Mystery boxes are special boxes that can be found in various locations. They can contain rare materials, weapons, and other useful items that will help you in your survival and character development.
Mystery boxes can be found in various areas, such as Furnace Lair and Hearst Industries. For example, in Furnace Lair, one of the boxes is located outside the building, next to the red train cars.
In Hearst Industries, you can find several boxes located in different parts of the building, such as the Mechanic's Workshop and the Central Factory.
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You may need certain skills or items to access Mystery Boxes. For example, some boxes may be locked and require the use of explosives or special tools to open. Use the Detection skill to help you find hidden boxes.
When you open Mystery Crates, you can get a variety of resources, including:
Following these recommendations, you will be able to successfully find and open Mystery Crates in Once Human, which will make your survival in the post-apocalyptic world of the game much easier.