It's your time to take the Black Book into your own hands, accept the devils from your grandfather into service and protect the good Christian people from the Bissies, but the damned evil spirits. But in order to become connoisseur, one must study diligently, be able to choose the right words and make strong conspiracies all right.
There is a function of sins in the Black Book, which plays an important role in the opening of the ending. The sin indicator increases as a result of your decisions if you send devils to spoil people or choose not the most humane answers in the dialogues. If you decide to follow the righteous path, but accidentally scored a couple of sins - do not be discouraged, in some locations you can "beg for" them. Also, on the path of the righteous, the ability to send devils to useless work will be useful.
Conspiracy is the main component of the battles in the game. It is a combination of words made up for one move. There are two parts to the plot: the Orders with which the plot begins (indicated by the scroll symbol in the upper left corner of the page) and the Key (indicated by the symbol, oddly enough, of the key) that completes it.
Your plot will always be limited to speed reading - this is the ability to read a certain number of words per turn (aka mana). At the beginning, you will have a couple of orders and one key, but the rate of speed reading will increase along with the level and development of the character.
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Another subtlety of plotting is the division of words into White and Black .
White words carry good will, are intended to heal, protect and buff yourself. Black words, on the contrary, are harmful and are needed mainly to attack the enemy or impose a debuff on evil spirits.
Words do not disappear after being used for good (there are exceptions, of course, but not about that yet), they return to your hands after a certain number of moves, each time mixing a little at the behest of randomness. When you are weaving a plot, you need to clearly understand that if you used only black words this turn, the next turn of pages with them may be much less than you expected. And vice versa, they took more whites - on the next move there may be more blacks.
According to my observations, such a "color change" occurs every 2-3 moves, depending on the opponent.
Words can be obtained in three ways:
From the words inside the Black Book, you can form something like a collection (aka a deck) that you will use in battle. The collection can contain any number of words, but not less than 13 and not more than 33.
This section of the menu is responsible for pumping special skills. For special skill points (they are given with an increase in level), you can buy skills or upgrades that will help in the game. For example, they unlock the magical ability to cheat by playing the fool. Some skills will become available for purchase only after reaching a certain level, they are mainly in the Chernobay section.
Skills are grouped into four sections: Chernobystvo, Connoisseurship, Scholarship, Devilishness. But I don’t see the point in dwelling on each, the game has quite detailed descriptions of all skills. I can only advise first of all to increase the bag for things).
Things in the game are various items that have certain effects, add words to the plot and / or impose statuses on the player. Initially, only three slots for things are available to you, but the bag can be expanded by purchasing the appropriate skills.
Things can be handled differently. If you follow the path of least sin, I advise you to look for things that will neutralize the effect of unoccupied devils. If you are an avid sinner, feel free to wear whatever is useful in combat. Especially successful I find the increase in the supply of lives and things that add words to the plot. For example, a box. In the very first plot, she activates the black word "Glass Devils", which deals 3 damage to all enemies.
In the inventory tab next to the things are herbs. Herbs have various effects: they can heal, give protection, impose statuses on you and the enemy. But you can use them once per turn (with the purchase of a skill - 2 times) and they are finite.
You can buy herbs from the herbalist, get them by traveling around the map, or find them in locations where Vasilisa can run (carefully study the environment).
By inheritance from grandfather Yegor, you with knowledge got a whole bunch of devils. These unclean ones are in your service, but they will torment Vasilisa if you don’t keep them busy (take away lives, protection, impose negative statuses). By sending devils to work, if successful, you can get a few rubles, with some probability of grass and increase the indicator of sin. At first, the devils do not share their wishes about work very much and you will most likely fail most of the tasks, but after pumping the skill in the Infernal section, you will be able to see on the map where you like it best.
A small dictionary on the effects of words and things will help you navigate before compiling a collection (deck):
At the beginning of the game, I advise you to grab all the words that come out, because you will not have very much money to buy / create. When the words accumulate in a decent amount, you can set the setting so that they do not fall immediately into your hand and compile your collection manually.
