, no object, phrase: You deserve the crown?

Scene #4

·         Rudolf II, Crown, phrase: Well, I brought Prague...

·         Royal scribe, Scroll, phrase: Excuse me...

·         Rudolf II, Crown, phrase: Yes there is that...

·         Maria Theresa, no subject, phrase: That's nice...

·         Rudolf II, Crown, phrase: Help the people?

·         Maria Theresa, no object, phrase: Ha!

Scene #5

·         Royal scribe, Scroll, phrase: The story goes...

·         Maria Theresa, no subject, phrase: Until the Czech Estates...

·         Leopold II, no subject, phrase: Exactly right.

·         Maria Theresa, no subject, phrase: Who are you?

Scene #6

·         Leopold II, Crown, phrase: I am your son!

·         Keymaster, Keys, phrase: At your service.

·         Leopold II, Crown, phrase: And I gave those keys ...

Scene #7

·         Maria Theresa, no subject, phrase: You were right...

·         Keymaker, Keys, phrase: Here, your grace...

·         Royal scribe, Scroll, phrase: And the keys have been safe...

Day Two

The second day will start after you deal with the puppet theater (put on a play), buy, turn on and repair the laptop.

Meet Leo in his office

After talking to Leo in the cafe (you can do this the next day), go outside and go to the right, to the castle with Oskar and Vladena's stores. There is an iron fence to the left of the store, interacting with it will take you to another location. But there is an interactive door to the left of it. You can also go up the stairs in Oskar's showroom. Both of these doors lead to the same location. Walk into the office, look around the desk and find the fourth playing card behind the desk clock.

Click on the penknife by the system unit on the left and then on the envelope on the right to read the letter. Also examine the business card under the desk lamp to get the Secretary's contact. There is nothing else to do here (at this point).

Inspect the marionette theater

Make your way to the theater in the center of the location and talk to Radek. Look inside. Examine the work table. Examine the donut sheet on the right. Highlight the chisel and apply it to the red crate. Examine the new script. Go outside, get your phone and send some texts to Ned. Talk to Radek outside, go to the cafe and talk to Patricia.

Open Vladena's safe

Go to Vladena's store and talk to the woman standing near the safe. Oskar will call her. Right now you can crack the safe. Between the two doors, on the shelf by the wall, find a small stencil with a clue. Look for the second piece on the small glass table in the corner. Go behind the counter and turn to the left. Examine the table, take the glass with handles and get the third stencil. Combine all three pieces in your inventory. Then you need to apply the resulting tool to the opened gem magazine on the left, next to the safe. After correctly placing the metal pieces, you will get the code — 5457. Enter it and open the safe to get the certificate. When you move away from the safe, Vladena will return.

Compare files

Go back to the cafe, take the power cord and plug it into your laptop. Load the file again and solve the puzzle by putting together another picture:

Прохождение Nancy Drew: Mystery of the Seven Keys

Leaf right to the third certificate and then connect the names, company names and other details as shown in the screenshot below.

Прохождение Nancy Drew: Mystery of the Seven Keys

Go back to Vladena's store and report the mismatched documents. You will receive a text message from the Hardy brothers. Read it and text them back. Then call Agent Zane and tell him everything.

Find Dean

Visit Leo's office on the second floor of Oscar's showroom. This time the door to the office will be open. Take a look around the room. On a small table in the center, hidden under a book is the fifth playing card. Examine the desk, unfold the piece of paper, highlight the pen and insert it into the stand on the right where there is an empty slot. A drawer will open. Examine the calendar with the note. Also click on the phone to listen to the message on the answering machine.

Now look at the symbols on the wall. You need to swap them to get the correct result. The clues are scratched on the wooden wall to the left and right of the puzzle. Essentially, these scratched symbols are parts of the finished solution. For example, you see a sword on the top left and a crown in a square below it. This tells you that somewhere in the solution there must be a sword (while it is not known which geometric figure is inside), and underneath it is a crown in a square. Use all the clues to get the solution. It is shown in the screenshot below:

Прохождение Nancy Drew: Mystery of the Seven Keys

Go behind the sliding cabinet on the left side. You will enter a maze. To escape from the monster, follow the path shown in the screenshot below:

Прохождение Nancy Drew: Mystery of the Seven Keys

Talk to the police and read the message from Adela. Go back to the cafe, talk to the girl and fix the laptop.

·         Puzzle #1: left, down, 2 times left, 2 times right, down, right, up, right, left, 3 times down, left, down, 2 times up, 2 times left, up, left, right, 2 times down, left.

