Interactive map for Wuthering Waves - all undouks, echoes, materials and resources

Locate all the important objects, landmarks, resources, materials, treasure chests and so on in the gacha game Wuthering Waves.
Interactive map for Wuthering Waves - all undouks, echoes, materials and resources
Andrey Pavlenko
Date of publication
23 May 2024

Map Wuthering Waves (Wuthering Waves)

In the game Wuthering Waves (WoWa) world map greatly facilitates the detection of various items and objects. With its help you can easily find:

  • Puzzles
  • Chests
  • Viewpoints
  • Gold cubes
  • Bosses
  • Resources
  • Ore
  • Resonance Beacons
  • Echoes

The map allows players to efficiently plan their routes and explore the game world, minimizing the time spent searching for the items they need.

This page provides a detailed interactive map with instructions on how to use it. It is worth noting that the game is regularly updated with new patches, along with which the map itself is updated. Thus, you will always be able to find the objects and resources you need on it.

To use the map, please follow the link.

Также рекомендуем сайт наших партнёров — ТОП лучших игр.

The map is quite easy to use. It has access to all regions of the world at once, so there is no need to select any particular area - just move the map with your mouse cursor or finger to find the area you need. In the future, all locations will be signed, which will make it easier to find certain places.

The default map shows the location of all items available in the game, and this information is constantly updated. If you are looking for a specific item, expand the top panel (if it is closed) by clicking on the arrow pointing down. In the menu that appears, first click on the “Clear All” label and then select the item you want to see on the main screen.

You can also use the search function by typing the name of the desired item in English (Russian is not available in the game yet) next to the “magnifying glass” icon. Don't forget to click on the icons themselves on the map to see additional screenshots or hints on finding things. Also, if you sign in, you'll be able to save your progress and add your own markers.

Use the “+” and “-” buttons at the bottom right corner of the screen to change the map scale. If it seems that the map itself is too small, simply increase the size of the site page using the “Ctrl + mouse wheel” combination. Below is a list of all items available in the Wuthering Waves game.

    Game from the guide
    Wuthering Waves


    All materials on are protected by copyright. Partial copying is permitted with an open (for search engines) link. ShowGamer (2015)