You should not immediately throw all the pages with black words for damage to the maximum, most likely you will fail in the first battle with several opponents. At least because our lives are not endless, but black words containing a debuff (Corruption, Poison, Evil Eye, yes, yes) are actively used against you by your opponents, especially if the opponent is not some abstract devil, but the most real boss with 100+ lives. And you just do not have time to extinguish it, being treated with herbs.
Considering the limit of 33 cards and the "color change" in the hand during the game, I personally decided that it would be more reasonable to keep a certain balance between white and black, with a slight advantage towards the latter. I mainly focus on collapsible black words, because they reinforce each other and give protection to white words. For a serious hill as such, there are no words in the first print, there is only a folding "Needle", but I use it insofar as I go out at the expense of protection.
For those who still don’t understand anything, the advice is this: throw 15 white ones (required 4-5 pieces of normal protection), 15 black ones (required 4-5 pieces of strong damage), and distribute the remaining three as you please. And try, try, try again. Everyone has their own style of play and only you know what suits you best).
Vasilisa starts almost all fights first, so she has several moves (2 in this case) to deal maximum damage.
On the first move, it is not necessary to lay out all the strongest black words, it is better to make it "preparatory". You can cast a spell containing a folding word to increase damage, white words to strengthen the fold and one black strong (to strengthen the fold of the next turn) or just black with corruption.
In the second move, you can already start the heat in full. Use several folding words that increase damage from folding (for example, Kila), if available, you can also add the word "Key-language", it will not waste speed readings and will also help in folding. Try to use only black words this time for maximum effect.
After a successful attack, on your next turn, the enemy may have a sword with a certain number (damage) above his head. This means that after your turn, evil spirits will attack and you can put aside black words for a while (which are almost gone in your hand because of the "color change").
With defense, the situation is somewhat more subtle, because the shield disappears before each move and you cannot “accumulate” it, which means there is no point in making a 20+ shield if the devil hits, for example, 10. Here, sometimes less is better than more. And yet, you can make the protection long-term, due to buffs. "Charm" will give you some protection at the beginning of the turn (until the counter leaves), and in combination with "Piety" - there will be more protection.
Folding and strong words can be used in the same way as with black words, but remember that the defense lasts longer than the attack and you need to lose as few lives as possible. Then, in your next move, a sword with a number will appear above the opponent's head. This means that after your turn, he will attack, and the number near the sword is the damage you will receive.
As for fights with regular devils, not bosses, it's even easier here. They usually have attack / defense moves in turn and you just need to catch the moment. If there are several opponents, look at the abilities they have. For example, if the devil has the ability to call friends, it is wiser to mow it down first, even if others take a little life from you.
It's even easier not to fight the devils at all. In some cases, instead of a fight, you can simply win them for a fool, and you will also receive new words at the end of the game at the end.
Puzzle battles will sometimes come across as you progress through the game. Your skills, things, a collection of words do not matter here - all the words in a certain amount are given out by the game. Also, the puzzle has a limited number of moves, after which the battle is automatically closed.
With the update, after 3 unsuccessful attempts to complete the puzzle battle, it becomes possible to skip the battle .
If for some reason you spent most of your health and all herbs in battle, I recommend not going further through the story locations, but first visiting all the open secondary ones - you might be able to heal there.
You can restore health in several ways:
This is very unfair and, frankly, some kind of devilry ... But it’s not for nothing that by the end of the first chapter my sin counter has exceeded a hundred! Catch answers-guesses.
When you first come to the Spinner, the entrance to her domain is guarded by a skull, which you can then take with you if you prove your knowledge. The skull asks you to solve a riddle, but you can continue guessing further, gaining 50 experience for each answer (5 riddles in total).
1. There is a village, everything is populated, in the morning the roosters sing, but people do not get up Cemetery
2 . Voimchiki sing, dry wood is being driven, drove into a pothole, no way to leave Funeral
3 . The horse is steel, and the tail is linen Needle and thread
4 . Walks without legs, sleeves - without arms, mouth - without speech Shadow
5 . The ship scattered over the mosses, over the seas, over all the cities. Do not assemble this ship neither princes, nor priests, nor duma clerks, nor silversmiths Heaven and stars
The action game also received a content update.