·         Puzzle #2: up, right, up, right, up, right, up, left, up, down, 2 times right, up, right, up, down, left, down, right, down, right, 2 times left, down, left, 2 times down, 3 times right.

·         Puzzle #3: right, 2 times up, left, up, left, right, down, 3 times right, 2 times up, left, up, 2 times left, up, left, right, down, 2 times right, down, 2 times right, up, right, left, down, left, 4 times down, 2 times right.

Finish your conversation with Adela, talk to Patricia. Just in case, check if the alchemy book is in your inventory (you should have gotten it earlier, because only after that Ned sends a text message at the beginning of the game).

Explore the workshop

Go outside and go to Radek by the puppet theater. Talk about all topics. Go to the square, to the electronics store. Talk to Elka and then talk to Marek. After that, examine the wooden box on the windowsill to Marek's left. Look on its left side to see a barely visible round button. Press it, then look at the right side of the box and press the other button (in the lower left corner of the pattern).

Next, you need to press the buttons to the left and right of the keyhole in the correct sequence. There are 8 of them in total. I number them from top to bottom:

·         Second button from the left

·         Top button on the left

·         Third button on the right

·         Bottom button on the left

·         Top button on the right

·         Second button on the right

·         Bottom button on the right

·         Third button from the left.

You will open the box and receive the doll. Nancy will notice a symbol carved inside the box (a circle in a square inside a triangle and a large circle).

To visit the ghost tour

At the entrance to Oscar's store is a ghost tour sign. Check it out. The tour will take place tomorrow. This will give you a new task. This is a task you could have taken a long time ago. So, go back to Oscar's showroom, talk to him, go out and click on the Ghost Tour poster. You will only be able to start this tour if you have opened the wooden box in Marek's antique shop and studied the symbol depicted inside. When the tour begins, the room will be shrouded in fog. Examine Oskar's already discovered artifact and pick up the gems. To complete the tour, you need to click on the Ghost Tour poster again.

Go back to Marek and place the three crystals in the holes according to their shape. It's simple enough. Next, you need to move the gems around.

·         Move the oval gem (cloudy yellow) to the right and down counterclockwise to the green triangular gem.

·         Move the blue stone to the left.

·         Move the red stone down once and move it once to the left, counterclockwise. The oval stone and the blue stone will move together.

·         Raise the green stone up (all the stones will thus be in the center, in the right positions.

·         Press the center button.

Прохождение Nancy Drew: Mystery of the Seven Keys

You will get a small key. This key allows you to open the snow globe you got from Patricia. The opening is located at the bottom. Read the message that opens.

Back to the tunnel

Go back to the main location and go down into the tunnel under the castle. Go forward, go left at the first fork and right at the next fork. In the middle of this corridor, there is an image of a bridge on the wall. Interact with it and click on the symbol on the right and below the picture. Apply the opened snow globe on it. You need to place the elements so that the light hits all the squares. The solution is shown in the screenshot below.

Прохождение Nancy Drew: Mystery of the Seven Keys

Go to the opened passage.

Explore the laboratory

Examine the table opposite and pick up the black stone. Examine the book on the left, which contains alchemy hints. On the table on the left side you can mix reagents. There is a huge locked cabinet on the same side. Make your way to the table to mix reagents. Perform the following steps:

·         Take the test tube with the blue substance and the month on the left and drop it into the center dish.

·         Take the test tube with the orange-red tablets (the right one of all, one across from the previous one) and drop it into the dish.

·         Drag the contents of the dish into the mortar and pestle on the left and grind to a powder.

·         Return the resulting powder to the plate.

·         Select the middle test tube from the bottom row (there are three, there are no others around this tube) and drop it into the plate.

·         Drag the entire contents from the plate into the large vial on the right, above the hole. The resulting liquid will eventually be returned to the plate.

·         Take the second vial (from left to right) from the top row and place it in the plate.

·         Place the entire contents of the plate under the glass dome above the plate.

Pick up the resulting item to see the correct combination for the locked cabinet. Go to the cabinet and do the following:

·         Inner ring: 2 clockwise turns.

·         Middle ring: 1 counterclockwise turn.

·         Outer ring: 4 clockwise turns.

Examine the contents of the cabinet. On the bottom shelf, move the colored stones and take the first coin. On the top shelf, under the withered plant, look for the second coin. But you can't take more than one coin! Open the drawer above the center of the cabinet and take the book.

Exit the lab. To leave the tunnels, you'll have to take a different path. Turn left after leaving the lab, then left again. At the next fork, go left again and interact with the grate. In another part of the dungeon, go forward, turn right at the fork, go forward and turn left to reach a wooden staircase. Interact with it. Talk to Adela and read the message you received from her. Send a reply message. Read the new messages from Ned, send some text messages. You will also get Patricia Novakova's contact.

Go back to the cafe, go behind the counter and interact with the cash register to leave the book you found. Write to Patricia about it. Then interact with Ned (send some texts) if you haven't done so before. Afterwards, go back to Radek near his carriage and ask for Residente. When you finish talking, the download will start. The next day will come.

Check on Adela

Enter the cafe and talk to Patricia. She will agree to distract Adela. Sit at the table where you usually talk to Adela. While Patricia is distracting her, look in her purse and take out a newspaper, a cloth and a box. Unfold it and look inside. You need to move the letter squares to get three words: jewel, spire, clock. In the top row, move the left and right end squares. In the middle row, move to the right the outermost square and the square with the letter K, and move to the left the first two squares with the letters C and L. Then examine the document and the necklace, and afterward press the PCM to exit the proximity mode before Adela catches you.

Solve the riddle in the journal

All of these riddles are in the journal. You can also chat with Patricia, who will provide hints for each puzzle.

Born in fire, I am left cold…

Take a ghost tour in Oscar's showroom. Approach the knight's armor and interact with it. There are five points to interact with. From left to right, interact with them the specified number of times: 2 times (sword), 1 time (right arm/shoulder, 2 times (head/helmet), 1 time (left arm/shoulder), 2 times (shield). Pick up the first part of the note.

We are brothers of the sun…

Прохождение Nancy Drew: Mystery of the Seven Keys

You need to go up to Leo's office and in the corridor outside look at the desk with many candles. Insert the coin into the hole on the left side. Then you need to interact in the correct order with the following candles (the numbering of rows and candles goes from top to bottom and from left to right):

·         The first candle of the second row

·         The fifth candle of the first (upper) row

·         The first candle of the fifth (bottom) row

·         Fourth candle of the fourth row

·         The last (rightmost) candle of the bottom row

·         Third candle of the second row

·         Second candle of the second row

·         Second candle of the fourth row

·         Third candle of the third row

·         Sixth candle of the bottom row

·         Sixth candle of the second row

·         Fourth candle of the fourth row (you've already pressed it).

·         Fifth candle of the bottom row.

If everything is done correctly, the secret niche will open and you can take the second part of the note.

We divide the world…

Go back to the cafe and examine the clock in the far alcove. Talk to Ned. You need to set the date and time of Rudol II's coronation — November 1, 1575, 6 o'clock. Examine the lower part first. Click several times on the figure of the angel with wings and shield on the left so that there is a circle at the top with a picture of a woodcutter (a man in a red hood chopping wood). Use the figures on the right to set the day to “1”. Eventually, a tube will appear. The screenshot below shows how this tube needs to be set up. Orient yourself by the notches on the ends.

Прохождение Nancy Drew: Mystery of the Seven Keys

Switch to the top clock. There are two hands. First, adjust the hand that has a golden sun on the end. Point it exactly to the left, at “9” o'clock, if we're talking about the standard dial. On this dial, there will be a “12” at that point. Then start rotating the other hand so that the center circle is in the upper right third. The hand itself should be at “22” (somewhere around “2” o'clock if you consider a standard dial). The final solution is shown in the screenshot below.

Прохождение Nancy Drew: Mystery of the Seven Keys

Take the key and apply it to the keyholes at the top. A secret niche will open at the bottom and you can get another missing page from the diary.

When you have collected all the diary pages (solve the 3 riddles), go outside and call the police. Then call Zane. After the cutscene, read the messages from Ned. If you haven't already, go forward from the cafe and to the right of the diner on wheels look for a screwdriver. Be sure to open your correspondence with Ned and make sure to send him messages after your conversation with Zane. Only then will you be able to examine the grate lock on the right side of where you found the screwdriver. Apply the screwdriver and click the LKM several times so that the slider stops in the green area.

Make a trap

Make your way to the enclosed area. Take the hammer from the table on the left and the cardboard boxes from the ground on the right. Go upstairs to see the transparent boxes. Apply the real boxes on them. Once you have done this, stand near the wall of the building, staying on the top floor. Turn around and look down under your feet. You will see three mounts that hold the platform. Hit them with the hammer. Place Nancy's cell phone on the cardboard box on the left. There's no need to climb down! Watch the cutscene. Talk to Radek and Marek.

Talk to them in the antique store. You need to move the names of the gems to the image of each key. At the top from left to right should be: Rubellite, Sapphire, Spinel. At the bottom will be: Pearl, Emerald, Aquamarine. You will get a purse with keys. Go to the square, to the carriage house of the marionette theater, and leave the keybag near the bench to the left of the theater. There is still a ginger cat sitting on this bench.

Прохождение Nancy Drew: Mystery of the Seven Keys

Go back and talk to Marek. You will get a pager with the coordinates. Go back to where you left your bag. The tracker will start working. Approach the couple sitting on the bench in front of the theater. Approach the couple standing near the church on the side of the puppet theater. Go through the gate into the square. Walk forward to the couple standing on the sidewalk. Go to the door on their right and enter the building. You will find yourself in a cave of some sort. Move through the caves, navigating by the signal. The more often the device beeps, the better. Eventually, you will return to the entrance to the lab. Apply the snow globe and go inside to meet Vladena.

Find the antidote

Pick up the poison vial from the floor. Go to the alchemy table and study the recipe sheet hanging at the top, along with the herbs. You are interested in the third recipe. Next, you need to use the alchemy table and prepare the antidote (time is limited, but you have infinite revives):

·         Top left test tube into the plate.

·         Fourth from left to right test tube from the top row into the plate.

·         Pour the contents of the plate into the mortar and pestle and pulverize. Return it back to the plate (powder).

·         Pour the second from left to right test tube of the top row into the plate.

·         Pour the entire contents of the plate into the burner on the right side.

·         Sprinkle the middle test tube of the bottom row into the plate.

·         Place whatever is left under the glass flask on the edge of the table, above the plate.

After that, open the secret passage in the wall opposite the alchemy table. Go forward and to the left. Examine the table, pick up the real gems, examine the map and interact with the laptop to talk to Elka and Marek. After that, go through the door.

You will find yourself near a large door. Pick up Marek's bag from the floor and use it on the door. There's a puzzle to solve. You have seven keys. First, take the middle key on the right (the fourth key though bottom-up or top-down) and place it in the top keyhole. Turn once to open the other keyholes.

·         Place the third key from the top in the keyhole just to the right of the main keyhole.

·         Place the lowest key in the keyhole just to the left of the main keyhole.

·         Place the second bottom-up key from the remaining key in the leftmost keyhole.

·         Place the remaining bottom-most key in the bottom-right keyhole.

·         Place the second key from the top (now the bottom key) in the rightmost keyhole.

·         Place the top key in the lower left keyhole.

·         Once again turn key #1 in the main keyhole.

Then turn the keys in the order in which you just inserted them:

·         To the right of the first one

·         Left of the first

·         Leftmost

·         Bottom right

·         Rightmost

·         Bottom left

The door will open. Go closer, talk to Elka and examine the electrical panel from below. You need to energize the door. Do the following:

·         Turn the upper left toggle switch 2 times.

·         Turn the middle toggle switch on the left side 1 time.

·         Turn the top right toggle switch three times.

·         Turn the middle toggle switch on the right side three times.

After that, interact with the lock on the door and solve the familiar puzzle. There will be three puzzles in total:

·         Puzzle 1: up, right, 2 times up, left, 2 times up, right, down, 2 times right, 2 times left, 2 times up, 3 times right, down, 2 times right, up, down, 2 times left, down.

·         Puzzle 2: up, right, 2 times up, left, up, 2 times down, 2 times down, 2 times left, 2 times down, left, right, 4 times up, left, left, right, down, right, left, 2 times up, right, down, 4 times right, 6 times left, right, 2 times down, 2 times left, 2 times left.

·         Puzzle 3: up, left, up, left, up, right, up, left, up, up, right, up, up, left, 2 times up, right, up, up, up, down, 3 times right, 2 times up, right, 3 times left, 2 times up, right, up, down, 2 times right, up, left, 3 times up.

Go through the door to catch up with Vladena. Examine the crown. You have four gems to place. Each of them has its own strictly defined position. Just try to place the gems on all the empty slots. Then rotate each of the gems by clicking the PCM. If the stone is no longer rotated, then you have done everything correctly. Three stones need to be set on the outside. Then look at the top of the crown where the smaller stones are. Closer to the center with the cross, there is an empty slot for the fourth stone. There is also an empty slot on the divider closer to the main part of the crown. That's where you should place the shocker ring. Do this at a time when Vladena is not looking at you.

When she passes out, talk to Leo, who will tell you about another exit from the vault. Examine the candlesticks arranged in the room. At the top of each candlestick, there is one candle or more. You need to interact with these candlesticks in ascending order of the number of candles — from one candle to five. Go to the opening that opens up. Go to the right and interact with the grate. Apply a screwdriver on it and hack into it. Stop the slider four times in the green area.

Go through the final scenes, read the messages from Ned and Carson, call Ned or your father, answer the final questions and talk to Agent Zane, then the game will come to an end.

Game from the guide